can you do a chet clancy x male reader where brooke is dating chet and her brother liked him and thye get into a fight and he tells her he liked chet
plz do ittt
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting, but I only write for Cody’s characters. If I include some of the others from the shows/movies he has done then only as side characters. I’m not deep enough into their characters to write a main story about them. SORRY!! 🥺
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Please excuse this shameless self promotion asfghj 🙈 I haven’t written that much yet (and none for Michael yet), but I have a few stories and I have some more in the works and I can guarantee you that you will never ever find any daddy kink in my works 😁
is there any smut in this fandom that doesn't include daddy!kink? Or does everyone write daddy!kink because it's some how popular? I'm genuinely curious. Idk. I'm just trying to find some pics that doesn't have it.
Well.. I do see a lot of work w daddy kink, but idk if that’s because if I see it’s tagged w that, I’m into reading it bc … I like it lmfao
From the people I’ve talked to in the fandom though, I feel like most of them share this kink SO it might be why its a popular one to find in fic. 
I know there are a few non-daddy kink fics floating around though!
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cuddles w jim mason - hc
hc count - 48 (if i counted right)
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oh boy
jimmy LOVES cuddles
he needs! that reassurance!
but is also so good at giving it! 🥺
he’ll cuddle w you anywhere
in bed
on the sofa
sitting in the backseat of his jeep
even standing up
soft lil baby 🥰
his favorite position is any one where he can see your face
bet u thought i was gonna say spooning didnt u
he does love spooning (jim being the little spoon, ofc), but when he’s in a bad headspace, he really needs to see your face
whether you’re asleep or awake he needs that
sometimes you’ll be laying down and he’ll just crawl into your arms wordlessly
because those moments really transcend words honestly
you know he just wants to be held and who are you to deny him that???
he l o v e s it when you rake your nails up and down his back gently
(side note: when i was a little kid, i had sleeping problems, so my mom would stay with me, running her nails along my back until i fell asleep, so that’s where i got that from)
ok, i hc that he gets into a really shy, submissive headspace when he’s upset, so sometimes he won’t be able to ask for what he wants
he mopes into the room and curls up next to you, expecting you to do something
“something wrong, jimmy?”
“y/n...” he groans in frustration
“is this what you want, baby?” you say, twirling his chocolate strands through your fingers
“mmmhmm” he whimpered, curling into your touch
calling him pet names! is a must!
jimmy thrives off of that soft shit
“come here, baby”
“my little angel.”
“love you, sweetie.”
remember how i said he’s really good at reassuring you?
well he learns from the best
babey tries the best to copy what you do to make him feel better
you’ll come home upset about something, carrying all the tension in your shoulders
“y/n? what’s wrong?”
he’s happy to just talk it out, but you both know you’d rather cuddle
jim’s chest = a safe haven
i just wanna bury my face in it oopsie
he’s happy to let you cry out your frustrations if it means hell get to hold you you’ll feel better
he'll play with your hair too
one of his favorite things to do when you're like this is put lil braids in your hair
especially if you've cried yourself to sleep so you're laying still
sometimes you'll wake up to plumerias nestled into braids in your locks 🥺🥺
soft!boy jimmy
he loves being the cuddler and the cuddlee
in conclusion: i need a jim mason
tags maybe: @sojournmichael @moonanonwriting @emmyrosee @babyboy-cody @leatherduncan
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Hey, could you write something for Grunge! Michael where the two are dating for quite some time now and they decided to have sex for the first time? Thank you
Your wish is my command, anon! 🖤🖤🖤 I hope you don’t mind I took this as an opportunity to discuss the reality of losing your virginity, at least for a girl anyway, so I hope this dispels a few fic myths about that first time anxiety. It’s not always an easy ride!
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Time had only drawn you and Michael closer together. Two years by each other’s sides had transformed you from shy, touch-starved teenagers to adventurous, touch-drunk young adults.
