livingjivawell · 4 years
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🌟CUT THE CORDS🌟 • 🌷~ Spring clean your soul ~🌷 • 1st of March, & spring has begun. We are at our rebirthing point in nature. We are being reborn at this time. The buds are coming out & nature is blossoming. Spring clean your soul, detox. Cut the cords to what you are hanging on to, let go of the clutter deep within. Ask for spiritual support, ask for guidance, ask what you need to do, listen with awareness for answers. • Clean everything out 🧹🧽 • #spring #1stmarch #springcleaning #detox #detoxyourbody #detoxyourlife #detoxyourmind #springisintheair #cordcutting #cutthecords #reborn #rebirth #newyou #bornagain #birth #cycles #naturalhealing #naturalcycles #beinsync #naturalflow #flowwithnature #rythmoflife #guidancecards #angelsigns #angelmessages #angelsspeak #oracledeck #angelguides #universalsigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CL4Jt91F3aB/?igshid=tb4pviggdzrt
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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I feel like there is huge pressure on us sometimes to be positive, count our blessings & so on. There can be fear around having a negative mindset. With so much going on at the moment, lockdown, lack of seeing friends, the loss of our normal lives, etc its important that we pay attention to how we feel. Its ok to feel shitty & fed up. To push it away & not acknowledge how you feel is wrong. To force yourself into a positive mindset when you dont feel like it is wrong. Don't push the emotion down as that's where it festers & becomes toxic. Something has really pissed me off today, & im going to sit with how I feel, im gonna honour how I feel & im gonna let it work through me. The emotion can only pass through you & release when you let it surface. So remember its ok to not be ok, don't listen when people say you need to be happy & positive all the time. by listening internally you'll gain much more long-term happiness & peace. By really being kind to yourself & your feelings you are showing yourself the greatest love & building the most loving relationship with yourself, its a lesson in self care like no other. Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Vegan recipes @livingveganwell www.livingjivawell.com #lockdown #lockdown2 #lockdownthoughts #whenwillthisend #itsokaynottobeokay #bekind #listen #befree #mentalhealth #mindset #mindfulness #thislife #bekindtoyourself #loveyourself #selflove #release #bettermind #dontforceit #reiki #reikithoughts #thoughts #innerguru #listentoyourbody #listentoyourmind #selfcare #lessons #lessonslearned #nopressure https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOlT7DFJWp/?igshid=i0agwfu0zb4c
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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💙Monday thoughts, Monday blues💙 Lockdown continues in the UK, & its hard to feel inspired somedays. The days are the same, the weeks roll by & its more of the same....... But I notice the seasons are changing, the snowdrops are beginning to bud, this small sign reassures me that despite the stagnation we can feel internally we are still growing & changing. So despite what my external world can feel like at times, its not really the reality, its only my perception...... Hang in there, be kind to yourself. Do something nice for yourself. And as we say in the Reiki precepts 'Just for Today' ° Its one day at a time at the moment 🙏💗💖🙌 Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Vegan recipes @livingveganwell www.livingjivawell.com #mondaymood #mondayblues #monday #mondaymorning #mondaythoughts #morningrant #thoughts #morningvibes #anotherweek #lockdown #lockdownthoughts #lockdown2021 #lockdown3 #reiki #reikiprecepts #hanginthere #onedayatatime #reikivibes #whenwillthisend #betterdaysarecoming #anotherweek #bekindtoyourself #showcompassion #reikilove https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLn7_KlxOi/?igshid=10lmgd491cfuc
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Its cold & wet here in the UK & were still in lockdown. I've been feeling de motivated the last couple of days, which I put down to the weather & the whole current Covid situation, & whilst I think that has alot to do with it, I dont think its the whole truth. As the new year unfolded I put my manifesting head on & went full on into it. Really working to unfold what holds me back, & how I can really manifest my desires. Then the last couple of days, ive hit a wall, lazy, uninspired, demotivated etc. Then that wall hit me. The ego is creeping in slowly & taking me down. I'm resisting all that i wish for. Its not that I'm resisting it because I don't want it, its because I have a deep rooted belief it can never happen to me, it only happens to others & so on. Once again im blocking, & at a very deep level. When you go in you really start to uncover what's really going on & see how your holding yourself back. ° So my work today is now to not push, to not force anything, honour how i feel. Sit in meditation, lots & lots of self Reiki, work through & breathe into the space. Journal what comes up. Its time to release more 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Distant healing available Plantbased recipes 🌱@livingveganwell www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikihealer #reikiblessings #reikirocks #release #letgoandgrow #letgo #reikihealersofinstagram #distancehealing #uncover #lockdown #lockdownthoughts #covid #manifestation #dreambig #respectyourself #respectyourthoughts #meditate #mindfulness #deepthoughts #breatheinbreatheout #breathedeep #breathwork #dailywisdom #woke #yourdestiny https://www.instagram.com/p/CKBmP07FGrH/?igshid=to21ibfhvnmk
