noahdrinkstea · 3 years
No because this is too perfect
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
"you're so mature for your age" thanks it's the trauma
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
Van Eck, trying to make Kaz sympathize with him: How do you feel about children?
Kaz: Uh, they’re okay I guess. I mean, if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it.
Van Eck: Why would you throw a rock at a child?
Kaz: I just said I wouldn’t-
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
Jesper: Damn, I messed up again.
Narrator: He said with surprise in his voice. For some reason...
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
remus: me and sirius are having a baby
hari: oh, that's great-!
sirius, slamming adoption papers on that table: it's you, sign here
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
hi um
this is a one note one day post
i haven't been doing really well recently and i've kinda lost motivation
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
he was falling in the abyss. he left like a feather. he closed his eyes. the light slowly turned into dark...
remus lupin opened his eyes to a familiar place. it was his old apartment, the one in which he once lived with his lover. he looked at where he was laying and it was he and sirius' old, greasy couch.
and there was laughing coming from the kitchen. he could perfectly match all of them. sirius', bark-like, baby hari's giggles, peter's squeaky cackles, lily's snorty, loud snigger and james' booming laugh.
he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen with slow, unsteady steps. and all of them, all of his friends, all of the ones he loved, they were all there. sirius turned xyr head to remus with a smile.
"my love, where were you?" xe asked. "how i've missed you" they added with a small, sad smile.
remus opened his mouth, but didn't dare say anything. it seemed real, all of them. he sat down at the table, slightly shaking, and lily gently wrapped one of her arms around his shoulder, with the other one holding hari, who put his chubby hand on remus' cheek.
"remus, you're safe. you're with us. what happened?" she asked worriedly. "you seem a bit pale"
"i-" remus started. "i thought you were all gone..." he held back a sob. "i thought we're never gonna see you again"
"we're right in here" james said, and placed his hand on remus' chest. right where his heart was. "we're always here. hang in there. stay strong, mate. we love you so, so much."
the last thing he heard were hari's giggles, and remus woke up.
if they had just a little more time with each other.
*taglist: @keepawaythenargles @wolfstariscannon @justadreamyhufflepuff @naviation-xx @enbysiriusblack @alex-simps @elmarrymepls @just--another--bean @elpleasemarryme @dandelionxgal @lloomy @aaronrbradley @noahdrinkstea @crazy-beautiful
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
Me, gathering my 5 friends in a dark cave past midnight: thank you for coming *hands everyone heart shaped lollipops* today we'll be talking about-
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
"do you really have to go? you barely came back yesterday..." remus trailed off, going after sirius on the long hallway of their apartment.
"i hate leaving you as much as you do, my love. i'll be back" sirius said, doing the buttons of his coat and taking xyr wand off the cupboard, shoving it in one of the pockets. xe opened the door "i promise" they said, closing it behind them.
but he never came back.
taglist: @keepawaythenargles @wolfstariscannon @justadreamyhufflepuff @naviation-xx @enbysiriusblack @alexsimpss @elmarrymepls @just--another--bean @elpleasemarryme @dandelionxgal @lloomy @aaronrbradley @noahdrinkstea
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
whatever you do, don't imagine remus john lupin teaching his friends about lgbtq+ history and identities in the common room at some point in the 70s and simultaneously realising his passion for teaching
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
"i love you", sirius said, and they were thirteen. "you won't have to be alone anymore" they all found out remus' secret and remus knew, but they didn't leave him. they didn't ask to change rooms. they were still there. they hugged, they were crying, and they all whispered those words over and over again, being sure they mean it.
"god, i love you", but it was said by remus now and it was after they won a quiddich match. they were all drunk on adrenaline and at that moment sirius didn't pay it too much attention, but once xe was in quiet and thought about it, butterflies erupted in their stomach.
"i love you. i really do.", sirius said, and it was barely a whisper over a cigarette, xyr grey eyes staring into remus' soul and he was sure their eyes could read all of their secrets. "i've been falling for you for a while", sirius sighed and looked at the moon, and at the same time remus' heart skipped a beat. "i love you too" remus breathed out.