His adoptive mother celebrated your young love more than any parent ever could, affording you both the time and space to blossom your relationship, even making up the guest bedroom so you had a double bed to wake up beside each other at weekends. Ms Mead could see above anybody that you made Michael happy, so she did everything in her power to help you both become the power couple that could one day rule the world. Even if that meant leaving a subtly-placed condom under your pillows — Satanists are nothing if not responsible lovers.
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*proceeds to send a dick pic*
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> some doesn’t fit in as the theme is 1984 but who tf cares, ITS XAVIER WE’RE TALKIN BOUT
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hi! could i request prompt 137 & 125 for michael? it's v basic but i hope it turns out soft
This is probably so dumb, but it’s cute and soft and it’s our sweet little baby grunge Michael. Enjoy!
125. “(Name)?” - “Yeah?” - “I’m gonna kiss you now.” - “Okay.”
137. “Truth is, I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.”
There was a lot that intrigued you about your neighbor’s new son. Ms. Mead had lived next door to your parents for at least five years now. Although you had been wary of the woman who you had once seen bark back at a Rottweiler until it ran away with its stumpy tail tucked between its legs, the boy she had taken in was far less intimidating. Sure, sometimes he reminded you of Norman Bates with the times that you’ve caught him staring out of his living room window, but you could get past that. His baby blue eyes, unruly blond curls, and the clumsy, boyish way he enjoys life around him more than makes up for the creepiness.
Today, like most days, Michael is attempting not to look like he’s waiting for you in his front yard. He’s sitting on the porch with a graphic novel in his hands, long legs stretched out in front of him, but the book is immediately shoved aside the moment that you park in your driveway. Your eyes automatically drift towards the cute neighbor, who’s looking right back at you.
“Hey, Michael,” you greet.
Michael gives you a halfhearted wave, attempting some form of nonchalance. “Hi, (Y/N).”
“Whatcha reading?”
“Just a book that Ms. Mead had laying around.” When he realizes that you’re not just making small talk like everybody else he encounters, he stands from his spot and crosses towards you.
“Why do you call her Ms. Mead? I thought she was a family member that took you in?”
“She’s not, actually. She’s sort of my foster mom, if that makes sense.”
“Come on, we don’t have to stand around.” You motion for Michael to follow you to your house’s porch swing before continuing. “But you still call her Ms. Mead?”
“It’s what works for both of us.”
You shrug. “Okay, so what’s the book that your ‘Ms. Mead’ has?”
“Palm reading.” The incredulous look on your face makes Michael laugh. “I know it seems completely fake, but it’s actually kind of interesting.”
“Do you think there’s any truth behind it, though?”
“Maybe.” Michael smiles at you. “Want me to read your palm and we can see just how accurate it actually is?”
You consider Michael’s request for a moment, glancing down at his outstretched hand before nodding. “Sure, I guess there’s no harm in a magic trick.”
Michael takes your hand gently, long fingers delicately running over the planes of your palm. You smile at the way that Michael’s tongue just barely pokes out between his lips in concentration, eyes fixed on the different lines on your hand.
“So? Am I gonna die an early death?”
Michael chuckles, shaking his head. “Your life line,” he runs a finger down one of the lines, demonstrating what he’s talking about, “doesn’t actually predict how long you’ll live. Instead, it gauges your life journey. See how it’s a deep crease?”
“Well, that means that your life is going to be full of rich experiences.”
“Good or bad?”
He shrugs. “The palm only divulges so much.”
“Ah. Okay, ‘Mystical Michael,’” you tease, “continue with your reading.”
“The heart line is basically self-explanatory. Yours is long, which means that you’ll have quite a few long term relationships.”
“Platonic or romantic?” Michael glances up at you, his cheeks turning red at the mention of romance.
“Well, I–um, I guess–y’know, it could be…either? But it’s difficult to conclusively–”
“Michael?” you interrupt, eyes flickering down to Michael’s mouth before you catch his gaze again.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.”
