#satan is a loser
myremnantarmy · 11 months
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘺'𝘴 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯. 𝘏𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘶𝘱. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴! 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘞𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘖𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘳!
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makuta-kotok · 9 months
Paradise Lost be like
John Milton dictating the poem to his daughter : …and then Satan, who is a liar and has a tiny peepee, ran away like a little b*tch because Jesus showed up.
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hbpseverus · 1 month
"he knew more curses when he arrived at school than half the kids in seventh year!" and it's just an awkward autistic 11 year old and his special interest that happened to be the dark arts
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dogpaw8 · 3 months
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jajasj ya encontre los otros dibujos mensos d mammon q tenia lmao
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
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l3viat8an · 1 year
mc: i hate my life i miss my wife
satan: levi will be back from admiral duties in a week, you'll be fine
MC’s gonna end up going through withdrawals having to wait a week 😭
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general-alder · 11 months
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askchilchuck · 9 days
Do you support Kamala?
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No idea who that is.
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chanedart · 1 year
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I miss my smug, calm, eccentric genius :(
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radarchives · 1 year
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ankiebitez · 6 months
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art by @/artist_mindset25 on insta !!!
big thread about my mc judith, might update or add more whenever i feel like it but i need to stop for now bc its getting too long lmao 😭
more below under the cut !
age: 25
birthday: February 24th
sign: pices
height: 5'6
weight: 164
pronouns: he/him
hobbies: knitting, drawing, music and playing instruments, weightlifting
paraphilia: humiliation
length: 3.81 (putting this as bottom growth since he's trans lmao)
mental illness: borderline personality disorder
closest demons: Satan, Amon, Paimon, Bael
favorite weather: Sunny non-humid days during winter
ideal type: someone who loves and cares for people as deeply as he does
favorite food: cinnamon sugar toast that his dad made
favorite bodypart on himself: his arms
○ satan
- satan and judith are fairly close, having shared romantic feelings for each other. coming to hell and spending time with satan has definitely helped him with being more honest and open with himself, having someone who experiences a lot of emotions in a similar way he does and encouraging him to be more open with them.
○ amon
- amon is one of the demons judith feels most comfortable around, often spending time with him and talking to him. judith feels a lot more comfortable exploring a romantic type of relationship with amon, not having to worry about being too shy or messing things up, partially due to his philia, but also because he seems the most understanding. its almost like he can read judiths emotions without him even having to say them outloud.
○ paimon
- with their shared interest in makeup and fashion, paimon and judith are often seen together in their free time outside of war, much to satan and sitris dismay. judith also loves getting to design cute outfits for paimon too, though most of the time while trying to take measurements it either ends with paimon getting kicked by a overhearing satan, or in other activities. (👀) their relationship is a bit... undisclosed, being more like best friends (with benefits(sorry minhyeok))
○ bael
- judith often makes sure that bael takes care of himself while doing his 'fake king' duties, bringing him food he made, making sure he doesn't push himself too hard, convincing him to take breaks, and even dragging him to bed to rest when he nearly falls asleep at his desk. they also have shared romantic feelings, it being a common sit to see judith sitting in baels lap while he does paper work, or bael resting his head on judiths chest while he plays with his hair, worn out after taking care of his other 'needs'
○ minhyeok
- minhyeok is judiths closest friend, having known him since childhood. despite their differing interests and personalities, they always support each other. finding out minhyeok has feelings for him has definitely made judith a bit confused about their relationship though.
○ aniya
- aniya is also judiths close friend, they met in high-school when they were younger. aniya is helping take care of the shop while judith is away. before judith went to hell, the two would often spend time together either at work or hanging out on weekends, aniyas favorite thing to do was go to various goth clubs or shows on weekends together.
○ seth
- seth is another close friend of judith, as well as aniyas brother. he often comes to the shop to annoy the two during work hours, and is pretty sad to see judith hasn't been around lately. hes known judith since high-school as well, and often would show up at judiths house uninvited to hangout or play video games. seth is very teasing towards judith, they even had a bit of a friends with benefits situation going on before judith left. (sorry minhyeok x2)
○ Keith: judiths father
- keith didn't have much experience in being a dad, having been 19 when judith was born, but that didn't matter to judith. keith made sure that even if he didn't know what he was doing parenting, that his kids always knew that he cared, loved, and were proud of them, always.
○ Evangeline: step mom
- Evangeline is judiths step mom, and judith considers her like his real mom. she actually taught him how to sew by hand when he was younger and got him his first sewing machine, when judith was a kid he would draw out ideas for clothes and she would help him try to make them into physical pieces.
○ Anya: biological mom
- judith didn't have the best relationship with her, even as a kid arguments between them weren't uncommon. anya held very high expectations of him, varying from appearance, to grades, success, often being very controlling. as judith got older, he tried to keep as much distance between them as possible, only interacting when it was necessary.
○ Nicki, Emery: older step-siblings
- nicki and emery are from a past relationship of evangelines. nicki and emery were identical twins at birth, though they both changed their appearance a lot as they got older. they're both 29.
- nicki is a trans woman and actually helped judith realize he was trans as he got older, she is also the sibling that judith is closest to and although they dont see each other as often anymore, they still talk to each other over the phone often.
○ anton: younger sibling
- anton is the only close blood related family judith has left, Evangeline was pregnant with him when keith passed away. judith likes to help take care of him sometimes and spends time with him often.
