kumeen · 4 years
Music connects
Remember some songs how they take you back and you actually relive that moment. Nostalgia hits. Every song that takes you back to a memory is the exact depiction of your situation back then.
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kumeen · 4 years
On my mind.
How do you bring your mind to rest ? Why some thoughts keep nagging in your head ? How to end this viscous cycle? How to be at peace with yourself and with others ? I am sure, somewhere out there, who suddenly comes across this post, might feel it. You do not want to think of a person or a situation but you are unable to come out of it. You want to resonate with that person but then this seems to be the most tiring job. You keep on throwing certain hints, talking in third person but the person is unable to get or might be, just giving a cold shoulder to you. Maybe its me, who has to bring certain changes, being less critical of others, unnecessary trust issues but what’s wrong in setting boundaries then. Okay! If I open up then the other person will also get a way to be more comfortable with me, but I am not trusting.Why its so hard to do something for yourself, or take a decision for yourself? Why you should understand and other is just hurt and feeling bad? Why other cannot think that everyone has a life to live and own decisions to take. That’s all on my mind!
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kumeen · 5 years
Blame games.
‘I was not able to do this because of him or her, She/He dos not allow me to take a chance.’  I do hear people saying so but I strongly oppose this. No one can stop you or force you to venture into a task or opportunity. It is all your insecurities and inferiority complex which shuts you or holds you back. I back in my school days was unable to raise questions, make the first move for any opportunity because I was afraid to move forward. It was my mind that gave rise to self doubts, insecurities and inferior thoughts. What I learnt from my childhood days was, you cannot just wait and think to make the first move and if your friend is confident and courageous enough to stand for himself/herself , then you cannot blame them. At the end its you and you only. In a group there will be people who will be already so confident, who will be timid and shy, who will be good in any specific thing..we can support each other, motivate each other but at the end the efforts are required.
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kumeen · 5 years
I do not know why i am feeling like writing so much today, maybe i had a productive weekend or is it hormonal fluctuations overpowering my emotions and mood...OKAY! What so ever! I got a pet last Saturday. My Dad was driving past an area in Punjab called BANUR and this little fellow was running along our car. All of a sudden my Dad who love dogs but from a distance, said do you want to pet him? I was a bit surprised and elated at the same time. I said,”YES”. We gave him a boiled egg to eat and put him in the car. Its just third day and i am so empathetic for him. I do not mind waking up at 6:30 in the morning to take him for a walk, cleaning his pee and poop. I am at my office right now and i am thinking what he might be doing, he might be crying and sad and missing me. This is unconditional love where we give our 100% to a creature without expecting anything in return. If there are expectations and greed, then it was always out of motive. I do not know why humans cannot love other humans with this selfless motive and why it is always with an animal. Why our thought process changes from person to person. My words may sound conflicting and they will be because everyone have their own opinions , maybe after sometime my own opinions change and we cannot stick to just one opinion because they change based on circumstances , situations and surroundings.
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kumeen · 5 years
As we grow we see a sudden change in our nature, in our personalities, in our taste , in our choices and this change comes all of a sudden. What i remember is back in my primary school days , even till my high school i used to hate turtle necks because i felt suffocated and itchy. Few months back all of a sudden i started wearing a yellow turtle neck sweater, which was gifted to me by my grandma 6-7 years back. Earlier in school i used to enjoy big friend circles and i used to be on my toes for them . I even have big friend circle now also but i have understood you can have many friends in general and a few good friends or just two or one. Stepping into college i experienced freedom and that gave me wings to think and i had a strong urge of going to far of places and abroad, this was six years back but suddenly i have experienced a shift in my thought process...I now think, excel in your life but there is a family behind . Rise, at the same time stay connected to your roots. Thousand thoughts emerge in our mind , thousand die, thousands get modified, thousands get changed...maybe this is sense and sensibility.