“Okay,” Michael squeaks, silenced by your lips pressing against his.
It’s obvious that Michael’s not a very experienced kisser, but you take the lead on this occasion. His lips are soft, lips melding against yours as he cautiously reciprocates the kiss. You pull away after a moment, not wanting to fluster him too much, but the astonished expression on Michael’s face confirms that just the small kiss was enough to wreck him.
“You good?” you ask with a small smile. Michael stares at you with wide eyes before nodding once. “Okay, just wanted to make sure you were okay with that.”
“I was…very okay with that. Actually, the book I was reading wasn’t even on palmistry.”
You look at Michael in mock shock. “No! You seemed so knowledgeable on the subject!”
“I–I mean, I have read a book about palmistry before, and everything I said is true, but,” he smiles shyly, “truth is, I just wanted an excuse to hold your hand.”
Your heart clenches at the sweetness in Michael’s statement. “You know, you could have just asked me to hold hands with you.”
“I could have, but you have to admit that was pretty smooth, right?”
“Yes,” you say, kissing him again, “extremely smooth.”
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Capitalism kills art
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There’s not enough Michael x Madison fanfiction and that’s the tea
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Note: This story features my imagining of Cody Fern. All dialogue is fictional, as are Cody’s thoughts and actions. It is not in any way a depiction or explanation of actual behavior by the real Cody Fern, however, I do like to think of this as “why Cody doesn’t post on IG so much anymore.”
Warnings: Solo Smut
Word count: 2400
Famous: A Love Story
Cody was on the couch, studying a book of Annie Liebovitz’s photography. His long legs were crossed. One black sneakered foot lazily swung back and forth in the air. The peace of his Monday afternoon was disturbed when his cell phone buzzed. It was his manager.
“Post something,” his manager said. “You haven’t been on Instagram and people are asking what’s going on.”
“Oh hi. How are you? I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Cody replied dryly in his precise Australian accent. “I’m a little busy right now. Maybe later. I just posted last week.” He was much more interested in the shadows and light in the photo than in what people were saying on line.
“No, that was three weeks ago. That’s not often enough. You know how people are. If you’re quiet, they forget. You need to tap them on the shoulder.” His manager was silent for a moment. “I’m looking at your stories right now. Come on. Anxious birds? Lord Raiden? What is this shit?”
“I like posting stuff that’s interesting,” Cody sighed. “It’s not my fault if people don’t get it.”
“No, you’re not getting it. They don’t want thoughtful, or funny. Your references are too obscure. It needs to be fucking hot. You’ve got a reputation to live up to!” his manager sighed with exasperation into his earbud. “Have you read the Tumblr stories? You’re an androgynous red-carpet sex demon. Be that, all the time!”
“That’s a bit hard to maintain at all times.” Cody walked to the fridge and paused for a spoonful of chocolate avocado mousse. Everybody kept making it for him because of that comment he made about loving avocadoes.
“Oh buddy, you are so naïve. If you only read what they think you do in your spare time!”
“I hike and watch HBO like other humans,” Cody answered wryly, and ended the conversation.
He went to his desk and fiddled with his laptop. He wanted to flesh out a new idea that was dancing in the back of his mind, but there would be no time to film anything of his own. He paused when he passed a mirror with the sex demon remarks echoing in his head. That day, his thick hair had decided to be auburn and his almond eyes had opted to be a clear ocean blue. He ruffled his hair and winked at himself, and then laughed a bit. He was gliding along in his own magical plane of existence, just being a verb. He was happy; why wasn’t everyone else?
His first magazine cover hit and it was insanely awesome, and it was followed up with some great interviews. But within weeks his manager called again, harping that aside from the weird masked photo he’d posted (something about Mortal Kombat, again?), he’d gone virtually MIA. This was unacceptable.
“The GQ pics were hot. You were on the right track there. But you need to get back online, and no more nerd shit. Stay sexy, bitch!” the manager said and hung up the phone abruptly.
