#[ i love writing with you guys but i get overwhelmed and then disappear
doobea · 2 months
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synopsis: sae is great at a lot of things, his brother... not so much. when sae calls you up to tutor rin for his upcoming exams the first thought should've been 'yeah, sounds like easy money' rather than 'why does it look like he wants to kill me right now'.
contents: gn!reader, reader is two grades above rin, college AU setting, forced proximity, best friend's brother, rin is a lil emotionally constipated but its alright bc we love him, sae is a physics major in this idk why word count: 10.9k (haha... why do i do this) a/n: hi hi umm idk if i know how to write tbh its been quite some time,,, but im slowly finding myself getting back into the groove and umm yeah it'll still take some time!! anyways, thank you for beta'ing @popponn and of course this fic is dedicated to you too my sweet <3
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You meet Itoshi Rin at a coffee shop, of all places.
The kind of shop that you often see campus influencers hanging around. Hole in the wall. Dangling fairy lights paired with a few overgrown rose bushes in the front. A bit old-schooled, wooden counter tops, with well loved espresso machines. It’s not a big cafe, just enough to hold a few couches, a singular bookshelf packed with all sorts of board games, and low rise tables with way too many heat stains. 
At the start of the year, it started out as a quiet job. Never too overwhelming and had just enough downtime for you to finish up assignments in between breaks. Recently, due to a couple of self-proclaimed foodies on campus, business has blown up ten-fold. So, instead of catching up on your latest lectures, you’re stuck brewing teenage girls their overpriced lattes that are just mostly multiple pumps of flavored syrup and copious amounts of whipped cream. It’s rough but manageable to say the least, judging from the tips. 
You’re currently on scholarship, top of your classes and major, but you’re also living on your own so rent’s gotta get paid one way or another. Whether it be working part-time as a teaching assistant, a barista, or both.
On this particular day, you’re just about done closing up shop. The last hour had you rushing back and forth, fulfilling a last minute order from a Karen that swore up and down that she placed a mobile app order for ten frappuccinos twenty minutes prior. It’s been a long day, but the evening has finally calmed down. You’re scrubbing down the counter, putting all the remaining elbow grease you have into this one particular syrup spill earlier that you didn’t realize that someone had walked in until they started clearing their throat.
You barely look up, having the stain just almost disappear from the counter, but the information you register is enough to know that it’s a guy, and he’s by himself. 
And, okay, in a normal setting you would probably be smart enough to realize that a guy wearing a black cap, oversized hoodie, and a large gym bag at nearly nine o’clock at night is anything but suspicious. You, however, worked a long day. Your eyes are strained from operating the bright tablet menu. Your hair is a frenzied mess. There’s tea stains all over your apron. You get the gist.
So you don’t really notice at all, except that this guy is idling in front of the counter, looking over at the menu with equally strained eyes as you. That’s not unusual. You’ve learned when to be helpful and when to give someone their time and space. It’s slow now, not like it’s common for more customers to show up this late anyway. 
After a moment, the customer clears his throat again. You turn around, fixing your apron, and work up a friendly smile and a quick “ready to order?” when it dawns upon you that this guy is breathtakingly gorgeous. So much so that if you could take over the rights of the Oxford Dictionary, you would attach this guy’s face underneath the word gorgeous and emo.
Dark wispy bangs, striking teal eyes, long mesmerizing lashes, and lips that naturally fall into a small frown giving him the ultimate resting bitch face. They’re also very kissable lips, and you hate yourself for jumping to that thought so fast. It’s not usual for you to hit on customers, let alone just anyone, and it’s probably safe to say that anyone as handsome as The Duke of the North (because you’ve also been reading too many romance comics on the side and this stranger definitely fits this role) probably has a partner of his own. 
“Hey,” The Duke of the North looks awkwardly pained, as if he hates starting a conversation. His eyes drift down to your name tag that’s proudly displayed on your apron, littered with all sorts of stickers and pins. “I—um, what do you recommend?”
Working in food service made you absolutely hate this question with a burning passion. Everyone’s taste is subjective. You get this question all the damn time, and you have to put on your best customer service act, all preppy and bubbly. It’s not like you hate helping customers, you do. But, when they don’t give you anything to work with, it becomes your fault if the drink is bad. 
Though, for obvious reasons, you don’t mind extending the conversation with The Duke of the North. Just by glance alone, you can tell he’s a bit of a health nut from the lean physique and the hefty gym bag that’s tossed around his shoulders. Looks scary and a little daunting, but you have an inkling feeling he’s more of a traditional type of guy. 
“If you want popular suggestions then I’d rec our brown sugar boba for beginners or, if you want something less sweet, I always prefer our in house rose oolong milk tea.” You answer, good-naturedly.
The Duke of the North seems to be in deep pondering. The look on his face makes you feel a little uneasy, like maybe he’s missing something, but eventually he settles with the latter.  “Rose oolong,” He says thoughtfully, almost unfamiliar with the term. “I’ll have that then.”
“It’s one of our signature drinks,” you ring in his order with a smile, “tends to be popular with a lot of the older women.” There’s tease laced in the tone, but you mean no harm. Maybe just a tiny amount for him coming in before closing. 
And, after collecting the cash payment, you can tell that he’s struggling with the awkwardness hanging in the air. You assume he’s not used to jokes, or even hanging around others willingly for that fact. There was another comment you wanted to ask, more so his background and if he goes to the same university, but it quickly vanishes when the guy scurries to the furthest corner of the shop. 
Okay, that’s fine too. Not everyone is suited for small talk.
You get the feeling that this guy wants to avoid people and maybe he’s also had one hell of a day. You’ve learned pretty early on as a barista to never ask anyone about their problems, only because you’ll accidentally sign up to become their therapist without meaning to. 
You decide to brew up a warm batch of rose oolong tea, despite the fact he never specified if he wanted it hot or iced - he looks like the type of guy to always order a warm drink, even on a summer day. And, being the lovely barista you are, you decide to give him a large for the hell of it. This will go down as your one positive action for today, hoping that the good luck will carry over for tomorrow’s rough schedule.
“Hope you like it,” you present him with the tea and watch him as he swirls the drink around. He doesn’t look upset that it’s warm, so you take that as a good sign. “Feel free to hang back a little, I still have to clean up a couple of things in the back.”
“Sure, thanks,” he nods, and the words sound genuine. Without missing a beat, he retreats back in the corner and pulls out a laptop, notebook, and somehow manages to balance the drink on the cushion next to him. Yeah, definitely a fellow student working overtime like you.
True to your word, you go back to your boring list of chores to do; tons of equipment to be sanitized, chalkboard to be erased and be replaced by tomorrow’s daily specials, counting the register, taking out all the trash… maybe it’s not too late to find a less taxing job.
If you weren’t so tunnel visioned in your deep cleaning, maybe you would’ve noticed The Duke of the North spilling some of the tea on himself, asking if you had some extra tissues he could borrow, but only growing self-cautious when he realized that your earbuds are shoved in. And maybe you’d notice him cleaning up the spill with his own clothes from the gym bag, dabbing the spot furiously and making sure it looked like the same state prior. 
You’re almost done with your long list of closing chores when The Duke of the North returns with an empty cup. “Thanks, again. ‘S was good,” he awkwardly offers up.
“Glad to hear,” you flush a little, because your uniform is a mess, and you clearly look the part still. Nothing is more embarrassing than a cute guy staring down at you while you’re sweaty, tired, and have soap suds all over your apron.
There’s a bit of a silence, and then he says, even more awkwardly, “I’ll, uh, see you around. Good night.”
“Sure,” you reply in a quiet voice, in a tone that’s taken on a dreamy sort of quality. “Night.”
You let out a ragged sigh by the time he was out of sight, praying to see him again in better circumstances. By the time you’re locking the front door, you’re half debating to FaceTime your best friend about the random encounter. Somehow, Sae tends to know just about everyone on campus, even if his friend group only extends out to you. Though, noting that it’s nearly midnight and you should really catch the last bus of the day, you quickly toss that thought out the window and save the energy for tomorrow’s session.
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“Mind tutoring my brother for me?” Sae asks out of the blue the next day.
You flail a little, shooting him an exasperated look over your shoulder as your fingers stop in mid hover over the keys of your laptop. An hour and a half into the TA grading session and somehow things feel slightly more off than yesterday night. 
There’s only one single thought running through your mind as you stare at Sae, best friend of nearly two years, “You have a brother?!”
A swarm of “shh” and “quiet down” soon blows in your direction in the library. You’re quickly met with glares from other senior students from nearby tables and study rooms as you mumble back flurries of “sorry” while Sae only rolls his eyes.
It’s nearing midterms, everyone and their mothers are camped on every floor and crevice of the building, thus making gossiping quite impossible and frowned upon. So you stare in disbelief at your friend on the wild fact that he potentially has a brother and didn’t bother telling you until now. 
Sae blinks, “…Yeah? That’s shocking news to you?”
You laugh a little sheepishly, “You’ve never mentioned having one, let alone anything familial.” Then again, this is Sae. Talk about emotionally guarded. 
“You’ve never asked,” Sae huffs before setting down a stack of graded papers. At the top, you see an unfortunate student’s work marred in everything red from Sae’s corrections. He’s always been a tough grader and, for any poor soul who has to take physics, chances of them retaking are high when he’s TAing.
“No offense, but you’ve always given me only child vibes,” you say, lamely, not hiding the fact you’re mildly annoyed. Seriously, this guy knows just about everything about your personal life and now you’re just finding out about his?
“All offense taken,” he replies dryly. 
You scoot closer and whisper, “So, who’s the unlucky guy?”
Sae heaves, ignoring your comment, and continues, “Rin. He’s been focusing too much on sports lately to care about his midterms. He knows about the arrangement. I would offer to tutor him but… we don’t have the best sibling relationship.”
And, Sae being Sae, this doesn’t really surprise you. “See? The only child vibe checks out.”
“Anyways,” Sae rolls his eyes for the nth time and tosses you a half folded sticky note with the name and contact info of his presumed brother. “He gets his shitty attitude from me, so try not to get too upset if he doesn’t seem talkative.”
“I haven’t even given my answer to—”
“Just how often do I ask for your help?”
“Like never,” your reply is instant and Sae only raises his brows in confirmation. You take that as a sign of he’ll somehow return the favor. It’s a rare opportunity, perhaps even once in a blue moon, but there is just one thing that you’re wondering about—
“Don’t worry about the money, you’re going to be covered,” Sae reassures as he throws another thick stack of exams on top of the finished pile. “He’s a fast learner when he wants to be, just not as of recently since he’s started the semester.”
“I take it he’s a grade below?”
“About two years younger, in honors.”
You laugh, pulling away and readjusting your attention back to your laptop screen. “Seems smarter than you, I like him already.”
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It’s a terrible day, because you’re awake before your alarm. Hell, you’re awake before sunrise.
It’s absolutely nonsense and your boss knows to stop giving you these opening and closing shifts back to back, but apparently nobody else had been available to open. 
“You’re competent,” your boss had said over the phone last night. “I trust you more than our own managers, so you should at least feel proud about that.”
Should you?
Of course, you don’t fall for his stupid flattery, not when your alarm is finally blasting in your ear at five in the morning. Normally, you at least try to make yourself look half-presentable but, working on approximately four hours of sleep, the best you could do for yourself is throw on a sweater and jeans before heading out the door.
As a whole, you really do like your job and usually get the later shift but the recent manager got fired for stealing cash from the register, and your other co-worker called off for the next few weeks due to a family emergency, so now your life is a living hell — at least until they return. And, let’s not forget to mention that somehow you’re also stuck with tutoring your classmate’s younger brother because somehow he couldn’t have done it himself. Also a so-called “family emergency”. 
The only thing you appreciate is at least it’s warm inside the cafe once you’ve turned on the lights and tossed your bookbag in the back room. The store might be short-staffed today, but mornings are always slow, which only means you can at least get paid by watching some YouTube videos while finishing setting the place up.
You barely get through setting up the pastries when there’s a knock on the door. Dear god. It’s barely seven, you’ve been here for exactly fifty minutes, and already you’re debating smashing your face against the coffee machine to put yourself out of this misery. If it’s a customer, you swear you’re going to kill someone.
As you glare intently at the window, in the early morning, pre-dawn glow, you can make out a tall guy, dressed in athleisure, peering through the glass. You’re about to grumble out loud about entitled customers showing up before opening hours but the door knob suddenly turns, all because you were too tired earlier to lock it, so now you have to put on your dumb customer service voice. 
The bell chimes loudly as the guy walks in. The lighting in the coffee shop is low, with that quiet, comfortable ambience of soft piano background music playing through the speakers. Your eyes are still half-awake too, blurry around the edges with sleep. But that face, no one could possibly forget that.
“You’re back,” you say this in awe, offering up your best smile, even though it’s lopsided and droopy. The annoyance ebbs away slowly as the man approaches the counter.
The Duke of the North scratches his cheek, and looks around the cafe a bit more, realizing that he’s quite literally the only one here. “...Am I early?”
“Kinda, we open in thirty minutes,” you shrug. It’s not an accusatory thing, because at least this time he has the manners to come in before it’s open rather than before closing. That’s something you can work with. You were irritated earlier but now you’re suppressing a giggle. “Did you like the drink that much?”
Before he could answer, he tips his baseball cap and grips his bookbag before settling down on the nearest couch by the counter. Wondering if the comment had came out as off putting, you’re about to throw on a free pastry when—
“My brother recommended this cafe. Needed a quiet place to get some work done,” he explains with a slight pause, and continues, “The drink you made was good,” he says quietly and starts unpacking. For whatever reason, that puts a dumb cheesy grin on your face. You’re thankful he’s too occupied to catch that.
“Well, you’re welcome to stop by anytime. Just, you know, within actual store hours.” You laugh when you see the tips of his ear flushing a light shade of red. 
“I suppose you’re right,” and you don’t have to look at him to hear the tiny smile in his voice.
“Did you want me to make you anything?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing at the moment. Thank you.”
You two are quiet again for a long time. He’s minding your space while you’re trying to finish your opening duties. When you’re finally done fiddling with the coffee bean grinder, you twirl around, mind racing and checking off your internal checklist with the next task being to actually open the shop. Though, as you turn, The Duke of the North is already by the front door, flipping the sign over to OPEN. 
Can this guy get any more charming?
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” except that you totally loved the fact that he did just that. Maybe a concerning amount. 
“I was getting up anyways,” he reasons simply with a shrug. Somehow he slightly reminds you of a certain someone, but you ignore the nagging voice inside your head.
“Well, keep that up and we might just hire you,” you tease.
The Duke of the North strolls up to the counter, presenting a credit card in his hand, and looks over the menu behind you. You give him space, but you absolutely try to make out the name on the card. You probably shouldn’t refer to him as The Duke of the North any longer than you should. Then again, if the shoe fits, why change?
Suddenly, the front door bell rings and the sight of maroon catches your attention.
“You’re here awfully early,” Sae comments, nonchalantly. 
You sigh, rubbing a hand to your temple. “Got moved to first shift, unfortunately.”
“Wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to him,” he nods towards The Duke of the North.
Blinking hastily, you choke out, “Wait, you two know each other?”
“Are you that blind?” Sae deadpans and stands next to the taller male, who looks mildly taken back, like somehow he doesn’t want to be here anymore. “This is Rin. The guy I was talking about yesterday. My brother.”
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To say that you’re shocked might be an understatement. The correct emotion might’ve been appalled, or even dread? You’re not sure. But you weren’t expecting the meeting to be as unnerved as it was. Rin doesn’t even allow Sae to finish explaining, just ends up walking out with the promise of showing up to the shop at the end of your shift. You remember catching Sae’s irritated expression which, in itself, is extremely rare. It placed a strained smile on your face.
Back at your apartment, you’re currently trying to balance this tutoring session by turning it into a personal study time too. Though, you keep the sight of Rin in your peripheral as you complete your assignments in bed. It didn’t take you too long to look through his current curriculum and throw together a few practice and multiple choice questions for a quick knowledge assessment. He seemed pretty adamant about knowing everything, but Sae has his doubts.
Rin keeps looking over at his quiz, your digital clock, and the floor — all in that order. You don’t want to distract him anymore than he already is, though you can’t help but to spare a glance of what he has done so far. 
The multiple choice questions have been filled out, with a couple of eraser bits on the side, but the short answers have hardly been touched. A lofty attempt has been made to the first short answer, where Rin drew a small circuit diagram to determine the internal resistance of a battery, but it kinda just stops at that. Any answers he has written for the problem set are mostly brief notions of what’s already stated in the prompt. 
Rin currently has his fingers knotted in his hair, pencil tapping against the table and, underneath the desk, he’s bouncing his leg like mad.He tries to look indifferent on a surface level, but you can easily see the vein popping out on his neck.
By the time you’ve finished grading, Rin barely scrapes by with a C-. And, while some students would be ecstatic with that, it’s surely not enough to raise his current grade to a passing one. 
Sae mentioned that Rin’s a fast learner when he wants to be and he never said tutoring would be an easy job. No worries, it’s not the first time you had to mentor a student before. What you’re more worried about is how Rin had been so sure that he knew what he was doing… when he obviously doesn’t.
You hand back the paper with the corrected answers in red ink. You even drew a tiny smiley face by his name to give him some sort of comfort, but Rin just makes a disgruntled noise and looks mildly disgusted.
“I don’t need your sympathy.”
You certainly didn’t expect him to snap at you. Rin visibly tenses and blood rushes to your ears.
Your lips part, finding the right words, as he redirects his attention to your bedroom window and stretches his jaw. Then, after an agonizing long pause, he tips his head back, slouches down in the chair, and sighs in defeat. 
“Sorry,” his voice cracks a little and he leans down, resting his forehead on the edge of the table. 
You pinch your lips together, eyebrows raised. He looks frustrated, but you can tell it’s not aimed at you. “Let’s… take a fifteen minute break, how does that sound?”
“I think I should go.” He’s a little breathless, possibly uncomfortable under the weight of your stare. 
“I’m not delicate, Itoshi,” you say, slowly. You’ve dealt with a fair share of angst-ridden undergrads flustering over their assignments. Rin is no different, and you’re not the type to easily give up after a mini meltdown. It’s all about having the right approach, if you send him home now then the next session would just start off even more strained. “Stay for a while longer, we’ll go over everything one by one.”
“It’s fine.”
You sigh, lips curling ever so slightly. “Itoshi, has anyone told you that you’re a terrible liar?”
From the look on his face, it seemed like the world had slipped out from under his feet. You soon realize that Rin almost reminds you of a raging teen, when he’s like this. He’s fiercely independent, that’s for sure. The type that doesn’t like to make others worry but it ends up backfiring in the end. How he’s managed to get through with life is way beyond your comprehension, but you have a feeling that it has something to do with Sae.
“I… I don’t talk about stuff like this,” he admits and chews down on his lip - it seems like a nervous tick, a bad habit. 
“I can tell,” a chuckle bubbles from you but you pause when you catch his glare. You start clearing your throat awkwardly, “I—um, I don’t talk about my feelings often either. I don’t think many people do. We’re all trying to figure things out as we go.”
“Have you figured it out yet?” Rin seems to surprise himself with that question. 
Maybe for him, you look like you’ve got all your shit together. As if you’ve figured out all the great secrets in life. And maybe, you think, he just wants reassurance that he’s not alone, struggling, to find purpose. Or perhaps Rin wants you to offer up some adult advice, something only seniors would know. 
