maemelany · 1 month
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Pairings: Lewis Hamilton x reader 
Summary: You had spent an incredible week with Lewis before the Monaco GP. But a strange interaction with a friend of his has already stirred trouble in paradise, filling you with doubt and leaving you unsettled.
Warnings: Allusion to smut, but nothing too explicit. Angst (and a lot of frustration). Other than that, all fluff. 
Word count: 2.8k 
A/N: This one is a roller coaster. In true fashion of mine, you’ll leave with more questions than answers. (I do love torturing you guys a bit, haha.) 
And don’t hate y/n. I’m sure we’ve all been in situations like that, where we knew what was right, but still, it takes courage to do it, so we just avoided doing it. 
Enjoy it, and let’s discuss it in the comments. What would you have done? I can’t wait to read your POVs. 
Love, Mae.
Series masterlist here
Full masterlist here
You woke up in a room bathed with the sun and the water’s reflection on the wall. That was a scenery you wouldn’t mind getting used to. It was so beautiful; even after the last few days, you were still amazed every time you woke up. The man sleeping next to you was also a view you were still not getting used to. You brushed your fingers over his naked torso, soft enough to make sure you weren’t dreaming but not waking him up. 
Today was the last free day before the weekend race began. You found it funny that for Lewis, weekends usually meant work, and they started on a Friday. 
The past four days had been fantastic. You didn’t know what to expect when you agreed to come here, but the reality exceeded whatever you could have thought of. 
Lewis did not leave your side at all, showing you around the city the best he could without attracting too much attention. It was easier than you thought, as people in Monaco were so used to celebrities. You got away with only a few people asking for pictures with Lewis. No paparazzi, no invasion of privacy. 
You went to the best restaurants and had terrific conversations, confirming what you already knew. Lewis’s personality was better than his looks. You still didn’t think you would ever be the biggest F1 fan, but you were a fan of his. And despite your aversion to speed, you found you had a lot of things in common, the most surprising being your love for Indian food. 
Lewis asked you what you would love to eat one evening, and you didn’t hesitate to ask if he knew of any good Indian restaurant around. Oh, he did; just thinking about that place made your stomach growl. 
Which was another reason you woke up so early. You were hungry, and you also wanted to surprise Lewis with breakfast. 
The boat’s kitchen was loaded with food, and you were glad that there were a lot of veggies, which wasn’t at all surprising, Lewis being vegan. 
You were almost done when you felt Lewis’s arms around your waist. You smiled, enjoying the embrace.
“Hello,” he whispered, leaving small kisses on your shoulder. “You’re up early today.” 
You couldn’t explain with words what his morning voice was doing to you. The raspy sound just felt so intimate you just wanted to go back to bed again. 
You shook your head, trying to focus. He was not going to ruin your perfect breakfast surprise. 
“You took it very seriously when I asked you to wear my shirt, didn’t you?” he said, openly staring at your body in his shirt and nothing else. 
“You don’t like it? I can remove it,” you said, teasing him 
He raised his eyebrows, still not looking at you. “Please do” 
“You’re unbelievable,” you said, laughing 
Again, you could definitely get used to it. It felt so natural being in his arms, enjoying his kisses and feeling so wanted. It didn’t matter if you were wearing a sexy dress or a – his – t-shirt, Lewis made you feel like you were the hottest person in the world. 
“You are not going to ruin my surprise, sir. We are having breakfast. Like normal people.” 
Lewis chuckled. “Normal people? I thought we were already normal people.” 
“Normal people don’t have sex every morning and take naps right after because they’re too tired,” you said, searching for plates.  
He burst out laughing. “I told you we needed to build your stamina.” 
“Well, I’ll build it by having breakfast.” 
“Fine. What do we have here?” Lewis asked 
When you found the plates, you turned around to face him. Lewis was looking at the frying pan while making a weird face. 
“Don’t worry, it’s vegan. I used chickpea flour and water,” you said, placing the plates on the counter. 
“Hmm,” Lewis said, still staring at the omelettes. 
You were now confused. “What?” 
He shook his head, giving him a smile he might have thought reassuring, but really it was concerning. Maybe he had a very structured nutrition plan, and you were messing with it, especially a day before the races started. 
“We can skip breakfast; it’s okay,” you finally said 
“Oh no. You woke up early for this; of course, we’ll have breakfast. It looks yummy.” 
Now, it was your turn to raise an eyebrow. “Okay…” 
Lewis was silent as you two started eating. Eating was a big word as you were the only one actually putting stuff in your mouth. He was simply playing around it as if he was trying to avoid something. 
He caught you staring and as if to reassure you, took a bite. You watched him chew slowly and then swallow it before making a tortured sound. You would have laughed if you weren’t so frustrated. 
 “Seriously, Lewis. What is it? You can tell me if you think it’s not good.” 
“It’s not that it’s not good. I’m sure it is. Actually, that bite wasn’t …” 
“Then what is it?” you asked, out of patience. 
“Onions! It’s the damn onions,” he finally said, pushing the plate away from him. 
You blanked. And then you started panicking the second after. 
“Oh my god! Are you allergic? Lewis, what the fuck! Please tell me you’re not allergic to onions.”
“I’m not. I just… I hate it. It’s disgusting.” 
You stared at him, shocked. “You… hate onions?” 
“I do! If I can’t see it, it’s fine; I’ll eat it because, well, I don’t know what’s in it. But this…” he said, pointing at his plate. “I tried to eat it; I swear, love.  I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but Jesus, why did you need to put so much? It’s everywhere!” 
He looked so offended. You couldn’t help it anymore, and you burst out laughing. You couldn’t stop laughing, holding your stomach. 
“Oh, you think it’s funny,” he said, getting closer to you 
“I’m sorry, Lewis. It’s just… I wasn’t…” you couldn’t even finish a sentence without laughing. “I mean… it’s onions.” 
“And I hate it.” 
He then tried to explain his hatred for onions; every word he said made you laugh harder.
“I’m sorry, I’ll try to avoid onions when I cook for you in the future,” you said when you finally stopped laughing. 
You noticed how he tensed a little when you said it, but you didn’t think much about it. Instead, you let yourself be distracted as he held you up and put you on the counter. 
“I was promised breakfast, though,” he said, his hands on your knees. 
You didn’t fight it as he spread your legs. “And I always keep my promises.” 
“I’m sure you do,” he whispered. 
You watched Lewis’s face disappear between your legs, forever changing the meaning of breakfast in your mind. 
You startled awake, disoriented for a few seconds. The sun was now high up and shining bright. 
“She’s up,” Lewis said, playing with your hair.
It came back to you how Lewis made you scream his name in the kitchen and then carried you to the sundeck because you momentarily forgot how to use your legs. You sunbathed, enjoying the sun while cuddling with Lewis. And of course, you fell asleep, because how not to when you were so relaxed? 
“I think you were right about building my stamina,” you said 
Lewis laughed. “I like you tired; it means I did a great job.” 
“I’m sure you do.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon lounging and talking. It felt good talking about everything from the weekend to what you had planned for the weeks ahead. 
You never felt like you were boring him. He always listened, asked questions, and made sure you felt heard. 
You wouldn’t have minded spending the rest of the day doing just that, talking and enjoying each other’s presence. But Lewis asked you if you wanted to meet his friends during a dinner they had planned. 
That was how you ended up in Matt’s apartment. They were old friends, and Matt did not ask questions when Lewis introduced you as his friend. You also met Charlotte, his personal assistant, and she was just the most charming woman. She confessed to following you on social media, and you ended up having a nice conversation about a current drama on TikTok.
Lewis made fun of you two for being so addicted to social media, and Charlotte joked that he was just old. 
You were having an amazing time, enjoying nice conversations and hearing funny stories about Lewis. Everything was perfect until Jessica arrived. 
Jessica was a petite, stunning brunette with big brown eyes. She seemed to know everyone, making them laugh and effortlessly captivating their attention. 
She was your total opposite, and you were okay with it. You learned to accept that it took you longer to be entirely comfortable with strangers and that you will never be the life of the party. You were too reserved for that, and while that type of charisma was to be saluted, it simply wasn’t who you were. 
But then, it wasn’t her behaviour that made you so uncomfortable; it was how she kept touching Lewis. His shoulder, his lap, the woman’s hands were everywhere. It was subtle, but you sure noticed it. Judging by the sorry glances you got, everybody noticed it except Lewis. 
“All good?” Lewis whispered when your eyes met 
You opened your mouth, ready to answer, but were stopped by his phone ringing. He apologized and moved away to take the call. 
With Matt busy with dessert in the kitchen with Charlotte, you were left alone with Jessica. You didn’t know what to say, so you smiled at her before making yourself look busy on your phone. 
“So, you’re with Lewis? God, he picks them younger and younger.” 
You raised your head from your phone. You blinked at her, not sure what she meant and why she was saying that. 
“Excuse me?” you finally said, wanting to make sure you heard her right 
Jessica smiled. But there was nothing nice about it; it felt condescending and as if she was just pitying you. 
“I’m not trying to upset you. It’s just, I guess, girl code, you know. I’m just warning you here.”
Girl code? It sure didn’t feel like it. 
“Thank you, but I’ll pass. We’re fine,” you said, still trying to keep calm. 
“We?” Jessica said with a small laugh. “What? He let you stay at his place for a few nights and made you feel like you were so amazing, and now you think you’re an item? Common girl” 
 Jessica kept talking, but you stopped paying attention. You glitched at what she said before. You stayed at his place for a few nights… 
Jessica was trying to make fun of you, but the irony was that you just realized you’d never been to Lewis’s actual place. 
