mspurplepanda57 · 2 years
Shout out to everyone who Christmas is an uncomfortable, awkward, triggering or otherwise unpleasant day. You are valid and loved and deserve to feel comfortable today and everyday. Happy winter day! ❄️❄️❄️
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mspurplepanda57 · 2 years
Dan Howell called me a “fucking twat” during his Vancouver show, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since
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mspurplepanda57 · 2 years
“Product of it’s time”
I have some thoughts about this phrase that may get some hate, but please hear me out.
I do think it’s important to understand when a piece of media was made, and what was socially accepted by the masses at the time, or at the very least not socially condemned. When talking about being socially accepted or socially condemned I am referring to the message that was being put out en masse, based upon what narrative was being pushed by the mainstream and public education/awareness, and I am recognizing that minority groups have been calling out bigoted jokes for decades but were ignored, and while should have been at the centre of these conversations were not. A personal example, in high school in the 2000s I would call people out for saying “that’s so gay” and would be further ridiculed. Today homophobic jokes are still made but there is a better understanding not only that those jokes are offensive but also why they’re offensive. People are more likely to call out the person making the homophobic joke rather than bully the person doing the calling out. Now that’s not to say the hurt or offensiveness is mitigated or taken away, but knowing the full context is important. Also important to know, that there is still tons of room for improvement and I am hyper aware that things are not perfect.
If a racist joke was made in a YouTube video 15 years ago, when you could still see black face on mainstream media, there is a difference than if that joke was made today in that socially those behaviours were not being openly condemned. There’s debate on if those behaviours were being encouraged or not, but I think we can all agree no one was being stopped. If a comedian made a bigoted joke 15, 10, heck even 6-7 years ago, but their comedy has since changed and reflects social values today, I am willing to give them a chance to prove that they have grown, even if previously it wasn’t a one off.
Now there are some caveats to this:
The first being figuring out the reason why their content changed. Did they make to change because they themselves had grown and changed as a person and learned why their old content was problematic or did they make the change just to save face?
The second is how readily available is that old content? Some times there’s contracts where people can’t get their comedy special pulled from a streaming site or their YouTube channel is owned by a third party and won’t let them delete certain videos, but has an effort been made to remove offensive content. Or is there a way they can no longer profit from the content? To paraphrase WB and Loony Tunes, to fully remove this content is to pretend as if this bigotry didn’t exist and that’s not okay either. People need to face their past, and know that it is impact over intent, meaning that it doesn’t matter if you didn’t intend to offend people, if you did you did and you can’t just erase that. Offensive content needs to be removed or not profitable, and that needs to be acknowledged. “I deleted this video because…” or “all ad sense from this video is now going to X charity because…” and it needs to be a clear statement explaining what is happening and why, that can be referred back to. Not an off handed comment in a live stream like “oh yeah I deleted that video, lol.”
Thirdly has there been an apology and has it been genuine? Now this does not have to be some 40 minute long YouTube video, but just some public statement with genuiness to it
And last how old was that person? I’m going to have a lot more grace for someone under 21 than I am for a fully grown 30 year old. People argue that “they’re 19, they were an adult, they should have known better” and if you are 18-21 please believe when I say, you do not know everything, no one does. If you saw your favourite youtuber making a joke that no one was calling out, and getting a good response, wouldn’t you try to copy it too? Maturity levels and levels of social understanding differ so greatly between people in that emergent adulthood stage, that some people just don’t know, and provided they’re open and willing to learn, that’s okay.
Now willful ignorance is not an excuse, performative activism is not an excuse, fake apologies are not an excuse, repeating the same mistakes after being called out not an excuse. There are so many things that are not an excuse, but again having full context when deciding if someone should be canceled is important and when something was made is part of that context.
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mspurplepanda57 · 2 years
I am so excited to be seeing Dan in person. I’ve been watching since 2010 (I am way too old to be on this God forsaken website) and even though I couldn’t afford a ticket to the meet and greet, I got a bronze ticket so that’s good enough for me
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
TIL that in Blue’s Clues, Steve went on to become a detective
Which begs the question, who the hell is committing crimes in the world of Blue’s Clues
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
It’s like what I always tell my students: you can feel whatever you want to feel and make the choices you want to make. Just know that if we don’t make smart or safe choices there’s going to be consequences that you may not like
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
Ok but hear me out. Spencer and Sam went to college together in undergrad, became friends and encouraged each other to go to law school. Spencer decided to move back home, thinking that it would be easier to help raise Carly if he was closer to her. But the two of them stayed in touch and are still buddies to this day
Hey, you know that one character? The one played by the tall, long-haired actor? The one who was pre-law in 2005, and well on his way to going to law school and getting a degree until an unexpected family issue reared its head, and he dropped out and chose a different career path? Y’know, he’s got that complicated relationship with his father, a parent-child relationship with his only sibling, and has some strange, destructive abilities that tie in with multiple traumatic experiences with fire?
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
Boy let me tell you. The fact that I got to see my guy Jimmy Lanik on screen one more time before the season break filled my heart with excitement
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
Respectfully, I disagree. We know of these people. We don’t know these people and we don’t know their relationship. This is their real life, and what they don’t need during an already hard time is the entire internet making their real life divorce about everyone else. We all know the rhetoric of “leave me and I’ll un alive myself” is manipulative and not okay. The same applies here. Maybe John and Anna are taking a break from the internet right now, but eventually they’ll see the tweets and tik toks, and the last thing, the absolutely last thing they need is to feel guilty or like they disappointed us, because they didn’t. They never owed us anything. It’s okay to feel upset, I’m not going to tell you how to feel. But remember these are people who are grieving their marriage and ultimately their well being is more important than a few cheap memes
1) celebrity worship culture is the worst, it actively devalues the performance arts in general. don't get invested in people and relationships you know nothing about
2) i want to k-word myself over a funny man's divorce
are concepts that can and should coexist
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets hyper fixated on minor characters with minimal screen time and no back story? Like in canon I know nothing about them, but they own my heart and I would give the world for them.
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mspurplepanda57 · 3 years
My love for Dr. Jimmy Lanik will not die and the fact he got three scenes this week makes me so happy
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mspurplepanda57 · 4 years
"not all men" you're right Spencer Shay would never hurt me
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mspurplepanda57 · 4 years
more Dr. Lanik and less Manstead
thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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mspurplepanda57 · 4 years
Put a finger down if you’ve recently discovered a new ship based on a head cannon that is now your absolute favourite OTP but in order for the ship to work you have to completely reimagine and come up with an AU because one of the characters is DEAD!
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mspurplepanda57 · 4 years
Wait I'm watching it Chicago Med and MY MAN LANIK IS BACK!!
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mspurplepanda57 · 4 years
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likes to charge, reblogs to cast
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