papercutwriting · 7 years
All the Unexpected
This is something I have been looking at and reading over and over.  However, I can’t seem to find a way to continue it.  Here is a chance for you guys to help.  Finish the story and tag me.  I can’t wait to read what you guys have to say.
  The lights began to fade and the slow, love-stricken music began to play.  Brooke sighed and eyed the boy across the dance floor.  He had a strong jaw, startling green eyes, and close-cut, chocolate brown hair.  “Oliver” someone said.  Brooke peeled her eyes away from the boy  and looked to her side.  To Brooke’s right was a stubby boy with a freckled face and red, messy red hair.  “His name is Oliver.” he said as he pointed to the brown haired boy across the room. “I’m his best friend.  You’re cute, I can say something to him if you like.” the freckled boy boy continued.  Brooke shook her head no and the boy shrugged his shoulders.  He stumbled away to another redhead, who looked exactly like him.  Twins, she thought.  
  Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around. “Hi. I saw Jack was talking to you.  How do you know him?”  Brooke stared, dumbfounded at the boy in front of her.  The brown haired boy, she thought.  He smiled and she gulped.  He stared right into her eyes and suddenly held out his hand.  Brooke looked down at it, taking it into hers.  He shook it, “Oliver.  My name is Oliver.”  Her head was screaming.  “Brooke.” she responded.  He looked down and Brooke realized she was still holding his hand.  She suddenly let go, palms sweaty and shaking.  “Well, Brooke.” he paused, looking her in the eyes, “Would you like to dance?” he gulped.  The music was still slow, playing softly in the background.  Brooke nodded her head and he grabbed her hand again, pulling her towards the dance floor.  Oliver put his hands around her waist and she laid her arms over his shoulders
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papercutwriting · 7 years
The Vase of Annelle - Chapter 2
Hey everybody.
Here’s the second chapter to my novel.  Things are getting a little interesting in her story, she met a new companion with deals to make.
This “she” finally has a name!  Hope you guys like it and comments are loved.  Enjoy!
“Now, now.  Look what we have here.” A deep raspy voice spoke from behind her.  Sweat trickled down her neck as she slowly raised her hands.  “Are you going to lower the gun and have an adult conversation with me or are you just going to kill me?” she asked.  Her voice was steady even though her legs were shaking.  “You really think I would fall for that little angel?” the man said.  She gritted her teeth and slowly turned around.  Forcing a smile she said, “So, what exactly do you want from me?”  The man smirked.  He was handsome, tan with dark brown short hair and a bit of a beard coming through.  He looked ex-military from the way he held his gun.  
She looked up at his face and smirked when she found his eyes slowly looking over her body.  “My eyes are up here, buddy.” she said.  His eyes fluttered as they moved up to her face.  They were blue, almost as blue as the sea below them.  “I want the vase.” he sneered.  She shook her head.  “You’ll have to come get it.”  With a deep breath, she flung her leg up to his hand and he yelled, dropping the gun.  She rolled for it and came up, pointing the gun in his face.  “And here I thought you were ex-military.” she pouted.  He held a straight face and held out his hand.  She stared at it, unsure what to do.  “My name is Adam.  Adam Baddrett.”  He held his hand steady.  “Do you really expect me to shake your hand after you held a gun to my head?” she shook her head in disbelief.  
All of a sudden, an arrow whizzed past her head, nicking her ear.  Adam took this moment to grab her hand, taking the gun and throwing her down the mountain.  She cursed and regained her footing looking for the bulky man, but he was right behind her, with arrows shooting past.  “Run!” he yelled.  I gulped and started running to the beach below.  I heard the helicopter before I saw it. It landed on the rocky beach below, and a man came out.  He tried yelling, but it got caught in the wind.  
Adam ran up next to me a grabbed my hand, pulling me along.  We made it to the helicopter and he pushed me in.  “What the hell?!” I yelled.  Adam gasped, catching his breath. “Jack!  Let’s get out of here!”  The helicopter rushed up into the sky and out the window, she could see a group of natives with bows in their hands yelling.  “What’s your name honey?” she looked to her side at Adam.  “Simon.”  she answered.  Adam held out his hand and she took it. “Welcome to the team, Simon.” She swallowed, unsure of what she had gotten herself into. 
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papercutwriting · 8 years
The Vase of Annelle - Chapter 1
Hey everyone!  This is the first chapter of “The Vase of Annelle”.
It’s an adventure story about a girl who has dreamed of being a treasure hunter her whole life.  In her everyday life, she is a curator at a museum, but the things in the museum are brought in by her!  If you guys have any name suggestions I would love to hear! Enjoy <3
The treasures laid before her in a blinding light.  She blinked once, twice.  She had done it.  A sigh escaped her lips and she cautiously walked over the worn stones to the piles of gold and jewels.  One step, two steps, three steps closer to her goal.  She had been dreaming of this since she was a child and had worked her ass off to get here.  A soft breeze blew through the chamber and she took a deep breath.  It smelled good, like saltwater and fruit.  She lifted her bag off her shoulder and looked at the 20 foot tall stone pillar in the middle of the treasure.  Her heart raced as her sea green eyes trailed up and up, until they hit a gleaming object the size of a dinner plate.  From somewhere above, light streamed in and lit the object in a golden glow.  