Cody winced. He thought for a moment, sighed and then took a timed selfie with his shirt open and mouth in a slight pout. A little nip and a little lip; he hoped that would be good enough. Within an hour, there were 154,333 likes and reposts. Memes and artistic renderings of the “Cody Nip Pic” followed swiftly.
He went to Whole Foods, and happily posed for a selfie with a cool, super sweet fan which she promptly posted. That was also well-received. But sometime later, he began to feel a strange sensation, like a slight itch in his fingertips. The tingling was unpleasant and he frowned slightly. Numbers flashed in his mind: 5:45. And then 3:40. And then 12:32. Was that am or pm? What did it mean?
12:32 am arrived. It was a Thursday. Cody was drowsing in the middle of the show he was watching. A half-formed idea suddenly took hold of his mind. He stood in front of the bedroom mirror with his phone and pressed “record”. It was as though he were watching someone else as he slowly pulled open his shirt and circled his nipple with a gentle fingertip. It was pebbling as it hardened, and he brought the phone in closer, then let it travel again to focus on his face, gorgeously sleepy with half-closed eyes and juicy parted lips.
He posted it. Then, after the strange mood that had passed through him went on its way, he shivered and with a frown he shut off the app. He stared at himself in the mirror for some time afterwards.
The next week, his manager was calling him, yelling, again. The net had gone wild over the “Cody Nip/Pout” video. Cody wondered why he was being harangued if it had been such a success but the problem was, that was last week. He hadn’t posted anything since then, and fans were going through mass withdrawal after coming down off the sugar high he’d given them.
“Do you want to be forgotten? Do you even want a career?”
“I act. That is my career,” Cody said, genuinely bewildered. He was already signed for three top-secret projects.
“Get it together, Raiden. Maybe in the Outback disappearing is acceptable, but over here, we have 4G! And it works all day. Post something, for fuck’s sake!” the manager exclaimed.
“Hey! Take it down a notch!” Cody said with a wide-eyed laugh and hung up.
He had a sinking feeling that his manager was right but he resisted. He put the phone down, determined not to succumb to fear. Who did they think he was? He was the motherfucking Genderfuck Rebel, that’s who, and rebels didn’t get pushed the fuck around! He went to read lines for his first super top-secret project and then had dinner with friends.
12:32 am, one week later. He’d been sleeping but all at once, Cody found himself in his bathroom. The white tile was faintly luminous in the background, and all was hushed and still. The phone was already recording his mirrored image. Not really thinking, but not quite dreaming, he looked at his reflection with his head tilted to the side, thick cocoa-brown hair falling into one eye and jawline softened by stubble.
He gently tugged on his sweatpants with one finger. The movement revealed a hip bone with a lone freckle, the rest smooth and pale in the light. He was shirtless and his chest with its constellations of tiny birthmarks was also smooth. The full view of his taut lower abdomen was thwarted by the pants and he ran his finger inside the elastic waist, teasing, gazing into the mirror almost shyly, but then at the last minute he smiled and leaned forward to shut the recording off.
“Don’t post this!” he said to himself suddenly, as if he’d been slapped awake, but he couldn’t help himself. He was compelled to post and then there was nothing he could do about it, it was out there. He backed out of the bathroom and went to bed. He couldn’t fall back asleep. For the first time, he had the sensation of something feeling off. Maybe he really did need a break. But, he knew that was impossible. There were no breaks for the fresh and hungry.
“Beautiful, Cody!” his manager texted at 4 am or so. He felt a little ill.
Popularity surged again after the “Cody Mirror Tease” video but all the while, that sense of unease continued to grow. Cody instinctively knew something was wrong, more than wrong, but he had no name, no description for what was plaguing him. He was almost afraid to fall asleep at night for fear of what he might do next.
