notsonini · 2 months
Lucifer : I kinda want a pastry.. chocolate pastry?
Me : omg right ?? I wanna get a pastry for you as an offering
Lucifer: are we getting one?
Me : yes soon for sure ,, before I leave for hostel for sure.. I am not even leaving the house now to go buy one now :(
Lucifer : mmm it's fine
Me : imagine mom would get a pastry out of nowhere when she goes out .. but then again it's impossible
Lucifer : 🤨
the next day
Mom comes home with some packets: oh I got you some stuffs you like
Me : huh ? *One of the packets has pastries in it*
Lucifer : 🤭🤭
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notsonini · 3 months
Lord Lucifer is so Lana del rey coded <3
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notsonini · 3 months
me and lord Lucifer putting silly little face masks on as a form of self care and bonding
Me , with my masks filled with bubbles, turns to Lucifer : ok so we done-
Lucifer already done with his masks with 0 bubbles and perfectly fit on face
Me : *blinks* how the fuck
Lucifer : *with sparkles all around him* well I just adjusted it to how it would fit me
Me : well I guess that's one of the perks of being a deity 😔
Lucifer : *evil laughs* (just to tease me)
Me : stop laughing like you respawned into satan 😾
Lucifer : damn you really did my bestie like that 😔
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notsonini · 3 months
Lord Lucifer is so fucking gorgeous and wonderful oh my gods. Forever grateful to him 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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notsonini · 4 months
Me : lucifer do you think it's fine for me and my friend to try calling a ghost in our school bathroom?
Lucifer :wha- no ?
Me : hmmm *asks again*
Lucifer : maybe but I say no
*Asks again*
Lucifer : No.
*Asks again*
Lucifer : That's a NO
Me : well shall anyways so *calls it anyway*
Lucifer looking at me with the most done expression ever : if you are nOT GONNA LISTEN to me then wHy dO yOu keEP asKinG me ?? I swear I am never answering to your dumb questions ever again
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notsonini · 4 months
Me:*drinking a little wine and venting to Lucifer*
Me:*continued talking*
Lucifer : gurl listen to me-
Me : huh?Wanna tell me something?*continues venting*
Me: huh? Wanna give me a advice ?
Lucifer :NO OHF your mom is nearly home I think you should wash your glass quick and hide it before she sees you.. she gonna beat your ass if she catches you
Me : She is? Oh btw what's your thought on this situation?*pulls out tarot*
Lucifer : oh yeah I'm telling you BUT YOUR MOM IS NEARLY HERE
Me : huh- *hears car pull up*
Me : ....oh SHIT?
Lucifer : exactly 🧍‍♀️
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notsonini · 2 years
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Introduction to Intermediate Energy Work
Energy work is used by every single practitioner in every spell they’ve ever done or will do. It is the medium in which intent is carried. Without understanding how to consciously control the energies you’re working with, you risk the spell not working, or not working as intended.
The primary goal of this article is to introduce the most basic elements of energy work and how to master them in order to improve the quality of spell casting. The information in this post was accumulated after years of experimentation, research, and discussions with many practitioners, some of which were practitioners of closed practices. I have omitted all closed information. 
If you aren't familiar with the fundamental aspects of energy work, I suggest you start with this guide.
Properties of Energy
The energies I’ll be speaking on are almost ambiguous. A lot of practitioners use fluffy and sensory words to describe their energy work, and while this is fine for the basics it does not translate well over to the more advanced concepts. A lot of practitioners describe energy as colors, which can be very misleading as it has no color. Energy is not light, nor does it interact with light, as it is fundamental fluctuations in potential densities of space/time. This makes discussing energy a lot more complicated but also significantly more possible, as the language already exists for it. 
Basics of the Subtle Body
The subtle body is the energetic field surrounding all living things and the energetic nodes (as in density) of energies that are connected by conduits (paths of least resistance). The subtle body is connected to the physical body as well. Any time a practitioner dreams or projects astrally, they are doing so with their subtle body. Any time a practitioner casts a spell or does any other kind of working, they do so via their subtle body. The subtle body is composed of a connection between nodes of energetically dense nodes and several fields that are generated by the interactions between these nodes. Some of these nodes are aspects of the physical body that also generate their own fields. Like the mitochondria, the Wellsource is the powerhouse of the subtle body. The Wellsource is the only node within the subtle body that intrinsically releases more energy than it integrates. Because of this property, it is very important to draw energy from this point for energy so that you avoid draining your subtle body.
