nicolamron-blog · 7 years
News: School shootings #1: Teachers Carrying Guns
If you have been anywhere near a news app or a TV or anything or anyone who doesn't have there head suck in the ground like mine constantly is, then you probably have seen or have heard about all the school shootings. Honestly, I don't know would is really behind the idea of teachers carrying guns around, but I can see a point to it. American, that includes myself, never seem to stop doing something until they fall on their face and learn the hard way or are literally forced into a position were they have to obey. I don't know about you, but I honestly don't want to see anymore people die. However, guns are a pretty drastic way to go... But depending on the area they maybe needed. However, I sometimes think our pushment on minors maybe too lenient as well and mental health issues are also to blame. Now I have a few issues with our government, but you will often see me come in the round circle back to the problem of corporation's outrageous prices. I think a profit margin should be made, however, I'm not going into that discussion right now. The real question is how do we stop more things like this happening without the need of guns. Well, I think it all lies with the students, I believe that a good scare or warning and some knowledge would be a good thing for them. Anyone remember those sexual dieases films we had to watch? That sure scared to cr*p out of me when I was younger. Some security wouldn't hurt either...and probably some laws for minors about weapon threats and things off that sort could probably help. But, we all know there is really no good answer to things like this. We can try and try and TRY to prevent things like this to stop happening but America is home to some of the densest people out there and all you can do is wait for them to trip on there own sword.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
Random Thought: Items with Multiple Names 1#: Cougar
Why are there like five different names for one type of cat? Panther, mountain lion, cougar, wild cat... Like is there any difference between the names? Like I know that a wild cat can be a different breed of cat from a cougar, but I know that some people still reference cougars as wild cats. I don’t know. Hm.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
Typing in Public...
Am I the only one out there that can’t type my stories in public? It’s not like I type anything bad or sexual, but typing in a public place has never really been my thing. I feel the need to cover up my computer screen when anyone walks in the room or even when they walk by. I don’t even like my closest friends seeing my work. Whether it be FanFiction or my own writing, I just rather not let the world know that. I, Nico, write romance and fiction. Like, I am I the only one out there like that?
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
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Wish My Computer was working right. LOL Read the full story
This story and photoset was made by nico_lamron on Commaful, a site where people write short stories, poems, jokes, blog posts and more in a beautiful visual format.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
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Read the full story
This story and photoset was made by nico_lamron on Commaful, a site where people write short stories, poems, jokes, blog posts and more in a beautiful visual format.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
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Read the full story
This story and photoset was made by nico_lamron on Commaful, a site where people write short stories, poems, jokes, blog posts and more in a beautiful visual format.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
Problem: “No One Likes Me”
I love it when people complain about having a problem and when I ask them what they are going to do about it they have no clue what to do. Let’s take this common problem I keep hearing about: no one likes me or I don't have any friends. Call me harsh, but if you have the energy to sit there and complain to me on how you don’t have any friends you have the energy to go out there and make a new friend. If people don’t like you then make them like you, if all else fails, then you have the knowledge that you tried and that’s all you really need. If you have this problem, then I'm sorry, but I think the full problem doesn't lie in the people surrounding you, but in the way you think and act yourself. How can anyone like you if you don’t like you? Start with your own self hate before you focus on others, beat it down by surrounding yourself with people who really want to help and care and by doing nice things just to feel good about yourself. Whether it be donating a dollar or picking a flower off the road and leaving it somewhere for someone to find. Little things like this are great ways to start improving your own image and give you things to look back on and think, “Hey, I’m a great person. If he/she does not want to be around me, well, they are missing out someone who is wonderful inside and out.” So today go out there and make someone smile and make a new you in process.
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nicolamron-blog · 7 years
First post here I am!
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