mostmotivating · 4 years
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I am sadly not remotely surprised. It’s no different to extreme anorexia that makes the individual justify starving themself no matter how irrational their argument. The Fat Activists justify their resistance to health no matter how irrational their argument. 
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mostmotivating · 4 years
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I'm sorry you don't understand how I can hold my own opinions and seek to understand someone's differing opinions without shoving my assumptions about them down their throat ♡
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mostmotivating · 4 years
How have we gotten to the point that people think abs and lean muscle means someone's "about to die"???
It's so sad that our frame of reference has been censored so much that people think this is Death's Door levels of unhealthy 😓😞
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mostmotivating · 4 years
It’s just ketosis, it suppresses the appetite because the body is burning fat for fuel rather than looking for food to burn every few hours. it is good, actually ♡
every time i fast for more than a day it’s like “just one more hour” every hour and then it’s so hard to eat again bc after a certain point i don’t even feel hungry anymore it’s not good
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mostmotivating · 4 years
Imagine weightloss as a board game, would you actually put yourself back a WHOLE square just because you only got to move one space forward?
Every little bit of weightloss puts you one step closer to the finish line than you were yesterday! Even if it's a shuffle at a snail's pace. Keep going, I have a strange feeling that if you keep this up, you might even win 😘
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mostmotivating · 4 years
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