mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
gen z
me: *takes a 30 min shower*
mom: *complaining* “why do you take such long showers?!!!!?!!!?!!! Trying to solve world peace????
me: yes actually
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
i actually love gen z people I had a conversation with a group of friends abt equality, human rights and global politics and after we stopped to have food we deadass spoke in nothing but memes and vines for a solid half-hour and if that doesn’t sum up our entire gen i dunno what does
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
squidward is gay but go off i guess
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
im gonna have to have a trusted one to WATCH me get cremated when i die so no one takes my bones
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
ive reached the point of watching TOO MANY conspiracy videos and now im just accepting everythings a lie.
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
special thank you to...
- all the white people that arent racist
- all the christians that aren’t discriminatory to other religions
- all the straight people that aren’t homophobic
- all the men who aren’t sexist/rapists
- all americans (etc) who aren’t xenophobic
sometimes we forget there are good people...
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
the following is my history assignment, enjoy
America has been founded on the idea of being one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  This was the way the founding fathers wanted America to become; accepting of every race, ethnicity, religion, etc.  A place where one can become anything, as long as one works hard enough.  A country where one’s parents and ancestors do not determine your job and wealth.  The “American Dream” was the idea of protecting each individual's right to pursue happiness, which was a thought some people could only dream of.
However, currently,  capitalism is at its peak, gun control is almost non-existing, and racism, etc. still exists.  While the American Dream is still possible, it is extremely difficult to immigrate to America and become a citizen.  Additionally, good jobs are hard to find nowadays, and one has to work ten times harder to achieve success, especially if that person comes from a poorer background. Minimum wage jobs barely pay one’s rent, much less for one’s needs and family.  College is almost unaffordable, which causes a lifetime of student loans, and even college graduates have difficulty finding a high-paying job.
The American Dream was once an idea in which one could achieve success if one worked hard enough.  However, it is almost impossible to achieve nowadays.  I believe that the former idea of the American Dream will be unattainable, because of the ever-growing population and ever-growing capitalism.  However, I believe it may be restored by country-wide effort in reducing college costs and creating more businesses.
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
Just Texas Things
- GUNS - being afraid to walk on someone else’s property because it’s legal to shoot someone who’s on your property - driving 5+ hours and still being in texas - the BEST bbq... don’t @ me - trump supporters 🙄 - people who LIKE country music - you have to slow dance to country music at prom etc - rascists - republicans - learning Texas history in school - REMEMBER THE ALAMO - history - guns or fireworks? - Big White Trucks - ITS HOT (it was 106 degrees today) - the sky looks brown/orange because of dust - the best mexican food - people wear cowboy boots to school - OIL - literally everyon has watched The Alamo basically just oil, guns, dust, and heat lmao
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
i think its fucked up how ive learned abt how to treat everyone (whether its race, gender, sexuality, etc.) with respect and kindness more on the internet than ive learned from my parents/school...
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
things that happened at my american christian private school
- this 8th grader gave another 8th grader a handjob on a band bus
- these elementary school teachers were caught having an affair with each other and resigned
- another 8th grader had herpes and went to school with that shit all over her face
-  this nerdy freshman snitched on a bunch of highschoolers who vape and had to switch schools the next year cause people were bullying him.  honestly im surprised hes still alive
- one of the white school directors supposedly said the n word to a student
- a bunch of middle schoolers sent their nudes to a lot of people
feel free to add your own!
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
- my parents did drinking games with the chaplain
actual things said in my christian high school chapel:
- “anyone who has not read the bible is ignorant”
- “i’m white but i feel black inside.  black culture is vivacious and so am i.”
- “when i was in kindergarden my friend called me a saint. i’m jewish.”
- *literally a 45 minute sermon abt the prodigal son*
i hate christian schools lmao
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
when i was little i thought marijuana and marinara (sauce) were the same thing so i was like whom tf would want to smoke marinara sauce lmaooooo
and look at me now
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
actual things said in my christian high school chapel:
- “anyone who has not read the bible is ignorant”
- “i’m white but i feel black inside.  black culture is vivacious and so am i.”
- “when i was in kindergarden my friend called me a saint. i’m jewish.”
- *literally a 45 minute sermon abt the prodigal son*
i hate christian schools lmao
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
showering is like... washing your skin
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
my mom: *is saying that polygeny and being gay is similar because it's "abnormal" and "less than 1% of the population"
my closeted pansexual ass: "...yea ok"
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mediocre-youth-blog · 6 years
*takes 189 personality quizzes to find out Who I Really Am*
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