You can read about The Wellsource here.
Energetic awareness, The Subtle Body and Energy Work
As energy moves throughout the subtle body, each node alters the properties of the energy. In order to progress further than the basics, it is incredibly important that the habit of using visualization is completely removed from your practice, except potentially in your planning phase of spellcraft. The foundation that the intermediate and advanced energetic practices are built on, is developing a strong energetic awareness. For the purpose of the ease of communication, I have given names to the forms of energetic awareness. (These terms were taken from a conlang I’m currently working on.)
Yotasia: The closest analog would be a combination of hearing and touch. This sense is best described as having a sense that is of an entire volume of space, without any displacement due to the physical. Almost as if you had complete awareness of a volume of water, except that water permeates everything within that volume.
Tata’o: The closest analog is a combination of periphery sense and sight. This sense is best described as a type of sonar that only reflects off of energetic constructs, including the ambient energies in the space and the energetic makeup of the surroundings. It is almost like all things energetic are constructed of mirrors, and your body is constantly radiating light. 
Kemiya: The closest analog is smell. This sense is best described as observing energetic fluctuations as they move throughout a space. This sense is typically experienced in the energetic points that exist just inside the head near the ears. This makes it the most internal sense. It is almost like smelling a scent as it moves through the environment, except you can pick up on the subtle variations as it passes. 
Taoyita: This sense doesn't really have anything analogous to our typical human senses. It is best described as Yotasia but it is more fractally inward and outward than expansive into the environment. It is like your senses can dive down into levels of reality that aren't normally perceivable. It also works in the opposite direction. When this skill is honed, it becomes possible to sense energetic fluctuations on nearly atomic levels or planetary levels. This sense is the best one to use for controlling the precision of your energy work.
Pioso: This sense is most similar to the sense of periphery. This one is best described as sensing when a sentient energetic presence enters a space and the ability to distinguish it from other energetic phenomena in the space. It is like feeling when a person enters a space without you seeing, smelling, or hearing them do so. 
Saya: Again, similar to Yotasia, this sense is like being able to sense energetic constructs. However, unlike Yotasia, this sense only perceives the circumference or parameters of those constructs. This sense does not pick up on fluctuations of energetic properties or density, only alterations in form. 
It is important to understand that these senses are processed by energies interacting with energetic points or the fields produced by the subtle body. These points are:
Yotasia: In the energetic body, near the Myocardium 
Tata’o: In the energetic body, near the left & right Bronchus
Kemiya: Closest to the physical body within the energetic body, near the left & right Cochlea.
Taoyita: In the energetic body, nearest to the Penealiar Cortex
Pioso: In the energetic body, nearest to the Larynx
Saya: In the energetic body, nearest to the Adrenal Glands.
When energy moves through other energy points, they slightly alter the properties of that energy. This is one of the primary mechanisms behind gesture magic. Most energy points within the subtle body do not exist in the physical body, but the ones that are important to know when starting exist in the same space as the physical body. Some important points to know in terms of their effects on the energy passing through them are (The following points are listed by the nearest bodily locations relative to the subtle body): 
The left & right Thumb Distal Phalanx: increases the amplitude of energies
The left & right Index Distal Phalanx: encodes energies with information within the mind
The left & right Middle Distal Phalanx: increases the densities of energies
The left & right Ring Distal Phalanx: encodes emotional states into energies
The left & right Little Distal Phalanx: increases the angle and rate of release of energies
The left & right Medial Proximal Palmar:  Increases the ease of awareness of energies
The left & right Wing of Ilium: translates environmental energies into integrated energy
Pancreas: Center of intuition; Translates most perceptions of energy into physiological and mild psychical sensation
Exterior Positive Toroidal Axis: Located above the center of the skull; Alters the properties of all energies into a state in which the subtle body can easily process it.
