lambball Ā· 8 months
Me after watching the end of COD MWIIIā€¦
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Just FYI, that campaign does not exist in my world!
I donā€™t know why I did that to myselfā€¦I guess I just hate myself *laughs hysterically*
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Another day, another braindumpā€¦
Okay here it is. I was watching a gameplay by a YouTuber (Nano). It was recommended on my For You page. Yes, my home page is overflowing with rampant COD/Ghost/Ghoap compilations.
This is the video, itā€™s really funny:
Anyways, when Nano played to the end of Alone, where Soap and Ghost got in the truck and they had the quick exchange of ā€œYou made it. No we made itā€, Nano made a comment saying ā€œwhy are you celebrating before you are out in the clearā€ā€¦
Andā€¦something hit meā€¦
So basically, their two-liner conversation just revealed something so important yet I never noticedā€¦
Basically what I see from this is that at this point, for Ghost and Soap the definition of ā€œmade itā€ is no longer being safeā€¦
but their reunionā€¦.
Holy fuck I need to lay downā€¦and cry.
Okay, bye!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Ummmā€¦this is kinda embarrassing butā€¦
Anyone else noticed Soapā€™s groan when he was knocked down by a Shadow right before he reunited with Ghost outside the church in Alone?
No? No? No? Just me? Okay okay okay. Iā€™ma Iā€™m gonna leave and get some help I guess. šŸ˜‚
Just for reference, here is the link to that exact momentā€¦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P9pnp42oXg&t=12106s
Okay, bye.
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Ghoap Fic Ideaā€¦
Okayā€¦hear me out, or not, whatevsā€¦
I just knew (might be the last one) that there is a reboot for Queer as Folk??? I was mind-blown and watched the trailerā€¦wellā€¦it looked like a completely different show from the one 22 years ago. (fuck, Iā€™m old) I donā€™t have particular feelings about it. The US QAF is my fav of all times! But the new one looks pretty awesome fro the trailer. Well, I digressā€¦
Anyways the only thing in the trailer that reminded me of the old version (the US one) is that one of the two main lead characters loses his memory after a tragic incidentā€¦and that put an idea in my head.
So here is an fic idea/outline about Ghoapā€¦I donā€™t know if itā€™s good or if Iā€™m actually going to write it out. But here it isā€¦
So, think about this one time, either it happened during a mission or during a time when they were out drinking in a pub after a mission, something happened, and Soap got attacked on the head and lost his memory.
One thing to add is that prier to this incident, Ghost and Soap had been in a relationship. Everything was perfect, they woke up in each otherā€™s arms everyday and whatnot. Rainbow shone and unicorns ran, blah blah blah.
Okay back to Soap getting attacked. He had a severe concussion and lost his memory. The last thing he remembered was that he was about to go on a mission with the man he looked up to at the time, the Ghost, to Al Mazrah, and he was super pumped about it since itā€™s their first mission together. (Cliche? Yes, of course.)
Everyone was a bit sad about him not remembering his relationship with Ghost, but they did not think of it too much since Soap got full recover soon (the manā€™s got healing powers, okay?!) and nothingā€™s gonna change. Even Price talked to Ghost like:ā€Donā€™t you worry, son. You two had it once, and youā€™ll have it again.ā€
Everyone thought theyā€™d go back together in not time. However Ghost had a different idea.
And here is the thing about Ghost. Although being with Soap was the best thing that had ever happened to him. However there was a part of him that just could not believe that it would last. Because of his past traumas, there was part of him that would just always be prepared and even anticipate the worst. And also that part of him thought that he did not deserve Soap and that Soap deserved much better. Maybe because he was just too scared to lose him (because of him).
Anyways, Ghost somehow saw this an opportunity to give Soap a second chance to have something better than him. So even it killed him inside, like a thousand knives slashing, he told everyone not to mention their relationship to Soap and just let it be. Naturally people (Price, Gaz, Laswell) thought it was not be a good idea, Ghost just used ā€œI donā€™t want to overwhelm him too soonā€ excuse. So in the end everyone agreed.
