newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Facebook Feature: Live Video Notifications
Facebook started to add a new option to personal profiles for live video notifications   
Nothing new about Facebook paying more attention to videos. A couple of weeks ago, Facebook desktop users started to see 3 options for personal profile's live video notifications. The most interesting fact is: This feature has been disabled as of now! It seems like something Facebook was testing for a while. New Egypt Consulting is a Facebook & social media marketing company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Digital Marketing Agency (Cairo) Salaries
A digital engagement agency located in Cairo is looking to hire below vacancies: 1- Performance Marketing Executive (Media Buying): Salary from 10000 to 12000 (2 vacancies) 2- Arabic Content Specialist: Salary from 6000 to 8500 (2 vacancies) 3- English Content Senior Specialist: Salary from 8000 to 10000 (2 vacancies) 4- English Content Specialist: Salary from 6000 to 8000 (2 vacancies) 5- Online Reputation Management (ORM Executive) Salary from 4000 to 5000 (3 vacancies) 6- Account Executive Salary from 4500 to 6500 7- Senior Graphic Designers: Salary 10000 (3 vacancies) 8- Art Director: Salary from 18000 to 20000 if you are interested, please send your CV to: [email protected] New Egypt Consulting is a social media and digital marketing company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Dubai-based Saudi E-Commerce Website Noon Put On-hold!
Few months ago, a viral press release announced that a group of investors led by UAE businessman Mohamed Alabbar and Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, launched the largest platform for e-commerce in the Arab world, named Noon.com 1) Yesterday, a Dubai-based Noon employee posted an update on his LinkedIn profile saying he is looking for a job as Noon had cancelled everything. When asked if they will close, the employee responded "The project is on hold because of some restructuring and a few internal changes".
2) More than 1 week ago, Noon's newly hired chief technology officer CTO Omar Kassim announced his resignation on his Twitter account:
3) Arabian Business portal published an emailed statement from Noon a couple of weeks ago that reads "Due to the shift in our operational base [To Saudi capital Riyadh] and the need for even greater efficiencies, there have been nominal staff reallocations and changes"
A regional debate has been raised since the announcement of Noon.com that is based in Dubai. Some were asking if it is the right step for giant investors to invest in an e-commerce website. The debate was triggered recently again with Amazon acquiring Souq, another famous e-commerce website, couple of months ago given a higher bid offer from a Noon investor to acquire Souq itself! More details about such conflict of interest in the report (CEO Conflicted Entrepreneurial Officer).
New Egypt Consulting is an e-commerce & social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Facebook & YouTube Celebrate The Month of Ramadan
Facebook News Feed shows Ramadan Kareem greeting message. Millions have engaged with it
The famous video sharing website, YouTube, added a fanous (lantern) to its logo during Ramadan
The social media websites Facebook & YouTube have celebrated the holy month of Ramadan in their own way. Facebook News Feed displayed a greeting message saying "Ramadan Kareem" with millions of users have engaged with the post. The post appears as a message from Facebook but not as a page post. On the other side, the famous video sharing website YouTube added the fanous (lantern) to its platform logo. New Egypt Consulting is a social media marketing company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
إعلام الإخوان يصوّر مؤتمرا رسميا وزاريا!
فيديو مؤتمر البنك المركزي عليه لوجو (شعار) شبكة رصد الإخوانية! المؤتمر حضرته وزيرة التضامن الاجتماعي و محافظ البنك المركزي
في الوقت الذي حظرت فيه الحكومة المصرية مؤخرا مواقع (بعضها محايدة و تعمل وتبث من داخل مصر!)، فوجئنا بتغطية مصوّرة من شبكة رصد الإخوانية -وبالفيديو على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي يوتيوب- لمؤتمر للبنك المركزي برعاية وزيرة التضامن الاجتماعي د. غادة والي و محافظ البنك المركزي طارق عامر و جمال نجم عضو مجلس أمناء وحدة مكافحة غسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهاب!
لم يقف الأمر عند هذا الحدّ حيث نشرت الصفحة الرسمية للهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيسبوك فيديو كلمة رئيس الهيئة شريف سامي في المؤتمر وعليها شعار شبكة رصد الإخوانية!
