lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
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reblog for luck in meeting taylor this era!!
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
Wishing I could tattoo this on the back of my hand...
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My blog posts relatable quote pictures! Follow for more.
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
I stopped shaving my legs every other day I stopped only eating citras and drinking a gallon of water a day I started smoking weed with my friends I stopped bringing my phone with me to Temple, to coffee houses, to record stores, to concerts I stopped ignoring my family and started baking cookies and pancakes with bananas and nuts and apples I’ve made 32 pancakes since Friday, I’ve burnt 13 but I’m getting there I won’t let you burn me anymore I’m so fucking sick of flames Turns out I don’t get off on pain I don’t get off on being treated like a toy I do not enjoy having a collection of sticky notes covered in conversation topics because you never held up your end It’s true that one person always loves more but the other side needs to give something You knew this would happen I have to go for my own self respect I should’ve known when you stopped sending good morning texts Or when your texts didn’t come at all until late at night When your words were always about sex Maybe I should have turned my phone off or blocked your number when you told me about the first girl Or the second or the third But I thought you were worth it that I’d never find a better guy You always listened you respected my boundaries It’s probably easy when you have six other girls who will give you what I protect I’m not picking up this time I’m not checking your timeline I’m not listening to your music I’m not dying my hair your favorite color or getting a tattoo You You don’t deserve my kind of love Not from me, You deserve a quiet love that won’t take up too much time You killed me over and over again You wasted and disrespected me without even noticing My heart has been replaced with beetles and old peach pits but soon You won’t live there anymore to poison my wood Flowers will bloom in my brain once again Watered by my own love and confidence Planted by me for me You will never see them Lilacs and roses were my favorite before you Fuck your daisies you’re the one who cut them down
I Always Grow Back (via laced-love)
Reblogging this hurts less than breaking it off. Wish I had the strength.
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
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my tiny tree son + tumblr text posts
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
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paramore lyric parallels;
brick by boring brick x 26
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lilnathsslothposts · 7 years
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*me trying to write*
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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• V i c t o r   N i k i f o r o v  •
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
Yuri!!! On Ice turned into Yurio!!! Nice
And I am very bitter about it
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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Unfinished Business (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/HLAbaqFHfy Nathan Sykes has some unfinished business... When an interview ends abruptly, it doesn't phase Lola Marsden, radio host of 102.1FM. But it does phase Nathan. Never before had he wanted to finish an interview so desperately, never before has he wanted to see a radio host so much out of work... When their unfinished business brings the two back tog…
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
Gilmore Girls has been Waiting for Tonight...
Well, I guess Lorelai is finally going to see Luke!!
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it
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lilnathsslothposts · 8 years
New Music Needed
In need of new music. Any music, any band will do. I just need new music to listen to. I need to spice up my music life. I listen to pretty much anything, but I don't care so much for country. I feel like I've been listening to the same five bands over and over again...
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