"i love you" sirius said, smiling against his boyfriend's lips, kissing them for the first time. they loved each other. and that's all that mattered then. they were young and dumb and in love, and that was all they really knew.
they i love yous never stopped. words whispered over a book or wheezed during a laugh. on the rooftop with a cigarette between the lips and on the quiddich pitch. up high in the air, on xyr motorbike and smiling at each other. they i love yous never stopped, and each time they both put all of their heart in it, and each time they meant it.
then came a time when neither of them have said those three words for a long time. because everything was so fucked up. both of their hearts were aching and, even if remus hated sirius (or at least, that's what he tried convincing himself), he missed xem. and then they said i love you again.
"i love you. so much remus, so much you can't even imagine" sirius said smiling, sitting down and looking around them, at all of the boxes and what they had time to unpack. they were living together, they always have dreamt of it. but it wasn't just a dream anymore.
"i love you" sirius said for the last time, putting on xyr coat, preparing to leave. "i love you so much, i'll be back" they continued, looking at the gloom on remus' face. "i promise" and they left, and never got the chance to say those words for a long time. xe said them only to the sky, hoping the moon could send those words to remus and heal both of their broken souls.
*taglist: @keepawaythenargles @wolfstariscannon @justadreamyhufflepuff @naviation-xx @enbysiriusblack @alexsimpss @elmarrymepls @just--another--bean @elpleasemarryme @dandelionxgal @lloomy @aaronrbradley @noahdrinkstea
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
Just to prove myself a point
Please reblog if think Harry Potter is totaly Bi but don’t ship him with Malfoy/you  are sure he was never atracted to him in anyway 
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
Ted bundy isn't ugly, you're just a lesbian
Congratulations, this is the worst ask I’ve ever gotten
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
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I stole it from Twitter, you can roast me and tell me about the vibe I give off
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
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the black fur coat from the thrift shop
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
sirius black never cried.
but when they heard that the potters, the potters, were dead, xe hopped on his bike and drove through the wind to godric's hollow, praying to god all they heard is just bullshit. how could the potters die? how could james, xyr brother, die?
and when xe got there and saw the house ruined, his legs got all soft and they had to hold themselves on the porch. tears welling up in xyr eyes, and they took small, running steps inside.
all of the house was ruined. the pictures james and lily adored, pictures of their son, picture of xyr godson, were crooked and the glass that was covering them was shattered. sirius looked a bit around the living room, trying to hear any sound of james' roaring laugh or lily's giggles or hari's cooing, but all they heard was silence. painful silence. and on the little coffee able, sirius' breath hitched in his throat, were their wands.
sirius stumbled up the stairs and just on the last step, james was sleeping. his glasses were askew, just like he always liked to wear them, and the smile on his face was gone, being replaced with an expression xe couldn't place.
"james, james" sirius whispered, cradling james' body, tears falling down their cheeks now. "james, you brave man, you forgot your wand" sirius sobbed. "you always said you'd die last james" sirius was now shaking and slowly got up, looking at the man james was. at the smiling little boy who wanted to be their friend, at the goofy teenager who took xem in when they needed it and who could always make sirius laugh.
as they came closer to hari's room, they slowly heard the small cries of the baby and rushed inside. lily was lying on the floor, breathless. sirius fell down on his knees and stroked lily's hair.
"lily, sweetheart" xe cried. they tried saying something else, but nothing would come out of him, for the girl and woman who stood up for everyone and who loved everyone for who they were. he got up, shaking uncontrollably, and picked hari up.
"do you want to come with me, hari?" they asked with a sad smile, tears falling down on his cheeks and staining them. hari looked at them with sad, big eyes and sirius quietly left the house, trying to focus on hari, and not the destruction around him.
they got outside and saw hagrid standing in front of the house, muttering something. the taller man noticed xem and quietly got closer to them.
"sirius, am so sorry. know how much lily an' james meant fo' you" he said quietly, big tears falling out from his dark eyes. "the sprog's the only one left" hagrid continued. "gotta take him" he put his hands out, waiting for sirius.
"what? no" sirius sneered. "i'm going to take care of him, hagrid, i promise!" he pled, looking up to meet hagrid's gaze.
"i kno' you can kid, but it's dum'eldore's orders." hagrid justified embarrassedly.