Then as everyone was playing along and not mentioning anything between the two, it sometimes became too hard for Ghost himself to stay away because heā€™s just unconditionally drawn to Soap. And also some old habits just die hard. So from time to time, his touch would just linger a few seconds too long, or heā€™d be too close to Soap, or cared too much about Soap during missions.
All of these made our poor Soap hella confused. Everything was super conflicting and he did not know what was going on. And despite everything, he eventually still fell for Ghost. Well, thatā€™s actually incorrect because the sentiments, the longing and desire he had for Ghost had already been there even before Al Mazrah.
Okay, for the ending, Iā€™m thinking maybe Soap got a call from Rudy checking in on his Spanish, Rudy asked him about how things were with Ghost. And maybe during there conversation he learnt more and more about their relationship that he had forgot. And I think the trigger for him to get the memory back would be this.
Soap: by the way, feel free to call me Johnny, Rudy. (After he lost memory Ghost tried his best not to call him that, except very occasionally heā€™d be too carried away and let it slip).
Rudy: oh, what happened to ā€˜donā€™t call me Johnny only Ghost can pull that offā€™?
And with a sting in his skull, gunshots ringing in the back of his head, Soap remembered everything.
And the story ends with Soap finding Ghost, pushing him in the face, and them kissing passionately.
Soā€¦basically itā€™s a mix of The Vow and the beginning of the US QAF season 2???
Itā€™s badā€¦itā€™s badā€¦I knowā€¦
Butā€¦I mightā€¦fill in the blanks and write it out??? I donā€™t knowā€¦I donā€™t knowā€¦.
Whateverā€¦here is the basic outline. If I get around to it, Iā€™ll post the link to AO3 in the reblog.
Thank you for reading my braindump. Have a great day!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
oh oh oh, here is something elseā€¦
Later on when Soap was interrogated by Valeria, he said ā€œcheck my pocketā€ in Spanish. And I bet this happened right before he went in:
Soap: *going to Ale* hey, hermano, teach me something badass I can say in there.
Alejandro: absolutely brother, letā€™s brainstorm!
Then they went ahead and rehearsed how the interrogation would go. Andā€¦
Alejandro: ā€¦now what you say when El Sin Bombre asks you to prove that Shadow company exists?
Soap: *acting badass* revisa mi bolsillo.
They high-fived, with Ghost shaking his head slightly in the background.
Soā€¦here I am again! Braindumping my thoughts on Ghoap! And here it isā€¦
As I was just watching the gameplay movie againā€¦yes you guessed it, I play it on the background while doing other stuff, this is how I live nowā€¦
Anyways, I found something interestingā€¦
At the end of Violence And Timing, we get an intro to El Sin Nombre where Ghoap, Ale, Graves talking across the mansion. And here is how the conversation startedā€¦
Soap asked if this was El Sin Nombreā€™s castle in Spanish. Ale answered in Spanish. And Soap repeated in English, ā€œA cartel lieutenantā€, to which Ale replied ā€œnice, brother, youā€™re learningā€ also in Spanish.
Okay here is the thingā€¦their first mission in Mexico started on Oct. 30 in the morning, and this convo happened on Nov. 1 at night. So if my maths still work, it means that it was their 3rd day together. And Soap already knew the Spanish word for lieutenantā€¦along with a few other words of course.
And you know what it means?????
Sorryā€¦for yellingā€¦Sorry. But my point is, during their first 3 days together with Ale and Rudy, while they were busy capturing Hasan, dodging bullets, interrogating and investigating, Soap still managed to learn some basic Spanish which is really impressive, isnā€™t it.
But thatā€™s not the real point. And my real point isā€¦
I bet LIEUTENANT is the first word Soap asked Ale/Rudy how to say in Spanish. Itā€™s the first word he learned. And he learned it so he could call Ghost with itā€¦
Yes, yes, thatā€™s mā€™point. Thank you!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Soā€¦here I am again! Braindumping my thoughts on Ghoap! And here it isā€¦
As I was just watching the gameplay movie againā€¦yes you guessed it, I play it on the background while doing other stuff, this is how I live nowā€¦
Anyways, I found something interestingā€¦
At the end of Violence And Timing, we get an intro to El Sin Nombre where Ghoap, Ale, Graves talking across the mansion. And here is how the conversation startedā€¦
Soap asked if this was El Sin Nombreā€™s castle in Spanish. Ale answered in Spanish. And Soap repeated in English, ā€œA cartel lieutenantā€, to which Ale replied ā€œnice, brother, youā€™re learningā€ also in Spanish.