You were so distracted by everything you didn’t even stop to think that, surely, Lewis did not live in that yacht. 
Lewis came back, and then Matt and Charlotte, but you didn’t. You were stuck in your thoughts, trying to figure out what Jessica had implied. You laughed on key when everyone was laughing but weren’t in it anymore; you just wanted to leave. 
The mood didn’t light up when you and Lewis left. You were silent the entire drive back to the marina. He had asked you if everything was okay, but you weren’t ready for that conversation. 
One, because it wasn’t the right time; you didn’t want to distract him from what he had to do the rest of the week. But the main reason you didn’t want to have that talk was that you were scared of what he would say. 
You weren’t ready to hear that you had been delusional and that those past days didn’t mean what you thought they meant. 
“y/n? Are you okay?” Lewis asked again when you got inside the yacht. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m just tired.”
By the time you finished your skincare routine, avoiding Lewis, you were tired—but not physically. You were tired from overthinking, and you just wanted to sleep the hurt away. 
“Are you sleeping, love?” Lewis whispered when he joined you in the bed 
You weren’t, but still didn’t answer. He held you closer to him as your eyes remained closed. 
The next day, you woke up to Lewis getting ready to go to the circuit. You watched him silently as he got ready, smiling at his routine. 
“Hey,” He said when he noticed you were awake 
“Hey,” you responded
The air had never been so tense between the two of you. Usually, the conversation was easygoing; you didn’t even have to think about it. Even the silences were usually peaceful. Right now, the silence was heavy. 
“Do you… do you always stay on this yacht when you’re in Monaco?” you finally asked 
“Hmm, no? I have a place in the city. Why?” he asked you, distracted by an email he was reading.
You thought so. Jessica was right. 
“I think I’ll book a hotel room. You need time to focus, and I don’t want to be in the way.” 
This time, Lewis raised his eyes to look at you. They were full of incomprehension. He wanted to say something but stopped. 
“If that’s what you want, sure. I’ll book you something.” 
Your heart broke a little bit more. 
“I’ve already taken care of it, don’t worry about it.” 
You had just lied but didn’t want him to book the hotel. You could do it yourself. 
“You’ll still come to the races, right?” 
That confirmed it – you were getting dismissed after Sunday 
“Of course.” 
He nodded. It felt like he was hurt, and you couldn’t understand why. This was just another weekend for him. His friend even said so. 
“I’ll see you there then,” Lewis said before leaving the room 
No goodbye, no kisses. It hurt. 
While you still attended the race on Sunday, you stayed away from the track the days before. 
You didn’t even leave your hotel room, focusing on work to keep you occupied. Lewis did not reach out, and you didn’t either. It felt so weird after spending every second with him only a few days before. 
The race on Sunday was good. You saw him briefly before it started. He seemed surprised and yet happy to see you there. The hug he gave you also felt good. It lasted a few seconds more than a normal hug, and you enjoyed every second. 
“Can we talk after the race?” Lewis whispered 
He was called for a last-minute meeting before you could give him an answer. 
After that, you watched the race from the Mercedes hospitality suite. No matter what was going on, you were still rooting for Lewis. And him making the podium again this week made you happy. 
One more time, you didn’t feel it appropriate to celebrate with the rest of the team. 
They had sacrificed so much. They knew what it meant to Lewis. They knew Lewis. You didn’t feel like you did. 
You were about to leave again when you ran into Lewis on the stairs. He was smiling, but it disappeared when he noticed your bag in your hands. He knew you were about to leave. 
He took your hand and started walking towards his room. 
“Lewis,” you said, but he wasn’t listening. 
“What the hell is going on, Y/n?” Lewis said when he closed the door. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be celebrating or having interviews?” 
“What is going on, y/n?” he repeated. “We had the most amazing week, and then you just… what happened?”
You didn’t understand why he was so confused. Wasn’t it what he wanted? 
“Your friend, Jessica. She’s not just a friend, is she?” 
He looked more confused. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
“Why did we spend the entire week on the boat?” you finally asked. “Was I the savour of the week? You impressed me, and then what, on to the next one next week?” 
Lewis seemed to finally understand. “Y/n, love…” 
He got interrupted by a knock on the door. “Press conferences are about to start,” the voice said 
“Fuck” Lewis said
He looked at you, his eyes pleading. “I can explain everything. Come to Spain with me. I’ll explain everything on the flight.” 
You had a dry laugh. “Common, Lewis” 
“Please. I planned on asking you to come all along. Shit just happened. Fly with him, and I’ll answer all your questions. If it doesn’t satisfy you, I’ll get you on the first plane from Barcelona to New York.” 
He waited for your answer, a more impatient knock interrupting him again. 
That was the last thing he said before leaving you there. Stay and fly to Spain with him?
Every ounce of self-preservation in you was screaming for you to leave. But there was that tiny bit of hope whispering that this week must have meant something. It had to…
Taglsit (let me know if you want to be added) :
@carelessreadersstuff @champagneproblems17 @shelbyteller @xoscar03 @lh44girl
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maemelany · 1 month
RACING HEARTS (Masterlist)
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Y/N, a successful influencer, and Lewis Hamilton, the 7 times (8 really) F1 champion, find themselves drawn together by an undeniable connection. Their journey takes them through exhilarating highs and heart-wrenching lows. Will they be able to hold onto what they have found in each other and stay together?
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maemelany · 2 months
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Pairings: Lewis Hamilton x reader 
Summary: You and Lewis have been talking for a few weeks now, and he invited you to the Monaco GP. You can’t deny the attraction anymore. 
Warnings: smut – light but still smut 
Word count: 1.5k 
Series masterlist here
part 3 here
A/N: Part 1 of part 2 (I know it’s a mouthful) is here. It’s shorter, but since it’s divided into two parts, I thought it was okay to share it. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Let me know how you feel about it and if you want to be added to the tag list. 
Love, Mae. 
You were invited to the Cannes Festival. It was your third year attending, but this time, it felt different. 
The first time, you were scared to make a mistake or fail off the steps. The second time around, you were shocked to still be invited. You had more fun, but that feeling of not belonging was still present. This year, you were just having fun. You felt more confident, and you finally accepted that you deserved it. That your hard work was appreciated and that you belonged. 
It was also exciting because Cannes was not your final destination. You spent the first week there, climbing the stairs and attending a few parties for some sponsors, and then you were off to Monte-Carlo. 
You had not stopped talking to Lewis since the Miami race. It happened naturally, and you talked almost every day about anything and everything. 
You mentioned travelling to France for the Cannes Festival, and Lewis did not hesitate to ask if you would have time to come to his race. 
Of course, you said yes. You had to tweak some things in your schedule, but you could not deny to yourself that you were happy to see him again. 
You went from denying that something could happen to hoping something was indeed happening. 
You’d never been to Monte Carlo, so you enjoyed the view from the back of the car. It was night, so the city was shining, and the view did not disappoint. 
Monaco’s nightlife was known all over the world, but witnessing it was something else. It felt like everybody was out, having fun and wearing incredible outfits.  
Suddenly, you did not feel as overdressed as you first thought when you left your last event in Nice without changing to catch a helicopter to Monte-Carlo. 
When the car left you in front of the marina, you weren’t sure where to go. It was just a line of yachts, and you never asked Lewis where you were supposed to meet exactly. 
You turned around, and there he was. You couldn’t help but smile as he approached you. He hugged you, and you embraced it without hesitation. He smelled so good. 
“I’m so glad you came. You look fantastic,” he said when he moved back 
“Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” 
You weren’t lying. Lewis’s style was implacable and today was no exception. He smiled and extended his hand for you to hold it. You took it, your heart skipping another bit. 
“So, you said it was your first time in Monaco, right?” he asked you 
You nodded. “Yep. I never got the chance or the time to stop here. Plus, I don’t know anyone that lives here, and I don’t speak French.” 
“Now you do. I mean, my French is pretty bad, don’t get me wrong, but I’ll show you around.” 
You simply smiled, not sure what to say. Lewis then stopped in front of a beautiful, greyish yacht.
“I don’t know if you have a hotel room reserved, but we have rooms here if you want. I thought we could anchor out at sea for the night, and I’ll show you around the city tomorrow?” 
You thought about it for a few seconds. You did not have a room reserved, and you felt ashamed to admit it. You left Nice in a rush, and you were too busy during the past week to make arrangements. 
Lewis could see that you were spinning your wheels, so he guided you inside. 
“Let me show you around,” he said 
He showed you the yacht's common spaces. You could tell that he was passionate about it as he talked about how fast it could go and the updates they made to improve the boat.
You did not know much about boats, but his enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself asking questions. 
As the evening passed, you became more relaxed and even told him a few jokes about weird situations you found yourself in Cannes. 
There were also subtle touches. Lewis’s love language seemed to be physical touch, as he started to touch your arm distractedly as you two talked. 
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” he asked you again after a peaceful blank in the conversation. 
You could feel your cheeks getting warm despite the fresh breeze on the upper deck. 
“You did, but I don’t mind you repeating yourself.” 
Lewis smiled.“Well, you look beautiful. And you smell amazing; what is it?” 
You opened your mouth, ready to share your perfume’s name, but he stopped you. “Let me try and guess it.” 
Before you could add something, he got closer. You could hear him breathe as his face got closer to your neck. 
“I’m going to say… there’s bergamot in it?” 
“Nope… try again” you whispered 
He got closer, his lips almost touching your neck now. 
You chuckled. “How do you go from bergamot to vanilla? They’re like, totally opposite.” 
“Hmm…” he said, now leaving tiny kisses on your neck 
You closed your eyes. It felt good. “Try one more time.” 
