milesmcintyre · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ktF8zkpUR0)
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
reblog if you're trans and exhausted from having to think about gender all the goddamned time
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
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catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day
very personal art thing about transphobia and coping methods. feel free to reblog, but don’t remove credit please.
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
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When you come out as trans, people sometimes take a while to adjust to your new pronouns, or don’t quite understand.
So we launched a new campaign to help! An article that introduces the topic, a video with a rundown from trans young people, and a web app where you can learn and practice pronouns!
Here’s our easy way to help your friends and family get your pronouns right and understand why it’s important.
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
there is no “legal sex” in the united states, there are gender/sex (the terms are used interchangeably) markers on various documents and databases of numerous different state and federal agencies, but there is no single “legal sex” nor is there even a requirement that the gender markers match.
for a long time there were significant discrepancies between the passport service and the social security administration’s requirements to change gender marker, so trans people would frequently have a passport that reflected their gender, but their entry in the social security database did not. state identification and (especially) birth certificates were and still are a total shitshow with different policies by individual local jurisdictions, and many places where there are no actual policies and so any change is up to the whims of individual clerks and bureaucrats.
not to mention that universities also have substantial portions of international students, so you’re not only dealing with your own government’s clusterfuck, but everyone else’s too.
asking for “legal sex” on a form is nothing but an ideological move to enshrine birth assignment in a position it does not occupy, and to intimidate trans people into surrendering their identities in the face of state power.
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
how many of us, as children, have had creeping thoughts of “i think i have a crush on somebody of my own gender” or “i wish i were another gender” and dismissed them so swiftly and so effectively because those ideas were unnatural and unconscionable that they never had the chance to grow into our identities? how many more of us, when finally told from childhood that queerness is a real and good option, will be queer and will love it?
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
Purple: 10 facts about my room. Blue: 9 facts about my family. Green: 8 facts about my body Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood Orange: 6 facts about my home town. Red: 5 facts about my bestfriend(s). Pink: 4 facts about my parents. White: 3 facts about my personality. Grey: 2 facts about my favourite things Black: 1 fact about the person I like.
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milesmcintyre · 10 years
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A little bit of context for those who don’t know, I’m trans and have a profile on OKCupid.
Apparently I want to just talk about my genitals all day.
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
What's Trans Buddies?
Trans Buddies was created to help connect transgender people going through transition with a friend to accompany them during social aspects of their transition like shopping for clothes or even coming out to their parents. These parts of transitioning can be extremely stressful and it’s often easier when you have a friend there with you. Some trans people are lucky enough to have a big circle of friends that can support them and accompany them when doing things like shopping. But not all are that lucky and that’s why the world needs Trans Buddies!
You can submit your application here http://transbuddies.tumblr.com/howtosubmit
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
Shit why did no one tell me I reblogged a ton a Sycamore fan art to this blog by mistake a while ago???
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
Among girls whose parents never commented on their weight, 4.2% reported use of any extreme weight control behaviors, while 23.2% of girls whose parents frequently commented on their weight reported use of any of these behaviors. Mothers’ more frequent talk about their own weight, shape, or size was associated with lower self-worth and higher depressive symptomology among girls.
Mother-reported parental weight talk and adolescent girls’ emotional health, weight control attempts, and disordered eating behaviors
This is open access. If you click on the link you can read the whole paper (click to read the PDF at the bottom of the page)
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
If a straight dude flirts with me or has a crush on me or whatever, that’s a-okay. 
But I’m going to need him to admit he’s being a lil’ bit gay. 
Just a tiny bit, at least. 
Like, at least 1/4 homo. 
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
eeeelai answered your post: I haven't posted in forev...
might be a bit risky dude. but If you do your research and you think it’s right go for it yaya!
Ah I've heard good things through the grape vine, but that's also while I'll definitely be researching it a bit more.
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
jtem answered your post: I haven't posted in forev...
Make yourself happy.
That's the idea! Thank you though. Trying my hardest.
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
howempty replied to your post: howempty replied to your ...
^_^ You’re welcome. Yeah, you also have to factor in the cost of the trip against any potential savings on the surgery itself. Seems like you should be able to find someone locally though.
Well I know my round-trip ticket to Japan was $2000 so as long as it's less than $4000 for the surgery it'll definitely be less expensive than in the US. Sadly I have yet to find someone whose results I like that's anywhere close.
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
howempty replied to your post: I haven't posted in forev...
I think you are gonna be HAWT after some top surgery. ;) But I’d also advise caution dealing with foreign countries.
Ahhhhh thank you! ;A; But yes I will definitely be doing my research and seeing about if there are any other guys who have gone this route and have any advice/recommendations/reviews of different surgeons.
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milesmcintyre · 11 years
I haven't posted in forever. Erp.
But I was just thinking tonight I might try to do the calculations for getting top surgery.
But in Thailand.
From what I've heard it might be less expensive than in the US, plus they do waaaay more surgeries than over here. I think they might be number one in the world for number of them.
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