Your eyes widen for a moment. Rin furrows his brows tightly together and stares at you for answers. You both know well enough that you don’t have a solution, but he looks at you anyway. All you offer him back is a warm, big smile. 
“Itoshi, I’m two years older than you. I’ve had a little more years to figure it out,” you begin slowly, “I’ve had my ups and downs, almost flunked out a few courses when I was starting out, too. I didn’t just magically have it all come together.”
He appears doubtful, almost hard to believe. Rin looks like he’s about to protest but one look and he soon realizes that you’re pushing some truth there. You can tell that he’s struggling, mind working in overtime to try and process all of his internal conflicts — only because you’ve gone through the same. 
“Honestly,” you continue, after a long moment of silence, and lean to the side, giving Rin’s shoulder a little nudge, “It’s not my business to dig around your psyche, but just know that you’re welcome to tell me anything. Physics related or not.”
Rin doesn’t say a word, but you take his silence as a contentment. 
“So, uh,” you start to get up from the bed and pace towards the kitchen area, “I have some sliced fruit in the fridge, if you want some. Can’t solve these problems on an empty stomach.”
You two spend the rest of the night assessing the problems he got stuck on and going over shorthand tricks to easily remember what formulas to use. To your surprise, Rin stays mostly quiet and attentive this time around. He doesn’t stare at the worksheet in irritation anymore, and asks questions when he finds himself stuck on a problem. At the end, he manages a passing B on the new practice assessment. And, of course, while downing a bowl of freshly sliced honeydew.
It’s almost midnight by the time he starts heading out. You’re certain that this is going to kick you in the ass tomorrow morning, because you somehow forgot that you have an 8:00 AM class. It’s fine, you think, at least the atmosphere feels a lot lighter than when you guys first started, so you consider that as a plus.
As Rin begins to put on his shoes, you try to lean against the bedroom door casually and nearly fall over. Looking unimpressed, Rin looks up at you.
“Do you dislike me?”
“You’d already be dead if I hated you,” Rin says this with a certain level of confidence that makes you both shiver and relax at the same time. You’re positive that he isn’t a serial killer but, then again, you don’t know if Sae is the only source of all that pent up angst. 
When his hand rests on the front door knob, Rin suddenly looks back, eyebrows knitted together, and you can’t tell what his expression translates into. Nevertheless, it makes your breath catch in your throat, and you swallow hard. 
“Yes, Itoshi?”
”You… your room is messy,” Rin eventually comments, very unnecessarily, which causes you to release a heavy sigh, sticking a disapproving tongue out.
“Wow, you really do get that shitty attitude from him!”
Rin just snorts, hands in his pockets, and you think this is the first time he’s ever really laughed. It throws you off and, before you get a proper chance to recover, he’s out the door. 
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“You’re surprisingly getting the hang of this, Itoshi” you’re glossing over the practice quiz he had today, feeling a surge of pride knowing that Rin was able to handle it just fine. He ended up receiving a B minus, which is nearly a grade higher from his past averages. Guess a heated vent session is the answer to most problems. 
“I’ve cleared my head,” he shrugs nonchalantly, as if it’s the easiest thing to do in the world. 
Outside, a storm rages and rattles the windows every time thunder roars. Typhoon season is nearing as the weather starts to get warmer, which ultimately means your evening shifts are cut early to avoid flood risks and violent winds. It’s been about two weeks since the first tutoring session and there’s been a slow progression in your relationship. 
Having Rin over almost feels weirdly second nature, despite the short amount of time. You try to meet at least three times a week, two of those times happen right after your shift. The thing you miss the most about being a sophomore is the amount of free time you had. Rin’s classes practically finish before three every day and arrive at the coffee shop right after football practice everyday. Majority of the time, it would just be exchanging shorthand greetings but, whenever the evening rush dies down, you try to strike a quick check-in. Afterwards, the two of you  would make the trip back to your apartment to continue the session. 
Which leads to this current situation. 
About an hour into the session you suggested a well needed break, for you at least. You’re laying down in your bed, playing a mobile game on full volume, while Rin is disciplined enough to still scroll over his previous lecture slides at your desk. You’re not sure if this is what he does to “relax”, or if he’s just simply not grown comfortable around you just yet. Either way, it’s hard to believe that you’re being out mentored. 
“You know you can chill, right?”
“I know.” You hear muffled sounds of a lecture recording from his laptop. 
“Well, I don’t hear you chilling.”
“I don’t need to be.”
Okay, yeah, you’re starting to see the family resemblance here. But it’s going to take a lot more than that to stop you. How else have you survived as Sae’s best friend for two years?
“Don’t you have any fun weekend plans?” 
Rin shakes his head, eyes never leaving his screen. “Maybe not fun by your definitions.”
Your ears perk at this and you subtly lower the volume of the game. Maybe this is a sign to get to know his likes and dislikes, and whether or not he has a significant other — because that’s all important information. At least, that’s what you convince yourself. If Rin just so happens to be in a relationship, then you’ll easily set aside that growing curiosity. If he’s not, then a little harmless flirting won’t harm anyone, right?
“Itoshi,” you sit up from the bed with more purpose than before, Rin seems to catch on and visibly grimaces. “Tell me, I wanna know.”
“We should probably go back to studying,” he sighs.
You hop to your feet, sauntering to the desk and shutting his laptop with ease. Ohm’s Law can wait just a little while longer. “You’ve been at it nonstop since we’ve arrived here. It’s not good to cram everything in that big head of yours, that’s how people burn out faster. C’mon, a ten minute break won’t kill you.”
Rin doesn’t bother to argue against you, he’s been over well enough to pick up that you won’t let him become a complete workaholic. 
“Fine,” he gets up and makes his way over to sit on the edge of your bed, because if he doesn't then you’ll eventually force him to sit elsewhere. Something about separating work and personal spaces to improve learning.
You plop down a few inches away with a winning smile, “So, what are your plans?”
“Football practice—”
“Something other than what I already know.”
He exhales loudly. “Catching up on coursework at the cafe, probably.”
This takes you by surprise, only because you work this upcoming weekend. “Really? Well, guess we’ll see each other then.” Maybe tenacity is just rooted deeply in the family’s genes.
“It’s a nice place,” he reasons, sneaking a glance at you.
You begin squirming, trying to turn from Rin without looking like a complete idiot. Then, slowly, “...What do you like about it?”
And, of course, the words barely escape your lips when the whole building seems to creak and groan under the effort of the storm. The power flicks suddenly around the room, and then it’s complete, utter darkness.
You don’t feel Rin’s presence next to you until a sudden gust of air hits your ear. You flinch and clap a hand over your ear while Rin mumbles out a quick apology and stumbles to establish his own personal space on the bed. 
It starts to rain heavier now, water slapping hard against the window panels in big, ugly raindrops. You should probably get up and find a flashlight or any lighting of some sort, something to make the situation less awkward, but your body feels like a rock. You don’t want to move but, at the same time, your mind is telling you to run far, far away from Rin.
Heart throbbing against your chest, you gather up the courage to look at Rin’s face with the help of the dim lighting from the window sill. His eyes are half-lidded, seemingly glazed over in deep thought. He doesn’t say a single word, and every moment of his silence stirs the growing anxiousness inside. You swallow, suddenly aware that he’s beginning to unravel your sanity just by being there besides you. 
“Are you, um, are you okay with thunderstorms?” you adjust your position with shaky limbs, trying your best to not cross his physical boundaries.
Rin fidgets in response, but you can tell he’s also trying to keep his cool. “I’m fine with them. I just wasn’t expecting the power to suddenly…”
“Yeah, my apartment sucks,” you groan, inwardly. “This doesn’t happen all the time, I swear.” A flash of lightning illuminates the room, you squint against the light. “Maintenance won’t be on site ‘till tomorrow morning. I doubt you want to stay so we’ll have to cut the session short for today.”
You feel the mattress dip a little. The two of you fall silent, and there’s a weird awkward tension hanging in the room, one where it leaves you both red and flushing. Your mind is racing, and there’s a million questions. He hasn’t made any moves of getting up, nor has he said anything about leaving. It’s a bit uncharacteristic for Rin to be unsure in a given situation like this, or is he just being polite? This feels different from your first meeting, it’s still unpredictable, still a confusing mess.
“Or we could talk!” you quickly add on. “I…uh, if you want to talk, that is.”
After a few more moments of that awkward, creeping silence permeating the room, Rin sighs. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to talk about,” he whispers and looks up, his face looking worn out.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. Silence is also okay.”
“I like silence,” he confesses.
“We can just sit here then,” you agree, “silence in itself can be therapeutic, too.”
You don’t necessarily agree with yourself. If it’s not for work at the cafe, you spend a good deal of your time in silence. Studying, grading students’ papers, thinking about your family back home, and preparing for life after graduation. It all gets overwhelming when you sit and process everything in your mind. Even so, the silence that falls between you and your best friend’s brother feels comfortable, in spite of the initial close proximity. You find yourself leaning back into the bed frame’s headboard, curling up sideways.
About ten minutes in, Rin cracks.
“When I was a kid, I used to be afraid of storms. Sae used to make dumb blanket forts with me. It’s silly, but…”
And, despite it being dark, you shoot him a knowing look. For a moment, Rin looks like he regrets even opening his mouth, like he’s about to blurt out a quick ‘nevermind’, but you don’t give him a chance.
“I’m listening, you don’t have to stop.” Unknowingly, you give his shoulders a little nudge of encouragement. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Rin thinks it over, and he only has to for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He talks for a while, until he runs out of things to say. Or, rather, he runs out of energy to say anything. His thought process is a jumbled mess of how his relationship with Sae developed. Being the younger sibling, it’s natural for Rin to look up to his brother, to want to gain acknowledgement and become some sort of a mirror image. The thought of Sae looking after Rin while both of their parents were working overtime to provide for their education is also something you could heavily relate to. Around some point down the line, Sae began to distance himself from Rin without any apparent reasoning, at least in his eyes. Towards the end, it becomes a rambling about nothing, too, and you’re positive that Rin hasn’t even gotten into the meat of the issue.
Rin appears mildly exhausted, flustered, and a little embarrassed by the time he’s done. He turns to you, eyes narrowed, “Don’t say that you feel sorry for me, I’ve heard it about a dozen times already. It gets old.”
You shake your head, processing everything. You can tell he has so much more he wants to get off of his chest, so many things he wants to unload, things that he hasn’t even realized that’s been weighing him down. 
“I wasn’t gonna say that,” and he stays still, studying your next words with high concentration. “Sae and I have been close for quite a while, and I totally get how he’s an ass—to you and just about everyone else. He’s abrasive and straight to the point with a lot of things. Also pretty sure he’s allergic to communication. Hell, I’m not entirely sure how I was able to get close to him in the first place,” you flare a deep breath out of your nose and rhythmically tap your fingers along your thighs. “But I know he has a weird way of caring for others, too.”
“How so?” Rin doesn’t sound annoyed, just confused. Almost hopeful, even. 
“Well, he’s signed you up for tutoring, which might actually not be a good example of care but, um… He normally hates asking people for favors. This is just an unconventional way of saying that he’s making sure you’re doing okay.”
“Could’ve said it himself.”
“Yeah, well, you came to the cafe because he told you, right?”
With that, he quickly shuts his mouth, forming it into a subtle pout. Is he embarrassed that you’re right?
Another flash of lightning comes by, followed by low rumbling thunder. Then, an idea brews.
“This is gonna sound a bit crazy but… do you wanna build a fort?”
Rin snorts. “What’s with that?”
“Well, it doesn't seem like you’re in a rush to leave. Then again, maybe a taxi service would be expensive right now…”
He offers up little resistance to your suggestion and ends up dragging a couple of chairs into your living room from the kitchen. You dig around in your closet and pull out a heavy winter blanket, the ones with a giant tiger imprinted on the front. It’s been stored away for quite some time, leaving bits of dust and other mysterious remnants in the air as you straighten the fabric out. Hopefully Rin’s not sensitive to dust mites. 
One side of the blanket is stretched around the edge of the couch and tucked beneath the cushions. Another corner is wrapped and fastened clumsily around a chair. It hangs over the edge of the coffee table and is held in place by the second chair in the corresponding corner. The overall impression is ridiculous, but there's a decent space on the floor in front of the sofa. 
“That’s a bit better,” you decide, with a faint laugh. 
You’re pressed close to one another, and you have to admit that it’s intimate in a way that you didn’t expect. The air is a little warm, heavy with their breath and the faint heat from the candles. It’s… nice. Outside, the wind is howling, but it is fainter, partially obscured by the blanket barrier that keeps the outside world away.
You decide to stream a horror movie to pass the time, until the weather subsides a bit. You’ll probably go over your data plan for the month, but right now, you don’t really care. You prop the phone up against one of Rin’s textbooks that he didn’t get the chance to go over today, and end up watching a really shitty slasher movie from the 80’s.
At some point, you doze off, leaning in and head tipping to tentatively rest on his shoulder. It’s not the most comfortable position. You’re both slouched back against the couch, pillow wedged under your backs. Your phone eventually runs dead, and the candles burn into nothing—smoldering and smoking as they sputter out.
“Hey,” Rin faintly calls out your name. “It’s getting late.”
You stir in your sleep, finding the strength to open your eyes and tilt your head up. You’re sure that your heart is going to stop beating when he takes notice. The look on your face must’ve been a good one, because now Rin’s six shades of red deeper and he’s got his hand over his mouth. 
“Oh god, I’m sorry, Itoshi!”
“It’s… okay,” his voice is low, sounding almost uncertain. “Rin is also fine.”
You fail to notice his fingers making their way past your forearm, past your neck, until you feel them settle on your warm cheek. Shivers course through your body, and the resulting sounds you release is halfway between a sigh and a whimper. His eyes are half-lidded, glazed, and you’re positive yours are no different.
“Sorry, Rin…” you’re apologizing again, his name sounds foreign on your tongue but feels like home all at the same time. Your voice begins to trail off. You can’t finish, your eyes are already closed, head tilted. As you breathe, with your heart rattling in your throat, you feel Rin lean in close.
As soon as you collide into him, his lips meld against yours.
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It’s funny how life works. Some days seem to drag, impossibly slow, especially when you’re trapped in your own mind — replaying everything, obsessing over every single action you’ve done wrong in your life. There are days where you barely get out of bed until it’s time for classes or to get ready for work, where you just go through the motions. 
Other days, they fly by in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it’s because you hole yourself up at the library, nose glued to your textbooks, and body running on adrenaline. Other times, it’s because you keep replaying that kiss you gave Rin, wondering what it means, or if it just means nothing at all. You remember being roped in by the shy, tentative edge in his voice that reminded you when you first met him at the shop, where you first had been infatuated.
Rin hasn’t spoken to you since that night at your apartment. On one hand, while you’re worried that you might’ve said something out of line, and maybe that kiss came off too strong. Which, of course it fucking came off too strong. You kissed your best friend’s brother, and that just spells disaster on its own. Although, on the other hand, you’re glad that you guys are on a first name basis.
That’s fine. Rin seems to be going through a lot and the best professional way to handle this situation is to be… professional. Everything is all too much, and you've decided that you need to take a break.
That night, you’ve made a quick trip home after work to stay at your family’s. You don’t have time to mull over a certain junior of yours, not when you have your own things to take care of. 
Your parents’ are currently on their anniversary date, leaving behind your two younger siblings all by themselves. You think two eight year olds could handle themselves just fine for a few hours but, then again, kids these days are just built differently.
You ended up ordering takeout and made them sit through a painstakingly long foreign film. Subtitles always put kids to sleep faster, you’ve learned. After carrying them to bed, you decide to spend the rest of your night sitting outside on the patio and wait for the return of your parents.
The skies are always clearer in the suburbs compared to the bustling city lights that pollute everywhere else. You sit down on a small plastic chair, one belonging to your siblings, and spend a good few minutes appreciating the twinkling stars and the raw smell of the countryside. You fix your gaze out in the distance, at the same hills and mountains the sprawling city overlooks.
Feeling inspired, you fish out your phone and decide to send Sae a quick picture of the surroundings with the caption ‘miss you loser :P’. It’s a small mini-game that you two started a year back, sending each other photos whenever away from campus, even though it’s mainly you sending the photos and he sends back middle finger emojis. 
Though, as soon as you hit the send button, dread immediately fills your gut. 
“Wait, shit, shit—wrong brother!” 
Your heart hammers against your chest as you stare at the now seemingly flirty caption and, dear lord, your reputation might as well be down the gutters. This will go down as probably the most embarrassing moments of your life, and what makes things even worse is that you know Rin has seen it because three gray dots are now jumping up and down in the chat log.
God, what are you even supposed to say to that?
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: I’m sorry?
When you receive the responding text, you feel yourself losing ten years off your lifespan. You bury your face into your hands and whine, loudly. 
This incident on top of whatever the hell happened during the night of the storm… Rin probably thinks you’re a creep for doing this. You can already imagine how it’ll play out: Rin tells Sae that you’re harassing him, Sae stops being your friend, and you’ll probably have to drop out and move out of the country. Rin might never even show himself to you again, and that thought alone makes your throat tighten up.
However, before you can descend into further madness, if that’s even possible, your phone vibrates again. You swallow the needles in your throat and peek through the cracks between your fingers.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Looks nice. 
And, to your surprise, there’s an image attached to the text. It’s a dim photo of his opened textbook, a filled in study guide sheet beside his laptop, and on the right side of his desk is a drink from the cafe. You want to make a dumb oolong tea joke, but now you feel bad for disrupting his study session. 
Then, another notification comes through.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Miss you too. :P
Your heart promptly multiplies into a thousand pieces. You lean into the chair, almost tipping yourself over. Your heart’s beating so hard that you can practically feel it pulse against your temples. Taking deep breaths, you don’t look at your phone until the urge to run away fades. 
It feels like you're dreaming, and you know it’s absolutely stupid and silly, that you feel like you’re floating right into a dumb romance drama right now, but you can’t help it. Not when Rin is pulling stunts like this. He probably meant it as a joke, maybe only responded back to mirror you, who knows. But someone like him should not have the power to be so, so adorable under all that hard exterior. That’s just illegal…
“God,” your breath shudders out and you thumb over the keyboard to respond back.
[You]: didn’t mean to send that to you haha… ;; [You]: but i take it that studying is going well??
Rin replies back within seconds.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: I know. [Sae’s Brother!!!]: Studying’s been fine. Might need to look over something when we meet up again, if that’s okay. [You]: of course!! just lemme know what day works :)
Rin sends you a thumbs up emoji and you don’t get a response for a while after that, figuring that he probably went back to work. It doesn’t matter anyway, because it feels like a hundred pounds just got lifted from your shoulders and you feel so light that you’re convinced that you can see the stars even clearer now. 
Thank the heavens he didn’t make it weirder than it already was.
Fuzzy-brained, you decide that it might be best to call it a night and retreat back into the house and towards your old bedroom. Even while laying down on your plush mattress, curled up, with the aircon on blast, you couldn’t fall asleep — at least, not for a long while.
By the time you pass out, it’s from sheer exhaustion and adrenaline rush. Your phone remains gripped against your chest as you sleep, and you end up missing another message from Rin late in the night.
[Sae’s Brother!!!]: Your manager doesn’t make good oolong. Come back soon.
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There are several moments when you tell yourself you need to take a couple steps back. That you really, really need to calm down about Itoshi Rin.