Keep reading
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Since tumblr decide to fuck with writer’s lives and the only dividers I found were way too much I made some of my own. Feel free to use them if you want, and if any of you want something especific let me know so I can make more of these. They’re all transparent.
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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays ❄❤🎄🎅
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Hey, I've never actually send anything to you… or to anyone on tumblr to be honest, but I just had this idea and I can't stop thinking about it… so here's the thing: Reader is Madison's girlfriend (and never had sex with anyone but her) and Madison is teaching her… how to suck Michael's cock
I’m flattered that you sent it to me, because I still love Micheal x reader x Madison with my whole entire heart. Also-  🥵
Madison’s words are still echoing through Michael’s mind as he watches you sink to your knees between his spread thighs, your trembling hands fumbling to undo his belt. 
(”What’s the catch? Do I have to blow you or something?”)
“Don’t be nervous, baby,” Madison coos tenderly as she lounges on his other side. Though her head is pillowed on Michael’s shoulder, the tips of her fingers trailing down the buttons of his shirt and giving his uniform tie playful little tugs, her eyes are locked solely on you, her gaze all liquid fire. “Just relax.”
She offers you a small smile of reassurance as you free Michael’s cock from his pants, the two of them letting out soft moans at almost exactly the same time as you curl your fingers around the base, giving it a few experimental strokes. 
“You’ll do just fine,” Michael assures you, his voice already tight and strained with the evidence of his arousal. “We’ll talk you through it.” 
Your tongue darts out to lick your dry lips, and your stomach flutters with an odd combination of nerves and arousal. Casting one more glance the two of them, who nod their heads in encouragement, you take a deep breathe and steel yourself, slowly licking a hot stripe up the underside of Michael’s cock from the base to the tip, tonguing at the slit.
Micheal hisses and tosses his head back as you continue to lave little kitten licks along his shaft, reaching down to tangle his fingers into your hair. Once his cock is shiny and wet with saliva, you carefully swallow him down, taking just a little at at time until you adjust.
“Remember to watch your teeth, princess,” Madison interjects, her pupils blown wide with lust as she slides her hand beneath the short hem of her dress, stroking herself through her panties. “Go slow. Don’t rush it.”
As you begin to gain your confidence, encouraged by the groans that are spilling from Michael’s mouth and the way that Madison whimpers and rolls her hips against her hand, you finally take all of Michael’s cock into your mouth, doing your best to relax your throat so you won’t gag. It’s an odd sensation, but not all together unpleasant. Especially not when he grips your hair and babbles things like oh fuck and just like that and so fucking good.
You bob your head, running your tongue along the vein that rests on the underside of his cock, and Michael grunts as he and Madison turn towards each other, exchanging  sloppy, heated kiss. “Keep going,” Madison pants against his mouth. “He’s close. You’re doing such a good job, baby.”
Michael pulls back just before he cums, doing you the courtesy of not having to swallow on your first try. His cum splatters on belly, and he pants as he struggles to catch his breath. 
“Was that okay?” you ask somewhat timidly, nervously chewing on your lip as your gaze flickers between them. 
Michael and Madison exchange a glance before they start to laugh, and then Madison pulls you into her arms, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “I don’t think boy wonder here had any complaints.”
Michael narrows his eyes at the nickname, but he can’t hide his grin. “None at all,” he assures you, stroking his fingers through your hair. “In fact, if your little witch can spare you, I’d like to return the favor.”
Madison quirks an eyebrow at him, but the signs of her arousal are more than evident to your eyes. “If you insist,” she says with a small huff, though she can’t hide the way she squeezes her thighs together.
“Don’t worry, Mads,” you tell her as she shifts you into Michael’s arms, who begins kissing and nipping at your throat. “We’ll take care of you next.”
Her lips fall into a pout. “You’d better.” 
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Okay but imagine how hard Michael's heart would race if you called him baby when he was a bit younger (living with Mead for example) he'd blush SO bad and he wouldn't know what to do and just look down and smile oH GOD
I think I wrote something similar to this for my shy!hawthorne!michael verse (my masterlist is a MESS or I’d link it!)