Okay here is the thingā€¦their first mission in Mexico started on Oct. 30 in the morning, and this convo happened on Nov. 1 at night. So if my maths still work, it means that it was their 3rd day together. And Soap already knew the Spanish word for lieutenantā€¦along with a few other words of course.
And you know what it means?????
Sorryā€¦for yellingā€¦Sorry. But my point is, during their first 3 days together with Ale and Rudy, while they were busy capturing Hasan, dodging bullets, interrogating and investigating, Soap still managed to learn some basic Spanish which is really impressive, isnā€™t it.
But thatā€™s not the real point. And my real point isā€¦
I bet LIEUTENANT is the first word Soap asked Ale/Rudy how to say in Spanish. Itā€™s the first word he learned. And he learned it so he could call Ghost with itā€¦
Yes, yes, thatā€™s mā€™point. Thank you!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
This is so cute! OMG, thank you so much! And you inspired me to write this chapter!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Okay, itā€™s middle of the night, and I canā€™t sleep. So here is the rantā€¦
It all started when I read this post on Tumblr (Sorry I canā€™t remember the exact post and canā€™t find it either). But it is about a comparison between the OG Ghost/Soap with them in the new campaign, how in COD19 Ghost successfully escaped Shepherdā€™s betrayal while the OG Ghost was killed by him (and donā€™t get me started on that), and how OG Soap was killed falling out of a building and in this new campaign he was saved by Ghost from falling out of the 54th floor.
And at first when I saw the post, I was like AWWW this is so cute and awesome! It is! It really is. But here is the problemā€¦
My mind went off from that and somehow the post triggered my biggest fear! And my fear is that Soap is gonna be killed off in the next release!
To be frank, I have not played the a lot of CODs. But I know and learned myself that COD has a tradition killing off its characters. I mean, Ghost, Soap, Roach, Gaz, Yuriā€¦Do I have to keep going? And I donā€™t think they will hesitate doing it again for more sells of the game.
Yes, to be fair, Iā€™m also worried about Ghostā€™s future, however I donā€™t think itā€™s gonna happen for him. And here is why. I think one of the reasons why they brought back Ghost is because Ghost became one of the most liked characters in COD series. It was unexpected and now they want to make more money out of himā€¦And for that reason they are probably going to keep him around until they think itā€™s the best time to kill him again for the exact same reason of keeping him.
And Soapā€¦Iā€™m a big Soap simpā€¦But Iā€™m not crazyā€¦I donā€™t think Soap is that popular? I mean, my For You page on YouTube is full of Ghostā€™s edit and rarely can I find one about Soap, and I have looked for them myself on purpose. I thought now the algorithm would push more on my page? Well that did not happen and my theory is that there are not many to begin with.
Soā€¦now Iā€™m very very afraidā€¦Iā€™m afraid that they are going to kill him off for the shock valueā€¦.Iā€™m actually horrified right now.
I donā€™t know what to doā€¦and I canā€™t stop thinking about it!!! Fuck!
You know whatā€¦I have this weird thoughtā€¦Iā€™m normally against queer bait. I still am. And Iā€™m also kind suspecting that the bromance between Ghost and Soap in COD19 is some kind of queer baitingā€¦(I mean some of the dialogs, no matter now much I love them and they make my heart melt, they make me feel that way) But! But!!! if Ghost/Soap is popular enough that they think they can make tons of money out of it so that they can keep Soap (and Ghost of course) alive? Iā€™m gonna accept it. Do it!
Yup, Iā€™m that low right now. I donā€™t care any more as long as they donā€™t kill my Soap! Donā€™t get me wrong, I donā€™t want them to kill Ghost either but I donā€™t think they are gonna???
Well now Iā€™m worried for both of them! Fuck!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
And here I finished it!