Other Info
judith is a 25 year old fashion designer, he has his own small local store that he designs and sells clothing, jewelry and accessories for while also selling vintage or interesting pieces he finds. the store is mostly popular to local people within his city and he makes sure to remember most customers.
he lives with minhyeok in a shared apartment and has been close with him since they were kids.
when he was younger he was often bullied and picked on in school for his looks and interests by other kids, despite that though he seems to be very comfortable with himself as an adult.
he feels oddly comfortable in hell despite the war happening with angels he enjoys the directness and openness from most devils. he does not like hades however.
he's a kind and respectful person to people he meets unless he has reason to dislike them. he can be a bit stubborn at times, and can have issues controlling his emotions, but his heart is always in the right place.
even before coming to hell he had experience with past sexual partners, but he doesn't really have much experience with romantic relationships. he's a bit touch starved to soft shows of affection, he's the type thats comfortable in sexual situations but will melt and get embarrassed if someone kisses his cheek or plays with his hair.
he's a gay transman and was a bit surprised when he came to hell and saw how....open minded people were compared to the human world. it definitely felt like a breath of fresh air seeing how no one really cared about things like sexuality or gender even, simply going by the logic "if im attracted to you im attracted to you"
he has borderline personality disorder as well as depression and is a pretty sensitive as well as emotional person, and he has a habit of constantly bottling up and hiding his emotions until he explodes, usually taking his feelings out on himself. coming to hell and being told by satan that if he feels something then he shouldn't hide it has definitely helped with this a lot, not only with expressing his emotions but making him able to think about them and what causes them as well. it feels a lot better to just be angry when he's angry, be jealous when he's jealous, be sad when he's sad and be happy when he's happy.
his mom and dad split up when he was really young, and judith lived with his mother but was a lot closer to his dad. his mother was fairly abusive throughout his childhood, often even getting into arguments when he got older. he had a really good relationship with his dad and step family though, often staying over there instead of his own.
he was heavily affected when his parents were killed at 13, but most especially by his fathers death, even developing various addictions throughout his teenage years and early twenties. luckily he still had and was close with his step mom and siblings, treating them like they're his blood related family.
judith struggled a lot with alcohol and various drug addictions when he was younger, much to the dismay of his family and friends, especially minhyeok. he did eventually get clean though after a near death overdose, luckily minhyeok had been there to save him by giving him a nalaxone treatment and convincing him to go into rehab as well as get therapy. judith felt extremely guilty after this that minhyeok had to save him once again from nearly dying but by his own mistake this time. this was one of his main motivations to sober up.
judith takes after his dad a lot, not just by looks but in personality and interests too. even though judith didnt live with his dad, his father owned a coffee shop and judith would come by there everyday after school and on weekends. he'd stay there and spend time with his family until it got dark outside and he had to go back home to his moms house.
judiths dad was really into punk and goth music, having a bunch of records that judith enjoyed looking through and playing in the shop. when judith got a little bit older, his dad would take him to see some of the local shows in the area that were friendly for kids to come to. his dad actually met his step mom at one of the shows too.
after his father died, judith inherited the shop when he turned 18, eventually turning it into a store for him to sell his designs in. his stepmom is the one who gave it over to him, saying how his dad was planning to give it to him anyway when he retired, and it makes no sense to keep it empty after the coffee shop closed down anyway.
sketch page
voice lines
nsfw alphabet
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crmsndragonwngss · 2 months
I feel the need to stress that I’m not still losing my mind over my lil kpop boy wearing a Mayhem patch in the year of our lord 2022 for gatekeepy reasons. As a general rule, I automatically assume that if someone is wearing merch then they have engaged with the media that merch is from in some way. And even if they haven’t and they’re only wearing it for the aesthetic, that’s cool too I don’t give a shit. If it had just been the Beherit patch I would’ve probably been a little floored and screamed about it some, then probably woulda thought y’know it’s possible he actually listens to them and moved on with my life. But Mayhem???
There is no fucking way anyone involved in that outfit choice had any idea what that patch was because, if they did, they would not have put it on him and he wouldn’t have worn it. Like… Mayhem is probably one of the most infamous black metal bands in history, but you’ve probably never heard of them unless you’re into metal or were alive and cognizant in the early 90s. In saying that, I think everyone’s heard of Those Norwegian Black Metal Bands That Burned Churches. Yeah… one of those was Mayhem. There’s also, y’know, murder and shit involved in that story, and like suicide that was probably coerced so… yeah no idk just a hunch but I don’t think anyone knew what the fuck they were doing in that shoot and I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop thinking about it
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miliyiuu · 1 year
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barbie bf oppenheimer gf
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
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Satan in lesson 3-4
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psychopomparia · 9 months
it's always the intelligent losers that win me over, isn't it?
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bylerisc4non · 2 years
laughing because Jason thought Mike Wheeler--
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THIS Mike Wheeler--
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--this nerdy freaking geek who plays dnd with his buddies and smiles goofily and dresses like THAT when going to see his girlfriend to try and be cool, was in a cult. You're telling me he thought MIKE-- Mike 'the biggest loser and goofball and weirdo and softy and clown' Wheeler-- that Mike-- was in a satanic cult preforming ritualistic sacrifices??? LMAO.
Jason's a funny man, I'll give him that.
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