رابط فيديو شبكة رصد على الصفحة الرسمية للهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية http://www.facebook.com/efsa.gov.eg/videos/877379602400437
مصر الجديدة للاستشارات هي شركة متخصصة في خدمات التسويق الرقمي والتدريب على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي منذ 2011
رابط تحميل بروفايل الشركة: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS
الايميل: [email protected]
الموقع الالكترني: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
YouTube is Down: 500 Internal Server Error!
UPDATE: SOLVED! [Lasted for about 10 minutes only] The giant video sharing social media platform YouTube is down worldwide. The website is out of service since (at least) 1:40AM GMT, showing 500 internal server error message with its famous monkey. Tweets from diversified geographic areas had confirmed the same issue (not only Egypt) New Egypt Consulting is a YouTube marketing and social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
EXCLUSIVE: Facebook Prepares for Publishing a Newspaper!
Juan Señor confirmed "Facebook is preparing for publishing a printed newspaper" according to the editor-in-chief of the prominent daily Egyptian newspaper Shorouk who attended his lecture here in Cairo, Egypt
It is now confirmed by Juan Señor, an Oxford former visiting fellow: Facebook, the giant social media platform, is preparing for publishing a printed newspaper! Juan Señor, who is a partner in the London-based Innovation Media Consulting Group, was talking to a group of media personnel and press journalists in a lecture held in the American University in Cairo (AUC). Juan Señor's quote was mentioned in the prominent daily Egyptian newspaper Shorouk (Saturday 13th of May) by its editor-in-chief Emad El-Din Hussein who attended the lecture himself. Couple of years ago, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg is planning to do something similar, or will start Facebook's own publication? New Egypt Consulting is a Facebook marketing, digital publishing, and social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
IT Industry: 4 Challenges (Digital Presence Awareness & More)
Once the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has been formed in the late 90s, the Egyptian government had invested in building a reliable telecom infrastructure to boost the IT industry in Egypt. IT industry enjoys high profit margins, high salary rates, and unlimited governmental initiatives and support. We think IT sector in Egypt faces 5 challenges: 1.Digital Presence Awareness: Many companies have considered websites as just an information tube for irrelative personal data about business owners without any useful product/service info! The result simply was: no sales leads, work productivity, or communications enhancements from the digital presence, although social media and digital marketing can truly boost the business performance. ITIDA and other entities need to invest time and money to spread awareness among companies to utilize digital marketing, social media, and online tools to boost sales, maximize efficiency and reduce costs. 2.Information Culture: In Egypt and especially outside Cairo & Alexandria, there is no culture of remote communications (i.e. contacting government authority to ask about required documents before actually going to it). The result is: Wasted time in horrible traffic, increased work stress for government employees, and unsatisfied citizen blaming bureaucracy for requesting specific document that will make him getting an additional day off to finalize the paperwork. Many poor families really need information rather than money or food. Many poor families need to just know the address of Resala charity organization rather than getting Egyptian pounds. 3.Internet Penetration Rates: Less than 40% of Egypt's population has access to the internet. Many Egyptian websites are not even mobile-compatible including the Rail Roads Egypt website. 4.IT Illiteracy: Many users need to ask technical support professionals for help occasionally. Published ISP advertising banners on Al-Ahram daily first-page promoting self-fixing wizard software are a major indicator of IT illiteracy. Lack of privacy awareness is another national security challenge. Some fake political news were spread as facts from low-profile websites that imitate Al-Ahram website for example! New Egypt Consulting is a digital marketing & social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Facebook Page Feature: Linked Groups
Facebook linked group feature is activated for groups created by Option B Facebook page. Option B book is co-written by Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook
The social media platform Facebook said it is testing new features that link brand pages and groups, according to CNET report published few a couple of weeks ago. Option B page is a community to help people face adversity and build resilience. It is inspired by Option B book by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. Sheryl is the chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook. The above screenshot shows how linked group looks like, where LINKED is highlighted with red background. The closed Facebook group appears in the Facebook page tab as per below screenshot:
Groups tab appears on the Facebook page of Option B listing communities to help people face adversity and build resilience. 