"hagrid, i'm his godfather!" they exclaimed, plaeding. "please hagrid!"
"sorry kid, 's dumbledore's orders. i kno' ye can take care o' him but dumbledore's said he gon' be safer with who he wants to give 'im to. can't tell you who, don't know eithe'" hagrid looked down.
sirius looked at hagrid with dark, stormy eyes, then looked at hari, xe hesitated for a second, and slowly gave the older man the baby.
"take my motorcycle. i don't need it anymore" sirius looked away. "and take care of him." they looked back up to hagrid.
"will do. thank ye for the bike" hagrid said, hopping up on it and rising up to the sky, carefully holding the baby, leaving sirius alone.
they looked up to the sky and reached for their wand, little, sad sparkles coming out of xyr wand, a small honor for the ones they lost on the 31st of october 1981.
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noahdrinkstea · 3 years
note: canon compliant, somewhat angsty. lmao @noahdrinkstea
when james saw the little boy with a tooth gap, he felt something that drew him in. a charm, he supposes, that makes him want to be friends with him.
"hey! my name's james!" he exclaimed. "want to be friends?" sirius shot him a glare.
"friends?" sirius asked. it was obvious to james they never had a friend before, he knew the blacks are very strict parents and he remembered that family name from the sorting ceremony.
"yeah! your name is sirius, right?" james asked with a smile on his face. "wanna be friends?" he repeated the question.
sirius continued looking at him, and then opened his mouth. "sure, let's be friends."
"you really thought being gay would change anything for me?" james asked, looking at his best friend.
"i don't know" xe shrugged, rubbing their eyes tiredly from his spot on james' bed. "maybe? it's.. looked down upon and i didn't know what's your opinion or if you'd support me."
"dude, you're still you. it doesn't change a thing, and if anyone gives you shit for me just tell me. brothers?" james asked with a grin, holding his fist out.
sirius paused for a second, staring at that fist. "brothers." xe smiled, and bumped james' fist.
"you have to understand that i won't always be here to clean up your bullshit!" james exclaimed. "sirius look, you're my brother, but you have to fucking think before you're doing something!" james gesticulated, and he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his bandaged arm.
they were so lucky that james spotted snape heading to where they were. it would have been bad for all of them, but most especially remus. remus could have been expelled. remus could have been killed. and despite the fact sirius meant the world to james, it was his duty to tell them xe fucked up.
"i fucking know!" sirius screamed. "i know, i know, i know! i didn't think he would come!" sirius grabbed his backpack and stomping to the door.
"sirius, where in the name of merlin are you going?" james shouted, his throat hoarse from so much screaming.
"away. don't even dare come looking for me."
and sirius slammed the door shut. james could only stare at the door now, in utter disbelief, as he heard sirius' heavy footsteps down the stairs.
the shorter boy helped his friend brother inside. james was worriedly looking at sirius and xe sighed. james pursed his lips and the words that escaped sirius' lips were both james' worst nightmare and the wildest, happiest dream.
"i ran away."
"can you believe it's our last day here? time went by so fast!" james exclaimed.
"yeah, from tomorrow onwards we're gonna get implicated in the war and put ourselves in danger, risking our life daily for an old skunk who can't move himself from his royal chair to do something about it. yes, risk the younger generations who are basically the future, your old ass can continue living, almost one hundred years isn't enough, innit?"
james barked out a laugh and covered his mouth.
"shh, merlin know he might hear you!" james giggled, to which sirius just responded with a smile. "you're right though."
james heard a sudden pop and, in the distance, he saw the face he missed the most ever since he left them. alone.
sirius was young again, and james took a moment to watch how xe stumbled and looked up to him.
"sirius" james whispered, getting up from his chair and ran up to them, engulfing xem in a hug.
"james, i'm so sorry" sirius muttered in his brother's shoulder. "i should've taken take of hari, taken him away and offer him the life you wanted to offer him. it's all my fault."
"no, it's not your fault, sirius" james said quietly. "it's that old hag's fault hari was raised with those bastards."
sirius laughed a little and looked up at james with a sad, small grin, and james looked back at him with a motherly smile.
"brothers?" james asked, hope glistening in his eyes.
"brothers" sirius nodded with a smile.
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