The rest of the week comes and goes. You haven’t seen Rin in a few days. You guys sorta text, with him giving you curt updates on his assignments, but Rin goes long periods of time without replying. And, when he does reply, even though it’s just a text on screen, you get a distinct idea that he’s probably tired. So most of the time you end up lounging around at Sae’s apartment, busying yourself with your own assignments and bothering Sae about the end of the year assessment. And maybe you mope to him about his younger brother. Just a little bit.
“Does Rin hate me?” 
“Why do you ask?” You could practically hear the eye roll in his response.
You feel a bit juvenile when you explain the reasoning, it’s obvious in your tone. “He’s, um, been kinda dry.”
“Is water dry?”
“Then there’s your answer,” Sae yawns and flips to the next page in whatever new psychological thriller novel he picked up. “Should feel lucky that he’s even responding back, I barely get an emoji out of him.”
Part of the fun thing about being friends with Sae is having full 24 hour access to his apartment. Whenever you’re running low on food, it doesn’t matter if it’s milk or potatoes, somehow there’s always extras at his place. The least fun thing about being friends with him is that he’s god awful at keeping up with conversations. Or, at least in this case, giving you advice on how to approach Rin appropriately.
You decide to change up the topic, slightly. Your mind’s currently running on three shots of espresso and one shitty breakfast sandwich from the dining hall, not really the best combo, and the words start flooding out. “On a different note, if someone you kinda just met shows a side of them that they’ve probably never shown to anyone, how would you react?”
Sae straightens from the couch, eyes flickering to you then back to the book. “Depends on who it is,” he shrugs. He doesn’t sound too interested in the conversation.
“Wise words, I see…” you hum in deep thought. You begin strutting around the tiny living room, circling around in front of the TV and keeping a somewhat watchful eye on Sae as you choose your next words carefully. “What if… it’s like a big thing? Super pent up for so long that they just start pouring all their emotions onto you? How would you react to that?”
“Sounds like a weird person. I would probably leave,” Sae’s voice is dismissive.
You groan, fully understanding Rin’s personal dilemma. “At least pretend to be serious right now!”
And, with that, he shuts his book and rests his cheek against his palm, sighing. “Maybe they told you because they’re afraid of talking to their close friends. Or maybe they just feel comfortable around you, I don’t know. Since you’re so caught up about this… who are you talking about?”
Shit, he caught on. 
Sae hardens his gaze on you, suspicion sprawled across his sharp features.
“I—um, uh, it’s a classmate of mine! We were going over grad school applications and they seemed really lost about if they wanted to apply or not… I was just a little surprised when they started talking about their insecurities with me, that’s all. We’re a little bit closer now, though…” your voice trails off and Sae cocks his head a little, pursing his lips, but decides to leave the topic be.
“Right, well… how are Rin’s studies coming along?” Sae asks after a long pause and backs out of your space. 
It’s not like Rin’s doing terribly at his studies. He’s picking up some of the methods and variables faster than most people in your department, perhaps even learning at a faster pace than yourself. Though, and this is just an observation, you’ve noticed that Rin rarely takes notes in his classes. When he does, well, it’s sloppy and unfocused. You’re starting to worry, since his midterm is rounding the corner, and you’ve been itching to ask if he remembers the material or if he doesn’t care. You want to, really, but it’s technically not your job to look after him full-time.
Unless it totally has something to do with the weird family dynamic that you can never really nail down? Yeah, you’re definitely not sticking your nose into that mud anytime soon. The last time you did that, well… 
“He’s doing fine!” You offer up that much. It’s a little taste of honesty. Not the full truth. Somehow, you know that Sae is damn well aware of that, too.
“As long as he’s motivated, that’s all that really matters.” Sae mumbles. He drops the conversation and it’s probably a good thing, because you can’t concentrate at all.
By the end of this particular meeting, you feel like you’re going to vomit. Your stomach has jumped into your throat, and you’re struggling to keep your breakfast down. It’s way too late to call out of work, so you power through and manage to make it in time for your shift. It’s not until you arrive that you notice a familiar tuff of black hair behind the register, eyes glimmering with all flirt and talk with a female student across the counter. 
Then, it hits you, if there’s one person other than Sae who can give mildly okay advice, it’s him.
When the evening rush dies down, you relay the situation back to Oliver, throwing on the crucial details—well, minus the kiss—unfortunately you can’t risk that information going out of his mouth. Unlike Sae, he shows interest from the get go, providing you live reactions and commentary as the story continues. When asked for his thoughts, Oliver covered his face and howled in laughter for a long while, getting stares from customers, before leaning in and eyes you very seriously.
“Kid’s got a massive crush on you, that’s for sure.”
Oliver is obviously a better listener compared to Sae, but also has a tendency to stretch things out for dramatic purposes. You should’ve mentally prepared yourself for this.
“Wait a sec,” Oliver sits on the countertop, despite the rules encouraging against it written on the chalkboard behind him, ponders hard for a moment, and then, “You like him!”
You almost spill a shot of espresso all over your fingers, letting out a small screech, and look up, doing a bit of a double take at your friend. “Don’t you have better jokes to make?!”
Oliver tosses you a clean towel from underneath the counter space and offers an apologetic smile, but he looks amused. “You wanted my honest opinion. Hot, young stud falls for his tutor who also works as a barista? The prompt just writes for itself.”
You swallow a gagging noise. “Please don’t ever refer to Rin as a hot, young stud… even if it is true.”
“If we want to peel back several more layers, maybe this is all part of Sae’s elaborate plan to hook you up with someone.”
“Can’t you have another family emergency again?” You like Oliver. He’s possibly your only favorite coworker out of all the other part-timers, but you’re very unimpressed with him right now. “I’m still in college. You’re acting like I’m going to be forever alone, or something.”
“While that might be true,” Oliver agrees, mildly. “I still think the kid might just be bad with… y’know, showing emotions.” He motions his hands in a heart shape near his chest. “I was like that when I was his age, too.”
“Gross, now you’re just making yourself sound like an old man.” With that beard, it sure adds a few years to his face. No wonder he’s so popular with the ladies.
“You should be more honest with yourself,” he softly chastises, offering you a blueberry muffin that he definitely stole from the back. “Life would feel a lot easier.”
“You talk as if I’m a fictional character in some stupid story,” you sigh, gracefully accepting the baked good in defeat.
There’s a part of you that feels bitter after the conversation, afraid that he’s right. You’ve been solely focusing on your academics for the most part, and that’s not to say that you haven’t had others showing interest in you. 
You remembered Oliver hounding you down on your very first day at the coffee shop, trying to get your attention by making you clean up his spills, not sure why he thought that was a good idea… Another guy from your department also tried hitting asking you out by creating a fake math problem that would eventually lead to him asking for your number, but the variables were messed up and all over the place that it didn’t make any sense. 
You don’t put relationships on a high pedestal, and you don’t necessarily need to be in one right now. Maintaining a steady income and keeping your scholarship should be your top priority. That, and not falling for your best friend’s brother.
Things go uneventfully for a little while longer at the shop. You and Oliver were going to put on the latest episode of the Bachelor to pass the remaining shift but, by the time you were just about to finish setting up the monitor, the front door bell chimes.
You blink. You and Oliver are in the corner tucked at the back of the store. It’s ten minutes until closing and your stomach churns wildly at the thought of another inconsiderate customer. Because if it happens to be another frat guy ordering a “secret menu” item that some person made up on TikTok again… well, you’re gonna start crying.
“I’ll go take care of it,” you sigh, fishing out the store’s keys out of your pocket. “Just tell me who the guy ends up with.”
Oliver grins as he presses the play button. “Roger that, boss.”
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You hadn’t really expected to see Itoshi Rin of all people to swing by.
He barely gets any words out when you emerge to the front counter, needless to say you were the same. After a few mindless scrabbling around and awkward shifting, Rin spits out that he needs an emergency tutoring session, back at his apartment of all places. And, at some point in the night, between your mind turning into mush and Rin refusing to look you in the eyes, Oliver sends you off a little early before you have the chance to help him close.
Which ultimately leads you off here.
“So, what’s the burning question you have for me?” you ask, setting down your book bag on the floor. 
Rin’s apartment is a lot minimalistic compared to yours, and more on the traditional side. His place is a bit further out of the downtown area, into the quieter parts of Tokyo, but not terribly far from the school’s public transit. Here, the buildings aren’t skyscrapers and the traffic is manageable, which means a lot more parks and greenery. 
Instead of a dining table with chairs, he opted for a low coffee table and cushions instead. There’s tatami flooring, a small bookshelf in the corner with organized sports magazines, textbooks, and a few horror films. Hanging on the walls are a variety of posters; most of them are famous foreign football players and some are a few popular movie covers. 
The coffee table is placed right near his bedside, so it makes a perfect back rest for you. Rin keeps a small desk lamp on, he’s mentioned to you in passing that small amounts of warm lighting helps him focus. This setup is certainly a lot more comfortable compared to yours.
Rin decides to sit next to you this time, pulling out an array of notebooks from his bag and fidgets with his pens on the table before flipping to his last pages of notes. “It’s about… torque and resistance.” He buries half of his face into his palm as his fingers trace, almost obsessively, through the notes. From one glance, his writing looks coherent enough, better from when he first started out.
“Um, yeah, sure,” you keep a close eye on him. Rin is behaving rather strangely. Restless, agitated, annoyed, or a combination of all three. Though, a minute into the small lecture, Rin softly calls out your name. “Y-Yes?” you can begin to feel your neck growing dangerously hot.
“About that night, last week…” he finally pushes the words out, but lets them hang in the air, inconclusive.
Your cheeks flare up, and you turn away, clearly embarrassed. Suddenly, you feel like a complete idiot all over again. “I—I’m sorry about that,” you stammer out, staring down at your fingers. “I don’t know what came over me, everything was so dark and—”
“You don’t need to apologize,” he consoles, quickly. “I’m glad that it happened. It was… I… it was good.”
It’s a bit of a rambling response, but it leaves you stunned and flustered, without even realizing it.  You finally turn to look at him, eyes a little misty, your cheeks still warm. You’re relieved by Rin’s reply. You open your mouth to respond back, but nothing tangible comes out.
“I want it to happen again,” Rin finds himself saying, tone suddenly low and dark. He shoots you a look, one that you can’t quite interpret. It’s like he’s hovering somewhere between concern and fear that he’s pushing too far. And maybe he is, but you are too.
You let your legs slip out from underneath and you lean up against Rin’s bed. If it wasn’t there, you’d collapse for sure.
Rin follows suit but pulls away from you abruptly, and you manage to look up just in time to catch the flush in his cheeks and neck. It’s hard to see it in the dark but, if Rin’s body language is anything to go by, he’s incredibly embarrassed. 
“Are you okay?” His voice is quiet, and you manage a shaky nod, but that nod is immediately followed by another involuntary sound from the back of your throat.
“I, um, should we tell…?” 
You’re not entirely sure where Rin stands with his relationship with Sae, nor if both of you can predict the outcome of what would happen. Sae is still a close friend, but you can’t hide the fact that you like Rin away from him forever. Plus, would this even realistically work out? Graduate school, job interviews, things of that sort aren’t in Rin’s horizons, but…
“We don’t have to do anything right now,” he seems to catch on and clears his throat, looking away. “I just wanted to make my feelings clear.”
You briefly think back to Oliver’s advice earlier in the night, about being more honest with your feelings. How things will magically become easier. It’ll be unfair if you didn’t pour out your heart like Rin had done just now. But words can’t be the only way of showing your honesty.
“We can take it slowly,” you stumble out.
Screw it, maybe you can ask Sae for a favor after you’re done tutoring.
Those words seem to melt Rin’s hard exterior almost instantly. Wrapping both your arms around his neck, you press a chaste kiss to his inviting lips.
Rin doesn’t say anything else, but there’s another little teasing nudge of his shoulder bumping against yours, and it somehow communicates more than it should.
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taglist: @hellothere9597 @itzmeme @scaraslover @kidd3ath @torureadz
a/n: hi again everyone... if you've made it this far - thank you ;; this piece might just be the longest fic i've ever written (to date...) and tbh im not sure if i like it ? maybe i do idk!! there were so many times i wanted to throw my laptop against the wall gaah did you know that i originally wanted sae to come in and interrupt towards the end? thank god i didnt otherwise our two main love birds wouldn't have been able to kiss... anyways, ty for reading and hopefully you'll see me around more <3 <3 ty i love you
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wednesdaynn · 2 months
birthday special
A/N: HI! omg it's my birthday and i thought i'd write a little special something from myself to you, as i'll be spending my birthday alone. So here is a little special poly!marauders smutty fic to make myself happy and not dread this awful day.
i also got a cake with the faces of multiple celebrities i love, including the OG fancasts... so
not edited, not even double checked or rewritten, i did this in 3 days and expected it to only be around 2000 words, so it might be awfull, dont blame me
This is also uploaded 9 hours after scheduled time but shhh
word count: 4388
warnings: reader who feels left out and sad on her birthday/ foursome, oral sex, penatrative sex, awkward positions and understanding lovers, dirty talk, slight overwhelming feelings so a bit of crying.
pairing: poly!marauders x fem!reader
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It's eerily quiet in the great hall. lunch time had just passed and most of the students were spending their time outside in the great fields outside of the castle. Spring break was coming to an end and most of ‘em filled their last couple of free days soaking up the sunlight outside, a rare occurrence in scotland. except for your friends, who had been all over the place since that morning. you suppose you had been slightly jealous towards them. Every time it was someone's birthday they made sure to plan something that would interest the birthday person. 
For Lily's birthday, you had spent the evening outside after dark playing in the snow and staying up all night in the boys dorm, drinking wine and gossiping. Remus' birthday was perfect, it had fallen on a sunday, giving you guys the entire day to do nothing except to annoy Remus, plan pranks and sneak into the kitchen to eat until you guys couldn’t . For james’ you guys had planned an entire party that lasted through all the night. 
But this morning you woke up to everyone rushing around. You had thought that because it was spring break there would be a lot of time to hang out with the lot, but to your surprise, you got a kiss on the cheek from your girl friends, and your boyfriends had to get up for quidditch practice early and stayed until lunch. They wished you a happy birthday and let you unpack your presents at the breakfast table. but the celebrations were soon pushed aside for more important tasks, such as studying. 
since breakfast you hadn’t seen anyone, the first hour after breakfast spent in the common room reading a book, you had soon grown bored. you went to the library to study but found it to be too crowded with most of the students cramming for their latest exams. the hot weather tearing them down. and right before lunch you headed outside to join Hagrid in feeding the latest creature he had brought home with him. both of you working in silence. 
But lunch rolled around and you hadn't seen any of your friends. When you walked into the great hall, your boyfriends were just on their way to return to the dorms to take a long awaited shower, while Remus and Peter joined them to finish the last part of their essay. 
And you know there was an open invitation to join them. they always made sure to let you know you are welcome there, even Peter had let you know he enjoys your company, more than the boys he had said. but you didn’t want to intrude on their tasks. you already felt like you were overreacting and the boys knew you too well. you knew they’d worry about you and set their own things aside to make sure you’re okay, but you didn’t want them to do that, feeling like a burden. 
you push yourself up from the table and swing your legs over the bench. with no idea what to do the rest of the day you make your way back up to your room, checking the last couple of assignments off of your to-do list, watering the plants, stoking the fire in the room when the evening chill started to roll around and the sun had disappeared behind the clouds. you had picked up your book again, but to no avail. you were bored, extremely. and you don’t hold it against your friends, knowing that they have things to do as well since classes are starting soon again. but you had spent the entire spring break hanging out almost every day, and the one day that was important to you, they couldn’t. 
you felt left behind. turning around one more time on your bed, you let out a sigh of annoyance. Another birthday spent doing nothing, another birthday spent alone, another birthday spent depressed. you had learned your lesson the past couple of years not expecting much. but it was your last year at Hogwarts, your last year spent with friends. you had hoped this year would be different. not a quick ‘happy birthday, and we’ll see you again tonight when we are already half asleep.’ 
Was it unfair to think that way? yes, but you couldn’t care at the moment. you were feeling lonely and bored. but you picked yourself up enough to at least head  to dinner, where you were greeted with all of your friends sitting together, laughing and having fun. you walked over to Remus and sat beside him quietly, giving him a tight lipped smile while he kissed you on your temple and put his hand on your thigh. 
The entirety of dinner had been spent in silence while your friends talked. they had tried to get you to join the conversation, but your energy had been drained from the constant worrying the entire day. the hand on your thigh had left when Remus had to start eating, but the second he was done it was around your waist pulling you in closer.
"You wanna talk?” he whispered into your ear, his hot breath a comfort on your neck. you looked up at him and shook your head softly with a thin smile, not quite reaching your eyes. the thumb on your waist moves ever so slightly, rubbing comforting circles into your skin. Remus hymned and turned back to his friends, his hand not leaving your side. 
When they finished with their meal, Remus slid his arm back and grabbed your hand to bring you along with him. you walked along with your friends, every so often listening in on their conversation. you followed them up onto the moving stairs but only raised your head when you passed the door to the gryffindor common room. Remus let out a soft chuckle, his grip on your hand getting tighter. you walked after him as he dragged you up more and more stairs.
entering the top corridor the girls giggle as they open up one of the doors to an empty classroom, and Peter walks up to you, circling around until he puts his hands in front of your eyes and covers them. you let out an annoyed sigh, but smile nonetheless. Remus leads your hand further into the room where he leaves you waiting.
you tap your foot impatiently and Peter clicks his tongue in response. you hear slight rustling in the background and Marlene and Sirius whispering, although it’s louder than they probably intend to, seeing as they are bickering about godric knows what. but the noises slowly die down and someone is back at your side again holding onto your right hand. 
Peter slowly slid his hands away from your face and in front of you laid a couple of blankets with candles and a bunch of food and drinks on the floor. the tables and chairs had been pushed to the side. you look to your right seeing James and squeezing onto his hand tighter, giving him a grateful smile. He lets go of your hand and wraps it around your waist, pulling you into him. 
your eyes stare in awe at the scene in front of you. your friends standing around you with a happy smile. Mary shakes out her hands and squeals and before she can contain herself, she runs over to you and envelopes both you and James in a tight hug. 
“didn’t think we’d forget now, huh love?” you shake your head and she pulls back from your embrace holding your face in her hands. “Happy birthday sweetheart.” you give her a sweet smile and they both release, just far enough for your other friends to congratulate you. 
pulling back from all the hugs, you all make your way down to the middle of the room, filled with sweets. sitting cross-legged on the blanket across from your friends, squished between your boyfriends, you felt slightly guilty.
you couldn’t believe you thought they were capable of forgetting, or just not wanting to celebrate your birthday. or thinking they didn’t know you well enough to know how you wanted to spend your birthday. you silently scold yourself on your mistrust towards your boys and try to focus back on the scene in front of you. 
you lean into James’ embrace next to you while he puts his arm around your shoulder and try to relax into it as much as possible. “Thank you, darling,” you whisper to him. “I love it.” he just winks and holds you tighter. 
The night carries on with lots of laughter while you stuff your mouths with a bunch of food and the alcohol, which you can only assume Sirius and Mary took care of. it was getting late and everyone was relatively tipsy, you all decided it was best to head up back to bed. standing up from Sirius’ lap, all of you stumbled your way back down all the stairs and into the common room, getting dirty looks from the paintings. He held onto your waist tightly as you walked up towards the boys’ dormitory. 
taking off your shoes next to the door, you walk over to the fireplace in the centre of the room, stoking the fire with a spell, instantly warming the room. You watch as you see your boys make their way over to the bathroom individually. Coming out with pyjamas and brushed teeth, the padding of their socked feet towards their beds. You quickly ascend to the bathroom yourself, the stressful day had made you quite tired, and the slight state of drunkenness you were in didn’t help either. 