New Egypt Consulting is a Facebook marketing & social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS
Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
President's PR Crisis: Viral Facebook Post
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Screenshot for the viral post from the official Facebook page of the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi triggering an online PR crisis for him: http://www.facebook.com/AlSisiofficial/posts/1902119896481007
Background: Two days ago, the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi attended the monthly youth conference. The Arabic unified hashtag that is used to cover conference news online was taken from a song by a famous underground band. The hashtag is used in all posts by the President's official social media accounts. The hashtag reads Innovate & Move Forward: #أبدع_أنطلق The official Facebook page for our President was posting quotes from his speech. What went viral? The viral Facebook text post was quoting our President saying "Government debt jumped from EGP 700 billion to 3.4 trillion (3,400 billion)". The post has been published with 2 fatal mistakes: 1- Adding the Arabic hashtag #أبدع_أنطلق 2- Ignoring a fact: The President in the video (starting minute 11) talked clearly about debt growth from 2011 to 2017, not only during his term. Why viral? Imagine a CEO of a company talking about debt growth from establishment date till the moment, while his body language shows him happily looking for more growth (in debt!). It is about the context that hashtag wasn't matching at all for this specific Facebook post. Now, imagine this same company CEO not emphasizing on the fact that debt growth was for the period from the year the company was founded 6 years ago (he was appointed only 2 years ago) until the moment! How does New Egypt Consulting measure that specific post virality? 1- The Facebook post went viral immediately, with more than 15,500 shares so far (The average number of shares other page posts were getting is 95 shares only). 2- His rivals' news portals and social media pages had covered the post 3- Huffington Post Arabic and tens of thousands of ordinary citizens were either making fun or showing angry What about President's official Twitter account? The conference always gets trending on Twitter, which adds fuel to the fire. However, this specific was not tweeted by the official Twitter account of the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. Our team noticed that the order of posts published on his official Facebook page is different compared to same content published on his official Twitter account. As posts were published 20 minutes after being actually aired on the television, we tend to believe that either an excerpt from the speech was published online randomly, or posts were published based on the Presidential social media team members own choices. New Egypt Consulting is a digital PR & social media marketing company based in Cairo since 2011 Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Social Media Analytics Company: IPO?
This photo was posted on Twitter by the angel investor Halle Tecco showing Cloudera ticker symbol in New York Stock Exchange. Tweet source: http://twitter.com/halletecco/status/857932711872405505
Can we see a social media analytics company applies for an initial public offering IPO? The answer is Yes! Cloudera, Inc. (NYSE: CLDR), the provider of the machine learning and advanced analytics built on the latest open source technologies, announced the pricing of its initial public offering of 15,000,000 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $15.00 per share. The share price jumped to $18 on the first day today. Big data and machine learning are used for social media analytics, online listening insights, and brand mentioning applications. The case of Cloudera makes it possible for any social media analytics company with a solid business model based on a reasonable amount of users and/or traffic volume to apply for IPO. What do you think? New Egypt Consulting is a social media analytics and digital PR company based in Cairo since 2011. PDF profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
YouTube Live Waiting Feature (Pope Francis)
Desktop video view for the waiting YouTube Live feature from the official channel of The Vatican. The screenshot shows a picture of the Pope Francis
Today, we will highlight a YouTube live feature which is the waiting feature as per the above desktop screenshot. Pope Francis is scheduled to arrive at Cairo Airport, Egypt within less than one hour from now. The official social media accounts of the Catholic Church in Egypt shared the below YouTube live video from the Vatican official YouTube channel:
The YouTube video will stream the official Pope visit to our President, our Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, and our Coptic Pope once Pope Francis arrives. Now, the YouTube views counter is counting how many are waiting instead. Viewers can also set a reminder as per below screen shot from the YouTube mobile application itself.