You could feel him grinning. You knew he would not guess it, but you didn’t want him to pull away.
“What do I get if I guess it?” he asked. 
Your smile broadened. There was no way he was going to guess it. “Anything you want” 
Lewis froze for a second but did not pull away. “Anything? That’s a big bet.” 
“Something’s telling me I’ll win anyway,” you said, your heart beating faster. 
He kissed your neck one more time; this time, you couldn’t help a small moan to escape your mouth.
“It’s musk. And there’s also a bit of Amber. Spices too” 
It was your turn to freeze. You opened your eyes and pulled away from him. The shock must have been plastered on your face because Lewis burst out laughing. 
“I guess I won,” he said when he calmed down 
 “How did you… you said bergamot first!” you asked, still in shock 
His mischievous smile you were growing to love was on. “How about I get my prize, and then I tell you my secret?” 
You almost forgot about that. You did say he could have anything he wanted if he guessed it right. 
“Okay, what do you want?” 
“How about I show you?” he said. “Come here.” 
The tone of his voice left no room for hesitation. You found yourself getting closer until your knees were touching. He was looking at you; everything you needed to know about how he felt or what he wanted was pretty clear. 
“Stop me if you don’t want it, but I’m about to kiss you. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.” 
You opened your mouth and then closed it. Nobody had ever been so direct to you. 
“I want it,” you whispered. 
He softly touched your face, and you closed your eyes. You could feel his soft touch on your cheek, and then he stopped at your mouth, opening it with two fingers. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. 
You smiled, but it didn’t last, as you gasped right after. Lewis was kissing your neck again, but this time, it wasn’t soft kisses. You could feel the butterfly migrating to your stomach and then even lower.
“Lewis…” you whispered 
“Hmm?” he said, still giving attention to your neck.
“I…” you wanted more, but you couldn’t say it. Instead, you pushed your hands in his hair, pressing him closer. 
“I won, remember? I’m doing whatever I want, y/n.” 
His hands were everywhere. In your hair, on your face, your breasts. He was teasing you. You wanted him to kiss you. If you were honest with yourself, you wanted more than that. But he was taking his sweet time, working you until you couldn’t stop the moans from escaping your mouth. 
When he pressed your nipples harder, the thin fabric of your dress not posing any blockage, you lost it. You grabbed him closer as you could feel yourself getting closer. 
“Fuck…” he whispered and then made you climb his lap. 
You were still catching your breath when he pulled you up. You were now on his lap, feeling his erection between you. 
“Kiss me,” he said, looking at you. 
You did not hesitate and kissed him. It felt like home. Like you’ve been kissing for ages. It was soft at first but then got more intense as he pressed you closer to him. 
You started to move, straddling his lap as the kiss got deeper. You gasped when he pushed his hand between your thighs, under your dress. Without hesitating, Lewis parted your panties and plunged a finger into you. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered 
“Not him, all me,” he chuckled. “Say it, love.” 
“Lewis,” you moaned his name, gasping against his mouth when he added another finger. 
“That’s it, love, come for me.” 
It felt like it was all you were waiting for, him asking you to come. You curled your toes inside your high heels, squeezed your legs as much as you could and came. 
“Oh my god,” you managed to say in a shaky breath. 
Lewis smiled, softly kissing your temple. You stayed like that for what felt like forever, enjoying the breeze and Lewis caressing your back. 
“I’m taking it you’re staying the night,” he finally said 
You chuckled. You were staying. In fact, you didn’t just stay that night; you stayed the entire week. 
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maemelany · 2 months
hi!!!!! can i be added to the racing heart taglist? I loved part one
Hey!!! thank you so much! I will 💛
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maemelany · 2 months
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Well hello, 
Life happened, and I didn’t write a fanfic in … three years, lol. 
I did write an actual book and will probably publish it sometime next year – but I needed a break from it. So here’s a small something (don’t know if it’s going to be a series, no promises here) 
Anyway, I’m back and enjoy
Summary: y/n is an influencer who is doing very well currently. She has no interest in F1 and only watches races because her little brother is a huge fan. So when a sponsor offers her passes for the Miami weekend with Mercedes, she cannot refuse and decides to surprise her little brother. 
But will he be the only one to be surprised? 
Warnings: none, just fluff 
Word count: 3.2k 
Part II here
Friday Practice Sessions
It was hot. You expected the sun to be out because it was Miami, after all, and you were glad you went with that light summer dress you got gifted by a brand after the Paris fashion week a few months ago. 
The paddock was full of celebrities, some you recognized and had seen before, and others you were simply starstruck to encounter in such a casual environment. Especially since it was still Friday, not even the actual race day. 
Of course, the Miami F1 weekend was big, and getting paddock tickets was a big deal. And even if you suddenly forgot how lucky you were, your little brother was there to remind you.  
Of course, you worked hard to get to where you were now. A few years back, brands couldn’t care less about you. You had to work hard, take your content to the next level, and be consistent—all that while working two jobs to invest in what you knew you were born to do. 
And it paid off. You were still shocked when people you’d only seen on TV knew your name or actors you fangirled on started conversing with you in red carpet lines. 
But really, days like today were what you were most grateful for. The best part of your work was making the people you loved enjoy life, and your brother was ecstatic. With the big age gap between you, you hadn’t had many opportunities to bond. Your brother was eighteen years younger than you and was born after your mother remarried and finally found the happiness she deserved. 
You loved your brother more than anything, but he wasn’t usually the most talkative nine-year-old boy around. 
Maybe he’d talked more since you’d arrived in Miami than he had this entire year. 
But it suddenly stopped when you got to the sponsor’s hospitality suit. Your brother was speechless as soon as he saw the car on display. You found it funny, recording all his reactions to share with your mom later. 
“Y/n, this is crazy. Look how big the tires are!” your brother said, kneeling in front of the car. 
You laughed and nodded. It still wasn’t your scene, but he made it exciting to be there. 
The sponsor’s hospitality suit was something else. Honestly, you weren’t expecting that level of comfort. You had access to free drinks and personalized merch, and they even told you one of the drivers would give you a tour of the circuit later. 
“Do you think we’ll see Lewis today?” Your brother asked 
You chuckled. You may have been a novice in F1, but Lewis Hamilton, that was a name you recognized. 
Not only because he was your little brother’s hero but because you had seen him from afar a few times at events over the years. 
“I don’t think so, but we’ll definitely see him drive.” 
And, of course, you were wrong. 
About an hour after you made that statement, a few gasps, including your brother’s, distracted you from your phone, and you looked up. 
They were pretty far from where you stood, but you could see them. Lewis and George were there, all smiles and already talking to people. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Y/n, do you see what I see?!” your brother cried out. 
You couldn’t help but laugh again. Your brother, who was usually so reserved, was so excited you barely recognized him. 
“Well, let’s go meet them before you pass out,” you said, taking his hand. 
You made your way to the small group around the drivers, waiting patiently for a chance to interact. You could tell your brother was getting more nervous, his gentle and timid nature taking over. 
It was George who noticed and approached you first. He shook your hand and nicely introduced himself to both of you. Your brother tried to keep it cool, only betrayed by how he squeezed your hand. It was only when he asked for a picture with George that things took a turn. 
“What tires do you think you’ll use tomorrow? Please don’t go for the hard again; your car is already lacking pace,” your brother suddenly asked. 
George looked surprised by the question, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Yep, the geek was back with a vengeance. 
Maybe it was George’s face or your loud laugh, but something caught Lewis’ attention, and he stared in your direction before approaching. 
“Y/n?” Lewis said, now, close to your small group 
George raised an eyebrow. “You guys know each other?” 
Lewis did not break eye contact with you and nodded. “You can say that we’ve bumped into each other before.” 
You bit your lip. You wished he had forgotten that. It was the weirdest exchange you’d ever had. You did talk to Lewis once in New York. The event organizer had introduced you, and Lewis was a sweetheart. He was all smiles and shook your hand. He had introduced himself in such a humble way as if half the world did not know who he was. 
But when it was your turn to introduce yourself, things went wrong. You couldn’t pinpoint what destabilized you so much, his angelic face or how he looked at you, but you mumbled something you weren’t sure he understood and then said the most cringy thing ever. ‘I love your dog’
The awkward gene was either running in the family, or there was something about F1 drivers that brought out people's weirdness. 
“I didn’t think you’d remember that,” you finally said, blinking a few times. 
“Oh, I do remember,” Lewis said with a mischievous smile. 
Your brother squeezed your hand, reminding you that people were still around you. 
“Oh, and this is my little brother, y/b/n. He’s a huge fan of yours,” you said 
Lewis kneeled in front of your brother to be at his height. “Nice to meet you, y/b/n. I’m Lewis.”
Your brother frowned and looked at Lewis, then the hand that he was reaching out to him.
Watching your baby brother meet his idol was the funniest thing, and you took out your camera to record it. 
Your brother finally shook Lewis’s hand, telling him how much he loved him. 
“Aww,” you whispered, watching the interaction from your camera lens. 
Lewis looked up at you and smiled before focusing again on your brother. He spent a good ten minutes talking to you both, answering every question your brother had, and even laughing with you at the odd ones your brother shot his way. 
“Lewis, we have to go.” a man approached you and said 
Lewis finally stood up and looked at you with a huge smile. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer and tinkling. Lewis was hot, making it even more destabilizing because he wasn’t even trying. His natural charm and kindness were already enough, but his looks were just a bonus - A bonus you weren’t complaining about. 
“It was really nice chatting with you. And I can’t wait to compete against you in a few years, big guy.” Lewis said 
Your brother frowned. “I’m still karting; you will be gone by the time I’m in F1.” 