You quickly took off your makeup and brushed out your hair and teeth. Getting out of your clothes and putting on your pyjamas. You lean your head down and take a sip of water from the faucet and make your way back to their dormitory. Getting into Remus' bed you sit cross legged on the cover. 
“I’m sorry if i acted odd tonight, i loved what you guys did for me, honestly. It was the best birthday.” you say softly. Sirius's face contorts into one of confusion and he cocks his head up towards you. “What are you talking about, love?” James crosses over from his bed to yours and leans against the bedpost, his arms crossed on his chest. 
“You were fine sweetheart, but if something is bothering you, you know you can always talk about it with us right?” you nod and give James a soft smile. Remus pats your thigh. 
“Come’ere.”  you climb up higher on the bed and throw your leg over his lap, making eye contact with your lover. He gives you a soft peck on your forehead and his thumb draws circles into your waist. You feel a dip in the mattress behind you and feel Sirius his hand brush the hair away from your neck and shoulder, leaving soft peck along the neckline of your pyjama shirt. You lean into their embrace and let out a soft sigh.
You see James get on the bed on the other side of you and look over at him. “You want us to take care of you? Or do you just want to cuddle until we fall asleep?” you’re already letting go of your inhibitions while in the hold of your boyfriends, and you know they will take care of you. 
“Take care of me please.” you let out softly, looking up at him with sweet eyes. He gives you an adorning smile and a kiss on the cheek. 
Remus his hands slowly slip under your shirt, rubbing the skin underneath. He spreads his hands across your back, “lean back for me sweetheart.” Sirius whispers in your ear as his lips ghost across your jawline. You look at Remus and he nods at you, he holds you as you lean back into Sirius his arms, your shoulders resting on his chest. 
Sirius his hands move down towards the hem of your shirt and slowly inches it upwards. His knuckles grazing your skin, leaving behind goosebumps as his cold hands touch you. He moves until he reached the underside of your boobs. 
“Can i, love?” you nod as best as you can. He lifts the shirt over your breasts and skims his hands over them, brushing along your nipples and pinching them slightly. You let out a soft sigh at the contact and look away from his movements and make eye contact with Remus who winks at you. He gestures over at James to get closer and you feel James moving on the bed as he leans down on your level.
He softly brushes some stray hairs away from your face and leans in closer kissing your lips softly. You fully let go in the embrace of your lovers doting on you and your body. The kiss quickly turns a lot more fierce and you realise in this position both of your bodies have to contort to kiss properly, so James makes his way down your body, jaw, neck, clavicle bones, and just under your shirt where Sirius pulls his hands away to give James free reign to pleasure you. 
James leaves wet kisses all on your breast, and soft bites around your nipples leaving slight marks all over your chest. He finally wraps his lips around your left nipple and sucks lightly. You let out a moan at his administration and he groans around your nipples, heat flows down your body. 
Sweat starts to form on your forehead and you notice how much of a strain your body is being put on being in this position. You move your hand to tug on Remus' arms.
“You like how he’s making you feel darling?” you nod but a slight grimace pulls at your face. “This position, baby, it’s slightly uncomfortable, I'm sorry.” you apologise to them. Sirius tuts behind you and moves his hands behind your shoulder blades to give you some elevation to get up properly. 
Being sat back on Remus' lap, he slowly lifts you up from off of his lap and moves you next to him on the bed, the spot James was previously occupying. Sitting up on the bed you roll your shoulder around, letting the tight spots ease. You remove your shirt entirely from your body and Sirius softly pushes at your sternum, easing you onto your back, your head resting on the pillows. 
James resumes his former position, leaning over you and softly kissing your chest and upwards, now finally having the space to kiss your neck and leave marks all over. Sirius, who is still sitting between your legs, ghosts his hands across your stomach and reaches the waistband of your pyjama pants. He hooks his fingers underneath the band and glides them across your waist, teasing you. 
You panting beneath them, wishing they would just do more. Having 3 boyfriends and still not getting where you need them seems pathetic, but Remus just finds your frustrations comical and sweet. He puts his hand on your forehead and strokes the top of your head. 
Sirius his hands finally make their way down when he pulls down your pants and underwear at the same time, helping you lift your hips and pulling them all the way down your legs and throwing them next to the bed. You have half a mind to tell him it’s gross to leave clothes lying on the floor, but James his lips are back on your nipples and thinking straight with them is just too difficult. 
He brushes his hands on your calves, massaging them and pushing them up, leaving your knees bent. You feel Remus’ hands skim across your stomach downwards, a ghost of a touch on your mound leaving goosebumps in his wake. 
“Please, Rem?” with the comforting touch of Sirius’ hands on your calves, soothing you into a deeper rest, you can’t help but beg for Remus to touch you. 
“Since it’s your birthday, sweetheart, I'll go easy on you.” His voice sounds rough, but he complies immediately. His middle finger and ring finger skim over your slit collecting wetness from your core and he circles your clit with them. You whine, the touch of James his lips and teeth on your nipple and Remus his light circular movements on your bundle of nerves, makes you set alight. 
They’re barely doing anything, but it’s making you let out all sorts of noises you’ll probably be embarrassed about tomorrow, but for now you couldn’t care, knowing it only eggs your partners on further. 
Remus his fingers slowly move down to your hole circling it, teasing it, before finally pushing on finger in slowly. He eases it into you, taking his time, moving it in and out slowly. He watches your face intently. Making sure to catch any noise you let out, and face you make and any sign of unease. He sees your hands grab onto the blanket and takes it as his queue to add a second finger. 
No matter how many times the four of you have sex, the stretch never gets any easier. You scrunch your face up slightly. “Am i good to continue, or do you need a second?” he asks, and you have half a mind to tell him to shut up and continue, but you find it so endearing how caring he still is. “You’re good to continue, baby, was just a pinch.” he nods and continues pushing into you, but this time at a much slower pace, taking extra caution. 
Once he feels you’re rightly accommodated to the stretch, he starts pumping in slowly again. Taking his time dragging his fingers against your walls, your pussy quivering around his fingers. You feel every drag with his slow pace, the way he barely misses your g-spot. 
Your hand curls around his wrist and he gives you a smirk. “You want more, baby?” he hymns at you.  You just nod to the best of your ability. He increases his pace, only ever so slightly making you whine. You liked when he teased, but it was god damn frustrating. 
Your nails scratch at his wrist and pull at his hand hoping to speed it up even more, but Remus is relentless in giving you what you want. He makes a tsks noise, hoping to tell you off, but he sees the desperate look on your face and he almost gives in.
“Be good for me baby, and you’ll get what you want.” you nodded fervently at him. James leaves a peck on your cheek and makes his way over to your lips, kissing you with renowned vigour. Tongue sliding in your mouth. 
You feel the butterflies in your stomach making rounds at the slow pace, not enough to make you cum, but it leaves you teetering on the edge. Sirius moves closer to you, your legs on either side of his hips. He slowly takes off his shirt, making it a show for you. He leans down to give a kiss on your knee and pushes himself down onto the bed, laying down on his stomach in between you. 
Remus makes a move to take his fingers out of you, but the hand that’s on his wrist holds him there. 
“Sweetheart, let go, Sirius wants to make you feel good, don’t you wanna cum?” he asks in such an endearing voice. You moan into James’ mouth and he takes it as a queue to lean back and observe. You whine for him, wanting to feel the taste of his lips back on your once more, but he just gives you a sympathetic smile and mouths an apology at you. 
Sirius begins by slowly kissing up and down the inside of your thigh. He sucks onto the skin leaving marks behind, maroons and reds splotched all over your legs, small indentations of bite marks etched into your skin. He kisses the juncture between your thigh and mound and puts his thumbs onto your vulva.
His thumbs spread your lips apart and he lets out a groan at the sight, wetness covering your entire pussy, your hole quivering from the need to cum. You feel a warmth spread over your face all the way down to your chest. He latches his lips onto your clit, sucking on it harshly. 
“Holy fuck.” he hums around your bundle of nerves making electricity shoot up. He agrees with your sentiment. You were on edge form cumming the whole time Remus was fingering you, and this just shoots you right over the edge. Your hands make their way downwards, grabbing onto Sirius his long hair and pulling, hard. He lets out a moan at the roughness and scrapes his teeth against your clit. You give a short warning before your orgasm takes full control. You scratch at his scalp as you pull, as Sirius pulls you through the afterwaves of your orgasm. You feel your chest going up and down, heaving. 
Sirius gives a loving pat on your inner thigh before moving up again, and getting off of the bed, standing next to James on the left side of the bed. You look over at them and you feel Remus, who is still sitting beside you on the bed, take your hand and grab onto it. 
James scurries out of his clothes, first his shirt, revealing his toned chest from quidditch. Then his pyjama pants. You see Sirius next to him gulp as James’ cock springs up. James his face contorts into a look of proudness. A smirk plastered onto his face. He resumes his movements and gets onto the bed taking Sirius his former position between your legs. He spits onto the palm of his hand and strokes his cock slowly. 
“You ready, doll?” he asks you before inching closer. You let out a soft please and he strokes his cock up and down your slit. Gathering your wetness before slowly pressing into you. He inches in closer and closer, taking his time with you, letting you get adjusted to the stretch of his cock. 
You breathe in deeply, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Taking the time to enjoy the moment and feel the intimacy with your lovers. Remus who is feeling up your breasts, encompassing them with his hands and squeezing them, pinching your nipples and rolling them between his thumb. 
Sirius is still by your side, holding your hand and stroking his thumb up and comforting you. His other hand pushing away fly hairs and stroking your head, creating a soft moment between you both. Looking up at him, you can see the love and adoration in his eyes and he gives you a sweet smile. 
James’ hands rest on your waist, pressing into the skin there, you know he’s trying to hold himself back, but he’s trying to be considerate, your sweet boy. 
“It’s okay James, please.” you give him an encouraging nod and he stares at you for a while, trying to see if you are truly okay. Finding no resistance, he pushes further in almost bottoming out inside of you. He inches out slowly and pushes back in with careful intention, making sure to make you feel every drag slide against your walls. Hearing the lewd sounds the two of you make, feeling your hole contract around him. 
You both let out a sigh of relief at the sensation followed by a deep moan. He makes sure to hit you deep and slowly, dragging the sensations out. All that you feel, everything you feel coursing through your body is love. Undevoted love. Enveloped by your boyfriends, taking care of you in the way that you need. 
It encompasses your very being and you feel yourself tune out everything around you except for the feeling of safety, the pleasure of their comfort. Peace. You know they see it, see how you’re feeling, or maybe they even feel it themselves, because Sirius is squeezing tighter around your hand and Remus gives intentional soft strokes around your breast. It makes you want to cry and release every emotion you’ve felt for a while. Wanting to cry out in pure ecstasy. 
“It’s okay, you’re safe with us.” Remus tells you and you let a single tear drop when you squeeze your eyes shut. A silent ‘fuck’ leaves your mouth and your eyebrows scrunch together. They just hold you closer.
James picks up his pace slightly, his thumb moving to your clit, rolling circles on it with the pad of his finger, increasing the pleasure that shoots through your body. 
He digs his knees deeper into the mattress, laying the top of his feet flat on the bed and shifting his hips just ever so slightly, lowering them closer to the bed and his cock drags against your walls deliciously. 
James feels all his nerves being set on fire, feeling the tightening of your walls around him, the wetness making it so easy to glide in, and he feels the tip of his cock hit that spongy spot inside of you. Making you keen,
You lean your head back, releasing a loud moan. Your eyes shoot open and you grab at the bedsheet. Curling your toes and enclosing your thighs around James’ hips. You feel the familiar flare in the bottom of your stomach, the butterflies fluttering around. 
“Baby? Babes, I'm gonna cum, please.” you beg of James and he keeps repeatedly hitting your g-spot, keeping up the pace as before and tightening the circles he makes around your clit. He lets out a high pitched whine and looks down at where your bodies are connected, seeing your arousal around his cock, your hole pulsing around him. The stickiness on his thumb. 
Your breath hitches, Remus pinches your nipple, Sirius gives you a sweet kiss on your forehead and the soft strokes of James gives you everything you need to orgasm again. You squeeze tightly around James his cock and James hisses at the constriction, cumming just after you. He pumps in just a little bit longer, riding out both of your orgasms, until both of you become too sensitive. 
“You did so well darling, so beautiful for us, happy birthday baby.” 
(Down below my bday cake cuz y’all need to see it)
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scarlethexelove · 5 months
You're My Comfort
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 847
Warning: Tooth Rotting Fluff, Reader Doesn't Talk, Comfort, No Use Of Y/n.
A/n: I have been having a hard time the last few days so I wanted to write something sweet and fluffy with Nat. Reader is nonverbal in this, but only due to situational issues. Hope you guys enjoy the sweet little blurb I wrote. This was mostly to comfort myself and is an expression of how I react when I feel this way.
You wander the halls for 20 minutes searching for the one person who gives you comfort when you feel like this, but you haven’t been able to find her anywhere. You have checked all her regular spots and you're about to give up when you enter the common room. That is where you spot her. Natasha is sitting on the couch slightly hunched as you hear the clicks of a keyboard. You make your way over to her. You start to crawl in her lap despite the laptop already being there. She can tell immediately from the look in your eyes and your demeanor why you are here and why you are doing this. 
As you wiggle your way into her lap Natasha removes her feet from the coffee table and moves her laptop there. Which gives you the room that you desire. You sit facing her, wrapping your arms around her midsection and burying your head in her neck. Her arms wrap around you tightly and she kisses the side of your head. “Dorogaya what’s wrong?” She asks you, but all you do is let out a small whine. This lets Nat know all that she needs to. 
Nat has been your girlfriend for long enough to know your little quirks and just by what you are doing and what is going on. “Okay detka you don’t need to talk. Whenever you're ready I’m here.” She kisses the side of your head and gently scratches at your back. She is doing exactly what you need at this moment. 
You feel the tears well up into your eyes. You want to stop it but the overwhelming frustration and Nat’s love for you has the tears running down your cheeks and into her shirt. Nat holds you tighter and continues her light scratches. You start to cry more as you grip at the back of her shirt, your hands fisting at her shirt holding onto her as if she was going to disappear. Your whimpers are heard by the older woman. “Shhh sweet girl. Let it out. I’m not going anywhere.” She whispers in your ear. 
Your sobs break her heart. She hates when you feel this way. The world is overwhelming, frustrating you to the point that all you want to do is cry. So she holds you close, becoming your safe place to get away. You can cry on her shoulder soaking her shirt and getting the comfort and reassurance that you need. She lets you cry for as long as you need and nothing else matters to her in these moments. All she cares about is you and to make you feel better. 
Your sobs soon die down into sniffles and you pull out of Nat’s neck. She gives you that gentle smile that is reserved for only you. Her hands caressing your face gently wiping away the tears that remain. She leans forward kissing your forehead, then your nose, before gently kissing your lips. You enjoy the closeness nuzzling into her hand but you want to feel closer. So your hands move to the edge of her shirt and lightly raise it. She watches your moves, curious on what you are going to do next. You duck down and start to try and wiggle your way under her shirt 
Natasha can’t help the giggle escaping her lips at your wiggling and attempting to get in her shirt with her. You whine a little at the difficult angle of this. She notices this. “Hold on detka.” She holds onto you tightly and starts shifting the both of you. She lays down on the couch with you still on top of her. So you shuffle down and start to crawl under her shirt. You stretch her shirt as you do so but she doesn’t care. Your head ends up on her chest as you wrap your arms tightly around her waist. 
Natasha is able to stretch and grab a blanket laying it over the both of you. She goes back to gently scratching at your back. She can feel your body starting to get heavier on top of hers. Soon after she is sure that you have fallen asleep. Your breathing evening out and your body relaxed on top of hers. She smiles to herself, grateful that you feel so safe with her that you seek her out. It’s hard sometimes but she wouldn’t change it for the world. She would always be here for you and give you the love and safety that you need. You are her world and would do anything to see you smile.
Nat can feel her eyes getting heavy as she lays there and watches you. She leans down gently and kisses the top of your head the best she can at the angle and with her shirt in the way. “I love you detka. Forever and always” She whispers, laying back down. Her arms gently wrapped around you, relishing in the closeness and love that she feels for you. She finally lets herself drift off to sleep with you.
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adorethedistance · 8 months
Baby Fever - Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, smut adjacent content (post-sex interaction/make out), a joke about cheating, a joke about death, and semen... in that order...
Words: 2322
Requested: Can you please do a trevor blurb where him and y/n go to a pumpkin patch with their nephew and Trevor's playing with their nephew and y/n gets so much baby fever please
A/n: Hey y'all! I'm taking a break from the Jamie series of firsts with a requested fic. I kinda riffed on the request so there are some things you need to know beforehand: 1) they're not babysitting a nephew, they're babysitting Troy Terry's kid Greyson 2) I'm aware Greyson is currently an infant but in this fic he's a toddler 3) I understand you asked for a blurb but I'm ass at writing blurbs 4) therefore this is a part 1. (Part 2 coming soon ish?) Enjoy!
Troy Terry had sworn to never let Trevor Zegras supervise his son. Or at least, before I was in the picture anyway. I had befriended Dani over the course of several Ducks’ games after Trevor and I became official. We somehow managed to have the same schedules despite having vastly different lifestyles; at the time, she was a new mom adjusting to domestic bliss, and I was a senior at UC Irvine preparing for my post-grad plans. Now that I’m not overwhelmed with work as a student, she and I grew pretty close. More often than not, we found ourselves having several hangouts without our guys present. Naturally, I saw Greyson a lot, considering the fact that I would spend my time with Dani in the Terry residence.
Our latest hang out consisted of us gabbing about the latest drama with Greyson’s preschool over a glass of wine. In telling me that Greyson was between daycares right now, I offered to take him off her hands for a night so she and Troy could have a much needed date night. At first, Dani refused, not wanting to dump the responsibility on me, but I insisted. There were several pros: I love kids, Dani has done plenty of favors for me before, Greyson’s already comfortable with me, and they wouldn’t have to pay for a babysitter. Pleased with my argument, Dani agreed and the plans were set. 
This Friday, the team had a day off and rather than having the guys disappear onto the nearest golf course, Dani and Troy began planning their night off, as did Trevor and I.
“Hey, babe, I was thinking about how to spoil you and thought we could get a table at The Ranch tonight. What do you say?” Trevor asks, holding my hips and subtly pinning me against the kitchen counter.
“About that.”
“What’s up?” He asks, deviously dipping his head down. I don’t give in to whatever seduction game he’s playing, and quickly peck him on the lips.
“I kind of made evening plans.” He takes the kiss in stride and looks at me teasingly.
“Is your boyfriend back in town already?”
“Yeah, he wanted to go to The Ranch, too. I just can’t have my boyfriend and my side piece in one place, soooo.” 
“I’ve been demoted to ‘side piece’? Ouch,” Trevor laughs before sliding his hands along my waistband to clasp behind my lower back, and pull me into him so our hips touch. “Fuck. Now you’ll never pick me over him!”
“Oh, that was always the plan. Don’t get it twisted.” He laughs once more before asking,
“What’s going on tonight?” I open my mouth to answer and as I do, he slips his hand down to grab my ass, catching me by surprise.