Like imagine sitting on the porch w him and he’s already nervous to be hanging out w you. He fidgets by picking at the hole in his jeans while he makes you laugh. And he’s so nervous about messing anything up.
And if you just casually sprinkle in the word ‘baby’ he’d lose it.
“Come on, baby. Lets go.” You nodded your head towards the door.
You could immediately see the blood rushing to his cheeks. Soft blushes and twinkling eyes.
Michael would be completely speechless. Baby? What was he supposed to say? Should he say it back? Was that weird? He doesn’t know.
He looked back down at the frayed material of his jeans trying to hide how much you made him smile.
You stood up and ruffled his hair a bit. Each time you showed affection towards him made his heart skip a beat. He felt all too aware of your hands on him.
Once he finally stood up, you grabbed his face between your hands and placed a big, exaggerated kiss on his lips. “You’re so cute.”
bonus points if he’s wearing eyeliner oops
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Brooke 2, Xavier all :D, Chet 8, Ray 14, Nightstalker 29
2. Have you ever been “the new kid”? Yes when I transferred to a new school, wasn’t that fun.
4. What is your dream career? Lol fitting for Xavier it’s acting 😄 5. Would you consider yourself easily manipulated? No, I’m more the manipulator 🙈 6. Have you ever had an acting role? Yes I had a couple roles in theatre and I was an extra on a tv show once 😅
8. Do you play any sports? I did horse riding when I was younger for about 3 years, but atm not.
14. Does blood make you squeamish? Nah absolutely not, I love slasher movies and vampires so I don’t mind blood 😏
29. Ever been to California? Yes and I loved it, I wanna go back so bad!
Thank you for asking 🥰
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AHS 1984: ask post
Brooke Thompson: 1. Has there ever been a time no one believed you about something? 2. Have you ever been “the new kid”? 3. What is something that comforts you when you’re afraid? Xavier Plympton 4. What is your dream career? 5. Would you consider yourself easily manipulated? 6. Have you ever had an acting role? Chet Clancy 7. What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch? 8. Do you play any sports? 9. Have you ever been caught in a lie? Montana Duke 10. Are you close with your siblings? 11. What is the worst decision you’ve ever made? 12. Do you believe in getting revenge? Ray Powell 13. Can you keep your head in an emergency situation? 14. Does blood make you squeamish? 15. Did you join any clubs, frats, or teams in school? Trevor Kirchner 16. What would you consider your best physical attribute? 17. Would you ever marry for money? 18. Would you break the rules to save a friend? Donna Chambers 19. Have you ever helped someone in need? 20. Would you ever follow the same career path as one of your parents? 21. Do you believe in karma? Margaret Booth 22. Are you religious? 23. Are you a good liar? 24. Do you wear glasses? Benjamin (Mr. Jingles) Richter 25. Ever been blamed for something that wasn’t your fault? 26. Do you believe in second chances? 27. Do you believe people are inherently good? The Nightstalker 28. What is your opinion on 80s music? 29. Ever been to California? 30. Do you prefer working in a team or on your own? Jonas (The Hiker) Shevoore 31. Have you ever been lost? 32. Do you enjoy the great outdoors? 33. Ever been in a car accident or hit by a car? Lavinia Richter 34. Do you believe in ghosts? 35. Have you ever been somewhere haunted? 36. Do you ever listen to music on vinyl? Bobby Richter Jr. 37. Do you enjoy mysteries? 38. Who is a member of your family you wish you could’ve met? 39. Do you use Uber? Chef Bertie 40. What is your comfort food? 41. Do you enjoy cooking for others? 42. Ever had a crush on someone older than you? Camp Redwood 43. Did you like this season finale? 44. Ever been a camp counselor or been to camp? 45. What are your predictions for next season?
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Source: This
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