Lewis laughed, not at all offended by your brother taking things so literally. 
“I’ll try to wait for you.”   
He smiled one last time at you before saying goodbye. 
None of you said a word for a few minutes. Both of you sinking in what had just happened. 
“Lewis Hamilton is a cool guy,” your brother finally said 
“Yep, he is,” you said, chuckling. 
Your brother had explained what would happen today, but you did not pay attention to his explanation. But now, it suddenly felt more interesting than you thought it would be. 
The cars were fast—faster than on TV, and nothing compared to the many karting races you’ve watched your brother run. 
“And they do that for hours on Sunday?” you asked 
“Yep,” your brother said, a massive smile on his face. 
You could tell he was imagining himself in one of those fast cars one day. And you promised yourself to do whatever you could to help him achieve his dreams. 
Lewis did great during the practice sessions, at least according to your brother's detailed commentary when you asked him if he enjoyed his day.
You were about to leave the paddock with your brother when you heard someone shout your name. 
You turn around to find a man running after you. You frowned, trying to remember if you knew him but couldn’t remember ever meeting that person. 
Still, you stopped, waiting for him to reach you. 
“I’m so sorry for screaming like that. I’m Jamie, I’m on Lewis’s PR team.” 
“Oh, okay…” 
You weren’t sure what to say or why someone from Lewis’ team was looking for you. You patiently waited for the man to catch his breath and tell you what was happening. 
“Sorry… you two walk pretty fast, you know,” he said, chuckling 
He then handed you two yellow passes. You were even more confused. 
“These are VIP tickets for tomorrow and Sunday. Lewis wanted you to have it.”
The confusion was only growing now. Why did Lewis want you to have VIP tickets? Weren’t the paddock tickets already VIP ones? This day, this sport was only getting weirder by the second. 
Jamie must have spotted your confusion because he proceeded to explain what the tickets would allow you to do. Basically, they would allow you access to the garage, the cars, and the Mercedes team during the races. 
“Sick!” your brother said, excited. 
You thanked him and returned to your hotel, wondering why Lewis gave you the tickets. 
Once in your hotel room, you kept thinking about it. You decided not to read too much about it and to accept that it must be a kind gesture to your little brother. Lewis must have seen how passionate he was about F1 and what a gift it would be for someone like him to watch the races up close, next to the people who actually made it happen. 
It had to be why because you refused to believe it could be more. You refused to believe it could be about you. 
You decided to share some content on your social media to change your mind. After all, that was why you were offered the tickets in the first place. 
You went on Instagram, ready to share more about the day on your feed, but you couldn’t help but go on Lewis’s profile. You had a huge smile when you saw his latest post, a picture of him and Roscoe entering the paddock earlier today. 
You were about to leave his page when something odd caught your attention. It said follow back, not just follow. You went blank for a few seconds before realizing what was going on. 
He followed you. It couldn’t have happened a long time ago; it had to be today. So you scrolled through your notifications and found it. He did start following you today, and just like that, your mind started spiralling again. 
You followed him back but did not say anything. Again, you preferred to avoid any assumptions. 
Saturday Qualifications
It was very hot, just like the day before. But there were more people today, as the qualification sessions were more entertaining and significant. 
Your brother was super excited about seeing the actual racing cars and being able to touch them. He even knew some of the engineers’ names and couldn’t wait to meet them. 
When you arrived at the Mercedes motorhome, Jamie met you, the same guy who gave you the tickets the day before. He gave you a small tour of the place, and your brother took pictures of the most basic things. 
You passed George’s room, but he was busy, and you couldn’t say hi. But when you were in front of Lewis’s room, you found yourself hoping you could see him. Just to thank him for the tickets, you told yourself. 
“Look who we’ve got here. Hello guys,” Lewis said when he saw you 
He gave your brother a fist bump before turning to you. Suddenly, you didn’t know what to do, give him a fist bump too, or just wave or… 
You didn’t have time to overthink it as Lewis pulled you into a quick hug. It wasn’t that deep; it could even be classified as a half hug, but still, it was enough for your heart to miss a bit. 
You could feel his toned arm around you and how he smelled so good. Again, your cheeks were starting to betray you, so you looked down. 
“Thank you for the tickets, Lewis. Y/b/n is never going to forget this weekend.” 
“I’m happy he’s having fun. I hope you’re having fun, too.” 
“Oh, I am. Not gonna lie, I’m not the big fan here; he is,” you said, pointing at your brother, who was now talking with an engineer. “But it’s growing on me. I don’t know if it’s the special treatment or the actual driving, but I like it,” you said, laughing. 
Lewis was still looking at you; his smile didn’t move. It only became more mischievous. “We can test that theory right now.” 
Something told you the driver was up to no good. “I’m not sure I like this look, Lewis,” you said 
He laughed this time. His laugh was just contagious. 
A few minutes later, with a few waivers signed and a helmet on your head, you were inside a car with Lewis on the other side. 
“Did I mention that I don’t like speed? I did, right? I barely passed my driving license; I don’t even like cars,” you mumbled as he started the engine. 
The people outside were laughing; even your brother was laughing outside, recording it all. Everybody found it funny, but you didn’t. 
“Please don’t go too far,” you said, turning to face Lewis 
He had that smile again. The one that clearly stated that he was up to no good. “Now, where would be the fun in that?” 
You didn’t have time to argue as he started the car. The sound alone made you scream. He was fast. You could feel your heart beating; it felt like being in the front row of a roller coaster. 
“Oh my god! Lewis!” you screamed again as he took a corner at a speed you couldn’t comprehend. 
“So, do you like the sport more now?” he asked you, smiling 
“Hell no, this is madness,” you said, relieved as you could see the garage getting closer 
“Wrong answer,” Lewis said, accelerating again and missing the stop line. 
“Lewis!” you screamed, but he had found it amusing because he went even faster, something you didn’t think was possible at this stage. “Oh my god, I’m so going to die.” 
He laughed. “No, you’re not. I’m a seven-time champion, remember?”
“Eight. My brother told me eight.” You said, knowing exactly what you were doing. 
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Lewis said, laughing 
In the end, you did three laps. The last one was the worst. You screamed so much Lewis couldn’t stop laughing. It was pure chaos. 
When you got out of the car, you immediately removed your helmet and turned around to Lewis. 
“You do that for a living? Are you okay?” you asked 
He laughed again. “This doesn’t even get close to the feeling you get in the actual racing car, you know.” 
You turned around to look at your brother, who was still recording. Suddenly, you were happy that he was too young to have the same experience. 
“And you want to do that later too? You want to drive like a crazy person for a living?” 
He just nodded as if it was the silliest question ever. 
You spent another hour with Lewis and the crew, talking about the car and watching them prepare for the qualifying session. 
Even when the atmosphere got more serious, Lewis was still pleasant, talking to you and making you feel included. He took the time to explain some basic things. Things that your little brother did not have the patience or time to explain to you. Y/b/n had found a spot close to the pit wall and was too mesmerized to pay attention to you. 
You watched as Lewis and George completed their laps. The team seemed pretty happy with the final results. While they did not get pole position, Lewis ended up P3 and George P5. That was good enough, considering how they started the season. 
Race Day
Your brother was awake before the sun even rose. He sang in the shower, repeating every five seconds that it was race day like you didn’t know. 
He would make you hate the sport at this pace instead of liking it. 
Y/b/n insisted that you both wear some Mercedes merch you were gifted the day before, and of course, no was not an answer he was willing to take. 
So you ended up in the garage, wearing a white Mercedes t-shirt with George’s 63 in the back. 
The atmosphere was different; it felt electric, and you liked it. You couldn’t experience backstage that way in any other sport.  And it didn’t hurt to have Tom Cruise next to you, making jokes and chatting as if you were old friends. 
“Now, that’s offensive.” 
You recognized Lewis’s voice before you even turned around. He was already in his race suit, sunglasses on. That man knew what he was doing for sure. 
It took you a few seconds to remember what he just said. You asked what he meant, and he removed his sunglasses, using them to point at your t-shirt. 
“After the thrills I gave you, you’re rocking George’s number on your back? I’m offended, y/n” 
You laughed and explained yourself. “There was no way I was wearing that purple sweater under this heat, Lewis. It was the only white t-shirt my brother was okay with me wearing.” 
“So you would have worn mine if it weren’t for the heat?” he asked, smirking. 
Again, you could feel your cheeks betraying you. But you didn’t back down. You stared right at him and nodded. “Yes, I’m more of a 44 girl.” 
“I like that,” Lewis said, smiling at you. 
As much as you wanted to ignore it, you couldn’t. It was there. You liked the smiles, those little stares, and the attention Lewis gave you. At this stage, it was pure attraction; you didn’t know him that well, but the little you had seen only made you more attracted to him. The way he was always laughing and how he treated your brother and his team. You wouldn’t say no to getting to know him better.
You watched the race, finding yourself rooting openly for him and celebrating with the team when he finished at the second place. 
You watched him celebrate with his loved ones; the champagne part was definitely your favourite. Nobody told you that you got to see hot, sweaty men - especially Lewis - pouring champagne and getting champagne poured at them. 
A sight for sore eyes indeed. 
Things got hectic after the race. Between the interviews Lewis had to do, the other people he had to meet, and the flight you had to catch as your brother had school the following day – you didn’t have time to say goodbye. 
It felt unfinished. You wished you had time to talk more, but you were still happy you and y/n/b got to experience that. 
You were already in your seat on the plane when you got the notification from Instagram. You couldn’t help but grin as you read it. 