“Hey!” Right as I scold him, Jamie walks into the kitchen to refill his water bottle. I try to bite back the smile that creeps across my features, flustered by Jamie’s newfound presence. 
“Hey Jamo,” Trevor says casually, to try and ease the awkwardness.
“You guys know I still live here, right?”
“Sorry, Jamie.”
“I’m going grocery shopping. Just try to keep it in your room, Z.” 
“Keep what in my room?” He asks, playing dumb, much to Jamie’s dismay. He merely shakes his head and leaves the kitchen. Watching Jamie leave, Trevor follows with his gaze, tracking Jamie’s movements to the opposite direction until he hears the front door open and close. After, he turns back to face me, “You were saying?”
“I told Dani I would watch Greyson.”
“What?!” I half expected Trevor to be upset, but he’s sporting the widest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Yeah, she and Troy were due for some alone time, so I offered to take him to the pumpkin patch tonight.”
“They’re dropping him off around 5.”
“5. What time is it now?” Trevor leans away from me to look at the clock on the oven that reads 2:57. “Oh, we have time.” 
“Time for wha-” I cut myself off with a screech as Trevor picks me up and sits me on the open counterspace. He pushes my knees apart to stand between them, the dominant action in tandem with the cold countertop underneath me sends shivers down my spine. He then kisses me passionately, trailing his fingers up the length of my exposed thighs. His hands find the top of my waistband, running along the hem as he presses his hard on into my core. I hold either side of his face in my hands, squeaking once more as Trevor picks me up and carries me to his bedroom.
Panting and still slightly sweaty, I check my phone to see the clock reads 4:43. “Shit.” 
“What?” Trevor asks curiously. He’s laying on top of the covers, fully nude and sprawled out, after having collapsed on the bed next to me.
“It’s 4:43,” I say between sticky breaths. He shuts his eyes and groans loudly,
“Give me, like, five minutes.” 
“Uh, no sir. You need to get me a towel so I can get up and pee.” Trevor’s eyes shoot open and he sits up. 
“Right. Boyfriend duties await.” His expression is humorous and I can’t help but notice the way his abs flex through the movement. If it weren’t too late, I’d have jumped him again, then and there. He rolls off the bed, sliding on the nearest pair of briefs he can find. Trevor then grabs the towel hanging on the doorknob, and walks over to where I am on the bed, propped up on my elbows. The gravity of holding myself up causes the beaded sweat to roll down my cleavage, and on to my stomach where Trevor had finished a few minutes prior. He doesn’t say anything but I clock the way his eyes are trained on my chest as he approaches me. I hold out my hand for the towel but he holds it out of reach. 
“What are you-?” 
“Lay down.” 
“What? Why?”
“Just do it!” I confusedly put my head back on his pillow and Trevor grabs both ends of the towel, opening it up to lay it over me. “I’m calling it. Time of death, 4:44 PM. Rest in peace, Y/n, I’ll miss you.”
“Oh my god,” I say from under the towel. Pulling it off my face, I sit back up to find Trevor snickering at his own joke. “Are you proud of yourself?”
“Very.” He leans down and places a sweet kiss on my lips. When he pulls away, my eyes flutter open and he gently lifts the towel to cover his hand, then wipes off the leftover fluid. I look up at him as he moves, a soft smile of adoration painting my features. Trevor looks down at me and widens his eyes teasingly before relaxing to smile at me again.
The sound of the front door opening echoes down the hall and from the entrance we hear Jamie call, “I’m back! Please tell me you’re clothed!”
“Don’t worry about it, Jamo!” Trevor calls back before wadding up the used towel and throwing it at me.
“Ew!” I should’ve known him being sweet wasn’t going to last. Sliding off the side of the bed, I pick up my clothes and walk into the bathroom to pee. After I’m dressed again, I come out to see Trevor had thrown on the outfit he was wearing earlier: a v-neck polo and board shorts. 
“You can’t wear that,” I say in disbelief.
“Why?” Trevor looks at me in confusion. Turning to the mirror that hangs on the back of the door, he takes in the fresh hickeys littered across his exposed chest. “Oh shit.” The revelation is perfectly timed with a knock on the door. Nudging Trevor out of the way, I exit his bedroom and leave him to change. Jamie is unloading groceries with his airpods in and I wave when I walk by to signal that we’re done and he can exist peacefully again. 
Answering the front door reveals Dani and Troy in the nicest casual clothing I’ve ever seen. The Terry’s smile upon seeing me and I look at Greyson who’s sitting on Dani’s left hip.
“Hi Grey!” I cheer and he immediately smiles. I then notice Troy holding what seems to be Greyson’s booster seat and as I go to reach for it, Trevor appears behind me. Greyson runs inside and begins punching Trevor’s leg with all the might his almost-four year old arms can manage. I laugh but Dani scolds,
“Greyson, we don’t hit people, remember?” He immediately stops, thinks for a moment, and then proceeds to throw punches at Trevor but without making contact. Dani sighs exhaustedly before saying, “Good enough.”
“How’s it going, man?” Trevor asks Troy, causing Dani and me to look at the guys incredulously.
“You saw each other yesterday,” I tease. Trevor shrugs as he takes the car seat from Troy. 
“Terry’s my boy though,” He responds somewhat jokingly. Greyson then speaks up,
“What about me?” The group laughs about the sweet question but Greyson isn’t amused. He looks around, confused, before stepping further into the apartment to scope it out. Greyson then yells, “I wanna go to the pumpkin patch!”
“Read you loud and clear, bud,” Trevor replies. Then, Dani asks practically,
“What time do you need him out of your hair?” To which I reply,
“Oh don’t worry about it, we can hang onto him for as long as y’all need.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
“Okay, well, his bed time is eight, and that’s usually around when we get tired anyway, so we’ll be here around then?.”
“8 it is,” I say with a smile, leaning away to look at Greyson fully. He smiles shyly before hiding his face against Trevor’s leg. “Why are you being shy, Grey-Grey?” I ask, looking down at his level. 
“I think he has a little bit of a crush on you.”
“Really?” I ask with a tiny bit of a laugh. Troy chimes in,
“Yeah, he was super excited when she told him you were the one babysitting-” 
“He’s been looking forward to it all week.” Dani finishes Troy’s sentence before they look at one another and smile, “In fact, he told me he has something to tell you, right Grey?”
“You’re pretty, Y/n,” He admits before running away, which causes the four of us to laugh.
“I told you my boyfriend was back in town,” I tease, which then makes Trevor laugh heartily. Turning back to Dani and Troy, they both look confused and I feel my cheeks grow warm in embarrassment.
“Inside joke,” I reassure. They nod and offer a few goodbyes to me, Trevor, and Greyson, before heading out for good. 
Closing the door behind us, Trevor sets down the car seat and says,
“I gotta up my game now that I have competition.”
“Yeah, so behave!” Trevor touches his left hand to his heart, giving me a look that reads melodramatically offended, “You’re currently in the lead, though.”
“I better be,” he bites back, wrapping his arm around the back of my body, coming to rest his right hand on my hip. His thumb brushes the hem and I look up at him over my left shoulder, 
“You’re still turned on?” I whisper, in shock. Trevor doesn’t reply. His hand slinks down to my ass as he kisses my lips heatedly, before he goes to follow Greyson’s path. I follow close behind and see Greyson’s found Jamie in the kitchen.
“Can I have one?!” Greyson shrieks upon finding a box of fruit by the foot. Jamie laughs at his excitement before asking,
“Do your parents even let you have sugar?” The dry humor is lost on the young child but I snort a laugh. 
“I’ve had these before in my lunch!”
“...Okay, sure. Let me open it for you. I don’t trust you to not destroy the box.”
“Jame, can you keep an eye on him for a second so we can get shoes on?” Trevor asks.
“He just got here and you’re already pawning off your responsibility on me?” Jamie playfully accuses Trevor, who looks offended. I laugh, partially at Jamie’s joke, and partially at watching Trevor misunderstand his roommate in real time. Jamie looks at me and we laugh about the joke going over Trevor’s head. 
I then head for the bedroom to search for the shoes I was once wearing. Trevor enters a little after I do to pull a pair of white sneakers from his closet. He’s uncharacteristically quiet. I almost want to ask what for, but then I’m overcome with the desire to let him stew in the silence. If I wait long enough, he’ll have to speak. He always does. Or, at least, he usually does. 
“Do you want kids?” He works up the nerve to ask, quickly adding, “Someday?” in hopes of softening the blow of the genuine conversation topic.
“Probably someday,” I answer simply, which sends him back into an introspective silence for a moment.
“How many kids would you want?” I look over at him to see he’s staring at me, as if tearing his gaze away would shatter the moment. I continue putting on my shoes,
“I think two is a good number. That way they can have a sibling, but not so many that they would feel their needs went unmet. Why?”
“I could do two,” Trevor says assuredly, ignoring my question.
“Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but you’re about two rings short of trying to have a baby with me right now,” I assert in a teasing way, although I’m not joking. The tension of the conversation dissipates as Trevor laughs. 
“Fair point,” Trevor squints his eyes at me, “But we can still practice, right?” I laugh again before nodding,
“We can at least agree on that.”
a/n: hope y'all enjoyed that and stay tuned for part 2 that'll drop sometime this week or next. let me know if you have a request for either Trevor or Jamie bc I'm on a ducks kick rn! Sidenote: is anyone else absolutely obsessed with the fact that we can copy paste tags now?? saves so much time !!!
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iveleftitwithyou · 2 months
casual pt. 2 | paul lahote x reader fluff
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you asked, i answered! this is part two to this smut from last night. someone requested this plot for the next chapter and i was so excited i had to write it immediately, so to whoever asked, i hope i did it justice!
thank you guys again for all of the love and support as i find my writing feet for the first time in years. it's been so rewarding to see the little like and reblog notifications come through, y'all are the best. i hope you enjoy!!! ❤️
warnings: mention of sexually explicit material, swearing, fluff
word count: 1.73k
you’d never seen Paul look so calm.
he was stretched out on your bed, your comforter resting loosely on his hips - he must have pushed it off when he’d gotten warm during the night. having a body temperature of 108 degrees was not for the weak. soft snores escaped his lips as you admired the softness of his features, your head resting on his bare bicep. you’d been like this for about twenty minutes, just admiring the beauty of your boyfriend as he slept.
your boyfriend. the word that once felt like a weight upon your shoulders was lifted now, a sense of peace overwhelming any fear or doubt associated with the term.
after your, ahem, eventful night on the side of the road, you and Paul had a long conversation about your relationship.
“is it casual now?” Paul smirked, his nose just inches from yours as he hovered over you on the seat.
“you know, i might have to reconsider that,” you sighed, closing the distance to plant a kiss on his lips. he laughed and buried his nose in your neck, kissing the delicate skin softly.
“i had a feeling you’d say that, princess.”
the two of you had stayed up late that night, you explaining your fears about being in a relationship and him finding a way to quell each of them. how did you get so lucky?
being around Paul was like being wrapped in a warm blanket. to everyone else, he was a tough, temperamental asshole, but to you, he was nothing but perfect. it was more than just the imprint - it was your first time feeling so connected to someone, and you wanted to soak up as much of it as possible.
unfortunately, though, you knew you had to wake Paul up soon; before you left last night, you had promised Emily you would come for lunch today.
propping yourself up on one elbow, you placed your hand gently on Paul’s face, fingers gently stroking his chin as you attempted to wake him up without startling him. his face twitched at your touch and he leaned his head further into your palm, but didn’t wake.
your hand slid slowly down to his shoulder, applying gentle pressure as you shook him awake. a look of confusion flashed across his face as he opened his eyes, assessing where he was. when his eyes met yours, the confusion disappeared and a smile took its place.
“g’morning, princess,” Paul mumbled, pulling you into his chest. he let out a sigh as he got comfortable once again, apparently planning to go back to sleep.
“Paul, we have to be at Emily’s at 11. we need to get up,” you made no effort to escape his grasp.
“five more minutes? don’t wanna let you go yet,” he bargained sleepily, petting your hair softly and planting a kiss on the top of your head. he knew he would win.
“fine, but i’m counting in my head.”
after a little more than five minutes, it was really time to get up, or you’d be late. you removed the blankets from yourself, groaning as the cold air hit your exposed legs. you untangled yourself from Paul’s hold, leaving a short kiss on his forehead as you climbed out of bed. you could have sworn you saw him blush.
your first order of business was to take a shower. you’d gotten a little sweaty last night, both for the expected reason and because your boyfriend was essentially a space heater covered by a blanket in your bed. you gathered your clothes, throwing together a random shirt and jeans, not really caring enough to put a lot of effort into your outfit today. Paul sat up on his elbows as he watched you grab a towel out of the linen closet.
“ooh, taking a shower? mind if i join?” he was only half serious.
“you wish, Lahote,” you remarked, turning around to give him a joking side-eye before you shut the bathroom door. maybe next time you’d let him.
the ride to La Push was quiet, but good quiet. the quiet that happens when you feel comfortable with someone.
Paul’s eyes darted back and forth between you and the road, trying to soak in as much of you as possible without crashing the car. “you look so good today, y/n.” he smiled, squeezing your hand softly. “i mean, you always do, but being my girlfriend suits you.”
your cheeks turned red as you looked at him, unable to hide your smile at hearing him call you that. you were his, and he was yours. there was no more uncertainty.
“i think being my boyfriend looks good on you, too.” it was your turn to make him blush.
Paul didn't let go of your hand until he had to shift the truck into park, maneuvering to the end of the dead-end street. he jogged hastily around to your door, opening it for you and helping you out of the tall truck. as soon as your feet were on the ground, he grabbed your hand again, squeezing it once as he offered you a soft smile. 
“guys, Paul and y/n are here!” Seth yelled to the rest of the house, smiling at you both as you and Paul entered the front door. 
“ooh, y/n is here!” Embry repeated excitedly in a high-pitched voice, running over to wrap you in a hug that almost knocked you over. “i missed you sooooo much” you laughed awkwardly, knowing he was just doing it to piss Paul off, but wanting to avoid another fight between the two. last night had been enough.
surprisingly, though, Paul just smacked him upside the head, pulling you into his side tightly after Embry let go.
“wow, no fight about that? she’s changed you…” Embry feigned solemnness as he retreated to the dining room table. you eyed Paul suspiciously, but there was little anger in his eyes.
you and Paul moved to join the other pack members at the table, still attached at the hip. Paul pulled out your chair for you to sit before taking a seat in the one next to you, scooting it as close as possible to your side. Jacob eyed you suspiciously. you knew the boys could tell something had changed between you two, but you weren’t sure if Paul was ready to get into it, so you bit your tongue and smiled timidly back at Jake.
just then, Emily rounded the corner with two giant steaming hot pans of lasagna. the smell made your mouth water; you and Paul had skipped breakfast, so you were extra hungry as you served yourself from the pan. “this looks delicious, emily, thank you.” she smiled, appreciating the gratitude.
after a few minutes of allowing the pack to enjoy his imprint’s cooking, Sam began running through the patrol schedules for next week. it was hard to focus on his words when all you wanted to do was admire your new boyfriend, but you tried your best to remember the shifts Paul was assigned to. you didn’t like asking him about the schedule a million times throughout the week.
Emily came to collect the empty lasagna pans a few minutes later, gesturing for you to follow back into the kitchen. you squeezed Paul’s arm and whispered, “i’ll be back,” waiting for a nod of acknowledgement before standing up from your seat and joining Emily.
“so, what happened? you guys seem different today, in a good way. Paul seems much calmer than normal.”
“if i tell you, you can’t tell anyone, Em,” you sighed, thinking of the teasing you’d get from the pack if they found out what you and Paul did last night.
“well, if he thinks about it when he goes on patrol later today, they’ll all know soon enough.” you had temporarily forgotten this one key aspect of your boyfriend being a shifter - nothing was a secret among the pack.
“oh, god, Em, i’ll never live it down” you buried your face in your hands, cheeks burning red with embarrassment.
“come on, y/n, if they know better they won’t say anything. especially not with Paul around.”
“i hope not,” you winced. “we may or may not have had a… fun night last night, if you know what i mean, and it stirred up a lot of feelings for both of us. i asked him to be my boyfriend.”
“oh my god, y/n!!! finally!!!” Emily squealed, grabbing your hands in hers with a toothy smile on her face. you were grateful she chose not to pry on what you meant by “fun.” she surely knew what you were implying.
“did you tell her?” a deep voice came from behind you, startling you. Paul chuckled as you jumped at the intrusion. you relaxed into him as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, leaving a kiss on your scalp before gently resting his head on it.
“about you being my boyfriend, yes. and you better keep your thoughts quiet on what happened last night, Lahote.”
“woah, what happened last night?” shit, of course Quil had heard that. “you two get it on?”
“i bet they did. they don’t call him ‘lucky Lahote’ for nothing” Embry added, smacking Paul gently on the shoulder. you couldn’t help but chuckle at the nickname despite its implications. Paul was yours now, and you knew his days of one-night-stands were over with.
“can you guys shut the fuck up?” Paul glared at the pair, tightening his grip on your waist slightly. “actually, what happened was that y/n finally agreed to settle and be my girlfriend - something you two idiots will never experience.”
you couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at the shocked and hurt looks on Embry and Quil’s faces, knowing neither would have a good comeback for that. they both just looked embarrassed, and you were proud of Paul’s wit. it took a second for you to realize that he had not only unashamedly introduced you as his girlfriend, but he also thought you… settled?
“i didn’t settle, Paul. you know you’re too good for me.” you twisted in his embrace, wanting to make eye contact with him to drive the point home. he shook his head before pressing his lips against your forehead.
“i guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.”
tags: @midnightheat
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Can I have Chad eating pussy? I bet he'd good at it and loves it
I need more Chad requests!! I might start writing for Tara and Mindy too. Or Billy? Any interested?
Warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), Ethan being weird
my taglists are here (I added one for SCREAM) + you can requests here at any time
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‘’When is Ethan coming ho— Ah! Fuck, do that again,’’ you begged with a moan, hips rising and fingers clutching the dark blue sheets that probably hadn't been washed since moving day.
Chad's mouth left your pussy, making you whine at the loss. ‘’Do what again?’’ he asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow at you. ‘’This?’’ He pressed kisses to your inner thighs, causing your breath to hitch. ‘’Or this?’’ Diving back between your legs, he glided his tongue across your slit.
A pleased sigh left your lips. It felt nice — anything involving Chad’s mouth between your legs felt nice —, but it wasn't what had your fingers clutching the sheets.
You shook your head.
‘’What about...this?’’ Chad wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked a few seconds before releasing it, causing your hips to buck as a shudder ran through your body. ‘’You like this, don’t you?’’ Chad's tongue continued flicking your clit, sucking on the swollen bud and making you squeal as your legs shook in desire over his shoulders.
He loved pleasuring you and teasing you.
You could’ve come just from this, but Chad had other plans. His skilled tongue vacated from your clit, eliciting a sad mewl from you. You bucked your hips against his face, needing his mouth again. You looked down, barely catching Chad’s smirk before he thrusted his tongue inside of you,
You threw your head back at the feeling of his tongue, moaning so loud the guys in the neighboring dorms must've heard. Your hand reached to grip his hair, but found no purchase. Instead, you found yourself clawing at his shoulders, turning into a moaning mess as Chad swirled his tongue around.
