nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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Be soft & Unafraid To conquer. @booksteapoetry • • • I’ve been in a place of fear lately. Fear of the “what.” What’s ahead. What’s going to happen. Will I be ready? Do I have the strength? This scripture has been on repeat in my mind. At this juncture in my life, It speaks to me. It tells me to be unafraid. Wherever I have been Wherever I am. Wherever I am going. He will be there. Faith and fear go hand in hand. The journey from here to Wherever I end up Starts with a step of faith, And to continue to walk regardless of what the scenery looks like. He will be with me through the darkest valley. He has never left me. He will do his part, I just have to do mine. Best way to conquer Monday’s... Get your mind and heart right on Sunday. • • • #conquer #fear #faith #spiritualgangster #spiritual #godisgood #sunday #sabbath #bible @youversion #valley #psalm23 #unafraid #journey #monday #what #iamchristian #christian #valley #utah #npc @union_app #union #fitmom #polynesian #hawaiian #tongan #fitmum #navymom #poetry #life (at West Valley City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3TPJVXnyaJjqswTTj2_06t8uajwVAOgZurvRg0/?igshid=4yrof8fbq2t1
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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You can’t master something You don’t love. @rondarousey • • • ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 LIIIIFE! 💯💯 Love has been teaching me a lot of things. Life has been asking me what I truly love. Not: How bad do you want it? But instead: How much do you love it? Do you love it enough to keep going? Do you love it enough to push through? Do you love it so much that you will continue to sacrifice comfort? Do you love it enough to be patient? Learning a language of love instead of want has been a huge mind shift for me. Changing my vernacular is something that needed to happen. I needed to change how I speak to myself and to others. Shifting the mindset from want to love isn’t easy...for me. If you know me, I’ve been a “Me Monster” basically all my life 💁🏻‍♀️. But I like to think that each day is an opportunity to be better than yesterday. I am learning that love of self doesn’t always translate to love of others. That how you love, may not be what others love. I am learning that how I define love isn’t the same as some one else’s definition of love. But, That love itself allows for the conversation to flow and to find common ground. Sometimes, that conversation is a hard one to have, But if the result is breeding ground for more love to grow, It’s worth it! So, how much do I love it? A helluva a lot. Aiming to close 2019 with a bang! God willing, @musclecontest is up next Dec 14 is going to come quick! • • • #bodybuilding #love #quads #legs #fitmom #womensphysique #wpd #polynesian #tongan #hawaiian #master #fight #sacrifice #focus #npc #goaldigging #goals #flex #throwback #throwbackthursday #rondarousey #quotes #badass #100 (at Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B24YxX4n5iTM9nNItNhf0p0BZhJha3S6wlxRtw0/?igshid=p5stajixxfyh
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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What dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise Without earthquakes. @katherinemackenettwriter • • • Transformation: A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Transformation is THOROUGH. Not superficial or partial. Completely. Entirely. My physical appearance is just a part of my transformation. I have learned a discipline in my life that has allowed my body to change. I am not complete though. I still have a ways to go to see a true transformation. A transformation of my discipline in different aspects of my life, I believe, is required for me to be able to say that I have met Authentic, Bona fide, Genuine Transformation. I am working on it. It’s not easy. It’s an hourly incessant fight. It has been requiring a whole other level of patience. It causes me to learn humility in its deepest form. I received a letter from my daughter from boot camp this week. She told me: “I am not going to give up. I am not going to quit. I am not going to let this run get the best of me. I am going to come home with a sign that says: I am a Sailor in the US Navy!” It renewed my spirit. It gave me strength to be patient. It inspired me to do the same. I am so blessed. I will not quit. I will not let my weakness get the best of me. I am going to come home with an IFBB Pro card! Head down. Focus. Work! • • • #transformationtuesday #transformation #conquer #earthquakes #poetry #bodybuilding #womensphysique #frontdoublebicep #polynesian #fitmom #polyfit #tongan #hawaiian #usnavy #militarymom #flex #gymmotivation #motivation #goals #focus (at West Valley City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ihpMLHLbCANvyP_vnJ-BhFez6dswnvdTObfw0/?igshid=15i199s89wqpu