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maemelany · 3 years
Hi! I just finished fixing the broken for the 2nd time. I absolutely adored it! I was wondering if you were working on something new. I can’t wait 😀😀
Hello! I am so so happy that you liked the series❤️. I won’t lie to you tho...  I’ve not been writing, like at all, since I finished Fixing the Broken. Life has been crazy aaaand I’ve been lazy😫. BUT I’m going to start this new Harry Styles Fanfic very soon (like next week) (and it’s called Love on Tour... I know... very original🤣), and I’ll write some Chris Evans and Tom Hiddleston one-shots too.
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maemelany · 3 years
Fixing the Broken (Epilogue)
Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worst.
You’ve been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn’t want to let you go; he doesn’t want to give up on your marriage.
Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?
Warnings: None, just Fluff (Yes, you’re reading it right, only fluff)  
Word Count: 1.2+k  
Pairing : Chris Evans x Reader
A/N: And that’s a wrap!  I can’t even thank you enough for the support and the love you guys showed me the past month. I really hope you enjoy this part. After all the angst I made you endure, you deserve it 😂
I can’t wait to share more stories with you.
Love x Mae  ❤️
Main Masterlist 
Series Masterlist, Part 11 
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Happy at last.
You stood by the door of the brand-new finished room of your brand-new home. You smiled, shaking your head when you thought about how Chris convinced you that moving to an even bigger house was a good idea. It all started with a compromise, something your husband and you had learnt to master to perfection.
Despite your first apprehensions, you fell in love with the house the moment you saw it. You absolutely loved it, but not more than Chris, and definitely not more than Dodger. Your dog was for sure the most excited one about the new house, and you smiled as you remembered him running everywhere, enjoying the backyard for the first time.
You loved the backyard too, but your favorite room was this one, the one you were standing in right now. It wasn’t the biggest, you weren’t even done with the decoration, but it was the room that brought you the most joy.
“How are my two favorite girls?”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hide the amused smile. You leaned into your husband’s embrace as he hugged you from behind. You stood there together, gazing at the nursery.
“I told you a hundred times, it’s a boy,” you said
“Tell your mama she’s wrong,” Chris said, gently touching your bump.
It happened during the past summer, in Paris. At least, you two agreed on that. The fact that you weren’t even trying to get pregnant made it more special. After your return from vacation, when you’d started to get sick, Chris was the first to suspect pregnancy. You laughed at his face, convinced that it couldn’t be, but after he insisted, you took the pregnancy test. You didn’t even do it seriously. It was just to prove to him that you were right.
You will never forget your face when you discovered that you were actually pregnant, simply because Chris recorded it.
His new hobby was to record everything about your pregnancy, from your bump evolution to the routine Ob-Gyn visits.
“Seriously, I’m sure it’s a boy,” you repeated, turning to face your husband.
He raised an eyebrow. “the same way you were sure that you weren’t pregnant, right?” he asked you.
You shook your head. Chris was so proud to have spotted the pregnancy first, and the fact that he won that ‘argument’ boosted his confidence about everything concerning the baby now. One lucky guess, and suddenly your husband thought he was the baby expert.
“You know what, we’ll find out that I am right in just a few hours,” Chris added.
That was the primary reason why you decided to organize a gender reveal party. You two didn’t really care if it was a boy or a girl, it was going to be your kid, and that was the most important.
The reason you invited your family and close friends to share the news was so the loser would publicly face their defeat.
You just wanted to be right because you were both competitive, even when it came to your baby’s gender.
“I hope you have your camera; I will need proof when I tell our son that you were wrong,” you said.
You heard your husband laughing in your back as you walked your way downstairs.
Hours later, you were surrounded by Chris’s family, your best friend and Brooke, who was in Boston for a few days.
Your face was sore from the smiling and the laughing. It felt so good to be surrounded by people you could trust with your happiness. People who were happy that you were happy. People who were there for you. It just felt good to be around your people.
“So, how is it going at the studio?” Brooke asked you
You smiled, thinking about the kids you grew to love so much. You absolutely loved teaching ballet to children, and you couldn’t wait to be able to go back.
“I miss them so much. Chris convinced me to stop last week,” you said. “It was either that, or he’d come to every class with me, and you know how kids act around him.”
Brooke laughed, and you followed. Despite the annoyance, you couldn’t help but find your husband’s new overprotectiveness adorable.
But the annoyance came right back when you caught Chris’s eyes. When you caught Chris’s eyes on your glass of champagne.
You only had time for one sip before he was next to you and took the glass from your hand.
“Oh, common Chris, the doctor said one glass was okay!” you protested.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
You frowned and turned to look at Lisa for support. “Please tell your son I can have a glass of champagne.”
His mother tried to tell him that back then, casual drinking was okay. Chris didn’t want to hear anything, so you found yourself with a glass of apple juice soon after.
Despite the apple juice and Chris telling everybody that you were having a girl, the party went well. Of course, you felt a little bit guilty for doing this without your mother, but for your defence, she declined the invitation to come.
You called, thinking that telling her that you were pregnant was going to be the olive branch. It wasn’t. After a few seconds of silence, your mother told you that you owed her an apology because you disrespected her when she was actually right since you took her advice and got pregnant. Again, not your words, hers.
Somehow, you needed to hear that to finally realize that you were done trying to fix things with your mother.
Some things couldn’t be fixed. They needed to stay broken. Your relationship with your mother was one of these things.
But then, there were things that you could fix, not by gluing the broken pieces together, but by building something stronger. Something that would be strong enough to resist any breaking. Your marriage, your husband and that child deserved to be fought for. Always.
When it was finally time to discover the gender, you looked Chris in the eye. As your family was counting for you to pop the balloon, you were sure of one thing. You were going to love that child more than anything, through anything.
You were going to be the best mom ever, the mom you wished you had growing up. And you knew that Chris was going to be the best father too.
That was your thought before the popping. But then you and Chris popped the balloon and were submerged with pink confetti.
“You gotta be kidding me!” you cried out.  
You looked at your husband, shaking your head at his happy face. You couldn’t hide your smile either, as you kissed your husband.
You hugged everybody present, Chris, by your side. You were not disappointed with having a girl. Actually, you were excited about having a mini-you, even though seeing how things were going, you were practically sure by now that she was going to be a daddy’s girl.  
“So, Chris was right?” Scott said, amused
You rolled your eyes. “Actually, he wasn’t. That was pure luck. He based his prediction on an Old Wives tales form he found online.”
“Nope. It was father’s instinct,” Chris said, kissing your cheek. “Don’t be a sore loser, baby. You will be right next time.”
You smiled. It was on.
Tag List (Officially closed for this series). 
@jennamarieee623  @jessyballet @spookyparadisesheep @coffeebooksandfandom  @janeyboo @calirindo  @killerstvles @patzammit  @inlovewith3   @90girlgolden @katelyneann @breezykpop  @n3ssm0nique @mary-on08 @anthonyjanthony666 @dangerouslovefanfic @positionsfyou @ragamuffin285 @sohoseb @chloehn @beautifulrare4leafclover @evatia @jennmurawski13 @melaninromantic @saltyflowermakertaco  @chris-butt @hbic-05 @memoriesat30 @marvelfansworld @lady-x-red @thumbeliina @allwaysadoll @beautiful--blessing @shamelessfangirl-3 @xxneetu @shinykoalacat @goldenrogers @sophiaedits @joanne-stan @partypoison00 @carly-gubler-ackles-stan @valentynecalum @before-we-get-started @thumbeliina @idk123906 @randombtsprincessa @tiredofallthetroubles @sweetllamaparadise @thegirlwithpaperheart @webreathfandoms @crazybunnyladysworld @mrspeacem1nusone @mylifeiscrazy0423  @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3   @californiadreaminbaby @melaninromantic @okiegirl24@blckyungblood @pinkpunkdynamite @sabstrange @oliviafinchblog @weallhaveadestiny @nct-ateezxreyes  @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @uniquebeautyqueen@mystic-232 @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @hereslookingatyoukid22 @mysafezonejustforme @freiyalight @shmaptain-shmericaa @xoxonotme @kikisparadise18 @karliewheatley67 @aycarambasworld @chrisevansiseverything @pamelalur15 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @foxchild-v​ @syms-things-5​ @ilovetheeagles​ @hbic-05​ 
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maemelany · 3 years
Will there be an epilogue?
Yes, and it’s coming Friday (Or tomorrow, I’m not sure 😭). 
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maemelany · 3 years
Fixing the Broken (Part 11)
Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worse.
You’ve been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn’t want to let you go; he doesn’t want to give up on your marriage.
Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?
Warnings: you know... some angst. AND FLUFF! 
Word Count: 2.6k+
Pairing : Chris Evans x Reader 
A/N: Guys, this is the last part. I loved writing this chapter, and I really hope you’ll love it too. I loved sharing this series with you, and I think I even enjoyed your reactions more than I enjoyed writing the series. You guys made me fall in love with writing again.
There’s still an epilogue coming soon, but I wanted to thank you for your extraordinary support. Fixing the Broken is the first fanfiction I shared on Tumblr, but it definitely won’t be the last one.
I’ll see you in the comments,
Love x Mae❤️
Main Masterlist 
Series Masterlist , Part 10 , Epilogue 
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Sometimes love wins 
- Andrea Walton 
Josh picked you up at the airport approximatively four hours after you'd called him. It took two hours for him to send you the plane ticket and another two to flight from Boston to D.C.
You gave him the biggest hug he'd ever received from you when you saw him, waiting for you. You didn't know how much exactly Josh knew about your marriage situation, but he didn't ask questions.
He didn't ask any when you requested the plane ticket, and he didn't ask any during the ride to the hotel.
"I'm sorry Chris couldn't pick you up at the airport. His schedule has been crazy since he arrived this morning," Josh explained.