Your lower stomach was tightening and arousal was coating Chad’s mouth and chin, alternating between sucking on your clit and slipping between your folds. His palms were splayed on your thighs to keep you spread, feeling them want to close around him.
‘’Ah, fuck— Chad, I’m close.’’ Moans kept spilling out of your mouth, feeling yourself getting closer.
Chad didn't slow down. He added two fingers, curling them just the right way while he was working on your clit, bringing you to the edge with a cry of pleasure.
The feeling was overwhelming and you felt your orgasm smacking you in the face, slowly still grinding your hips against his mouth as Chad swallowed every last bit of your juices. He slurped and sucked at your pussy, wanting to get every drop, his groanings sending vibrations through your body.
Your legs were still shaking from your orgasm when Chad crawled up to kiss you. His tongue tasted of you and you weren't sure you liked it.
The sound of a key getting inserted into the lock had you and Chad break apart. Ethan.
Quickly, you grabbed Chad’s Blackmore hoodie and slipped it on to cover yourself. Your eyes searched for your panties, but god knows where Chad threw them. The latter straightened up and wiped his mouth and face with the back of his hand, making the visible remnants of your doings disappear. Your face probably looked like a mess, but you had no time to fix it. It’s not like Ethan didn’t know you and his roommate were sexually active.
The door opened just as the hem of the hoodie went past your private parts, not wishing to give Ethan free material to jack off.
‘’Mindy’s been trying to reach you for the past hours. Your mom called. Your parents are visiting next weekend and—’’ Ethan's voice caught in his throat, face flushing when seeing you on Chad’s bed. Although your body was covered, he could see that you didn’t have pants on and easily caught on to what you had been up to while he had been absent. ‘’Oh. Eh…hi Y/N.’’
You slipped your legs under the plush blanket, trying to cover more skin. ‘’Hi, Ethan,’’ you greeted back flatly with a small smile. 
Chad turned to his roommate, a frown on his face. ''What? They weren't supposed to be coming before Thanksgiving—'' His eyes shifted to you. ''Shit. I think Mindy slipped about us to my mom...''
Scream taglist: @misfityanii​ @beautybyfire​ @iluvscream191​ @mariposa555​ @bella7866
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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where the fun begins, 3 * ls2 (ms47)
while logan can't figure out where he had gone wrong with your relationship, you do.
pairings: frat!logan x reader, college!mick x reader
word count: 6.1k
notes: guys this took me forever and 2 and a half days to write so it's a bit long so i apologise but srsly <3 i got a bit carried away LOL idk if u can tell
(f1 masterlist)
| one | two | three | four |
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"i'll say," frederik mutters into your ear, guiding you towards the bar. "you look very comfortable with mick. no drinking games, no body shots..."
you laugh, shaking your head. "yeah... i've come to learn that those really aren't my thing."
"i don't even see you at parties often," he laughs. "but, i'm curious," he looks towards the backyard where mick had walked off to, "what happened between you and logan?"
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you raise your eyebrows and glance at lily, bottom lip between your teeth as stare up at the decorated house. "are you sure about this, lily?"
"please?" she hums innocently, turning to you with a smile. "it's a frat party, but oscar invited me. please, please?"
you watch drunk college students stumbling in the front yard and the strobing lights going crazy inside the house. at first glance, it's very overwhelming. it's probably because this is a scene you don't typically indulge in.
"okay," you sigh, laughing airily as lily links arms with you. "you're sure about this oscar guy?"
"yeah," lily says excitedly, helping you manoeuvre through the moving crowd. "are we late or something? why does it look like everyone's leaving already?"
lily knocks on the door and presses her lips together. lily lets go of your arm and fixes her shirt, brushing her fingers through her hair. she turns to you again. "do i look okay?"
"you always do!" you giggle, tapping her shoulder. "if he's a good guy, he will like you regardless. trust me on that one."
the door opens, revealing a guy you know you've seen around in your classes before, but never really knew his name. he sees you first, eyebrows shooting up at your presence on their front porch. "oh, what are you doing here? oh, lily!"
you press your lips into a small smile, pointing at lily. “for her.”
"of course! i'm frederik. you can call me fred," he shrugs. "you're under oscar’s guestlist tonight, right? and you’re lily's plus one?"
"yeah. is he around?" lily asks, craning her neck to peek into the chaos that awaits both of you in the house. "he told me to come at 8, but i saw people are already leaving. are we late?"
"nah, you're just on time," frederik laughs, beckoning for both of you to step into the house. he leads you through the small crowd. there are not as many people as you had expected. "that party's from the other frat next door. our party starts at 8. oscar's just woken up from his nap so i'll leave you guys in the vip area if you don't mind?"
"oh, you're leaving?" you pipe up, turning to him slightly. "why don't you stay with us and guard us?" he slumps his shoulders. "i'd love to. but we're tight on people tonight. i have to be everywhere."
he stops right by a stanchion, sectioning a part of the living room away from the crowd. there isn’t anybody in the said vip area, making you raise your eyebrows. perhaps you’re too early?
you actually have never been to a party, and it’s against your better judgment even to be here in the first place. if it hadn’t been for lily’s insistence to make it out to the party that oscar personally asked her to attend, you wouldn’t be here. either way, a frat party isn’t a place lily should be alone in.
“well, if you guys need any drinks, ollie is at the bar,” frederik smiles. he glances at lily. “you’ve met him, right? he will use the good liquor for you guys.”
“of course,” lily grins, dropping herself on the couch gently. “oscar’s on his way down?”
frederik glances at the stairs. “he should be. he doesn’t take that long to get ready.”
you watch with a frown as frederik walks away with a small wave, eventually disappearing into the house. the house is slowly filling with people and you take a seat next to lily with questions at the top of your head. “why is there a guest list?”
“yeah, the frat doesn’t like letting their parties get too wild so it’s by invite only,” lily explains. “it helps them minimise the chaos a little bit. i think that’s what oscar said.”
“that would be right.” a head makes you turn your head, jumping back at the head that’s popped between you and lily. “you guys are with oscar?”
lily nods. “i’m a friend of his.” she gestures towards you. “this is my plus one.”
“oh, cool,” he grins. “i’m logan. can i get you guys some drinks? we make cocktails, we’ve got beer… you can get it on the rocks too, if you want.”
you shake your head with a small smile. “i don’t drink. thank you, though.”
“i’d like a long island please,” lily smiles sweetly. she drops her head slightly to give you an encouraging smile. “you could get a mojito. it’s like sprite with mint — we can just ask them to put less alcohol in it.”
“do you have just sprite?” you press your lips together with a worried stare at logan. you never really cared what others thought, but you could feel the judgment coming through from the way he turned his head and looked at you in shock.
you didn’t know college students were so cutthroat about the consumption of alcohol.
“really? i could just ask ollie to put in a drop of rum into the mojito,” logan suggests. “but that’s up to you. don’t feel pressured to drink alcohol if you don’t want to.”
you smile politely and nod your head at him. “just a canned sprite will do. thank you.”
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you take a deep breath, slotting your laptop and notebook into your bag. heaps of students are already rushing to pour out of the lecture room while you stay behind to wait the crowd out. maybe they’ve got places to be, but you’ve got nowhere to be.
you lean back on the row behind you, watching the crowd slowly die down before you make your way out of the row you were sitting at. in the other aisle, there’s someone still sitting, typing away on his laptop.
as you pass him, he looks up at you with a polite smile, his blue eyes bearing into yours curiously. you return a small smile before shyly turning away and hopping down the stairs.
he’s pretty cute, you’ve got to admit. all semester long — all 3 weeks of it since you started your sophomore year — you always somehow run into that same guy. you’ve come to find out, from his friends screaming it in the campus cafeteria, that his name is mick. but, well, you’re not brave enough to make a first move.
so you walk down the steps with a small grin on your face. you take one last glance at him, still very focused on his screen, before you pull the door open to leave the lecture hall.
“hey!” a figure immediately steps up in front of you when you let go of the door. “hi, i’m- i’m logan. we met at the party last friday? you went with lily?”
your eyebrows shoot up in shock, unsure why or how he’s standing outside here. or how he even recognised you in the first place. the frat house was dim and crowded when he came to offer you and lily drinks. “ah, yes! are you looking for lily? i don’t have many classes with her, but i can call her for you if you’d like.”
“no,” logan grins, shoving his hands into his pockets. “i actually looked for her to find you. i couldn’t find you at the party the other night. is everything okay? did something happen?”
your lips part with an understanding nod. “yeah, i took off early. parties aren’t really my thing,” you explain. “i did have fun for the hour that i did stay, though! i never got to thank you for the sprite that you got me.”
“don’t worry about that. we were hosting, and you guys were someone’s special guests, or so i heard,” he smiles. “so, um…”
you tilt your head and look up at him, slightly confused. what business did this frat boy have with you? had you done something wrong during the party? were you supposed to bid goodbye before leaving the party because it was invitational? “i’m sorry i didn’t say goodbye,” you blurt out of nervousness.
he throws his head back slightly, blinking blankly at your reaction. “what?”
“i’m sorry,” you laugh softly, “i don’t really go to parties, and especially not ones held in a frat.”
“what are you talking about? it’s not about the party,” he laughs. you tilt your head more and furrow your eyebrows at the dimple that makes a brief appearance on his face. he’s a lot cuter in daylight than he was in the neon lights that illuminated the dark living room of their frat house.
“oh. then what are you here for?”
“i was,” he looks away briefly with a small smile, “i was wondering if i could take you out to dinner some time?”
you straighten your back at his request and grip the handles of your bag that’s resting on your shoulder. “pardon?”
logan clears his throat and stands a little straighter. “well, i think you’re really cute. i’d really like to take you out to dinner some time this week. if,” he pauses, waiting to see for any more reactions that would give away your potential answer, “you think i’m also cute?”
“i mean i think you’re cute,” you grin sweetly, dropping your head slightly. you watch as a hopeful smile spreads across his face before an apologetic expression covers yours. “but i reckon i’m not really your type.”
“what do you mean?” his eyebrows furrow and he frowns slightly at your rejection. not to say that he’s never been at the receiving end of being rejected by girls before, but it’s certainly not as common as it used to be when he was in high school.
“i’m not a party girl. seeing as how you were that night at your party, it might be safe to assume that this wouldn’t really work,” you explain slowly. “it’s not a bad thing! i just… i don’t think we would click like that.”
logan continues to tower over you in shock. you sigh. “i’m really very sorry. you are cute–”
“then let me take you out on a date?”
“–but let’s not waste each other’s time.” you take a step to the side. “i’ll see you around, logan. i had fun at the party.”
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lily laughs. “oh, come on. logan’s not that bad!”
“i literally watched him go crazy over beer pong!” you explain, throwing your head back in disbelief. you pinch the bridge of your nose at what she’s trying to get at after you told her the story. “i left 45 minutes into the party because the music was too loud!”
oscar sits on your couch, slightly amused at the situation with his arm slung around lily’s shoulders loosely. “he’s alright. he can be a bit much sometimes.”
“oh, you’re not helping your friend here,” lily gasps exasperatedly, smacking oscar lightly. oscar laughs softly, throwing his head back at lily’s will to defend logan through and through. she looks back at you and throws her arms in the air. “what’s the worst that could happen if you go out on one date?”
“i don’t want to waste my time. i have enough going on as is.” you widen your eyes and glance at oscar with pleading eyes, hopeful that he can find the words to get lily off your back. “we’re total opposites! i’m an academic — it’s all i’ve ever known.”
oscar shrugs. “she’s right, you know,” oscar mutters, earning himself a glare from lily. he tilts his hands up into the air. “logan’s not been an academic in a hot minute. he skips classes, he frequents parties a lot, he gets into fights…” he looks at you. “you made the right decision.”
“i know.”
“no,” lily says slightly firmer this time. she sits up slightly and plants her feet on the ground. “what if he straightens his act because of you? i think being in your company would really do logan some good.”
“you want me to let him take me out on a date just so he can justify the school fees he’s paying? are you crazy?”
“not like that! i mean, like, if the date goes well, then i think it would help logan see the brighter side of things,” lily explains with an eye roll. she turns to oscar. “don’t you think so? don’t you want to see logan in classes again?”
oscar squints his eyes, pursing his lips slightly as he looks at lily. you gasp and stomp your foot on the ground. “don’t tell me you’re actually considering this, oscar!”
“it’s a silly idea,” oscar says. you sigh in relief before you turn on your heel, ready to get some rest for your classes tomorrow. “but–” you turn back around in panic at his change of tone. “he’s a good guy in general; just a little… misguided nowadays. he’s a pretty sweet guy.”
“sweet guys wouldn’t skip class and challenge random party attendees to a fight when he’s one of the hosts.”
“true,” oscar points out knowingly, “but if you give him a chance, you’ll see that he’s not as bad as he was that night. i mean, it was a party. everyone gets rowdy sometimes at parties.”
you fold your arms over your chest, staring at them incredulously. there’s no way that they’re making you agree to go on a date with somebody who’s a polar opposite, right? either way, it seems unethical and rude to go out on a date with logan just to hope on the fact that he will get his act together.
“that’s not fair.”
“at least give him a chance,” lily grins, eyebrows raising hopefully. “he’s not as bad as you think he is.”
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you walk the busy halls of the campus, trying your best not to bump into anyone as you send your parents a quick text message. you glance up at the lecture hall you’re heading towards and flinch slightly at the figure waiting right by the door.
you sigh softly to yourself, dropping your phone into your bag as you approach the door. “i said no, you know that, right?”
“you didn’t even give me a chance,” logan hums with the sweetest smile he can sport to show you. he extends his hand with a small bouquet and rocks back and forth on his feet. “one date. if you still don’t think we would be good together after that, i’ll leave you alone.”
you stare at the flowers before you lift your eyes to meet his. “logan…”
“one date. no alcohol, no drinks, no parties,” logan suggests. his eyes light up when you look back down at the bouquet. “a proper date. i’ll take you out on a proper date.”
“fine,” you say, taking the bouquet into your hands. you lift it slightly. “thank you for the flowers. i’m busy tonight and tomorrow, how does thursday sound?”
he can’t contain the smile growing on his face. “great! i’ll pick you up at 6?”
you nod, but before you can tell him where to meet you, he’s already jogging away from you. “hey, i haven’t told you where to pick me up!”
“i’m gonna be late to class!” he laughs, waving at you. “i’ll ask lily for your number — i’ll text you tonight i promise!”
you raise an eyebrow at his statement. he’s going to class. you tilt your head with a small smile and glance down at the flowers, grazing your nails over the petals of the lavender. you press your lips together, admittedly trying to calm your racing heart. it’s very thoughtful: the flowers and the waiting for you outside your lecture hall.
logan is lucky that he’s cute, or that simple gesture of waiting for you might have bordered the line of being weird.
you press your lips together and make a sharp turn towards the door again. someone swiftly passes your stiff figure right by the door, pushing the door open that leads into the lecture hall. he steps aside and holds the door open, peeking from behind slightly to beckon you to come in.
it’s mick.
you smile. “thank you.”
he glances down at what you have in your hands. “ah, flowers. lucky guy.”
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logan walks next to you in the hallway of your apartment complex, his denim jacket wrapped around you warmly. he sighs with a small smile. “i hope you enjoyed the date, at least. it wasn’t much, but–”
“what?” you laugh, the sound echoing down the hall. “don’t beat yourself up over it. i enjoyed the restaurant and the food. i enjoyed the car ride to get desserts too.”
“i know it’s a little underwhelming,” logan sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “but i really do hope that you enjoyed the date. because i know that i enjoyed myself.”
much to your surprise, the date went very well. you didn’t have a lot in common with logan, but you did click to a certain degree. surprisingly, he did have a pathway he wanted to pursue after graduation, which is why he’s enrolled on the major he’s in right now.
he softly, and hesitantly admitted to you that it’s been difficult to find motivation since the new semester started. you completely understand that.
you stop at your door, then turn to look at him. “don’t overthink it. i enjoyed myself tonight. thank you, logan.”
you’re ready to walk through that door right now and admit to lily that you’ve misjudged logan’s character. despite his tendency to be a bit of a walking menace, oscar is right about him being a sweet guy.
he opened his car door for you in all instances, gave you flowers (despite having given you one just two days ago), held your bag and gave you his jacket despite it being cold outside. you insisted on going dutch with the bill, but he beat you to the cashier to pay for the entire meal.
“do i get to take you out on a second date?” logan raises an eyebrow with a small smile. “i know a place.”
you press your lips together, trying to hold back a smile and a definite answer. you step forward and press a kiss on his cheek, giggling when you see his cheeks flush. “let’s have lunch tomorrow after my morning class,” you say with a pat on his shoulder. “text me when you get back to the frat house.”
he barely has any time to respond before you stumble into your apartment with a hand to your chest. lily, sitting on the couch doing one of her assignments, immediately looks up with wide eyes and a hopeful grin.
you don’t say anything, just shriek and run over to the red head with stories upon stories spilling past your lips.
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“is this seat taken?”
you look up and flinch slightly at the pair of green eyes and soft smirk looking down at you. “logan! you aren’t in this class. what are you doing here?”
“i don’t have a class right now,” logan whispers with a small grin. “the library is full, the guys are being rowdy in the house — i’ve got an assignment i need to start on.”
“and you thought my lecture would be the perfect place to get some peace and quiet?”
“yes. and also the fact that you’re here helps.” he starts to put his things on the empty spot next to you. “do you wanna grab some dinner after your class?”
you frown slightly, keeping your eyes trained on the door for your professor to walk in. admittedly, you’re quite scared that logan’s in a class that he’s not supposed to be in.
surely your professor wouldn’t notice a fresh face in a room full of a hundred students, right?
“i’ve got tutoring after my class. it’s tuesday.”
“right. i forgot,” logan whispers. “can i pick you up afterward then?”
“i can’t stay out late. i’ve got class early tomorrow.”
“i know,” logan nods, pressing his lips together into a smile. “just want to see you. let me send you home?”
you laugh sheepishly, turning your head to look at him. you promptly drop your smile when you realise he’s serious. “oh, you’re serious.” he nods with a hopeful smile, repeating his question if you’d let him. you smile and sink into your seat. “sure. that’s very thoughtful. thank you.”
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you press your lips together, picking at your nails as you look over the railing to the crowd downstairs. “are you sure about this? i can just go home if you want. i don’t really want to be a bother…”
“no, don’t be silly,” logan smiles, taking a step down. he holds his hand out to you. “it’s a smaller party than the first one you attended. no plus ones this time.”
you hum, pressing your lips to the side. “i’m not really a party person, lo.”
“it’s not a party. it’s a small get-together.” you hesitantly take his hand, letting him lead you down the stairs. “but i guess if you prefer to head home… i can drive you home.”
you take a deep breath and try to count the number of people on the first floor. there’s no way this is considered a small get-together — you lost count after 20. “i’ll stay for a little while… no drinks for me, okay?”
“just a little bit?”
you sigh. “like, a drop.”
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“are you guys together yet?” lily giggles, watching you walk out of the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate.
“are you and oscar together yet?” you throw the question back at her, tucking your legs under your body. lily stares at you with wide eyes, lips pursed together at your retort. “exactly. that’s what i thought.”
“but that’s not the same.”
“you’re right — it’s not the same. cause you and oscar actually like each other.”
lily tilts her head. “you still don’t like logan? i thought everything is going well.”