Also, the YouTube Live feature shows the actual expected live date of the video as per below screenshot that shows the video from YouTube mobile application before setting the reminder:
New Egypt Consulting is a YouTube marketing & social media company based in Cairo since 2011. Feel free to download our PDF profile from below link, or to email us your inquiries directly: PDF profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Social Media Case Study: Secure Accounts
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Companies and their social media marketing managers need to have control over their official social media accounts to avoid what happened to Al Nour political party here in Egypt
An internal group within a political party in Egypt decided to separate and to hijack party's official accounts. The official spokesman announced on Twitter that the party on social media has been hacked! AlNour Party conflict had brought into the discussion a very important question within companies and organizations about social media account security: Who should manage and own access to social media accounts? And how to secure social media accounts of your company? As a social media and digital marketing company since 2011, New Egypt Consulting recommends the following to secure your business social media accounts: 1- Control your domain, hosting & email accounts: It is highly recommended to limit access to the domain, hosting and email management control panel to specified employees who are directly reporting to senior board members. 2- Use a company email to register for social media accounts: Avoid allowing your social media marketing employee to use her/his own email account for registering and creating company's own Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, Twitter account, blog account, or Instagram account. It is essential to create those accounts using only company's email (i.e. [email protected]). Similarly, add a mobile number owned by your own company for your accounts, not a personal phone number for an employee. 3- Collect a database of email addresses and/or mobile numbers: It is important to have a permission-based strategy to collect email addresses and mobile phone numbers of your customers and clients. Such database will help you addressing any PR crises by directly communicating urgent updates effectively - such as incidents where a hacked Twitter account started to post threats or nasty posts. 4- Secure admins:
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Screenshot of a tweet published by the former president while in office (September 2012). The account admin used a 3rd party application, and the tweet itself had been removed after a while.
It is highly advisable to separate personal social media accounts from work social media accounts while managing social media accounts for your company (Unless you use Hootsuite, etc) Facebook and Twitter administrators should not abuse the accounts they manage to use or try 3rd party services and applications. If you want to try new Twitter service for example, just use your personal account or another dummy account not the official Twitter account of the president :) New Egypt Consulting is a social media & digital marketing company based in Cairo since 2011. Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Email Marketing Campaign Optimization (Open Report Tip)
Analytics report shows Open statistics for one of our email marketing campaigns
One of the important email marketing reports is the Open report. It shows how many of your recipients had actually opened your email marketing message. Generally speaking, each and every industry has its own average (percentage). The above screenshot for a report from a campaign on iContact shows multiple opens for the email marketing message from a single recipient (31 times for the first-row email address). Why? The two possible reasons are:
The recipient has forwarded the message to multiple colleagues from her or his email contact list, or
The email address itself is an alias that is being forwarded to different employees within the company.
We've been noticing that many recipients who contact us or our clients after an email newsletter are usually one of those who achieves multiple opens. New Egypt Consulting is an email marketing and social media company based in Cairo since 2011 Company Profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
LinkedIn Ad Campaign Optimization (UAE Tip)
How to optimize LinkedIn advertising campaign? While we always recommend companies to be careful while advertising on LinkedIn as cost per click (CPC or PPC) is very high compared to AdWords and Facebook, they need to consider the target audience.
For example, once we target Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates, LinkedIn shows a target audience of 49,000 members.
LinkedIn members in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Kuwait
Once we deselect UAE, the counter went down to only 23,000 members. This means that UAE members are contributing to 50% of total LinkedIn members among those 5 countries. While the screenshot is back to 2011, it is important to note that many of active LinkedIn members are based in UAE. However, it seems that Saudi Arabia has joined the momentum having almost same LinkedIn members as UAE, according to Statista numbers for Q1 2016. It worth mentioning that LinkedIn itself unveiled yesterday that UAE professionals are the most web-connected globally as LinkedIn members in the UAE have an average of 211 connections making it ahead of the rest of the world. Feel free to download our PDF profile from below link, or to email us your inquiries directly: PDF profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS Email: [email protected] Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Google AdWords Campaign Optimization (3 Tips)
How to optimize Google AdWords campaign? We will share 3 hints today from our experience a digital & online advertising company.
1-Exclude Useless Demographics:
If you are a company promoting Facebook marketing service, why showing your Google AdWords ad to a teenager? Demographic bidding is found under (Advanced Settings) under (Campaigns) tab within your Google AdWords account dashboard.
All you need is to set your ad campaign to exclude age groups of 0-17, 18-24 and 65+ .
Demographic Settings within Google AdWords - Settings are applicable to Display Network only (2011)
2-Add Negative Keywords: While you are promoting your Facebook marketing services, you do not want your ad to appear to someone who is searching for Facebook impact on recent political events in Egypt for example.