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Its the new year & no better time than to get clear about your desires. ° We can put so much pressure on ourselves in new year with resolutions, I will do this, I will do that..... Stop that, sit back & take a breath..... ~Ask yourself, how do I want to feel in 2021? ~What would I like to bring in to 2021? ~What do I desire for 2021? ° Take some time & get into the emotions of this, journal how it feels to have your desires. Spend some time considering why you haven't reached these goals? Whats held you back? How have you been blocking your desires? Have you felt somehow your not worthy? ° When you get clear on this you can start to unpack the emotions, & let them go. Allowing the feelings of worthiness to come through. ° Sit quietly today with your journal, write & meditate. Close your eyes, breathe deeply & see what comes up, have your pen handy to write ✍ write all that comes up 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #newyear #newbeginnings #newyou #newyearsresolution #newyearsday #2021 #freshstart #newchapter #release #letgo #nofear #journalinspiration #journal #chooselife #choosehappiness #loveme #iamworthy #iamfound #wakeup #woke #woken #beyourbestself #positivity #positivevibes #iam #thesecret #manifestation #meditate #manifestyourdreams #dreamsdocometrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgVqhAl4nE/?igshid=jcrzw4mhw37f
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Happy New Year to all..... 🙏💝🎆🎊🎉✨ ° May we all find peace, harmony & joy in 2021. Let's hope better days are ahead of us. ° As we take the lessons we have learned in 2021 forward, & we set our intentions, pray for the highest good for yourself & all. ° Together we can get through this, & walk into 2021 strong. ° Reiki blessings & love to all for 2021 🙌 ° Thankyou to all that supported me & crossed my path through 2020, I am so grateful to each & everyone of 🙏💗 ° ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #happynewyear #newyearseve #newyear #2021 #goodbye2020 #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #gratitude #iamgrateful #blessed #hope #fullofhope #hopeful #prayforpeaceandhumanity #prayforthehighestgood #peaceforall #universallove #love #onelove #betterdaysarecoming #loveeachother #resolution #newyearsresolution #intentions #setgoodintentions #manifestation #manifestyourdreams #dreamsdocometrue https://www.instagram.com/p/CJeodVoFI9x/?igshid=i8kfi29q5bve
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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I pulled this card last night under the cancer ♋ full moon 🌕 the cold moon 🥶 & final full moon of 2020 🎆 ° ° What a beautiful card for us all. This card signifying that there is love all around us. This year has felt at times that the universal love has diminished, & left us questioning are we being cared for by the greater forces. With so much negativity around us this year we must question have we fallen into a negative self talk pattern, therefore blocking ourselves? Are we being reminded of this by the angels? We have transitioned into the age of Aquarius & continue the transition period into the new year, there are so many new beginnings at the moment. This is a time to shed our skins & walk forward with positivity. Remember we are loved, & we are love, have faith that better days are head, ask to release any blocks that are holding you back. The full moons energy is high for the next 2 days, remain focused on releasing & letting go, harness the moons energy. Full moons are a time to leave the old behind, & leave whats not working for you. ° Do this knowing holy angelic love is all around 😇🙏🤍 ° ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #positivity #positivevibes #positivechange #positivemindset #fullpotential #faithintheprocess #trustintheuniverse #alignment #alignyourself #angelsigns #angelcards #angelsquad #angels #holy #holylove #moonmagick #moonmagic #fullmoon #loveyourself #loveeachother #loveeveryday #loveandpeace #lovesurroundsme #universallifeforceenergy #havefaith #goodbye2020 #betterdaysarecoming https://www.instagram.com/p/CJa4SVHFgit/?igshid=fvxkk5srsugs
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Let's face it we will ALL be glad to see the back of 2020, I know I certainly am! In the early hours of tomorrow morning at 03.28am here in the UK, the moon will be full. A cancer ♋ full moon, also known as a cold moon, & the 13th full moon of 2020. This year has been so testing for so many of us. We have seen our lives change beyond belief. There is fear around what lies ahead, but we must bring hope into our thoughts, hope of better days to come. The cold moon symbolises wanting to stay in & be warm, use this energy to look inwards & focus on how you wish to bring warmth into your own world. This full moon energy is perfect for releasing the past, so collectively let's let go of 2020 with determination & positivity. ° Our thoughts are so powerful, use them wisely ° I release, I let go...... ° Goodbye 2020 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #goodbye2020 #2020isalmostover #hello2021 #welcome2021 #welcomethenew #betterdaysarecoming #coldmoon #cancermoon #fullmoonritual #fullmoon #lifechanging #letgoandgrow #goodbyes #fullmoon #lastmoon #cancer♋ #reikimoon #cleanse #release #saygoodbye #positivity #positiveenergy #positivemindset https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYimAKFdv4/?igshid=c8kzklm3983i
