lovewitchmom · 9 months
Hello Darlings,
It’s December 31st, 2023 and I know many are making New Years resolutions and often times it’s about our appearance and body type. So this time I’m giving more practical input then just positivity:
Exercise alone will not help lose weight. Restricting a diet will not help lose weight. Our bodies breakdown sugars/carbohydrates/glucose into energy because they are the easiest for our body to breakdown and use. If you finish up the glucose/carbohydrates in your body, it will breakdown down the glycogen (stored sugars/glucose) in your liver. If you finish those, you’re not going to breakdown fats. You’re going to breakdown proteins as they are the next easiest molecule to break. Almost everything in your body is made of protein so you might start feeling muscles aches and body pains. Moreover, you need proteins to hold water in your blood vessels. So if you lose proteins, water will leak into your tissues and you might feel swollen and bloated. Fats are the hardest to breakdown. A persons diet and exercise needs to be adjusted accordingly.
So please please please, don’t be angry with yourself. Don’t try random diets and exercises unless you have proper guidance. I am not a dietician. But I care about all of you and wish for you to be safe
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
You know Darling, just because you forgave someone it doesn’t mean you can no longer be angry with them at the things they did. You’re allowed to still feel those emotions and be angry. Your forgiveness doesn’t simply erase your experience with them
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
Tell me about your special interests darling. Tell me about the fandoms, the subjects, the topics or facts you learned today that you are bursting to talk about but shy away because you’re scared of rejection. I love hearing about your fascinations. I like the way your eyes light up. I am awestruck at your passion that radiates from your very being as you get excited. Your grin is absolutely breathtaking and my heart breaks when you apologize for talking about it because my darling I care about you and you matter. Don’t be ashamed of your interests. I wish to hear of it because it’s captivating to learn more about it and listening to your lightness is a surge of serotonin. I love you, my darling. Always.
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
Eid Mubarak, Darlings
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
You are worth loving, caring, protecting and taking care of, Love
You shouldn’t have to earn someone’s love
You shouldn’t have beg for their love and care
You’re enough as you are
You are worth the time, energy, love and respect
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
It has been a while since we had these so:
Tell me something you’re proud of my darling. Tell me something that you’re bursting to tell that you accomplished but are scared because people might scoff, dismiss or invalidate you or that it’s not a big deal. Tell me that you’re proud of yourself for getting out of bed and eating a proper meal. Tell me you you are proud of yourself for being clean for ___ days. Tell me you’re proud of yourself for getting on the team, or talking to someone or going through your day. Big or small. Your achievements matter, I care and you are valid, my love. I love you and I’m proud of you.
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
To my darlings who never got to experience their childhood and teenage years,
I know you feel bitter about losing it and never having the chance to experience life like your peers. I see you. I know its frustrating and perhaps you might wish that you could go back and change it all so you could have at least experienced some of it. You can experience it now. I know its not the same as when you were a kid or when you were in highschool but who says you can’t experience everything that the world has to offer now? 
Our inner children and teens need an outlet and it’s okay to let them out from time to time. They did the best they could at the time with what they knew. Please remember that they were children, and treat them kindly
With all my love,
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 1 year
Hello Dearest Ones,
I am so proud of you for doing the best you can with the emotional, mental and physical energy that you have. I’m so grateful that you are here
I love you
With all my love,
Witch mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
Darlings, sometimes you’re going to fail
Sometimes even when everything is going fine, you have done all you could do to the best of your capacity, and you will still fail. You still won’t get what you wanted or have been working to achieve.
You’re allowed to cry, scream and sob. You’re allowed to feel angry and upset. You’re allowed to breakdown because you worked hard and external circumstances denied you.
Yes, cry, sob, scream. Get all those emotions out of the way. Take a break from the source of your grief and then get back up gain no matter how much your voice shakes, your legs tremble and you’re scared.
Get back up again
One more time
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
Happy New Year, Dearest Ones!
I know it is exhausting when people ask what your new years resolutions are. Its okay not to have any resolutions and just take it one day at a time. It is okay to have resolutions that are not as grandiose as others. It is okay to have bite sized resolutions. They may look small to you compared to others but darling, you are not competing with others in life. You are living your own and I am so proud of you for being here
With all my Love,
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
Your feelings and anxiety are very valid and I am proud of you my Darling Monarch for trying and speaking up
I do not know your preferred name but you are he who hides their emotions but feels so much. You are dey who have the strength of a thousand suns even when he feels exhausted. You are a they who loves so dearly. You are handsome
You are perfect
Things may not feel safe or welcomed in some spaces but here you are welcome. We are grateful you are here my Dearest
With all my love,
Witch Mom
I know its scary, frustrating and emotionally exhausting to be in a house that doesn’t feel like home
It is exhausting and I hope you know you are not the nonsense they say you are
You are not failing
You are not behind
You are not a terrible person for choosing yourself
For being real, for your identity, for who you love
You deserve so much better than what they are giving you, my Darlings
And if you need someone this holiday season, if you want someone to call you by your chosen name, feel free to pop into my inbox and I will call you by your REAL name with your proper pronouns.
We see
We hear you
You are loved and I am so glad you are here
With all my love,
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
Merry Christmas My Darlings!
I love you infinitely
Thank you for being here and making the earth a better place
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
I know its scary, frustrating and emotionally exhausting to be in a house that doesn’t feel like home
It is exhausting and I hope you know you are not the nonsense they say you are
You are not failing
You are not behind
You are not a terrible person for choosing yourself
For being real, for your identity, for who you love
You deserve so much better than what they are giving you, my Darlings
And if you need someone this holiday season, if you want someone to call you by your chosen name, feel free to pop into my inbox and I will call you by your REAL name with your proper pronouns.
We see
We hear you
You are loved and I am so glad you are here
With all my love,
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
I am bit late to this but Happy Hanukkah, My Darlings!
With all my Love
Witch Mom
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lovewitchmom · 2 years
I hope you have more manageable and kind health days, Darling one
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