petition to make it illegal to dislike Lucie Herondale
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Alec Lightwood, September 12th 1989
Happy birthday to the man who loved one man so much, he changed the world for him...
Taglist: @writeforjordelia @fay-lans @arangiajoan @adoravel-fenomeno @fortheloveofthecarstairs @temperedlikecortana @themadhatter999 @noah-herondale-lightwood @julian-blackthorn-supremacy @dark-artifices-only @radisv @swordsandwildflowers @buttcrflys-rose @jordeliasupremacy @ghafa-dale @chrysalism-sonder @brainlessfruit @gorgeous-herondale @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos (let me know if you would like to be added or removed <3 )
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Glad I could help
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
Trying to make a point to my father.
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THAT just blew my mind
this is actually one of the most stunning things i’ve ever seen i’m in awe
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This is just so beautiful and made me feel better about myself. It's something I tend to forget and this quote just reminded me that there is something special about being on your own. It is not easy and a lot of times it's seen as a negative thing, but this quote shows it in a different light. It shows the strength that only a few can muster and keep to be alone.
“Being alone has a power that very few people can handle.”
— Unknown
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Reminds me of James, Will and Jace Herondale
“Love takes off the masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”
— James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time
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I’m speechless totally speechless there is literally nothing I could say to the person asking this question
Why do you even care about trans women? You're not even one of them.
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Same I think it was just easier for me to imagine it that way because they don’t make any sounds.
I always forget that silent brothers walk. I always imagine them hovering like an inch in the air 😂
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Specifically written by CC
whats your type?
Fictional men written by women.
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I’ve had the same thought (about you of course) like how are you doing this?
Me last night: I don't know where I come up with all the shit I do, but I know it's golden.
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I can just imagen them saying something cringy like:
"we're not just best friends, we're brothers. We're not just brothers we're parabatai"
Sometimes I think about how Jace and Alec are best friends, brothers, and parabatai all in one
I cri
I am love their relationship 🥺
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Multi-fangirls will get this
Spoilers Alert TFIOS
Ave atque Vale Augustus Waters
“It means thanks, it means admiration, it means good-bye to someone you love.”
If they ask me "And after all this time?" I'll say "Always"
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The question we’ve all been asking ourselves
I was thinking of Eren and I asked my self a question. Then I thought of chapter 120 and despised they both dir well together.
Spoiler Alert
Zeke: Brother you’ve been brainwashed by our father as I have, once you understand this, you’ll agree with my plan
Eren: See for yourself Zeke
(they go through memory flashbacks)
Zeke: No, no! This isn’t possible you MUST be brainwashed.
Eren: You can’t argue with facts
Zeke: Then tell me. How the hell are you so crazy?
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When you wish you had a Parabatai.
Friend: I’ve got a cut on my knee
Me: Are you ok? I can give you un iratze.
Friend: Is that some sort of medication? Really it isn’t that bad.
Me: Raziel! I mean a plaster.
Friend: Who’s that? Is that a swear word in another language? A plaster would be good.
Me: By the angel! Mundanes are so ignorant.
Friend: What Angel? And what is Mundanes? your talking nonsense.
Me:“There's plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it.” (stares into the distance, remembering a certain blue-eyed, sarcastic, black-haired Herondale)
Friend: Is this a side effect of the pain I’m feeling? Hearing weird thing that don’t make any sense?
Me: Yes (I say hopelessly)
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The Fault in Our Stars
I read the book.
Spoiler Alert
Warning: I wrote this post being in an emotional state so beware to endure my feels.
My emotions can only be put into the words “I do Augustus. I do”. How? Just how can you move on from something like this? After reading this book and swimming in an ocean of tears my heart being overwhelmed with feelings of hurt, love, pain, hate, suffering, gratitude, and amazement all at once. My head thinking: “it hurts so much, yet it’s so beautiful” and “thank you john green for this unforgettable story that will always live in my heart”. I curled up on a hammock outside, the cold wind relaxing me. I was there for hours and at some point, I fell asleep. When I woke up and felt a little better, I went back to my house I just stared at my family and thought “they’re just going on with their lives as if nothing happened. And soon I will have to do the same”.
I’m telling you all this, so you know that you are not alone. Even if I am a stranger, it may be comforting to be reminded that you didn’t feel this alone. So, I’m telling you what happened to me. I can’t tell you how to deal with it, everyone is different. I hardly know myself, but I can tell you that writing this post helped me and maybe reading it helped you.
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The end of COI
I found this quote that i think represents James Herondale's POV of the ending of this amazing, painful and beautiful book.
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just totally broke me, these words echoed inside my head for hours.
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