You offered him a small smile. You knew how much ASP meant for Chris.  
You were actually relieved that your husband couldn't be at the airport. You didn't have time to prepare for what you wanted to tell him. Josh had been so efficient that you barely had enough time to pack a bag and drop off Dodger at Carly's house. You felt a little bit guilty to do so unexpectedly, but your sister-in-law was used to taking care of your dog by now. Plus, her kids absolutely adored him.
You opened the door to Chris's hotel room and immediately recognized it. It was a spacious and bright space, with a private terrace overlooking the Potamic river. It was the same room you stayed in with Chris the first time you came together to D.C. You just had to close your eyes to remember it. You smiled nostalgically as you recalled Chris insisting on you coming with him. He was so stressed, fearing that politicians wouldn't take him seriously. You remembered assuring him that his idea was genius and that they would be crazy not to listen to him.
Chris pitched his project the following day to every politician in Washington that wanted to listen to him, and the rest was history.
Now it was your turn. You didn't have to convince strangers; you just had to convince your husband. And that was reassuring and scary at the same time.
Now that you were alone with your thoughts in the hotel room, you regretted saying no to Josh's invitation. He offered you to go to a late lunch instead of waiting for Chris alone, but you gently declined, telling him that you needed to rest a little bit. That wasn't really a lie. You were tired. You woke up earlier than usual this morning because you wanted to avoid Chris and went to Alicia's office. Then you came back, cried like you never did before and then jumped on a plane.
So yes, you were exhausted, but you couldn't sleep. You tried to lay down in the huge bed, but instead of finding the peace of mind you were looking for, your brain started to wonder about things you could say when Chris will come back.
It was only after your phone died and you couldn't find a charger and wore one of Chris's t-shirt that you found sleep.
"Y/N… wake up, hey…"
It felt like you'd just closed your eyes for a few minutes when you felt someone gently touching your arm.
You slowly opened your eyes and looked around. The room was darker than when you laid in bed, and it only took you a few seconds to remember where you were and, more importantly, why you were there.
Your eyes quickly came back to Chris, who was sitting next to you, still observing your every action. You frowned when you realized that he looked worried, alarmed even.
"Hey… what's going on? Has something happened at home? Are you okay? I tried to call as soon as I was done with my meeting, but you were unavailable" He asked you once he was sure you were awake.
Your frown deepened. You didn't understand why Chris looked so worried. "I… hmm… yeah, my phone died," you said, pointing at the phone on the nightstand.
"I couldn't find my charger or yours. I searched everywhere. I think I forgot to pack mine," you continued.
Chris looked around the room and nodded. "I can see that."
You followed his eyes and grimaced when you realized the mess you'd made, searching for a charger. Chris looked amused by the situation; he knew how messy you could be.
He finally turned back to you, and incomprehension was written all over his face. "If everything's fine, why are you here. I don't understand."
Your heart started to beat faster. It was time to say your piece. You sat up and took a deep breath before looking your husband straight in the eye.
"We… I need to talk about what happened yesterday… Actually, I need to talk about a lot more than just yesterday."
Chris's expression closed up. He stood up and got away from you, starting to clean the mess you made. You knew that what happened the day before made him upset, and he was clearly avoiding the conversation.  
You took a deep breath and got out of the bed too. "Chris… please. Yesterday was…"
"Stop," he bit out. "Are you telling me you came all this way to fight? Seriously, Y/N, what the fuck?"
You shook your head, panic starting to reach you. "No. I didn't come to fight. I came here to fix things, I… I went to Alicia's office today, and we talked. I wanted… I needed to talk to you."
The speech you prepared before falling asleep seemed to have evaporated. You wanted to say that you were sorry without it sounding void of sense. You wanted to say so many things, but you couldn't find the right words. So, you just stared at your husband as the tears felt down your face.
You quickly chased them away. It wasn't the time to cry. You needed to be strong and find the right words; tears weren't going to fix anything.
"I… you were right yesterday. I was not okay. What my mother said made me so mad and so sad. I didn't want to admit it to myself, so I said I was fine. What I said yesterday when we went home, I didn't mean it, Chris, I'm sorry."
You fought back the tears, looking at your husband, waiting for a reaction. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he stood still, looking back at you with a poker face you didn't like at all.
"I get it now. I was wrong, I was wrong on so many levels, but I get it now, I swear. I know I said that we needed some time apart, but I didn't mean it. I don't want us to be apart," you added.
"You didn't want distance anymore, so you came to D.C.," Chris said.
You nodded even if it felt more like an affirmation than a question.
Your husband shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "Again, it's either your way or no way."
You blanched and opened your mouth, ready to say more, but Chris didn't let you.
"You could have called. But because you knew I could have said no, I could have asked for the distance, you came. Instead of asking me, you came here."
You knew that you couldn't blame him for seeing things that way, but it hurt, nonetheless. You couldn't help the tears anymore and didn't bother to wipe them off. Instead, you let them run down your cheeks.
"You say you're sorry and you want to fix things. But what if I need time? what if I ask for the distance you demanded yesterday; will you accept that?"
You didn't know what to say. You didn't want your husband to be away from you. You didn't want the distance between the two of you.
You could claim the opposite and say that it would be okay with you, but it would be a lie. You weren't going to lie to Chris, especially when it could interpret it as consent from your part to take his distance.
It was unfair, but it was the truth. You wouldn't accept it. So, you shook your head, giving the answer he knew you'd picked.
"I thought so," he finally said, walking away from you. "I have another meeting in twenty minutes. I need to take a shower."
Your throat thickened with sobs as soon as Chris closed the bathroom door. You expected him to be angry, he had the right to, but you didn't plan that he would want distance.
Pain gripped your chest as you sat on the bed, wondering what else you could do.
You couldn't tell him that he was wrong because he wasn't. You didn't want the distance, and you were ready to fight to convince him not to do that.
You were confident that you would heal better together. You realized now that marriage wasn't built on concessions. And even if it hurt you to admit that Chris made a lot of concessions for you, especially during the recent months, you were not going to make one now.
When Chris got out, you watched him get ready. The room was silent, but the looks you exchanged said more than words. He was still angry, and you respected his feeling enough to give him time, at least this evening, without adding more.
"Don't wait for me. I think there's a dinner after the meeting," Chris said, focused on putting his watch on.
You knew what he was doing. You did the same thing so many times in the past; you knew exactly how it worked. Chris was trying to avoid the conversation by avoiding you.
"I'll wait. I'll wait until you come back, and we'll talk. I'm ready to compromise, but I won't accept distance. It's not an option," you said
Chris tried to object, but you cut him off. "I know, it's hypocritical of me to say that, considering the many concessions you've made in the past. But I made some too. It's time we learn to compromise."
You looked at your husband, determined. You meant every word you said. He made a concession when you said you needed to go to therapy. He made another when you asked for distance yesterday. But you too made concessions when you let him be away for months, filming.
You realized now that concessions meant that there were a winner and a loser. You could never both be winners by accepting things you didn't like without saying a word, just to please the other.
Compromises were different. If Chris really wanted distance, you'd find a way to settle on something that would give him what he was seeking in space without you losing something you needed.
He took a deep breath, and you hold yours. But instead of fighting what you just said, he nodded and left the room.
You closed your eyes, satisfied with the small victory.
You smiled a little when you noticed the charger on his side of the bed. It wasn't there before, so you knew that Chris must have put it there when he was cleaning the mess you made.
It was those little attentions, even when he was pissed and couldn't look at you, that gave you the strength to keep going. You were going to fight. You had to because you knew that what you two had was special. There were people worth fighting for, and Chris was one of them.
You were impatiently waiting for your phone to turn on when you heard the door open. Before you could even realize what was going on, Chris was in front of you.
You frowned, ready to ask him why he was back after only a few minutes, but something told you to let him talk first. If he was back, it meant that he had something to say. And you owed it to him to let him express his feelings, even if you weren't sure to like what he was about to say.
"You pushed me away when I only wanted to help you," Chris started.
"I know," you said again.
"You gave me ultimatums, and now you want to talk about compromising," he added.
You nodded. "I know."
He took a step closer to you, his eyes still on yours. "You shut me out instead of leaning on me. For God's sake, I'm your husband, Y/N, yesterday you treated me like I was your enemy."
Tears started to blur your vision, but you nodded. "I know."
"You picked a fight about kids. Kids! I want kids, I want kids with you, you know that!" Chris said, sadness in his voice.
"I know."
Chris took another step. "You are the most stubborn, frustrating, infuriating woman I've ever seen," He started, his eyes focused on yours.
"I know," you whispered.
Chris moved closer and sat next to you. You closed your eyes when he reached for your cheek, softly wiping away your tears.
"But I love you. I love so much sometimes it's unbearable."
You took his hand and gently kissed it. "I know," you managed to mumble, your emotions too raw.
Chris carefully leaned closer and kissed you. It was a gentle kiss, prudent at first, and then it started to get more intense, more demanding. You gave everything, enjoying the feeling of being close to him again. Before you could even figure out how you were both out of breath and naked.
"I love you," you whispered, keeping your eyes on his while he started to move.
Later that night, you found yourself enjoying the peace that came after too many orgasms. Your heavy breaths being the only sounds perturbating the perfect silence.
Chris's fingers were lazily dancing on your skin while you were playing with his hair, his head on your naked lap.
"I don't want distance either," Chris finally confessed.
You nodded, a smile on your face. You continued to play with Chris's hair and eventually started to massage his head and neck.
You knew how much Chris loved that moment of intimacy after sex. He loved to cuddle or just hold you in his arms and talk about his day before asking you questions about yours.