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. #psalm 56:3 • • • Fear is a funny thing. I have discovered that it is the root to my faltering faith. Faith to me, is trusting. Trusting that wherever you God is there with you. Trusting that He will be with you, Wherever Whatever happens. It’s scary. It’s hard. People think that when you finally do let go And let God, That it automatically brings a sense of relief, But I have found that it brings a new kind of anticipation. A sense of fear for the unknown. A hope that you did it right. Kind of like just as you seal an envelope, You think you got everything signed, You think you have included everything, But once you seal it, You begin to retrace your steps, You feel a quick pang of anxiety. But you address the envelope, You stamp it, You drop it in the mailbox, You leave it. Leave it Gods hands. That’s the test of faith. To know that you did all you could do, Before you leave it, leaving the rest to Him. To be still, And let God fight for you. • • • #fear #faith #godisgood #fight #flex #mahalokeakua #bible #iamachristian #fitmom #backdoublebicep #wpd #bodybuilding @bodybuildingcom @devotionnutrition #untilitsdone #polynesian #polyfit #tongan #hawaiian #trust #trustheprocess #stamp #stampit #mail (at USANA Amphitheatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/B11zZHdnaIjg53ji4_xNmG6HzfjknnuD3znMRU0/?igshid=11lpzu27lqsgb
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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Those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength. They shall mount up With wings Like eagles. They shall run And not be weary. They shall walk And not faint. #isaiah40 • • • Oh life. It always finds a way to humble you. In the deepest of humbling, I am still so grateful. God is still good. Better in fact. This weekend has been one of reaffirming. That God does hear your prayers. That He answers them. The thing is, You have to act. I have prayed for a spirit of discernment. A spirit of faith to trust God and his mercy. It isn’t easy. But I believe, If you pray for God to make a way, If you pray for Him to guide your steps, You have to move your feet. I constantly have to learn this lesson. Praying is easy. Having the faith to wait for Him to answer you. Having the courage to trust Him when he answers you, That’s the hard part. But in the waiting, He strengthens you. All the time, God is good. • • • #faith #eagle #strength #faithwithoutworks #npc #bodybuilding #momswithmuscles #fitmom #momsofinstagram #womenoffaith @womenoffaith #guidance #trust #mahalokeakua #godisgood #christian #polynesian #polyfit #hawaiian #tongan (at Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oj0y4H2o_/?igshid=1p4qbbfpig4um
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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Give your children Wings To fly And Roots. To come back... • • • #wcw My daughter. Nythea Kalikolehua Manusina. Isn’t it funny how you raise your kids To be independent. To be strong. To work hard. To have no fear. How you tell them over and over how much you want them to be successful. How you sit around and talk about their Goals and dreams. How you pray for their strength Their success Their faith... And then the moment comes. The culminating point. Where the rubber meets the road. When you have to hug them one last time, And pray that all you have done for them Up to this point, will be enough. It’s bittersweet. It’s a test of my strength And my faith Just as much as it is hers. Isn’t it funny how we can celebrate Their growth And their strength Yet at the same time, Be heartbroken. Isn’t it funny that when the heart breaks, It makes no sound. While I am so sad that she is not home, I am so proud of her. I find strength in her bravery. I find peace knowing that my God is with her. She’s my hero! @usnavy You are getting the best of me with her. She’s about to take it! Hooyah! • • • #usnavy #proudparentofasailor #proud #proudparent #sailor #navy #bootcamp #rtc #momsofinstagram #motheranddaughter #daughter #hugs #wings #fly #roots #tongan #hawaiian #samoan #polynesian #fitmom #momswithmuscles #mydaughter #parenting #parentingbelike #isntitfunny (at Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1bduv1HhJ_/?igshid=quwynjtby083