Adding Negative Keywords to Google AdWords Campaigns
As the screenshot above shows you,  we added negative keywords to our Google AdWords settings including Essam Sharaf, Wael Ghonim and Tunis for example.
3-Create Multiple Ads:
One of the great features within Google AdWords is allowing the account manager to set different ad texts for the single campaign, hence maximizing ad reach to wider audience.
Feel free to download our PDF profile from below link, or to email us your inquiries directly:
PDF profile: http://bit.ly/2lO7sNS
Website: www.newegyptconsulting.com/2011/05/home.html
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newegyptconsulting · 7 years
Case Study: Business Model for HP Company
It seems we are getting you some old stuff, but old is gold. Below is part of the proposed answer by our social media manager to his MBA comprehensive exam in the AAST (Dr. Sherif Delaware) in May 2009. Its case was a new e-business unit within HP company in Egypt - a company that belongs to IT industry and is about to start e-business operations locally here in Egypt. MBA students were asked to analyze the environment (PEST and Porter) and to recommend the way HP should apply in Egypt.
Given Notes:
1.     The case mentioned that HP had developed complete solutions (including hardware and management) for developing nations.
2.     The case emphasized on e-solutions and internet-related activities in developing nations and was requested namely to investigate HP operations in Egypt.
Table of Contents:
1.    PEST Analysis:
a.    Political/Legal
b.    Economic Factors
c.     Social Factors                                                       
d.    Technological Factors
2.    Porter Five Forces:                                                         
a.    Threat of New Entrants                                       
b.    Power of Suppliers
c.     Power of Buyers
d.    Threat of Substitute
e.     Rivalry
3.    Opportunities and Threats                                           
4.    Financial Performance Analysis                                   
5.    Competitive Strategy                                                     
6.    Marketing                                                                         
7.    Structure (High Degree of Decentralization)                  
8.    KPIs                                                                                  
·       HP could invest heavily in human assets (employees) which can be easily transferred (traveling) in the case of nationalization.
·       However, Egypt has some nice indicators:
o   PM and most of the cabinet are belonging to IT industry (i.e. computer & electronics engineers), so they can easily understand the industry needs. PM meets CEOs of IBM and Microsoft. President Mr. Hosny Mubarak does as well.
o   Most of the top middle managers in government do not have a big idea about management and its role in increasing efficiency and satisfaction. However, they all agree that IT would modernize the way of doing things.
o   The government spends on IT. We see E-Gov., ICDL, Scholarships, NTRA, ITI, and Computer Centers.
o   Many of IT experts and professors in leading universities and global companies are Egyptians and they would welcome working in Egypt as permanent residents or visiting professors.
o   If Mr.Gamal Mubarak applied for presidency elections and won, IT industry would be the most industries that would benefit from a young man used to use IT products/services (in the UK and in his work in financial markets).
Economic Factors:
·       Due to the financial crisis, interest rates in the USA are almost zero, so HP can borrow from US banks to finance its operations in Egypt.
·       While national GDP of Egypt has decreased due to the financial crisis, IT sectors enjoyed a growth rate of two digits. The financial crisis forced major companies to re-engineer their outsourced services including IT services. Businessweek listed Cairo (includes 6th of October City) as number TEN of the most promising cities to outsource IT there.
·       While Egypt is known for the majority of low-to-medium purchasing power, IT sector (services provided by HP and e-commerce) usually target both governmental entities and business corporations. Hence, relatively high inelasticity of demand occurs especially with the presence of few companies.
·       Egyptian IT Industry offers attractive salaries since it enjoys higher profit margins. It does not offer jobs for only language faculty graduates, but of course for engineering & computer science majors which are most popular among college students.
Social Factors:
·       Many Egyptians do not trust local internet website [in commercial transactions] unless it has physical existence representing the company. Even if you offered services online and allowed customers to enjoy them then to pay you, you will get the same result: Failure unless you established physical location with known address.
·       50% of Egyptian populations are below age 40. Almost 20% of the Egyptian populations are below 20. This is a very important factor.
·       1.3 million Egyptians (and foreigners living in Egypt) have accounts on Facebook.
Technological Factors:
·       While infrastructure in Egypt is very competitive, it suffers in Upper Egypt.
