“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.” — Robert Fulghum, True Love
Dr. Seuss 
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November 8, 2013, the strongest typhoon ever to have made landfall swept its way to the Philippines, particularly in Region 8, the Visayas. Some people who were not directly hit by the typhoon have...
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"Past is just something we can’t do anything about. Future, who knows, it could be wonderful. Let’s just be happy now."
-Lovely Still (2008)
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You've got to let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. What matters is what and who you choose to be now.
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how do you tell a person it's time to let go when telling them that shatters you into a singularity too?
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He was never mine to lose...
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Since I started college, I never had a permanent school. I always had to transfer due to location problems. The first college I attended to, I had to leave because I had to stay with my Dad and tra...
source: http://littlemisswriterwannabe.tumblr.com/
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Source: https://www.facebook.com/Writers.Write.Company 
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She has learned to love. To fear. To hate. And then to love again. Through it all, she writes.
Kimberly Kinrade (via observando)
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Decor type by Claudio Scotto
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From My Desk
... And all the overwhelming lies you told me makes me wonder if you even believe them yourself.
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“I need an explanation. I deserve an acceptable reason.”
“Maybe not having closure is the closure you need.”
  How important is closure to everybody? 
Some people say closure is one of the vital element in moving on. For them it’s hard to move on when you have questions left unanswered; when you have words left unsaid; when you have actions left undone.
The first quote above is from the movie I watched few months back. The story was about a couple who broke up without proper closure. After 5 years, they met again and thought they have rekindled old fires only to find out that in the end, it was just the closure they were after; it was just the closure they needed.
  The second quote was from the movie I watched yesterday. The story was again about a couple who broke up without proper goodbyes then after 7 years, fate led them back to each other’s arms. Will there be an “us” this time around for them? Unlike the first movie, the couple here did not try to entertain the thoughts of rekindling the fire. They accepted the fact that they have separate lives now and that what happened in the past stays in the past. As what the female  protagonist said, “Sometimes, not having closure is the closure you need.” 
  But can someone really make it? When after a very long time, you were given a chance to see each other again, will you really let it pass by without asking what happened? Why did he give up? Why did she leave? What happened to the “us” you thought both of you were planning?
  Some people may be like our first couple where with all your strength and being you demand for your much deserved explanation, because really, it’s never nice to live with why’s and what’s. Nothing’s wrong with that, though. If it’s bothering you that much, if it’s hindering you from moving on and letting go of the past, then by all means, go and ask the person who broke your heart. Past unresolved really has its way of catching up on us no matter how fast we ran away from it. But what do you do if the person isn’t “interested” in the past anymore? If he just shrugs your questions away or if she just gives you the cold shoulder? LET IT BE. Walk away, with your head held high. That is your answer right there. Right in front of you. He is a coward. She is selfish. Period.
  Some people are like our second couple though. They never talk about it and just continue with their own separate lives. Nothing’s wrong with this either. This doesn’t mean they did not love each other ever, as what other people believes it to be. It could just mean that they have outgrown the past already. They have outgrown each other. They have accepted the fact that somehow, someone have just decided to call it off and both are now living separate lives. Moving on may take a little bit longer here than the previous couple as there would be a lot more sleepless nights of wondering because you didn’t get the answers. But you know what they say, what you don’t know won’t hurt you. Then again, sometimes, not knowing is what kills. So being in this situation actually is very confusing. It’s a lot harder. That’s why people who gets out of this situation alive are stronger. They become more mature after the process. On a very rare occasion even, the “ex couple” even becomes acquaintances after this. 
  Wrapping up, I think the need for closure really depends upon the parties involve. At the end of the day, it is still you who actually decides whether the person is still worth holding on to or both of you are better off apart.
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Calling out all writing blogs.
Please reblog/like this post if you are a writing blog of any kind. We’d like to follow as many young and talented writers as possible.
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from my desk
Maybe someday I'll find the answers to my why's and how's and what if's. Then again, maybe not. 
Maybe someday I'll live the life I have always dreamed of. Then again, maybe not.
So today I'll work. I'll strive to achieve most of my goals. If I have to, I'll push myself to the limit, because really, who knows? Everything you ever wanted might just be at the corner, waiting for you all along.
Then again....
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from Me to Me
Heya, Sweetie! So you started another blog again, yay! Hopefully, this nth blog of yours could make it through the next couple of months. Keep this rolling, gal! WRITE WRITE WRITE! Remember, a badly written essay is way better than a never-written essay! 
Shove laziness and procrastination off your lap and start NOW. Write NOW. Right NOW. 
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