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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A letter to my daughter: Dearest Daughter, I hope you know how loved you are. I hope you carry that love with you in all your travels. I hope that your dreams take you far. Remember that you are made up of all the women before you. Remember to keep the Lord near your heart at all times. He will make you strong when you are weak. He will help fill you tank when you are empty. Trust in Him. Believe in Him. Believe in Yourself. You didn’t come this far, to only go this far. Don’t ever give up. Give it your best, and let God do the rest. There will be times when you feel like quitting. Don’t. There will be times when you will feel like you can’t get up. Do it anyway. There will be times when you are scared. Have courage. There will be days when you feel so tired. Get up. There will be days when you question your motivation. Remember why you are there. Remember who you are. Run baby girl. Out run us. Reach my love. Reach high. Don’t be afraid to try and fail. Learn from your failures. Then execute better the next time. I am sad that you are leaving, But I am excited to see what the future holds for you! Stay strong my darling daughter. We love you! God bless you! @nuh.tae.143 • • • #fsmanusina #manusina #kalikolehua #polynesian #samoan #tongan #hawaiian #usnavy #navy #mydaughter #fitmom #fitdad #fitcouples #mywhy #daughters #smile #happy #courage #lettertomydaughter #letters (at U.S. Navy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZA3Ken9SL/?igshid=y5i968u36meb
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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Warriors Lead with their Heart. • • • #mcm As my daughter prepares for the next journey in her life, I am so grateful for this man. He is a huge reason why my children are who they are, Why they do what they do. He teaches then respect. He teaches them honor. He teaches them to reach; Reach higher. He leads by example. He shows them that some failure is inevitable, But it’s not the end. You can pick yourself up and do it again. He teaches them that failing is just an opportunity for a comeback. He reminds them of Gods mercy and goodness. He speaks of how blessed we are, That although we don’t have a lot, We have all that we need. One could argue that I could do what I do all on my own, And they wouldn’t be wrong. But Man was made to be alone. A cord of three strands, My god, My husband, And me. We got this. Idaho Cup @craigproductions we are coming for you! • • • #fitparents #fitdad #bodybuilding #warrior #godisgood #mercy #blessed #respect #fail #failforward #getup #acordofthreestrands #honor #polynesian #samoan #babydaddy #myman #mancrush #swolemate #dadbod #dadsofinstagram #dadswithdaughters #fitcouples #fitnessmotivation #fitness (at Cottonwood Heights, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WyIKHnxLj/?igshid=sxk3y1p4fjwo
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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To you I lift up my eyes,, O You Who are enthroned In the heavens. #psalm 123 • • • My heart is full. Have you ever just taken a moment, To take a step back, And look at your life? How many blessings you have. To take stock on all the goodness that you have in your life. To recognize how far you have come. To appreciate all the pit falls, All the challenges, All the growth. Have you ever just stopped To take in just how blessed you really are? I like to do that post show. Win or lose. Good or bad. Being able to appreciate all. Hindsight is 20/20. I challenge you to look back every once in a while. To see how the challenges were actually blessings. To find growth in the hard times To re-live the happy times. To appreciate the present. Vikings Championship was a warm up! We have so much more to do. We are taking this package and tweaking it for improvement. I look to God to continue to bless me. Mahalo Ke Akua for your constant Eternal blessings. Idaho Cup, You’re next! • • • #wpd #womensphysiqueposing #dance #hula #hawaiian #polynesian #fitmom #fitnessgirl #fit #flex #reach #bible #godiagood #mahalokeakua #blessed #bodybuilding #reach #momswithmuscles #momsofinstagram #womenwholift #momswholift #legs #gymmotivation (at Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1T2mXSnctr/?igshid=1072qd8ymtiwp
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
Mana, The spirit Of our people. @polynesianculturalctr • • • Even when you come in second, You perform at your best. All glory to my Maker and Father Ke Akua For his unending blessings! I am so grateful to have been able to share my love of Hula and bodybuilding. To be able to show the Beauty & Grace Of both worlds Is powerful. I love my Hawaiian heritage. I love how I am able to Bring to the stage the Spirit of Aloha. It doesn’t stop here. I have dedicated 2019 To hit a National stage. This was just a warm up. @musclecontest Masters National Is my goal. @craigproductions Idaho Cup is next! This routine will just get better And better until then. Here’s to dreams, The journey And the Mana to make it happen. • • • #npc #mana #polynesian #hawaiian #proud #808 #kahuku #hula #bodybuilding #wpd #womensphysiqueposing #dancing #dance #entertainment #fitmom #momsofinstagram #momswholift #momswithmuscles #goals #goaldigging #mahalo #mahalokeakua #blessed #grace #spiritofaloha #aloha #808strong #hawaiianbuilt #hawaiianbyblood #flex #womensphysique #utah #pose (at Murray, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1B3IHDAYfk/?igshid=yfq0idly2p48
