mayajadeart · 1 month
I think it's socially acceptable to shame people for not understanding how trans people work. And if it isn't socially acceptable then I think we should do it anyway until it is.
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mayajadeart · 1 month
It's wild to me that Duvet by Boa sounds like the kind of song my mom would listen to, but it's a fucking anime theme song.
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mayajadeart · 1 month
I understand. The world is counting on me. Though, I do not know the way...
Why is Tumblr suggesting the jk rowling tag to me and not giving me the option to tell them not to show it to me?
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mayajadeart · 1 month
Realistically, because megalodon targeted large, energy-dense prey, it probably only needed to hunt once every one to two weeks. The rest of the time it would have just been, like, chilling, 9 days out of 10. And I think that's pretty neat.
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mayajadeart · 1 month
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But how? What power could be great enough to bring down such a foe?
Why is Tumblr suggesting the jk rowling tag to me and not giving me the option to tell them not to show it to me?
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mayajadeart · 1 month
If instead of stabbing Caesar this year we stab the entire DEA, do you think that would end the ADHD med shortage?
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mayajadeart · 1 month
Why is Tumblr suggesting the jk rowling tag to me and not giving me the option to tell them not to show it to me?
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mayajadeart · 2 months
Oh and he's also a prime example of the apparently age-old writer-ism of taking an OC from some very early writing that you did and giving them a baffling cameo in your later, much more developed work that reads as a satisfying cameo to you and you alone because nobody else knows who the fuck this fully little guy even is.
You ever think about the fact that Tom Bombadil is the single most mysterious, and potentially most powerful figure in Tolkein's entire legendarium, who scholars and fans alike have spent hours, days, and years tearing their hair out over, and he's literally just a funny little guy? And that's, like, the whole reason why he's so enigmatic and mysterious! We're all just like "hey what the fuck is this funny little guy doing here? what???" It's amazing.
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mayajadeart · 2 months
You ever think about the fact that Tom Bombadil is the single most mysterious, and potentially most powerful figure in Tolkein's entire legendarium, who scholars and fans alike have spent hours, days, and years tearing their hair out over, and he's literally just a funny little guy? And that's, like, the whole reason why he's so enigmatic and mysterious! We're all just like "hey what the fuck is this funny little guy doing here? what???" It's amazing.
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mayajadeart · 3 months
Sharks really are the perfect animal for the trans community. They are completely harmless as a rule, yet feared and misunderstood due to the way the media talks about them. Out of over 500 known species, most have a maximum length of under two meters, and less than 5 are considered to be even potentially dangerous to humans. And even amongst those few, actual attacks are vanishingly rare, and deaths even rarer, even in places where encounters between humans and these "dangerous" sharks are a daily occurrence-- they simply don't see humans as food. At most, these sharks are curious about humans, and may approach them briefly to see what they are, but far more often they simply ignore humans in their environment, or even flee from them. And yet, every single attack that does happen and even more that don't becomes global news for months after they occur, creating the impression that the danger is ever-present when in reality it simply isn't there at all. Attacks are newsworthy *because* they're so astronomically rare. If shark attacks were common, you'd never hear about them at all.
Sharks are wild animals and can bite and injure a human if they're bothered, threatened, or excited by the scent of injured fish in the water, just like any other wild animal. When left alone and allowed to live freely, they pose absolutely no threat. At their core, they're just normal fish, doing the same things that other fish do. And, like all wild animals, they are in far greater danger from humans than humans are from them. Humans hunt and kill them regularly, and even when they don't mean to, humans can harm sharks with fishing gear, floating garbage, and accidental boat strikes. The ocean is a dangerous place, for them as well as for us, and it can kill you in more ways than you can count before you even set sight on a single shark. And yet, for some reason, sharks are the thing that people are afraid of.
And also like sharks, trans people are incredibly resilient, adaptable creatures, who have been here since almost the beginning of time, and who will continue to be here long after we're all gone. They are beautiful, graceful, and perfectly shaped for their natural environments, and the lives they lead are so much more complex, mysterious, and fascinating than most will ever realize. There's so much we don't know about them, and so much they can teach us, about life, the world we share, and about themselves, because it's worth learning about them just for their own sake.
They are also shy, toofy babies who explore with their mouths and get spooked by bubbles.
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mayajadeart · 3 months
Things I like about girls: You know the feeling of a girl's skin through the soft fabric of her pajamas when you're leaning up against her all warm and cozy? Yeah that. 🥺
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mayajadeart · 3 months
That wasn't the question.
What Char clone do ypu think you are?
I literally said I am not char
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mayajadeart · 3 months
Chumming for trans girls by standing outside the target with a bucket of monster energy and magic cards to attract them.
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mayajadeart · 3 months
Okay but sharks really are the perfect animal for the trans community. Feared and hated due to people who don't know anything about them constantly acting like they're a huge threat on TV despite the annual number of actual attacks being countable on one hand or less. Completely harmless as a rule, less dangerous to most people than squirrels, and in the places where they're supposedly most likely to attack you they're still less dangerous than dogs, bees, snails, and probably still squirrels.
"But sharks ARE dangerous animals!" Sharks are, statistically speaking, normal-ass fish. Of the thousands of species of shark, only like three are considered "actually dangerous," and even the ones that are considered "dangerous" do not view humans as prey and only attack in extremely unusual circumstances. You've seen videos of people interacting with these "dangerous" sharks on the internet, and I guarantee those interactions were peaceful. Most sharks are no bigger than a large housecat. I mean it when I say you are more likely to get severely injured by a sqirrel than you are by a shark.
Sharks, like any wild animal, can attack if provoked, and should be left alone, again, just like any wild animal. In the same way, trans people can hurt you if you go around trying to piss them off on purpose. It's just that pissing off a human is more complicated than pissing off an animal that doesn't understand things like social etiquette or pronouns. Don't put your hand in a shark's mouth. Don't misgender a trans person. Leave them alone, respect their personal space, and just let them live their lives naturally, and I guarantee you neither of them will ever do anything to harm you. It really is just way easier to be nice to people, just like it's way easier not to go poking wild animals with sticks.
In an ocean that has more ways to maim and kill you than every slasher movie villain combined without taking dangerous animals into account, y'all are afraid of the toofy fish with rubber bones.
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based on the other pride post i made a pride flag specifically for myself evo’s gender is an enigma even to her so she made this its mostly being trans and lesbian so using it as a transbian flag is fine too lmao
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mayajadeart · 4 months
I used to think I could get into hell just by being gay, but then a bunch of progressive Christians told me that God wouldn't send me to hell for being the way he made me. So now I gotta do actual work to get into hell, which is honestly just so homophobic.
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mayajadeart · 4 months
Questions to confuse a priest with: "Why does god let animals have nightmares when they can't even talk about it with you after they wake up?"
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mayajadeart · 4 months
Questions to confuse a priest with: "Why does god let animals have nightmares when they can't even talk about it with you after they wake up?"
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