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Christmas is upon us & our final day of the reiki precepts, a guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° More than ever we need to connect with our true nature, inner peace and harmony. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° This is a daily reflection practice to help bring us into a state of inner bliss. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today show compassion to yourself & others' This precept really embodies being kind to yourself & all living beings (another wording take often used on the precepts). Did you know being kind actually releases oxytocin in the body & fills us with love, so by being kind to others your actually being kind to yourself! People say & do things continually we don't like, but quite often there is a reason or a story to this behaviour, when we start to look at people through the eyes of compassion, we too become more compassionate beings. Its also important to act with self love & appreciate yourself for who you are, who you truly are. Sometimes our inner dialogue & self talk can be really cruel, would you speak to someone else like that? We are all connected, all one, show love to one & all knowing that we are all living in one union. ° Align yourself to love & kindness 🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #christmas #seasonsgreetings #stressrelief #stressfree #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmasday #christmasstress #wearelove #onelove #bekind #showcompassion #oxytocin #kindness https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOFTZxFuDf/?igshid=1we9s2or14unv
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Like Christmas we have just one more day to of the reiki precepts, a guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° More than ever we need to connect with our true nature, inner peace and harmony. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° This is a daily reflection practice to help bring us into a state of inner bliss. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today work with diligence' whilst this precept refers to work, it refers to whatever you are doing in the present, for example your meditation practice, your daily exercise routine, cooking dinner, being a friend, or your actual work you attend daily, do it to your best ability. Whatever you are doing do it with respect & honesty. Bring yourself into the present & work conciously. If you find yourself struggling ask yourself 'am I living authentically? Am I speaking my truth?' Find your inner fulfillment. ° Do it well, & do your best 🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #christmaseve #seasonsgreetings #stressrelief #stressfree #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmas #christmasstress #honest #authentic #beauthentic #truetoyourself #workinprogress #honestwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLRjrxlt6c/?igshid=17uhphqcheq50
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Like Christmas we have just one more day to go with the reiki precepts, a guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° More than ever we need to connect with our true nature & find inner peace & harmony. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today be grateful' when we are grateful our heart becomes so expansive & we return to our true essence, which is love. We really do have so much to be grateful for, even in the midst of uncertainty, & worry. By expressing that gratitude you really open up to a powerful energy force & can bring more joy into your life. Try for a few moments & list in your mind or on paper all you are grateful for in this moment. The power it has to change your energy & mindset is incredible. It can really pull you into a place of joy. I encourage you all to try it. ° Slow down, & recognise the good🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #2daystogo #stressrelief #stressfree #theuniversehasyourback #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmaseveeve #christmasstress #gratitude #gratefulheart #showgratitude #begrateful #thankful #gratefulheart #gratefuleveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLPMVPFWzv/?igshid=19ehqkl7rg355
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Like Christmas we have just one more day to go with the reiki precepts. The reiki precepts are a guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° With so much going on at the moment, finding moments of inner calm & personal sanctuary is more important than ever. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° The precepts are designed to bring us into the present, & into the now, & to live our lives from a place of peace & fulfillment. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today work with diligence' although this precept refers to work ° Slow down, & recognise the good🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #2daystogo #stressrelief #stressfree #theuniversehasyourback #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmaseveeve #christmasstress #gratitude #gratefulheart #showgratitude #begrateful #thankful #gratefulheart #gratefuleveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/CJLM67oFs9B/?igshid=1mose0jc9huv2
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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As the days to Christmas get closer, I continue with my share of the reiki precepts. A guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° This year more than ever we need to connect with our true nature & go within. So much fear & stress is surrounding us at this time. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° The idea is to bring us into the present, to not let our thoughts derail & runaway. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today be grateful' when we are grateful our heart becomes so expansive & we return to our true essence, which is love. We really do have so much to be grateful for, even in the midst of uncertainty, & worry. By expressing that gratitude you really open up to a powerful energy force & can bring more joy into your life. Try for a few moments & list in your mind or on paper all you are grateful for in this moment. The power it has to change your energy & mindset is incredible. It can really pull you into a place of joy. I encourage you all to try it. ° Slow down, & recognise the good🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #3daystogo #stressrelief #stressfree #theuniversehasyourback #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmas #christmasstress #gratitude #gratefulheart #showgratitude #begrateful #thankful #gratefulheart #gratefuleveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/CJI9TXPlbn6/?igshid=1r8vchmzudhk2