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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You are my son, My moon And all of my stars. • • • Timote Lilo Kanakawaiwai Manusina Turned 11 today. He is my 6th child and my 3rd son. He is soft spoken And soft hearted. He is very shy. He loves his video games And his sleep Almost as much as he loves to eat! He is a good little helper. He was the first pregnancy that I felt good with. You know that one that you feel like you were ready? Yes, it took 6 to feel like that 🤣! He is my soft spot. I asked God For a man Who will always love me, So he gave me my son. Happy birthday my boy! 🥰🥰 • • • #myson #hbd #augustbaby #aboyandhisdog #timote #lilo #kanakawaiwai #tongan #samoan #hawaiian #polynesian #love #momsofinstagram #happybirthday #myboy #cakeday #fitmom #blessed (at West Valley City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0w-0HHnTyH/?igshid=1us4oe870r1k3
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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A relationship Means that you come together To make each other Better. Believe in each other. Support each other. Build each other. Be their peace, Not their problem. • • • My #mom Left 2 days out from Emerald Cup. Right 2 weeks out from Vikings Championship. This man of mine is amazing. With each prep, he grows.... Literally. His trust in the process is inspiring. His discipline is iron clad. This has been his best prep yet. He never fails to remind me of how good God is to us. Whenever my faith falters, He is there with the clutch. I never have to second guess myself with him; I know he’s got my back. He is a huge reason why I have learned discipline. He believes in me. He believes in us. He isn’t perfect. He has his flaws, But he works at them daily. I absolutely adore this man. Here’s to 2 weeks out! Let’s go!! • • • #myman #mybabydaddy #swolmates #gymdates #fitcouple #fitdad #dadsofinstagram #flex #backdoublebicep #bicep #calves #bodybuilding #classicphysique #myhusband #discipline #faith #marriedlife #relationshipgoals #relationships #marriage #marriedaf (at Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0heBY4gO0m/?igshid=10eb1qazhg1mn
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
There is strength in sisterhood. • • • My #wcw goes to these ladies @sherrydurfee @audreybell2355 I think it’s amazing how people come into your life. I met Sherry abt 10 years ago, through our husbands who Coached the little league football together. She is the chihuahua of the group. Little dog with a big heart. She has a mean RBF but underneath that, Is the most Charitable, Caring And unselfish person I know. She pushes me daily. When I think I can’t do one more, She tells me No... you got one more! Stop yelling at me! 🤣🤣🤣 Audrey is training for her first half iron man! I met her by accident at the gym. I invited her to train with us because she looked like she needed some girl power in her life! 💪🏽 She is the Pollyanna of us. Loves Monday’s. Always positive. So friendly and inviting. Me, I’m the equalizer 🤣 I look like I am mean, And strong, But really, I am nice. I look forward to Monday’s just as much as Saturday’s. 🤣 I’m there to “touch their elbows” When they need a spot. I hope to be able to give them back what they give to me. I absolutely love the group dynamic. How they are all the things That I feel I struggle with. They are a daily reminder, of the amazing support I have in my life. I am so grateful to have such positive people into energize me every morning. I am so glad to have hem to journey with me. That we are able to journey together. It’s amazing what women can do when we empower one another. Love you ladies! • • • #women #strongwomen #chestday #womanpower #womenwholift #fitmoms #fitmom #fitfriends #fitgirls #fitnessgirl #strength #sisters #sisterhood #friends #friendships #gymdoll #gymbuddy #gymmotivation #gymswag #mondays #momsofinstagram #momswholift #momssupportingmoms #momsquad (at Kearns Oquirrh Park Fitness Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TwNOEH_VT/?igshid=1qe0kojci981e