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kumeen · 5 years
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Today, going to my job , i booked a cab and i do not know if it is surprising for people who would read it but it is surprising for me. My Cab driver was a lady and i haven’t seen it before. i was overwhelmed by the fact that this is such a great incidence of women empowerment. we do not need to indulge ourselves in violence and abuse to make our mark or to make people recognize us. Its just willingness to step into the world where people do not see you as a potential candidate. Actions speak louder than words.
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kumeen · 6 years
Valuing your existence
I came across a youtube video a couple of days back of a young girls talking about valuing your existence. What she said was so empowering...
1. Do not always apolozise for who you are, how you look , how you dressed up eg. Women have a habit of always apolozising like 'o sorry, i didnot dress well actually i did not know you were coming.' Its okay how you dressed up , what you wore. That defines you and instead of saying sorry. U can add 'I didnot know you were coming, thanks for understanding.'
2. You didnot reply to your friend's message due to any of the circumstances. Stop saying sorry and compensating like, ' I'm so sorry. Actually i was busy . I didnot see your text.' instead you can add ' Hey, I was busy somewhere and saw your message now. Thanks for understanding, wanna chat.'
We tend to say so much of sorry because women are raised this way to be always humble and not to raise voice. Then another reason comes when we want praise from others so that others should like us and this only happens when we lack self love and are insecure about ourselves.
Master the skills of when to say sorry and when not to.
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kumeen · 7 years
Eradicating the generation gaps #love #motivation
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kumeen · 7 years
We are the perfect example of incompletions. Broken relations ,leftover conversations,misunderstandings, aimless lives. Each day do one task so that there is nothing to repent on your deathbed
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kumeen · 7 years
People keep on judging others without judging themselves. This makes me worried  when we are not perfectionist,how can we expect others to be. Even in the beauty of the moon, people do find scars.
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kumeen · 7 years
Make few friends but make worthwhile who make you feel worthy and loved when you stop loving yourself.
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kumeen · 7 years
Always trust your intuition, keeping besides your fears . Take a deep breathe and let your heart speak not your brain. People do confuse intuitions with fears.
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kumeen · 7 years
life doesn't come so easy, things don't happen the way you desire, there is always patience, determination and dedication involved. Even the tinniest work requires huge effort. This is the key to survival and success.
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kumeen · 7 years
Those hazel eyes for all were cunning but for me they were the ocean of deep feelings which needed to be expressed. The sensual body odor, white skin, rosy lips and dimple on the chin were perfectly ornamenting his slender body. His presence around me reminded me of nothing but the eternal peace and joy which i felt. His masculine looks , hypnotizing smile has drawn hundreds of girls around him but his gentleman gesture to let everyone know his lady makes me feel at the top of the world.He is not the perfect person but perfectly carved for me. His imperfections which make him what he is. i am surprised how a complete stranger suddenly becomes the most relished person and the radiating energy fuses to create an inevitable bond. 
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kumeen · 7 years
Helping others is a real man’s job and lemme tell you its not everyone’s cup of tea. In today’s world including me , where everyone is wrapped up in oneself and there is no place of thinking about others you rarely find generosity. I have been knowing a guy from last three years , I have never met him like a friend in personal but whenever I approached him for help. I never received a NO.I don’t know its me being senior that compels him to do so or maybe he is actually A HAPPY TO HELP kind of person.  But in any way he is there to forward his hands for help. I am completely unsure whether I  will be there to assist him but right now I just have a peace of advice for him: “ Always help who is in need, this encourages and motivates you because you are making a commitment and difference in that person’s life but the hardest truth in this never expect others to help you the same way because this will be just like you are asking a lion not to eat you because you have not eaten him. Anyways Karma is a great teacher, As you sow so shall you reap
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kumeen · 7 years
It’s hard in today’s world to be positive and clear about your future when it is full of uncertainty. The hardships, the society’s demand, personal and family pressure, it makes the world seem gloomy. Going through the last years of your college are the challenging ones because you need to be clear about your future and if at the end you are not able to fit yourself in any of the working sectors. You are screwed for life. I don’t understand how to deal with it. Sometimes I feel so helpless about myself and what is the most miserable thing is when you have no one to speak about the turmoil going on in your head.
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kumeen · 7 years
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