“The Vase of Annelle”. She whispered.  Her voice sounded drier and harsher than before she started this whole adventure.  She shook her head, not believing her eyes.  Not a moment later, she was grabbing the thick vines coming down from the top of the pillar.  She took one last look up at the vase and swallowed hard.  One foot went on the vine and one hand reached up.  Up and up she went until she was face to face with her lifelong goal.  She reached for the vase, but her hand wavered and she shook in fear.  What will I do once I’m done?  What will I fight for next?  No.  That’s a conversation for later.  
She shook her head again and grabbed the vase.  A rumble went through the cavern and she her feet came loose from the vines.  She gasped, holding the top of pillar with one hand.  One gulp and she let go, jumping to the ground.  She rolled and kept running, putting the vase in her pack, throwing it back over her shoulder.  Her feet stomped against the stone as rock and dust fell from the ceiling.  She looked up and found the crack where the light was coming in from.  Just big enough.  She grabbed a rope from her pack and found a rock on the floor.  Quickly, she tied the rock to the rope and threw in up towards the crack.  It missed and came back down, she swallowed hard and shivered as the ground beneath her started to break.  She held her breath and threw again.  
The rope hit the crack and slipped through, she tugged on the rope a couple times and started climbing.  Rocks were falling from the ceiling around her and she choked on the mass amount of dust.  She kept climbing and soon reached the crack and slipped through.  She laid on the ground outside for a bit and took a deep breath.  She sighed and stood up, about to run down to the beach below her when she heard the click of a gun behind her head.  
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papercutwriting · 8 years
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Sneak peak at my new story! Will post the first Chapter soon 👌🏻 Hope you enjoy this terrible art. Many kisses. -Paper Cuts
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papercutwriting · 8 years
The Diary
Get a feel for me my dudes.  Thanks and enjoy! 
I’ve always wondered what would have happen if I never got out of bed that day.  I remember everything.  Soft bed, bright sky out of the large window from my bedroom.  The sweet smells of breakfast being made in the cafe downstairs and the warmth of the sheets.  
I laid there for a while.  I didn’t want to get up, but the food smelled so good.  I pushed my foot out of my covers and frowned.  “No.  Too cold.” I yawned again.  I slipped my foot back in and fell back asleep. 
I was almost asleep when something about the morning changed my mind.  My eyes popped open above the covers and I sat up, the covers falling off my toned body.  I stretched and got up, wincing at how cold the floor was.
“Ok girl.  Let’s go.  Just another morning, let’s do this.” I whispered and my morning routine started.  Hot shower, get dressed, then makeup.  I smacked my lips when the last bit of red lipstick was applied.  I winked at myself in the mirror and left.  Grabbed my wallet, keys, phone and headed downstairs to the cafe.   
“Hi honey!” a plump woman behind the counter waved at me. “How did you sleep?” she asked.  I smiled, “Very well.  My regular please.”  The woman laughed and disappeared behind the door to the kitchen.  Moments later, I was greeted with a hot stack of pancakes and a burning cup of black coffee. 
I finished my meal and headed out, ready to face the day.  I walked a few blocks and turned a corner, headed for the Book Shop I’ve worked at for 4 years.  I stopped and looked at the ground.  I book was on the dirty sidewalk.  
I scowled and picked it up.  It was heavy in my hands and had a nice leather cover.  I opened it up and sighed.  “Somebody lost their journal.” I looked through a couple of pages and found today’s date.
My forehead scrunched when I read it.  1. Should have stayed in bed, warm wasn’t it? 2. You found this book, way to go now keep reading 3. You’re still here.  I’m glad. 4. A bus.  A big bus. I swallowed hard.  “The heck is this?” I whispered.
I closed the book and kept walking.  Every step I took made the book seem even heavier in my hands.  I got to a street and started to cross when everyone screamed.  My head whipped to my side and that’s when I saw it.  Everything went in slow motion and I felt hands grab at my waist.
Suddenly, I was out of the street, eyes wide staring to no where. 4. A bus.  A big bus.  The book.  What was this book?  I held it in shaking hands and stared at it.  Why was it here, why did I have it.
I didn’t want to know.  I crossed the street and threw the diary in the nearest trashcan.  I kept walking and never looked back.
Hey guys!  So this was a pretty quick story, but I just wanted you guys to get a feel for me.  If you like this idea, please let me know and I can add to it <3
Thanks for reading and follow me if you want more!!!
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papercutwriting · 8 years
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Hey guys!
So here we are. A lazy 15 year old girl with way too much work on her hands but decides to start a tumblr account anyway.  
Ok so overall, this account will probably consist of absolute crap, unless you guys like that then way to go *claps
I’ll post short stories, novels I’ll be writing and maybe some artwork, but honestly “lazy 15 year old”. 
I love feedback and I hope you guys like my stuff! If you have any requests please let me know!
I’ll post a little short story so you guys can get a feel for my writing, so enjoy!
--Paper Cuts
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