“i do! i already do — i like him a lot, actually,” you sigh. “but i don’t know… we’ve been going out for like 3 weeks… i don’t know what we are.”
lily’s face contorts into something of disbelief. she looks at you. “you guys still haven’t established anything yet?”
you press your lips together. “is it that bad that we haven’t established anything yet? isn’t it like… normal? i mean, we’ve only been seeing each other for 2 months.”
“it’s already been 2 months?” you watch lily sink into the couch and puff her cheeks. “you guys are together more than half the week… have you even held hands yet?”
“of course, we have,” you scoff, slightly offended. despite being closed off yourself and being more on the inactive side, you’ve had your fair shares of relationships. “i’m not a prude — not that it’s a bad thing to be one. but seriously, lily?”
“maybe logan’s more traditional about things like this,” lily mutters, shrugging. she takes a scoop from her tub of ice cream and shoves the spoon into her mouth. “who knows? i’m not his friend.”
“that’s what i’m trying to say. but i don’t know. maybe he just doesn’t like me as much as he thought he would when he first asked me to go on a date,” you shrug, pressing your lips together. “that’s okay. maybe i should ask him tomorrow when we go the pier?”
“should you, though?”
you shrug. “better than living in the dark, right?”
lily presses her lips together. “what about that cute guy in one of your lectures? have you guys interacted again recently?”
you drop your head with a shrug. “not since he saw me with flowers in my hands that one time. he sits really far back nowadays and leaves with the crowd.”
“i told you he had a thing for you,” she says, words muffled from the ice cream in her mouth as she points the spoon directly at you. “you never believe me — i’m like the love expert or something.”
you dart your tongue out and kick her lightly. “because you’re often wrong. oscar is probably the only decent guy you’ve dated.”
she perks up with a proud smile. “i know. he’s so not made to be a frat bro. if it weren’t for logan and the difficulty of finding housing for college, he wouldn’t have been there.”
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you breathe out slowly as the wind pushes all of your hair out of your face. you feel logan’s grip around your hand tighten as you take a stroll on the boardwalk of the beach near campus.
since logan had picked you up from your apartment, you’ve had this nagging feeling creeping up on you. it’s one thing to talk about asking him about the status of your relationship, but it’s another to stand in front of him to actually say the words and get an answer. “i want to ask you something if that’s okay.”
“of course,” logan nods, slowing down with his eyebrows furrowed. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, i just don’t know if i should be asking you this at all,” you say softly, turning to face him. you grab his other hand and purse your lips together. “we’ve been going out for a while… lily’s asked me, but i don’t really know what to answer. what are we? like… are we together?”
his reaction is unreadable. you watch as his forehead relaxes, but the way his lips part and the way his eyes stare into yours intensely is telling you a different story. “i… um…”
you smile and squeeze his hands. “that’s okay. you don’t have to put a label; it’s just a question.”
you turn away to continue your walk when logan pulls you back gently to face him. “no, it’s not that i don’t want this to go anywhere — i do. i really like you. but i feel like… we should take this slow, don’t you think so? there’s a lot more we don’t know about each other, and–”
“no need to explain yourself,” you hum, patting his shoulder gently. “we can go slow if you need to. after all, you’ve got tons of assignments to catch up on.”
he laughs. “there’s really too many to count.”
“there’s only too many to count because you keep skipping classes, lo.”
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“try it,” oscar laughs, handing you a slice of lime. “lily’s got a plastic bag in case you have to puke.”
you hesitantly take the lime into your hands and raise an eyebrow. “are you guys sure about this? i told you i’m not a drinker.” you lift the cocktail in your hands. “i’m good with my cocktail. shots are daunting.”
liam sighs, shaking his head. “no, mate. you don’t have to drink the tequila if you don’t want to.”
“just try it once,” oscar shrugs. “one shot. the trick is to get a lot of salt to really offset the taste of tequila. then bite on the lime to finish it off.”
logan smiles at you. “do you want me to show you how to do a body shot, babe? it’s easy, and i’ll only pour half for you.”
you laugh, throwing your head back. “um, sure? how do you even–”
lily steps forward. “you need to put the lime in your mouth. and then,” she pauses to take something from the table, “we put the salt on you. is your neck okay?”
“my neck?”
“it’s a body shot,” logan giggles, breath already reeking from all the beer he’d drank from his game of beer pong. “it’s supposed to involve the body in some way.”
you take a deep breath. “i guess.”
you tilt your head back slightly and look into the crowd, bored. if you had the option to sit out this party, you genuinely would. but the frat was hosting again and logan insisted that you make a small appearance for a couple of hours.
or, in his words, he’ll teach you a couple of drinking games for the future. if not for your time in college, at least for the parties to come into your adulthood.
you lean back against the counter as lily swipes your neck with damp fingers, pressing a bit of salt against your skin. you sigh as she positions the lime into your mouth, careful not to bite too hard.
a familiar pair of blue eyes shine in the dark, looking right at you as he enters a kitchen with a friend. he furrows his eyebrows at the sight of you surrounded by a crowd of frat brothers and lily. you scrunch your nose and raise your eyebrows at him, prompting mick to wave at you hesitantly with a confused expression on his face.
which, you can argue, you’re probably having the same thought as he is: what the hell is someone like you doing in a frat party?
he disappears into the crowd, making you sigh to yourself before you feel a pair of lips hovering dangerously close to your ears. “ready, babe?”
you turn your head slightly and grin. “yes. show me how to do a body shot.”
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you purse your lips together. “sorry, lo. i’m not really feeling a party tonight. i think i’ll just head back,” you say softly, leaning on the railing that gives you a sneak peek of what kind of party it would be tonight.
in the first place, you’ve got a submission for an assignment on monday night. this weekend is important that you keep free for yourself — you told logan that multiple times. yet he still insisted that you stay over tonight for the party.
“are you sure?” logan sighs, frowning slightly. “can you stay a while? frederik invited the other frat over for a party. they’re mostly upperclassmen. it won’t be that bad tonight.”
but you’re insistent. you’ve still got tons of research to do. “no, i’ve really got to head back tonight. i’m sorry, lo,” you shake your head, walking around logan to head down the steps by yourself. “you don’t have to drive me back if they’re already here. i’ll just call an uber.”
logan tilts his head and chases after you down the steps. he stops a step after you, prompting you to come to a halt. “are you sure, babe? you don’t even have to drink tonight; you can stay in my room and do your research for your paper. you don’t have to go.”
“i’m sure,” you smile slightly. though, you remember a time when it wouldn’t even have to be questioned that you preferred to leave early instead of sticking around for the party. “i’ll just text you tomorrow.”
you shake your head and press your lips together, walking towards the door of the house. you keep your head low, not wanting to receive any questions from frederik or his friends why you’re leaving so soon since the party had just started.
when you get away from the crowd of the house, you’re dialling lily’s phone number to pick you up. when she doesn’t answer, you sigh and try to book an uber for yourself. but, it’s a busy friday night and drivers wouldn’t earn much driving you two blocks out of campus.
you sigh, fully considering the 25-minute walk back to your apartment complex.
“hey, what are you doing out here instead of the party?” a familiar voice approaches you, making you turn around to meet the brightest blue eyes you’ve seen. he says your name in a question to confirm if it’s really you and you respond with a shy nod. “heading home early?”
“yeah,” you laugh airily, glancing down at your phone to see if you’ve gotten any luck with an uber. “i still have research for that one assignment we have due on monday. i wish i could stay.”
“do you need a ride back?” he smiles, tilting his head with a sweet smile. “i’m designated driver tonight, by the way, if you’re concerned about drinking and driving.”
“no,” you laugh, shaking your head. “i don’t want to keep you from the party. i can walk home.”
“it’s really late. are you insane?” he raises an eyebrow and beckons you down the sidewalk where his car is parked. “come on, let me make your life a little easier and drive you home.”
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“hey, liam?” you say softly, barely tapping the taller man’s shoulder to get his attention. he stands from his position over the table, filling cups for the next round of beer pong. “sorry.”
“it’s no problem, mate. what’s up?” liam bends down slightly, though continuing to pour beer into the red solo cups, leaning into you to listen to you over the music. “can i help you with something?”
“yeah, um,” you trail off, “have you seen logan? he left me alone like about 10 minutes ago. i haven’t really seen him since. i’m getting pretty worried.”
“oh, i saw him.” ollie appears next to you with a small smile. “i saw him go up to his room about 5 minutes ago. he was on the phone with somebody, i think. it looked really serious, actually, but i don’t know. it’s logan — you never really know.”
liam laughs. “you know where his room is, right? ollie can bring you if you’ve forgotten.”
you give them a thumbs up with a smile. “i can get to his room. thank you.” you pat ollie on the arm. “thank you. prepare me a margarita? i’ll be back down soon with logan.”
you quickly excuse yourself, pushing yourself through the crowd. you jog up the stairs and immediately find logan’s room. well, it’s not that hard; it’s the second door to the left in the long stretch of bedrooms. the door to his room is slightly ajar.
“lo–” you cut yourself when you pop your head in and see that he’s still on the phone.
“will you just listen to me? fuck’s sake?” logan says tiredly. you peek in slightly more. he’s sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees as he grabs his cheeks. “i– i don’t know, okay? i like her– yes, i do. but i still think of you. sometimes.”
you furrow your eyebrows. you never knew about a potential ex-girlfriend that he could still be hung up about. “i’m not leaving her for you. i told you this before — whatever happened 3 months ago, that’s all that will ever be of us.”
you try to do the math in your head. if you’ve been seeing logan for approximately 5 months now, what the hell did he do 3 months ago? well, you suppose you didn’t have a label up until you asked 2 and a half months in. which is fine and realistic — on a technicality.
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@cashtons-wife @localwhoore @vroomvroomcircuit @foreveralbon @what-is-happening-helpp @angsthology @urfavnoirette
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kimsunos · 1 year
Vampire sunoo with a s/o that has a biting kink
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in which you have a biting kink your vampire boyfriend didn't know about.
tags: afab!reader, dom!sunoo, sub!reader, vampire!sunoo, mentions of blood, biting kink, praising, breeding.
words: 800
a/n: sorry for the delay as i said i'm coping with a lot of mental health issues but i love to write so im not abandoning here! this is very short but i liked how it turned out so im posting as an actual smut anyways thank you guys for waiting 💗🪽
he's thrusting deep and hitting every place, doing so well for you, making you feel so full. his hands are feeling your body desperately, trying to memorize your curves and lines, as if you were to disappear any second now. "beautiful." he says with adoring eyes as his mouth finds your exposed neck after abusing your lips until they got all red and swollen, kissing and licking the area.
he was hungry, starving for you, it was impossible to control himself if you kept clenching and milking his dick that way. he needed to make you completely his right now by his own will, because soon the switch would flip and only the animalistic instincts were going to take over his body.
he playfully bites the skin of your neck, gently, just to test the waters, afraid he might scare you. he was expecting a gasp of pain, surprise, even a giggle because he knows how necks are sensitive and everything tickles. he was really expecting anything, anything but the sinful, lustful, depraved pleasure moan you let out.
he stopped moving, eyes widening. "what was that, princess?" a smirk slowly creeping up his face. your cheeks got red and your face hot.
"i'm sorry." you said, avoiding eye contact, using your hands to cover your face. "it was nothing, keep moving, please." he only devilishly grined and raised an eyebrow, his sharp fangs showing. "pleaseeee, sun, just move." you whined, embarrassed.
"oh, dear…" you could hear a smile in his voice. "if it was nothing, i guess we should just keep going, right?" he kissed your neck in the same spot he bit earlier and continued his movements. it was good, obviously, but there was something missing, that pain that hurts so good, enough to make you feel stars.
and missing it so badly, you start to cry out of frustration. so desperately wanting again the alluring sensation of his teeth on your skin. you wanted to feel how much would his fangs sink, if he would have mercy or not, you needed to know and to feel it over and over.
"darling? why are you crying?" he says with a pout, feigning sympathy, lazily thrusting back and forth. he absolutely knows what you're up to.
"sunoo-" you whimper, reaching to cup his face with your hands. your eyes are shining with the tears. "sunoo, please." you look so defenseless. "do it again." he smirked as you said it.
"do what, my dear?" he knows what. but he needs to make you beg for what you want before caving in. you breathe, searching for courage.
"bite me." your voice went out in a whisper as you begged.
he smiled, really brightly.
"as you wish." devouring your neck with wet kisses and continuing his work with his hips, quicker this time.
"oooh, oh my god." you moaned as you finally felt his fangs sinking into your skin. the pleasure was unbearable, overwhelming, making you cross your legs around him, pulling him even closer. you craved more. "bite me more, sunoo. bite me again, please. bite me." you chanted as in a spell and he sank his teeth even more, feeding on your blood.
you could hear him moaning too, the sounds of your own moans and the skin slapping blending together. just like you, he was close to his release.
"delicious." he said, lifting his head from your neck, using the back of his hand to clean the blood staining his plump lips red. "you're all mine now, y/n." his foxy eyes devouring you entirely, and his voice trembling. "a-all mine. all mine. i can't- believe, you're finally all mine." his thrusts started to get even more desperate and messy, hitting your core amazingly as you were so sensitive in your entire body. the two bruises on your neck were stinging so good just adding to the pleasure. "my p-perfect princess, finally mine, right?"
"ooh, s-sunoo, yes, i- am."
"i'm- i'm going to stuff you full, my darling." he panted. "going to be- ah, dripping for days. so full of me, right?" you could only moan at his obscene remarks. "mine. forever." he said as his cum painted your walls white, filling you up, you following right after.
sunoo collapsed on top of you, his cold skin gently warming up because of your human heat. he loved to feel your heart beating, so full of blood and life.
"sun." you said.
"can i bite you?"
© kimsunos, 2023.
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foreverdolly · 4 months
first i would like to apologize for my constant flakiness. i'm in my mid twenties now and life is beyond hectic. i've been thrown so many curveballs, and i feel horribly guilty for teasing fics only to be pulled away by life with no way to execute what has been promised-
which is why i will no longer be teasing fics or trying to set any kind of schedules for myself.
i went and saw an elvis impersonator the other night and was shocked by how many people my own age were there. usually it's just me in a crowd full of elderly women. it had me wondering if i could connect with those girls in real life the way that i had connected with you all. i wondered if maybe- just maybe- i had conversed with one of them on tumblr at some point (though i highly doubt that). it was exciting. . . but also really sad.
my mental health is probably at it's worst right now, and a friend of mine unexpectedly passed over the holidays (hence why i suddenly disappeared). i'd like to say that the anon hate didn't get to me all those months ago, but it did. i became paranoid that the second i logged into this account i'd be met with hate. anger. people telling me they didn't like my writing anymore or those that i considered friends no longer wanting to talk to me.
so i logged out of tumblr. tried to ignore the urge to write or say "i'm alive guys and i still love you just as much" because i don't want to be seen as selfish or horrible for going on a hiatus. i also don't want any of you to feel as though i abandoned you.
this account was the reason i got up out of bed every morning for an entire year. i got to know some of your lives. your loved one's names, what you were going to school to become, your wants and dreams- and being in that crowd at the elvis show brought me right back where I needed to be. it slapped me right in the face.
guilt. regret. fear
and an overwhelming sense of love. i don't want to abandon this blog. no matter how many notes or lack-there-of i receive on future fics. . . i want to keep posting. i want to talk about austin and elvis with anyone that will listen. i'm tired of being tired. i want to be happy again, and i was so happy with all of you. i want to crawl back to this bubblegum pink blog and treat it like a dollhouse- live in here with you in whatever elvis-induced delusions we share.
so if there's anyone out there that still is active- hello. i really fucking missed you.
191 notes · View notes
weirdkpopgirl · 5 months
Hugs | Dream Headcanon #12
Headcanon: Types of Hugs
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: ~1.2k
Author's Note: Just felt like writing something mushy-gushy today. I've actually been working on my next Jaemin fic, but it's taking longer than anticipated to finish it. I know I've written something similar to this topic for the Dreamies before. But I think hugs with NCT Dream deserved it's own post. Hope you guys like it ^ ^
~ ~ ~
Hugs with Mark weren’t particularly special, but they always felt like home. It was the feeling you got when you’d come over after a long day of work or classes, and he'd greet you at the front door. The way his arms would open up for you always brought a smile to your face. In his embrace, he’d kiss your forehead before asking how your day went.
It was the feeling you got whenever he returned from performing overseas, and the sight of him made you want to burst into tears. Running into each other’s arms in an almost bone-crushing embrace, he would softly murmur into your shoulder about how much he missed you during his time away. In response, you’d say you missed him too and hug him back tightly.
It was the feeling you got when you’d be in bed together, lying in each other’s arms as you talked about your dreams. His eyes would reflect so much endearment as he whispered that he loved you. Overwhelmed, you’d nestle against his chest with watery eyes. Mark Lee will forever be your home.
Hugs with Renjun are shy at first, where one of you is anxiously waiting for the other to make the initial move. But once the awkwardness faded, hugs with Renjun were incredibly warm. They’re the type to make you feel all fuzzy on the inside.
Oftentimes you guys would hug after being separated for a while, and finally being able to be in each other’s arms is both refreshing and comforting at the same time. Then the two of you’d pull away slightly to look at each other with lovesick grins on your face, before hugging again.
Sometimes hugs served as a reconciliation after you guys fought. Once his arms wrapped around your waist, the anger would slowly dissipate. He’d hold you tightly as if you might disappear any second. Regardless of the frustrations that might have sparked the conflict, those comforting hugs were a reminder of how much you loved one another.
Hugs with Jeno tended to catch you off guard. You would be in the kitchen cooking dinner, or putting on makeup before your date. And he’d come up from behind and back hug you. The first few times he did this, your head would turn in surprise. You’d meet his loving gaze, making you laugh because he was utterly adorable. Even after years of being together, his back hugs never failed to make your heart skip a beat.
If you were cooking, you’d occasionally hold a spoon up to let him taste and he’d let you know if the dish needed more of a specific ingredient. When you were putting on makeup, he’d peacefully watch through the mirror and compliment you once you finished. If you tried to pull away too soon, he’d get all pouty. Then with a sigh, you’d lean back in his embrace and Jeno was happy.
If he was feeling extra clingy, he’d plant a few kisses on your cheek. Sometimes he’d come back from working out or a long day of schedules, and he’d seek solace in you. Even though he tried to hide it, you could tell by the way he sank into you that he was exhausted. In those moments, you’d spin around to hug him properly, squeezing in as much comfort as you could. Regardless of the circumstances, hugs with Jeno radiated a sense of security and contentment.
Hugs with Haechan were something else, because every time he hugged you, it felt as though he’d been touch-starved for months. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing homework or scrolling through Netflix to find a movie. If Haechan wanted a hug, he was getting a hug.
He’ll be sitting beside you making grabby hands as if he were a two-year-old. While this action made you roll your eyes, it didn’t stop you from settling down into his lap. He’d smile victoriously and he’d quickly pull you even closer.
Haechan would nuzzle his face into your neck, causing you to giggle because the sensation tickled. You almost felt like a pet with how much he smothered you with affection. Then you’d hear him sniff before asking if you had used the perfume he bought you not too long ago. When you replied yes, his smile would grow and he’d snuggle into you even more. You honestly couldn’t get enough of clingy Haechan.
Hugs with Jaemin made you feel like the most loved person in the world. They were the definition of true comfort. Whether you were excited about something or feeling depressed, Jaemin seized every opportunity to draw you into his arms. His overflowing affection spoke volumes, something you could never get tired of.