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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In a competition of love We’ll all share in the victory, No matter who comes in first. #muhammadali #thesoulofabutterfly • • • I appreciate competition. I appreciate women who make me up my game. The Emerald Cup was an awakening for me. It made me realize how far I have come, But that I still have a ways to go. I had to ask myself if that’s what I wanted. The Emerald Cup made me realize I had 2 seeds planted in me, Their names are Doubt and Faith. And they both humble me Just as much as they fuel me. Some would say that if you doubt, Then it will never happen. I say: doubt. And then do it anyway. Because in doing, It washes away the doubt, And it builds your faith. It builds strength out of weakness. It builds character. It builds mental fortitude. I let myself feel the disappointment after this show. I allowed myself for a day to feel sorry for myself. Then, I bossed up. I said this is not where it ends. Competitions are just that. To compete. Don’t let disappointments And doubt hold you back. Love yourself enough to keep going. Love yourself enough to not let others accomplishments dampen your own. Love yourself enough to not give up on your dream. Chase it! Here’s to chasing the dream! 18 days til show down! • • • #love #compprep #selflove #wpd #womensphysique #womenwholift #momsofinstagram #momswholift #sidetricep #posing #bodybuilding #fitmom #fitnessmotivation #fitmum #polyfit #polynesian #utah #emeraldcup2019 #muscles #momswithmuscles #hawaiian #progress #doubt #faith #competition #progress #trusttheprocess #workhard (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SB8k6nhDi/?igshid=8t8ebp27bn9o
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
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Embrace The pace Of your own journey. • • • #motivationmonday Left: 3 days out from Emerald Cup. Right: Saturday at 3 weeks out from Vikings Championships! When Coach is smiling like that... it’s a good day! The journey is my own. Sometimes I fall in the pit of comparison with others. And while some may think it’s damaging... I believe, It’s a part of MY process. Doubting. Comparing. Learning to not let it get to you. To not let it deter you. To pick yourself up and keep working. I think that’s where the growth is. When you have the choice And all the reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t... but you persist anyway. Reminding myself daily, That someone else’s journey is not mine. I am not them, And They are not me. So, Looking at these two photos today, I am heading in the right direction. I am leaner at 3 weeks out than I was the last show. I am almost to where I was at 3 days out! That’s been my goal and I will continue to focus on it! Cheers to your Monday Fam! • • • #fitnessmotivation #fitmom #fitgirls #backdoublebicep #flex #traps #back #wpd #womensphysique #womenwholift #momswholift #momsofinstagram #polyfit #progress #peakweek #compprep #bodybuilding #mondaymotivation #journey #fitnessjourney #bicep (at Saratoga Springs, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0O4kEDnAB7/?igshid=1r69l2au991qt
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
The pause Is as important As the note. • • • Just a few more hours in this round. Go vote and share! Link in bio. #mshealthandfitness19 @mshealthandfitness • • • 🎥: @sherrydurfee thanks babe 😘 Back day! You know how obsessed I am with my back. As I get closer to show, I get more and more critical of myself. The mind starts playing tricks on me. The nutrition gets lighter. The cardio stays heavy 🤣 Doubt creeps in. This is when it gets real. I begin to doubt myself. My abilities. My dedication. I have constant talks with myself. You got this. You’ve done this before. You are not tired. You are that bitch. Get your ass up and go. How bad do you want it? Just shut up and do it. Pause. Breathe. Go. That’s the mantra this week. Let’s get it! • • • #justshutupandlift #pause #backdayworkout #backday #back #lats #traps #fitspo #fitness #fitmom #momswholift #womenwholift #womensphysique #npc #utah #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #life #selftalk #nodoubt #doubt #fitmum #pushpullgrind (at Kearns, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0AEUXFHibo/?igshid=1hcex4n16ifqk
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nikolinam610-blog · 5 years
What matters Is how well You walk through The fire. #charlesbukowski • • • 2 days left in the top 10 round for Ms Health and Fitness 2019! Link in bio for daily vote! • • • Legs... Always a good day. I think the human body is an amazing thing. Watching it move, And transform. It’s amazing. What’s more amazing, Is the machine of the mind. The battery that powers it. To be able to push through the burn. To be able to show up and work. To be able to be disciplined to eat the right foods... That’s where the real power is. The mind is a muscle, The main one that must be trained. Hourly. Daily. Weekly. Constantly. The body is the troops, The mind is the commander. Leg day 1 done. Try these in a triple drop set and you will have your self a treat ☺️. • • • #legday #legs #calves #hamstrings #hammies #quads #walk #fire #pushpullgrind #womenwholift #womensphysique #polyfit #progress #npc #utah #mshealthandfitness19 #gymlife #gymrat #fitmom #fitsister #polynesian #hawiian #tongan #gymmotivation #leggings #gymswag (at Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9fPBFH5ki/?igshid=15tyyvbivi8zv
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