·       There are 6 million internet users of both phone lines and DSL.
·       Increasing of submarine cables is currently occurring after the increase of both internet usage and contact centers.
·       In Great Cairo, it is commonly seen to see luxury compounds suited with IT services including wireless TV & the Internet.
·       Absence of copyright protection laws.
NUMBER TWO: Porter Five Forces:
The threat of New Entrants:
While the market has high growth potential, there are vacancies for new companies to enter. However, almost all large companies are here in Egypt. Egypt has unique criteria, that is E-solution customers are mostly governmental entities and large corporations. However, I predict that after a decade with the increase of e-applications and increase of users, many Malaysian & Chinese companies would compete in Egypt since they would offer lower prices.
The power of Suppliers:
Most of the provided services include a small portion of tangible products (i.e. PCs). However, since HP applies vertical integration, so its supplier in Egypt will be most probably HP itself.
The power of Buyers:
We agreed that the services and products that would be offered by HP here in Egypt are having a relatively inelastic price of demand.
The threat of Substitute:
IT solutions for large corporations & gov. entities have no substitute. The only substitute is the paperwork which is not logic for the organization in the age of the flat world.
No rivalry among competitors since they have large growth potential. No price cutting is occurring at all.
1.    Industry Governmental Support.
2.    Financial Crisis (Outsource to Egypt).
3.    No players in rural areas.
4.    Competitive salaries (Attractive Industry).
5.    Young population growth.
6.    Expansion to Africa.
1.    Political Instability.
2.    The absence of e-commerce culture.
3.    No IT knowledge in rural areas.
4.    Weak copyright protection laws.
5.    Relatively expensive prices IT systems for individuals and small companies.
ü Invest in human assets & rent premises to overcome Threat1.
ü Use Opportunity5 with awareness building to overcome Threats 1 & 3.
ü With growth, Threat5 will be eliminated.
ü Use Opportunity1 and public relations with lawmakers to involve in approving protection laws.
ü Invest in human assets to overcome Threats 1, 2 & 3 and to benefit from Opportunity3.
ü Use Opportunities 2 & 4 to re-locate some IT services to Egypt to be able to enjoy Opportunity6 (if feasible).
NUMBER FOUR: Financial Performance Analysis:
One page only for Both cash & profit ratios.
Due to very low cash ratios, R&D investments in Egypt are not advised to HP since it will absorb bulk amounts of cash.
NUMBER FIVE: Competitive Strategy:
Differentiation [Vertical Growth]; because of few competitors and high growth potential.
Short Term Goals (2009-2014):
1.    Focus on governmental authorities and large corporations.
2.    Initiate campaigns to build awareness.
3.    Invest in human assets.
4.    Involve in protection laws making via PR with government legislation.
Medium Term Goals (2014-2019):
1.    Enjoy more e-projects.
2.    Enjoy higher demand due to the growth of young and awareness.
3.    Relocate non-manufacturing R&D activities to Egypt.
Long-Term Goals (2019-2024):
1.    Move to Africa (if feasible).
2.    Enjoy loyalty while competition increases due to population growth.
3.    Consider relocating factories to Egypt.
NUMBER SIX: Marketing:
Market Development
Place: Smart Village
Product: Quality, reliable & durable. Training for clients' employees is important because most of them are adults with little knowledge of IT.
Price: HP can charge premium prices. IT services are new to Egypt, so technical differences are relatively difficult to be found among competitors.
          TV &Published Ads
          Web site (Section for Kids and Students)
          Personal Selling to visit clients
NUMBER SEVEN: Structure (High Degree of Decentralization):
Layer 1-Regional Manager; Egypt
Layer 2-
          Layer 3-
          Website & E-Commerce
          Support & Troubleshooting
          Educational Institutes & Governmental Authorities
          Clients' Employees Training Dept.
          Employee Training Dept.
Generally, the growth of sales and market share.
For awareness department, I suggest that HP offers a certain popular product [i.e. mobile phones] of lower price ONLINE (with loss L.E 50/each unit) in order to encourage youth and people to practice e-trading viathe internett.
For sales department, I suggest to add watching science fiction movies that discuss electronics & IT applications to KPIs.
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