You hadn't done that in so long and hadn't even realized how much you missed it.
"Tell me about your day," you finally said
You could feel him smile and relax even more as he started to tell you everything. You listened and laughed when he told you how hard it was to keep a stoic expression when he met one of his favorite senators.
Then he asked you about yours, and you did the same. You even told him about the crazy couple in Alicia's waiting room, making him laugh too.
Your eyes were wide when Chris told you that he knew precisely what couple you were talking to.
"I knew his face was familiar!" you cried out when he revealed the man's identity, a famous journalist in Boston.
Chris nodded. "We could go to the Hamptons, this summer" he suggested.
You smiled again, loving the fact that he was making plans for your future. "Or… we could go to Paris and watch Brooke at the Opera Ballet."
Chris turned around to look at you, a smirk on his gorgeous face. "I feel a compromise coming."
You shook your head, trying desperately not to laugh. But the second he raised an eyebrow, proud of the innuendo he just made, you couldn't resist it and started to laugh.
You loved that man so much. And even if you knew that there were going to face challenges in the future, that moment right now felt perfect. Not because you were running away from pain, seeking temporary things to fix it, but because you knew that Chris was going to be there. 
For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do you part. He was always going to be there.
Tag List (Let me know in the comments or DM if you want to be added)
@jennamarieee623  @jessyballet @spookyparadisesheep @coffeebooksandfandom  @janeyboo @calirindo  @killerstvles @patzammit  @inlovewith3   @90girlgolden @katelyneann @breezykpop  @n3ssm0nique @mary-on08 @anthonyjanthony666 @dangerouslovefanfic @positionsfyou @ragamuffin285 @sohoseb @chloehn @beautifulrare4leafclover  @evatia @jennmurawski13 @melaninromantic @saltyflowermakertaco  @chris-butt @hbic-05 @memoriesat30 @marvelfansworld @lady-x-red @thumbeliina @allwaysadoll @beautiful--blessing @shamelessfangirl-3 @xxneetu @shinykoalacat @goldenrogers @sophiaedits @joanne-stan @partypoison00 @carly-gubler-ackles-stan @valentynecalum @before-we-get-started @thumbeliina @idk123906 @randombtsprincessa @tiredofallthetroubles @sweetllamaparadise @thegirlwithpaperheart @webreathfandoms @crazybunnyladysworld @mrspeacem1nusone @mylifeiscrazy0423  @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3   @californiadreaminbaby @melaninromantic @okiegirl24 @blckyungblood @pinkpunkdynamite @sabstrange @oliviafinchblog @weallhaveadestiny @nct-ateezxreyes @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @uniquebeautyqueen @mystic-232 @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @hereslookingatyoukid22 @mysafezonejustforme @freiyalight @shmaptain-shmericaa​ @xoxonotme​ @kikisparadise18​ @karliewheatley67 @aycarambasworld​ @chrisevansiseverything @pamelalur15​ @learning-howto-be-myselfx3​ @foxchild-v​ @syms-things-5​ @ilovetheeagles​ @hbic-05​ 
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maemelany · 3 years
Ughh making us suffer......
Your suffering is about to end 😂😂 
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maemelany · 3 years
No... I'll release it tomorrow 😂❤️ ❤️ 
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maemelany · 3 years
- Fixing the Broken Series 
- Love on Tour Series 
- Racing Hearts 
(Let me know if you’d like to be added to the Tag List) 
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maemelany · 3 years
You're so so so good! Just curious do you have anything else lined up after this series?
I’m glad you asked. I’ll start a Harry Styles Series after this one. Check my master-list, I wanted to update it before answering this question 😉❤️
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maemelany · 3 years
Love on Tour (Masterlist)
Coming soon (Let me know if you want to be added to the Tag List)
It all started when Harry Styles made your first EP go viral after mentioning it on Twitter and Instagram. 
Then you were offered the opportunity of a lifetime, the opening act for his upcoming concert tour. You were not going to let anything ruin it, not even love, not even him. 
Between love and ambition, your choice was already made. But what if you could have both?
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maemelany · 3 years
Fixing the Broken (Part 10)
Summary: People say that time heals all wounds. In your case, time made it worse.
You’ve been married to Chris for five years, but his absence spoke louder than his words. After 5 years of trying, you’ve decided that you’ve had enough, and you left him. But Chris doesn’t want to let you go; he doesn’t want to give up on your marriage.
Would he be able to fix what you consider irretrievably broken?
Warnings: none… apart from angst…
Word Count: 2.7k+
Pairing : Chris Evans x Reader
A/N: So… remember when I told you guys that rock bottom had a basement. Well, apparently… there’s another level below that basement. It’s called part 10😭.
I also said part 10 would be the last chapter. Well… I think you all would appreciate a part 11 after reading this one.
I’m sorry for the frustration you’re about to experience 😭😂. Don’t hesitate to share it with me in the comments.
Love and apologies in advance x Mae❤️
Full Masterlist 
Series Masterlist , Part 9 , Part 11
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It’s healthy to admit you’re not ok,
Jessie J
You hated the feeling of suspense that was habiting you. Your eyes were focused on Chris, analyzing his entire body expression.
It had only been a few seconds since you’d asked him if he still wanted children, but for you, it felt like an eternity.
“Well?” You repeated what Chris said
Chris opened his mouth. You thought that he was about end your suffering, but he said nothing. You really hoped that the answer to your question would be something like ��of course, Y/N, of course, I want to have children with you, but apparently, you were wrong.
“Oh my God,” you said in one breath, realizing he was not going to say what you wanted to hear.
Tears starting to fill your eyes, and you got out of the car, still under the shock. Chris followed you inside the house, still quiet.
You were living your worst nightmare, and the part you couldn’t bear was that your mother may have been right.
“Y/N, common, let’s talk.”
You suddenly turned back to face him; your face twisted with pain. “What do you want to talk about? I asked you a question, and your silence answered it for you.”
“Y/N, I’m not saying I don’t want children, common. I’m just saying we can have this discussion later.”
You frowned. “Later? What does it even mean? We’ve been married for five years, Chris! When exactly is later?”
Your husband seemed shocked by your reaction. You, too, were shocked. You definitely didn’t expect that turn of events.
“It’s your mother talking now. Yesterday, the thought of having kids didn’t even cross your mind. Now you’re overreacting because what? I can’t give you a date?”
That’s where he was wrong. Your mother may have opened the topic today, but it was on your mind for a long time now. Your mother just hit where she knew it would hurt the most.
“I’ve thought about it. I’ve thought about it a lot Chris. I’m just surprised you haven’t,” You said
Chris looked at you without saying anything. His eyes were searching yours as if he was looking for answers to understand what was happening.
The silence between Chris and you got broken by a phone call. He gave you a sorry look before taking it.
You took a deep breath as soon as he left the room. You got yourself comfortable on the couch, gently petting Dodger after he rested his head on your lap.
You kept thinking about everything your mother said, and you started to question everything. Maybe she was right. Maybe you were really trying to ruin your life. Things were good before you brought the kids topic; maybe you should drop it.
You shook your head, trying to remove the idea from your head. You knew it was impossible.
You didn’t want to fight. You just needed answers to your question. If it was anything else, you’d let it go, but it wasn’t. You were talking about kids, and deep down, even if it hurt you to admit it, you knew that disagreeing on that topic could break your marriage for good.
You got distracted by Chris’s voice. His voice was low, but it didn’t take you long to understand what was going on. Chris confirmed your suspicions when you heard him say that he couldn’t leave Boston. You knew it was about his website when you heard mentions to senators and Washington.  
He came back soon after, a frustrated look on his face. Chris looked at you without saying anything. He passed a hand in his hair and closed his eyes.
He looked tired. You were tired too.
You kept petting Dodger, searching for the right words. You didn’t want to hurt him, but not expressing your feelings would hurt the two of you more.
“You should go,” you finally said.
Chris seemed lost. When he understood what you were saying, his eyes grew bigger. “Y/N, Common! You can’t be serious.”
You closed your eyes because looking at him would not make what you had to say easier. “We need to think about what we want, Chris. And for once, I really think a few days apart will make things easier.”
Chris came closer to you. You could see the panic in his eyes, and it broke your heart. “You’re being unfair, Y/N. You’re punishing me for not agreeing with you.”
“I’m not. I just don’t know where this…” you said, pointing the two of you. “Us, I don’t see us working without children, Chris…”
Chris’s green eyes stared at yours until you saw silent tears falling down. You turned your head, the hurt in his eyes too raw for you.
Chris finally stood up and started to walk away.
“You promised to stop throwing divorce in my face,” Chris said, his voice raw.
“I’m not…”
He chuckled. “You are. It’s either your way or no way. I don’t get to do my job, I don’t get to be uncomfortable talking to a stranger about our problems, I don’t get to be unsure about the future”
You frowned. That was not what you were doing. “Chris…”
“It’s okay; I get it now. Maybe you’re right, I should go to D.C. We should take time to think about what we really want, because right now… I don’t know anymore.”
Chris left the room, leaving you with Dodger and your thought. The allusion hurt you, but you started it. You told him to go to D.C., you asked for it.
You cuddled with your dog, trying to find the comfort you’d rather have received from your husband.
“I want you out of my house by the end of the week.”
Your eyes grew bigger when you heard that. You raised your head to look at the couple next to you. They had been arguing since they arrived a few minutes ago and everything about their ‘conversation’ made you uncomfortable.
The woman looked like she was in her late forties. She was dressed in an impeccable grey suit, and everything about her screamed power. The man she was talking to looked familiar, but you didn’t dare to stare at him to find out why. Chris didn’t say too much about how he found Alicia. But by seeing this couple next to you, something told you that Alicia must be known for handling delicate situations that involved people who’d rather keep their business private.
