mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
A lady almost drove away with my car and mom
Lately ive been taking my mother to doctor appointments due to an accident she had. So today regular day on my way to the doctors i stopped to grabbed a drink at a local convenience store. As i walk out i see my driver side door out with a lady laughing hysterically coming out. The Lady: “Omg im so sorry i went in to get my favorite wine and jumped in the wrong car !!” Me: laughing so much right now “no worries it happens !” I go to get in the car still laughing.. My mom: “I dont know what happened but she got in the car said ”“this is my favorite wine!”“ so she gave me the bag and almost started to drive but she looked at me and realized i wasn’t her daughter ! She started apologizing and laughing!” Me: “what just happened…” The amount of confusion that just happened in the matter of 5 minutes…. 😂😂😂😂😂
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
Gorgeous pups 💜
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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The look she gives when i say treat 😂
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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My husband and I 😂😂 we say cool beans pretty much everyday 😂😂
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
My husband got his revenge !
The other day i posted how i scared the shit out of my husband when was asleep. Well he got his revenge, and anyone who knows me...knows im a wimp.
This is how it went down... I walked into our room from doing the laundry at like midnight, i hate doing it at night because its just creepy. Well i come into the room to see my husband asleep, but he sat straight up looked around the room and slammed back down like nothing.
Your not suppose to wake up a sleep walker...
Me: "baby...babe...babe..."
My husband: ( lying there stiff as a board)
Me: "andy...sweetie...."
Im freaking out at this point because i watch alot of scary movies so my mind wanders and i think he is going to pop up like a zombie or some shit i dont know.
Me: "andy.... ANDREW!!!"
My husband: ( burst out laughing) "Gotcha!"
Me: on the verge of crying because im a wimp i say "your such an ass!" but cant help but laugh
If you want to have an awesome and fun marriage, marry someone who will do shit like this, this is what makes my life so much better. We're such goofballs lol 😂😂
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
Scared the shit out of my husband last night
Sometimes when i sleep ill make noises and sometimes occasionally ill talk. When my husband told me this morning what happened i couldn't help but laugh...because i didn't remember it happening lol.
My Husband: So you know sometimes you giggle you make that creepy giggle and when you sleep you sleep talk...
Me: What did i do....
My Husband: Well last night i was watching tv because i couldn't sleep and saw you squirming and making noise, i said to myself "Shes sleep talking again..." but this time was scary...
Me: What happened....
My Husband: Well you looked at me with open eyes waved and said very creepy " HI..." turned around grabbed you blanket and fell asleep.
Me: ( dying laughing at this point i cant help but say) Im so sorry...
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
The day I jumped into a lake to save my dog and use my shoelace as a collar
It was a day like any other day... It was raining and we took the dogs Nukka and Gus out to use the bathroom before my husband headed off to work. Now when our Husky / Malamute Nukka goes to the bathroom she likes to jump around after she poops. Idk why she just gets excited. But this time. She slipped out of her collar because he was drenched from the rain so she easily slipped out. My heart dropped as i saw her ran as fast as a cheetah. Now as i go on with my story i dont know how i kept up with her but the fact i love her and didn't want her to get hurt. My husband and i bolted after her, i got the car to put our other dog in it while he looked around. We saw her a couple times running from neighbors yard to the woods. At one point my english lab Gus started howling because he knew what was going on. I drove the car and Gus back to the house to drop him off and get treats to hop get her back while my husband still chased after her. I saw her bolt past our house toward the neighbors yard by a lake and a main road so i knew i had to try to keep up. I ran down the back woods of my neighbors yard to see her crossing the main road! With all my might i pushed through the pain and saw her in the lake where i jumped in with my Duck Boots on and everything held her tight with one hand and used the other to get the shoe lace out. I tied the shoelace around her to make a makeshift collar. We go to walk up the hill where she was spooked from the cars. As i awaited my husband with the car i picked my 50lb husky furbaby up and tried to carry her so she wasnt scared. I could feel my heart pounding, my asthma was ripping through my lungs. I couldnt breath, i almost passed out from exhaustion. I look down at my husky caring her like a baby, i see her eyes and as tears fall down my face i say "I hope you know how much i love u because i dont know what we would do if we lost you" My dog can run lol.
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
Your Mind Is Your Worst Enemy
Ive always said that the day you realize you have thoughts in your head, that you can actually think and say to yourself in your head anything you want, is the day you realize Your mind is your own worst enemy. Your mind is your biggest critic. Your mind is your own bully. Your mind is a scary place. BUT. Your mind can also be a wonderful place. Your mind can be your biggest supporter. Your mind can think happy thoughts Your mind is yours. Dont let what everyone else says effect what you think of yourself. You are awesome. You are amazing. You are BEAUTIFUL. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK💜💜
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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I am AWESOME💜 Reblog if you know you're awesome!
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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My beautiful husky / malamute Nukka 💜 love my wolfy 💜
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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Where the ocean meets the cape cod beach
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
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Where the ocean meets the cape cod beach
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
Cried when reading this because i can relate so much to this 😩 Living with PCOS and ttc ... One day it will happen -🙌
All I want is to be pregnant. All I want is to have a baby grow inside my body. All I want is to be able to pee on that stick and see 2 lines for the first time. I want to be able to hand that stick to Chris and finally believe him when he tells me I’m not broken. I want to tell my mom that she’ll be a Nonna. It’ll make her entire life. And she’ll remind me that I’m not broken. I want to show my sister that she’ll have a niece or nephew and she’ll remind me that I’m not broken. I want my own grandmother to know what it feels like to have a great-grandchild. And she’ll tell me she had faith in me all along.
I just want everyone to be right, and I want to be wrong.
I want to believe them when they tell me I’m not broken.
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
My 100lb Ovarian Cyst
**Warning Serious Post Ahead** Summer 2007 it was the summer id never forget. I almost lost my life. I was getting ready to graduate the 8th grade but something wasnt right. I felt it in my stomach. I kept getting pain and something the size of a football would buldge out of my stomach when i laid down. I never told anyone because i was scared. Until my school pretty much forced my parents to bring me to the doctors to prove i wasnt pregnant because it didnt "Look Good" that i was either pregnant or fat. Clearly i wasnt pregnant. But we went to the doctors did every test and nothing came up til my mom said "Do a xray to prove theres no alien inside her!!" Alien ? No. 100lb Tumor....yeah. The first doctor she told my parents to prepare a funeral because i wouldnt live through the first surgery. How could they prepare a funeral for their daughter? It broke them. It killed my mother to hear she might have to bury her daughter. But they did not give up! We went to Boston Children's Hospital to get a 2nd opinion, where we had found out luckily by the grace of god it was a liquid ovarian tumor and not a Solid Mass. I spent the 4th of July that summer in a hospital bed watching the fireworks over boston harbour trying to regain my strength. It was going to be a long recovery from there. Months of physical therapy, learning to walk again since i was in a hospital bed for months i lost motion of my legs. And lets not forget the lovely times i tried to eat but couldn't keep the food down so i had to retrain my stomach to handle food. It was a long and exhausting process. Where at the beginning i thought i would never live to see Prom, Graduation or even get married . But here it is 2017. 10 years later and happily married to the love of my life :) After the surgery, i was lucky to find out it wasn't a cancerous tumor, but since then ive had multiple ovarian cyst due to my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
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mrssnell33-blog · 8 years
First Blog Post
This is my blog. The place where ill post either some funny stories, pictures or ill try to be inspirational. You decide if you want to follow me or not. Sometimes ill be random other times ill get very serious, because why not ? Lol. If you are still reading this then go to my next post because you know you cant stop reading!!! :)
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