Exterior Negative Toroidal Axis: Located underneath the center point between the feet; Alters the energies naturally released from the subtle body in such a way that it can more easily interact with ambient energies.
It is important to note that energy points and practices referred to as *Chakras are from a semi-closed culture. Meaning that they are culturally significant to certain religious and spiritual practices. Without the cultural context of these practices, you will not be able to understand their meanings and implementations to the extent that it is intended. The energetic points listed above can also be used to manipulate energies outside of the body. Which will be important when moving into more advanced energetic practices. By releasing and absorbing energy in a precise and controlled manner, you can manipulate energy around you, especially within the fields of the subtle body. But before you can run, you must learn to walk. Energetic awareness is the key to being able to do advanced energy work. 
In the image below all of the pink dots are the most important energy points within the physical body; or, are very close to existing in the physical body. Hopefully this image gives you some idea of what to feel for when working.
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Controlling the density of energy
The density of energy is integral in packing as much intent and fuel into a spell as possible. Doing so requires a firm grasp on energetic awareness. It is impossible to control the density of energy with visualization. The principle of density in energy work is cramming as much energy as possible into a single volume. It’s equivalent to thinking in terms of pressure. However, the reason I call it “density” is due to the difference in the trajectory, inertia, and momentum energy has in motion. When moving dense energy around, it feels heavier, more sluggish, and more difficult to curve. This change is slight, but it is noticeable. To increase an energetic contruct’s density, start by creating the construct. Then, begin to siphon more energy into it from all angles of approach. It is important that the size of the construct remains the same throughout this process. When first starting, it is also a lot easier if the construct remains static in place and form. This process is felt through Yotasia and Taoyita. Using Taoyita you can keep track of the changes in the density throughout the entire construct.You’ll know when you’ve mastered this aspect of energy work when you can increase the density while the construct is in movement and you can alter the form without changing that density, simultaneously. 
Controlling energy with precision
Precision refers to the relativistic frame of reference in which one can manipulate energy. This has to do with the scalar of control. This aspect of energy work is crucial to being able to create intricate constructs. The basic principle of precision is being able to control energy on any scale. From atomic to astronomic. It is the micro and macro form of control. It is best to start learning how to do this by flexing your sense of Taoyita. Start paying attention to the fluctuations in environmental energies and how they move, contort, change density, and change in intricacy. Once you feel you have a solid grasp of Taoyita, you can start moving into manipulating energies on different scales of perception. It would probably be best to start off practicing building intricate energetic constructs with static density, and form. Starting with simplistic constructs, like a sphere, you can begin by maintaining the density and form while shrinking it or expanding it to the furthest levels of your senses. You’ll know you've mastered this aspect when you can alter any construct by increasing and changing the intricacy of a construct while changing its density and form when it is in motion. Being able to alter its intricacy while holding any other property of it static while doing so.
Building energetic constructs
Basic constructs are the best way to start off learning each new aspect of energy work, and then gradually upping the details of the form. For example, starting with a sphere is by far the simplest. Then start moving through the platonic solids. Eventually you can start making exact replicas of entire spaces and preserving their details and properties. To build a construct, you can start by visualizing a framework for it. See all of the details, all of the positive and negative spaces. The curves and corners. Once the mold of the construct is planned, you can then move into actually creating the construct. By this point you should be able to create a construct while remaining stationary. Not moving any part of your body. I personally do this by creating astral forms or however many astral limbs I need to accurately manipulate the level of energy required. Once the mold is created you can start by roughly filling out the mold with a light amount of energy. Then, you can start manipulating the precision and density of that energy to the desired form. Using precision, you can manipulate the external contour of the construct so that it matches up with your planned form. 
Constructs can be as simple as a stream of energy, or as complex and a recreation of an entire city block. This can be useful for projecting an energetic replica of someone and binding that replica to them via taglock, which can be as simple as a memory of their voice. They are also useful for enchanting large spaces, furniture, objects, and mental spaces. 
With this practice in mind, warding will become a lot easier!
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