Damnit! I just had this great idea about a ghost/soap fic where Soap tops and I started writing it. And now Iā€™m 5000+ words in and they are still NOT down to business! And Iā€™m also thinking ā€œwhat if they just cuddleā€¦ā€
Why is it so hard!??? F&#k!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
And guess whatā€¦.now I changed my mind, they are not doing it!
Damnit! I just had this great idea about a ghost/soap fic where Soap tops and I started writing it. And now Iā€™m 5000+ words in and they are still NOT down to business! And Iā€™m also thinking ā€œwhat if they just cuddleā€¦ā€
Why is it so hard!??? F&#k!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Well, making progressā€¦they are making out now.
Damnit! I just had this great idea about a ghost/soap fic where Soap tops and I started writing it. And now Iā€™m 5000+ words in and they are still NOT down to business! And Iā€™m also thinking ā€œwhat if they just cuddleā€¦ā€
Why is it so hard!??? F&#k!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Damnit! I just had this great idea about a ghost/soap fic where Soap tops and I started writing it. And now Iā€™m 5000+ words in and they are still NOT down to business! And Iā€™m also thinking ā€œwhat if they just cuddleā€¦ā€
Why is it so hard!??? F&#k!
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Me: staring at my WIP, rewriting the same sentence 10 times in a row and confirming again Iā€™m the worst writer in the world.
Also me: *1 minute after walking away from my WIPā€¦having the best ideas for plots, beautiful paragraphs floating freely in my head.
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Okayā€¦quick question hereā€¦
Do you everā€¦just start to love a fictional character and start to write fanfic about themā€¦and as time goes by, you love them more and more and you keep writing and writing, then at some point, you realize that you love the character so much that you suddenly cannot write about them because you love them too much and at the same time you are kind of a perfectionist and have low self-esteem so you are afraid that you are gonna ruin them with your poor skills?
Anyone? No one? Is it just me?
Okay, cool cool cool cool. Iā€™m totally fine.
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Soā€¦Just watched a 5 minute clip of the latest interview from Dan Allen Gaming with Ghost & Soap.
I meanā€¦just wanna put some facts here:
I donā€™t know what yā€™all talking about when yā€™all say Ghostā€™s actor not hotā€¦I mean, heā€™s HOT & HANDSOME & CUTE!!!! Thatā€™s it, end of discussion, thanks!
Soap/Neil is just as HOT & HANDSOME & ADORABLE!!!
And they have the best chemistry!!!
I thought I could not love the ship and the characters more but I was wrongā€¦soā€¦wrongā€¦
*taking deep breaths
Anyways, have a good day! ā¤ļø
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lambball Ā· 2 years
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I know yā€™all simping Ghost hard! I love him too!!
But, just allow me to put this one here!
Thank you!
PS. Iā€™m bad at making memes, I knowā€¦.
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lambball Ā· 2 years
Your last post about Ghost and Soap had me thinking and its so truešŸ„¹. Outside of combat situations (mainly helping each other members up walls), no one touches Ghost in a casual manner. Soap is the only one, like when they are saying goodbye to Alejandro, Soap turns around to run to the plane and he taps Ghost on the shoulder twice. Also I think during the rescue mission for Alejandro when Ghost leaves to be guided by Soap, Ghost looks like gives Johnny a lil nudge on the arm. I love them so much :). Anyways I enjoyed your Ted Talk, I have many feelings about them.
Thank you so much!
And yes, I have too many feelings about them too! šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve never played this game before, never even knew the characters until COD 19. So imagine me getting to know the backstory about Ghost, and btw thatā€™s something too dark it broke my heart so many times, and then watching Ghost, a massive killing machine with a train of tragic backstories, scary and sulking all the time, guide Soap through the city, encourage him with tips and suggestions, stay behind until they meet, and even tell dry jokes about goldfish.
And then later on Soap made the comment about Ghost being the only one who could call him ā€œJohnnyā€??? I mean, hello, sir?
I was dumbfounded. And also at the same, I made a blood pact to swear Iā€™ll follow the ship till the end of the world. šŸ¤£
Anyways, thank you for the message! And have a great day! ā¤ļø
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