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Over the days leading up to Christmas I will be sharing the reiki precepts. A guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° With emotions running high around this time, its important to stay grounded & calm. I believe this year its more important than ever. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° The idea is to bring us into the present, to not let our thoughts derail & runaway. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today I will not anger' anger is a natural emotion within us all. Its how we deal with this natural emotion that is key. If you find yourself angered continually, its time to really review what is triggering this emotion within you, ask yourself why you continually feel like this. If you find yourself angered at the person who cuts you up in the car, or jumps the que in the shop, just for today let it go. The only person that will be affected by this anger is yourself. Your body & mind will be affected by this stress, & its only you that suffers. ° Just let it go....just for today 🙏 ° Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #4daystogo #stressrelief #stressfree #beinthenow #thepowerofnow #theuniversehasyourback #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress #christmas #christmasstress #anger #letgo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJGRRAnl7Ec/?igshid=15o9mmbfpkea7
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Over the next 5 days I will be sharing the reiki precepts. A guide given to reiki practitioners to live & practice by. They are a code of practice that helps us to embody reiki daily. ° The holidays can be hard times for us all, there is alot of emotional pressure, even more so than usual this year. ° I'm sharing these as a daily thought to help us through this period, & to ease any anxieties. ° The idea is to bring us into the present, to not let our thoughts derail & runaway. We all have worries & concerns, but with the help of the precepts we can say 'just for today' tomorrow is another day, & we can revisit it again. They speak the importance of one day at a time. Just for today I will not.... & if that feels overwhelming, you can use the sentence for just that moment. Revist the sentence as many times as you need throughout the day. ° Today we say 'just for today I will not worry' stress & worry, especially this time of year can be terribly overwhelming. Just for today as much as you can let go of that worry. The universe is always working for our highest good, trust in that process. Worrying about the past has no benefit, the past is behind us, its gone, its happened, we just have the now. Worries over the future is imaginary, it hasn't happened, so we are really worrying unnecessarily, say to yourself when you fall into this trap 'i am worrying about something that may or may not happen' & see that there is no benefit for this. Take a deep breath & bring yourself into the now, because the now is all we have. ° Enjoy the moment, be in the now, live in the present 🙏 Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #reiki #reikilondon #reikiblessings #reikishare #reikisession #reikilove #reikihealer #reikivibes #lessons #lifelessons #lessonslearned #lessonsinlife #reikiprinciples #reikiprecepts #5daystogo #stressrelief #stressfree #beinthenow #thepowerofnow #theuniversehasyourback #anxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #destress https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEjxIUlYPS/?igshid=1t9xhocej4j2r
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Happy winter solstice all..... ° New days are coming, light is entering. ° Cosmic energies are high. Meditate, manifest, pray 🙏 ✨ Charlotte, Reiki Master 🙌 Plant based recipes 🌱 www.livingjivawell.com #winter #wintersolstice2020 #wintersolstice #stonehenge #lighter #lighterdays #enterthelight #manifestation #pray #meditationpractice #meditate #cosmic #cosmicenergy #energy #energiesarehigh #holdspace #bethelight #ascension #activate https://www.instagram.com/p/CJD-lq1lWqH/?igshid=1fcaj9huktpd7
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livingjivawell · 4 years
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Tomorrow Saturn & Jupiter align, the great conjunction, & with Aquarius, signifying a new era. We enter the Age of Aquarius, for over 2000 years we have been waiting for this. Time to wake from the dream spell. Times are changing, the dawn has arrived. Move through this time with such positivity & powerful thoughts. We have the ability to lift the veil. Let there be planetry liberation 🙏 This is the final activation. Meditate today, watch your mind & thoughts. Send out as much positivity as possible ✨ #ageofaquarius #aquarius #newday #newways #newera #lifttheveil #christmasstar #saturn #jupiter #dawningoftheageofaquarius #hair #newbeginnings #ascension #thegreatconjunction #planetaryalignment #betterdaysarecoming #rebirth #bereborn #newearth #2021 #numerology #numeracy #lovenumbers https://www.instagram.com/p/CJCQMJSFP6x/?igshid=1lqureyfsv4n2
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