“I’ll leave when you give up the Hamptons’ house,” The man said dryly.
She laughed. “You know I’ll never do that, darling.”
“Then I won’t give you Boston, darling.”  
You were uncomfortable. The couple was obviously fighting, and you felt like prying, seating there. If it wasn’t for what you already heard, you would have never guessed that they were a couple. They looked so… distant, and the way they were looking at each other… not only you couldn’t detect any love, but you also saw what resembled hatred, pure, raw hatred. The kind of hatred you would feel for someone who put you through hell.
“Mrs. Evans, she’s ready for you.”
You jumped out of your seat, not with a grateful smile for the receptionist who just saved you.
“Y/N, how are you today?”
You didn’t understand how your therapist could seem so peaceful. You only spent a few minutes with that couple outside, and you were already perturbated. How wasn’t she running away when she knew that she had to see them next?
You sat in your usual chair. It felt strange to be there without Chris. You felt too exposed, too seen. With Chris around, it was about the two of you, about your marriage. You felt like being in Alicia’s office without him, it gave her time to analyze you as an individual, and you didn’t like that.
“How can I help you today?”
“I wanted to apologize for last time. I acted impulsively when I left the session like that.”
“Was it because of something Chris said?” She asked
“Oh no, I already explained it to him. It had nothing to do with him… well, actually, it had. It was about the whole press situation. I knew who did that, and I had to fix it.”
Alicia nodded, her smile still in place. “I’m happy that you were able to fix it and that you shared your feelings with Chris.”
You smiled and sat there awkwardly. It was that weird moment when you didn’t have anything more to add but couldn’t manage to find the right formula to leave. The meeting felt too short, but again, you were there to apologize.
You didn’t want to talk about what happened yesterday without Chris. It seemed unfair, and honestly, you weren’t ready to have that discussion with Alicia.
Now you were starting to wonder if it was a good idea to come to your therapist’s office. You knew a phone call would have done it; you didn’t need to go to her office to apologize.
You definitely regretted your decision when Alicia retrieved her journal from a drawer. You hated that journal so much; it wouldn’t be wise to leave you alone with it.
You felt compelled to say something. Anything but silence would do. You hated the feeling of being observed, assessed without being able to defend yourself.
“I found it,” you started. “My thing, I found it.”
When you didn’t add anything more, Alicia raised her head from the journal. “Do you want to tell me more?”
You adjusted yourself in your chair. “Well… I was a dancer when I was younger. I don’t really dance anymore, but I thought I could help kids and teach ballet. I did it recently with a friend, and I really enjoyed the experience… so… what do you think?”
Alicia nodded, a smile on her face. “I’m thrilled that you’re working on your happiness, Y/N.”
You gave Alicia a small smile. You felt relieved that she didn’t discourage you. After the whole thing with your mother, you could help but doubt that decision. Your mother obviously didn’t think you capable of teaching ballet, so having other people believe in you was always a breath of fresh air.
You thanked Alicia and stood up, ready to leave. However, once at the door, you stopped.
You thought about it again; you could have apologized on the phone. But you didn’t. You came all that way to see your therapist, and you realized it wasn’t just for an apology.
“Why?” you asked, turning back to look at Alicia.
Your therapist looked at you, not sure what you were asking.
“We came, Chris and I, we came here to fix our marriage. But you asked me to find my thing. Why?”
Alicia smiled and removed her glasses. “During our first session, I wrote down something you said.”
You frowned as Alicia started turning pages in her journal. She did write things about you in it, after all.
“You said that you were lonely. You blame Chris for being away, and I agreed, he left you alone, but you used the word lonely.”
You unconsciously walked your way to the chair, needing to hear what Alicia had to say “We’re past that now. Chris agreed to spend more time in Massachusetts.”
Alicia nodded. “And that’s a good thing. But Y/N, Chris may be responsible for leaving you alone, but you cannot blame him for your loneliness.”
You remained still, not sure what to say. You opened your mouth, ready to argue. But then, it hit you. You realized what Alicia was trying to tell you and why she asked you to focus on yourself.
“Your husband is not supposed to fill the void of loneliness. That’s not the purpose of a relationship, a healthy one at least,” Alicia said, always so gently.
“Chris had something that fulfills him, something that brought him happiness. You didn’t. The loneliness you felt wasn’t Chris’s fault, and you may have felt it for years without realizing it. Being around Chris perhaps made you realize that you lacked something.”
You could feel your vision starting to get blurred by the tears. What Alicia just said felt harsh, but it was the truth.
Unlike your mother, she wasn’t trying to dimmish you or make you feel less than. She wasn’t saying that Chris was better than you or that he deserved better.
You thought all these things. Alicia, making you understand that all this time you were missing something made you realize that you blamed your husband for something he had that you didn’t. Happiness.
“Your husband is your partner, Y/N. A partner supports your journey to happiness. They’re not supposed to be the source of that happiness. They love you, and yes, that love can bring happiness too, but you need to be happy as a person to find happiness as a couple.”
You closed your eyes, taking in everything Alicia was saying. She was right. You were lonely way before you met Chris. After the injury, you lost everything. Your relationship with your mom wasn’t the best, but it got worst. You lost your purpose, and you lost your friends. You tried to start over, but it was never the same.
Meeting Chris was like a breath of fresh air, and you always wondered why he chose you, what he saw in you.
“It was all my fault,” you whispered, your voice breaking mid-sentence.
Alicia shook her head, an understanding smile on her face. “We don’t do blame around here, remember? You were brave enough to seek change when you realized things were not okay. It takes courage, Y/N. You and Chris wanted things to be better, and I think you’re on the right path.”
Again, she was right. When you left Alicia’s office a few minutes later, you felt better and somehow worse than when you first arrived.
You felt better because you two had an eye-opening conversation. But you also felt a lot of remorse. You had been unfair not only to Chris but to yourself for so many years. You accommodated Chris’s needs, making them more important than yours for years. But instead of bringing you the joy, you thought it would, ignoring your needs made you resent your husband’s choices.
Chris wasn’t all innocent, but you couldn’t ignore the bigger picture now. You thought that being married to Chris will be enough to fill the void in your life, and you blamed him when you realized that it was a lie.
You started to panic when you thought about your last conversation with your husband. He was right, you were upset because of what your mother said, but instead of admitting it, you made things worse.
Your mother said you were running away from responsibility; she was half right. It wasn’t responsibility you were running from; it was pain.
Chris asked you so many times if you were okay, and you said no. He begged you to open up to him, and you didn’t. Instead, you pushed him away.
You tried to run away from the pain your mother inflicted you by talking about children. You tried to deal with the pain by avoiding it and filling the void it caused with something new, kids.
Now, you realized how stupid your argument with Chris was. How unfair and absurd it was for you to shut him out when he only wanted to help.
When you opened your front door, the tears were now falling at an alarming speed. He was gone. You leaned against the door, taking the quiet, the pain, the loneliness. But instead of running away from it, for the first time in your life, you embraced it.
You started to sob, your whole body hurting. For the first time, you understood what it must have felt like for Chris to come home to an empty house.
You claimed that you knew the feeling, but you didn’t. No matter how long Chris used to be away, you knew he would eventually come home. Right now, for the first time, you doubted that.
You spent the whole afternoon sobbing, Dodger by your side. You had time to think about everything. The way you handled your marriage and its challenges, your conversations with Alicia, your relationship with your mother. It was like putting together all the pieces of a puzzle you couldn’t figure out until now.
You knew what you had to do, and you had to do it now. You picked up your phone, ready to finally fix things for good.
“Josh, I need you to put me in the next plane for D.C,” you said to Chris’s assistant as soon as he picked up.
Tag List (Let me know in the comments or DM if you want to be added)
@jennamarieee623 @jessyballet @spookyparadisesheep @coffeebooksandfandom  @janeyboo @calirindo  @killerstvles @patzammit  @inlovewith3   @90girlgolden @katelyneann @breezykpop  @n3ssm0nique @mary-on08 @anthonyjanthony666 @dangerouslovefanfic @positionsfyou @ragamuffin285 @sohoseb @chloehn @beautifulrare4leafclover  @evatia @jennmurawski13 @melaninromantic @saltyflowermakertaco  @chris-butt @bgc05@memoriesat30 @marvelfansworld @lady-x-red @thumbeliina @allwaysadoll @beautiful--blessing @shamelessfangirl-3 @xxneetu @shinykoalacat @goldenrogers @sophiaedits @joanne-stan @partypoison00 @carly-gubler-ackles-stan @valentynecalum @before-we-get-started @thumbeliina @idk123906 @randombtsprincessa @tiredofallthetroubles @sweetllamaparadise @thegirlwithpaperheart @webreathfandoms @crazybunnyladysworld @mrspeacem1nusone @mylifeiscrazy0423   @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3   @californiadreaminbaby @melaninromantic @okiegirl24 @blckyungblood @pinkpunkdynamite @sabstrange @oliviafinchblog @weallhaveadestiny @nct-ateezxreyes @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @uniquebeautyqueen @mystic-232 @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @hereslookingatyoukid22 @mysafezonejustforme​ @freiyalight​ @shmaptain-shmericaa​ @xoxonotme​ @kikisparadise18​ @karliewheatley67 @aycarambasworld​
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maemelany · 3 years
I knowww, I don't want it to end either, but we need to let go 😂😭😭
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maemelany · 3 years
Are you going to update tonight?
I’ll drop the last chapter tomorrow and the Epilogue early next week☺️
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