The gentle squeeze around your waist and the comforting rest of his chin on your shoulder warmed your heart in so many ways. Sometimes it was hard for you to grasp how one person could have such an abundance of love. He never failed to express that he loved you, both physically and verbally.
Jaemin loved it even more if you hugged him first. As someone who liked skinskip, he’d be over the moon when you’d open up your arms for him, inviting him into a warm embrace. He’d speak in a baby voice as he rambled about how cute you were to him. Honestly, you could never get enough of Jaemin’s hugs and you cherished every single one of them.
Hugs with Chenle were playful, but they expressed his genuine fondness for you. Those light-hearted embraces often occur when you find yourself embarrassed, or annoyed at his teasing. He took delight in the adorable sight of your cheeks turning rosy, responding with a laugh as he hugged you tightly. 
In public settings, Chenle was the type to casually have one arm draped over your waist or around your shoulders. These gestures were remarkably subtle, seamlessly blending into the natural dynamics of being a couple. Occasionally the two of you’d exchange loving glances, and he’d smile when your head rested on his shoulder.
But hugs with Chenle could also take a more serious tone. Whenever you were going through a hard time, he stood right by your side with open arms. He could discern whether you needed reassuring words or simply a shoulder to cry on. This was one of the things about Chenle that made you love him so much. He was the perfect balance of having fun and providing a comforting presence in times of distress.
Hugs with Jisung were like an unspoken language between the two of you. On a normal basis, neither of you was super affectionate. Of course, you guys kissed and liked to cuddle in the evening. But not nearly as much as other couples might. However, when you and Jisung did share a hug, there was this sentiment attached to them, carrying a depth of meaning that was indescribable.
Perhaps you had a bad day at school or work, and maybe he did too. Upon meeting, a single glance was all it took before you gravitated toward each other. No words needed to be said as the two of you held one another, allowing the oxytocin to release freely. Those hugs always lasted a little longer than they should.
Jisung was laughably taller than you, which was perfect because you could bury your face in his chest. His chin naturally found its place atop your head, while his thumb traced soothing circles on your back. Sometimes the two of you cried during those moments, and your bodies trembled in each other’s arms. Yet, those instances where you could openly express your emotions were exactly what both of you needed.
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buggybambi · 5 months
So glad you're back!! Would you ever consider writing for Carmy x Richie's younger sister again?? I had an idea (if you want to write it, please dont overwhelm yourself) where reader and Carmen are fighting while reader is pregnant with their first baby and Carmen says something kinda mean to her and then she goes into laboro unexpectedly?! And seeing how Richie would react to that and be so defensive of his little sister 🥹
hi love! hope this is okay :) | fem!reader, mentions of a hospital, nicu stay/labor
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You know he didn't mean it. Calling you stupid for showing up to the Bear that day when there was tools laying about, too many unknown people being around. He was just a worried soon-to-be dad, but that didn't make it easier.
Carmen was always protective over you, and now that you two had a baby on the way, it heightened. He was already on edge with the amount of repairs being done that day in the Bear, and the hazardous scene the restaraunt was in. He was just stressed out and took it out on you, like an idiot.
You didn't stick around to hear his apology after the words slipped out of his mouth. "Why are you being so difficult about this!? Showing up here was fucking stupid of you!" Nat took you outside to get you both away from each other, give you both some space to breathe. You could hear Carmen leave the restaraunt, disappearing to who knows where.
You sigh as you lean against the fence outside, gripping it with one hand. "He didn't mean it, it's just- there's been a lot happening today. Like a lot. Our fridge guy couldn't come and then a health inspection." Nat tried to explain. You were barely listening as your eyes squeezed shut. The pain in your abdomen and back you'd been briefly experiencing for the past few minutes had subsided as you let out an exhale. Syd stepped out at the same time.
"Hey, woah, you alright?" She asks. "Yeah, yeah sorry. Just Braxton Hicks. They just haven't been this intense." You answer. Syd stares at you both before clearing her throat. "I think your water just broke." She says.
You stare at her for a second, almost laughing. "Funny, Syd, but this isn't the time-" You look down and realize she's right. Your water just broke. "No, no, no it's too soon. We don't.. Carmen has to be here. You say, your voice filled with panic.
"Honey, I don't think you have a choice. Let's go to the hospital, okay? Syd, call Richie and Carmen, tell them to meet us at Chicago West." Nat takes your hand, helping you walk around the corner to her car, where she proceeds to break more then a few traffic laws.
"Who the fuck are you to talk to my sister like that?" Richie demands. The two were going back and forth after Carmen got back to the restaraunt. "Richie, I'm not fucking doing this with you right now." Carmen argues.
Syd walks in, exhaling. "Do either of you check your phones?!" She asks. "I don't know, he's a dumbass." Richie comments as Carmen rolls his eyes.
"Mine's.." Carmen frantically searches his pockets. "It must be in my office. What's the matter?" He asks. Syd frowns. "Y/n went into labor outside, Nat took her to Chicago West. I've been trying to call you to get you there before you miss the birth."
Carmen's already out the door by the time she finishes talking.
"If Carmen misses this, I'm going to kill him." Nat comments as she puts a pillow under your back for support. You sigh, laying back. The room is mostly quiet, except for the beeping of equipment. Monitoring your heartrate, your baby's heartrate, your contractions. It feels surreal to watch them increase and decrease with spikes on the monitor.
"He won't miss this. He'll be here." You say, your voice laced with doubt. You knew if Sydney had gotten ahold of Carmen, he'd be speeding to the hospital. Your doctor had been trying to push back your labor as much as she can, but you knew you were about to start pushing soon.
"I really hope you're right. I'm gonna go get you more ice chips." She says, stepping out of the room. You stare at the heartbeat monitors before you hear a small knock on the door. You turn to find Carmen in the doorway. "Hi." He says softly.
You smile. "Hey. Nice of you to drop by." You say, waiting for him to come over to you. When he doesn't immediately, you hold your hand out for him. He practically runs, taking it. "I'm so sorry. For not being here and for what I said. I shouldn't have- you didn't deserve that."
You shake your head. "Carm, you're here now. I'm glad you are. I love your sister but she is not a good birthing coach." She comments as he laughs.
He presses a kiss to your head. "I'm here now." He says. You squeeze his hand lightly. "I know you are, Carmy." Nat smiles as she returns. "Good, you get to live. Here are your ice chips. Best of luck." She wishes, placing a kiss on your cheek.
You smile. "Thanks for being so helpful, Nat."
Within the next half hour, your baby boy was in the world. Laying on your chest, his tiny hand wrapped around Carmen's finger. "He's so perfect." Carmen whispers, his voice filled with such fondness.
You two decided on a name: Theodore "Teddy" Berzatto. He was perfect to you two. Your own little boy, your son.
Richie and the rest of the staff came by the hospital. You swooned over your big brother getting to hold your little boy. "He looks just like dad." Richie admits quietly. You nod. "He does. Looks like dad and Mikey." Carmen agrees.
Your son couldn't have been surrounded with more love.
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erwinsvow · 2 years
𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫.
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summary: eddie munson is smitten and you're a little clueless.
notes: a little pining, smitten eddie munson to ease the nerves <3 it's just cute fluff. first time ever writing for st so don't laugh at my dialogue. i love eddie that's all.
wc: 2.7k
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Sweet. A word that Eddie Munson thinks is perfectly suited to describe you. 
He starts to notice the little things, things he never cared to pay much attention too before, but now can hardly escape his attention. 
The way Dustin Henderson never shows up to a Hellfire Club meeting without a packed lunch. The way you fit four to five teenagers into your tiny, beaten Ford Fairmont every other weekend, splitting so-called babysitting duty with Steve Harrington. 
He doesn’t miss the way you have a lot of affection—paired with concern—in your eyes when you wave hello to him, and watch the kids head out from the back of your car. Once or twice, you even call to him with a faint ‘Take care of them’  before you drive away. 
Eddie is smitten. It’s not a state that he often finds himself in, since his interaction with people that he could potentially be smitten with is fairly limited. He’s sold to some, sat next to others in classes, but this might just be the first time that he’s smitten. 
The writing love songs, playing guitar outside your window, spending his days and nights with you kind of smitten. 
He’s not used to this, not at all. 
A nagging feeling in the back of his head reminds him continually that if he was going to feel this way about anyone, it shouldn’t be Dustin Shithead Henderson’s older sister—but no, the heart wants what the heart wants. And for the first time in a long, long time, he knows exactly what his heart wants.
He wants mornings where he picks you up, evenings spent listening to the newest Metallica album that he’s trying to learn, and more unforgettable moments where his heart pounds in his chest and his hand twitches with the overwhelming desire to brush your hair behind your ear. Moments like this.
He stands in front of you, the kids disappearing into the background as they chatter amongst themselves. All Eddie can focus on is you, in front of him, looking lovely as always, if not a touch more concerned than usual.
Your eyes look a little tired—like you haven’t been sleeping enough. That’s strange since it’s the summertime and he would expect you to be more rested than usual. You should be well rested and content and happy—tan and maybe a little sunburned on your nose, doing the things you love and not being concerned about the little shithe-Dustin.
Eddie is suddenly so concerned with the idea of you worrying that he forgets to answer the question you’ve asked him, until you repeat it back.
“Eddie?” you ask, with a soft voice that feels hesitant. Almost as if you don’t want to bother him for the answer. “Do you know when you guys will finish today?”
“Oh-uh-” he stumbles over his words. He hasn’t done that in a long time. Damn it. “Not too late, I promise. I know the little shitheads make you come back here to get them.” You smile at that—mission accomplished. “Y’know, I can always drop them off, if you’re busy. With other plans, or something. I don’t mind.” 
He’s lying. He does mind. Actually, it’s a white lie—he minds them, and at the same time, he wants to do anything he can to make your life a little easier.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to drive all the way there just to drive home again. But thank you,” you say, and he knows your words are genuine. “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”
“Ah, come on. Pretty girl like you? I can’t believe that.” Heat creeps over your face and you have to turn away for a second. Flustered. Another victory.
“No, no, I’m serious. Just me and maybe another rented movie from Family Video since Steve gives us a discount.” There’s a little smile teasing on your lips that Eddie thinks is the most precious thing he’s ever seen. It’s a mix of sincerity and honesty—you’ll be watching a movie tonight, but there’s nothing wrong with that. 
“Sounds like a good time.”
“Really thrilling. I might even go out of my usual genre range tonight.”
“You’d dare to be so bold? I underestimated you, Henderson,” he says, and another laugh from you draws the attention of the other Henderson.
“Eddie! Hey, Eddie! Can you get your grubby paws away from my sister and come help us set up?” Dustin’s voice calls from the doorway. 
Damn kid. 
“Well, duty calls,” Eddie says, taking a step back. You fiddle with your car keys for a moment.
“Yeah, it does. I hope you have fun tonight.” The sincerity in your voice is close to killing him. He’s never felt so much affection for someone over something so little as a sentence uttered in a tone that makes him feel like his heart is being squeezed by a hand inside his chest. “I hope they’re not too much of a bother.”
“Nothing I can’t handle, Henderson. You have fun too, going crazy with your rented movie.”
One last smile and laugh from you before you head back into your car—a third glorious triumph for him today—and you’re taking off, and he’s heading inside. He can’t wait to see you next.
Eddie can’t remember the last time he acted like this—all clammy hands and anxious foot-tapping. He’s waiting at the counter of the Family Video, Steve and Robin discussing something or other in the background. His attention is fixed firmly on the entrance, since according to the two idiots behind the counter, you always come to rent a movie around this time on a Friday night. 
“Come on, you guys, she’s still not here—what if she has a hot date or something, huh? And I’m just the chum waiting here like a-a stalker or something,” he said, meeting Steve’s blank expression. 
“Well, when you put it that way,” Robin said, cocking her head slightly as if deep in thought. 
“What—Robin, you’re not helping, okay? If this doesn’t work, you know he’s gonna come bother us every single Friday night, right?” Steve’s reply is met with a laugh from Robin and a disgruntled look on Eddie’s face.
“Gee, Harrington, thanks a lot. Loving the help here, it’s really great.”
“Listen, Munson, getting a girl is not as hard as you’re making it seem. You just gotta have charm, y’know, be funny. And the hair—that helps a lot. I mean, it’s not exactly on the same level as mine, but it’ll do the trick, probably-”
“Still not helping, Harrington,” Eddie said, shaking his head again. 
How had he ended up here? 
That was right—Dustin not shutting up about Steve’s expert advice on all topics related to women—pursuing them, acquiring them, keeping them. So here he was, seeking that very same advice, until he suddenly had a thought.
“Wait, why are you qualified to give me advice about getting Henderson’s sister when you don’t even have a girl yourself?” 
“Hey!” Steve said sharply—offended at the mere idea of being labeled as such. “I can get a girl, if I wanted—I’m just picky. Robin, back me up here. How many dates have I been on in the last month, huh?”
“Well, how many second dates have you been on in the last month?” Robin replied, absentmindedly organizing a stack of movies.
“Still not helping, Robin, okay? And by the way, Munson, if you don’t believe in the effectiveness of my theory then why are you here wasting a Friday night on trying it, huh?”
Eddie didn’t have an answer to that. Steve’s three part plan consisted of some things that Eddie supposes wouldn’t necessarily hurt his chances with you. The first was accidentally—on purpose—run into somewhere you frequent, where he could strike up a conversation. That was his mission for today.
“Oh-oh, there she is! Eddie, get ready, act natural,” Robin spoke up, directing her attention to you. Eddie scrambled, taking off in the direction his feet led him in. His instinct told him to hide, for some reason, and so he did, behind a purple velvet curtain. He was gone so quick that he didn’t hear Robin and Steve whispering frantically after him—Not there! 
“Hey, Henderson!” he hears Steve call to you. “Whatcha looking for today?” “Hey guys,” you say, and Eddie can almost hear the smile in your voice. “I’m not sure yet, I’m just gonna look around. I’m gonna be crazy, maybe, pick a new genre or something-” and now Eddie’s the one smiling wide, leaning against a shelf. 
He doesn’t realize how he looks until a man walking by shoots him a strange glance. It takes about ten seconds for him to process which part of the Family Video he’s stumbled into—the 18+ section—before he’s running out.
“What the hell, Harrington, I thought this place was a Family Video!”
But Steve’s not in front of him. You are, with a slightly confused and surprised expression gracing your pretty face. The surprise seeps away as you take in that you’ve supposedly coincidentally run into Eddie at the movie store, but the confusion sets in as you notice which section he’s just come from.
“Eddie,” you say, mustering a smile and trying not to laugh.
Eddie nods nervously. This is not what he wanted. 
You hold up the movie in your hands—A Nightmare on Elm Street II—and try your hardest to ignore the blush settling across Eddie’s face.
“I took your advice, I-I’m being a little more spontaneous than usual. Horror is not my usual genre.”
“I’m so proud of you, that-that is really something.” “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far. I’m just grabbing Breakfast Club as a backup incase spontaneity doesn’t work out for me.”
“Can’t go wrong with that,” he says, and suddenly his usual wit and general sentence forming abilities have disappeared. He must have left those behind the curtain in the adult section.
“Well, I’ll see you around, Eddie.”
“Enjoy-enjoy your movie. Movies, I guess.” 
You smile back at him one time before walking towards the desk. Technically, he had talked to you, and you had smiled, so he had partially done what Steve told him to do.
You walk out shortly after, and he turns to see Steve and Robin doubled over with laughter, nearly in tears.
“What the hell am I supposed to do next? How do I ever recover from that whole-” he gestures wildly in the air, “fiasco?”
“You don’t,” Robin says. 
“Thanks, Buckley. Real helpful.”
“It’s time for the second step, Munson, okay, using the resources you have available,” Steve says, tone as if he was directing his lead general in battle.
“What resources?”
“Okay, what does Henderson love?” Eddie stares blankly at him. “Her brother, you idiot. It’s time to make the little shithead do his part—y’know, some payback for free rides and shit.”
“I don’t think Dustin is going to be interested in setting me up with his sister, Steve-”
“No, no, we aren’t gonna tell him. We’re gonna play the kid like a fiddle, okay, he’s not even gonna realize that he’s helping us—”
“Us?” Robin questions, to which Steve stares back at her.
“You, okay. Helping you get the girl and maintaining my reputation, so here’s what we’re gonna do—”
In hindsight, Steve’s plan was a lot simpler than it seemed. For some reason—a reason Eddie could not grasp for the life of him—he could not maintain being a normal person around you. His words got jumbled, his hands got sweaty, and he managed to look like an idiot every time he was within ten feet of you.
The less than foolproof plan involved bringing Eddie to the Henderson household for dinner and using Dustin to sing his praises. Again, in hindsight, Eddie should have known it wouldn’t go as planned.
“Uh, why?” were the exact words Dustin uttered when Eddie asked if he could hang around for dinner. Damned kid.
“So I can, uh, y’know. Spend some more quality time with my favorite freshman. It’ll be fun.”
Dustin stared quizzically at Eddie. 
“Al-right, I guess. I’ll be back.”
Dustin takes off before Eddie can say something—yelling after his mom and you.
Eddie faintly overhears a snippet.
“What do you mean mom’s not here?”
“She went out, so it’s just me and you for dinner. What do you want?”
“Eddie’s staying for dinner too.”
“Oh.” Is that a good or bad ‘oh’? God I hope it’s a good one. “Well, what do you two want to eat then?”
“I don’t know, whatever’s fine, just call us when it’s done—” and before Eddie can pull his ear back from the door that he had pressed up against, Dustin’s back. He stares once again at Eddie.
“What are you doing?” “Me? Nothing. Listen, why don’t we go help your sister make dinner, y’know, so she’s not alone.” “She doesn’t need our help—besides, I thought we had stuff to work on for the campaign-”
“Shouldn’t we help, though?”
“If you want to help, go help, no one’s stopping you—” The attitude on this kid.
And that’s how Eddie ended up in the Henderson kitchen.
He’s pouring pasta into a pot while you cut up something on the counter. The silence is awkward, though not entirely uncomfortable. You both have the bright idea to start a conversation at the same time.
“You really don’t have to help-” meets “So how was your movie?” and you both fall silent.
You let out a laugh. Eddie’s blushing already. He feels his grip on the pasta box slip.
“I just—you don’t have to help with this. Really, it’s no trouble at all.” Your remarks have this quality about them—he believes every word you say, instantly. He doesn’t feel like an intrusion in the slightest. You make him feel like he’s exactly where he should be.
“Oh, well, what kind of a guest would I be if I didn’t try to help. And I mean, with these pasta-boiling skills, it’s a shame to let my craft go to waste.” You laugh again. Music to his ears.
“Unfortunately it’s nothing special when it’s just Dustin and me. I wish he had invited you when we were making something better.” 
“Whaddya mean? This is plenty special. I’m a big fan of-” he picks up the jar of pasta sauce. “Off-label, unnamed red sauce.” Another laugh. Either he’s America’s next big comedian or you might feel about him how he feels about you.
You reach over and take the jar from his hands, fingers brushing for a second. He wishes seconds lasted longer.
“I’m not used to company in the kitchen, okay, usually I’m just making grilled cheese or something.”
“Oh yeah, that kid’s a handful.”
“Yeah but he’s a freshman. Everyone’s like that when they’re fifteen.” A brief pause. “Thank you, by the way.”
Eddie is confused.
“For… what?”
“Y’know. All that stuff with your club and Dusty’s new friends and stuff. I know it wasn’t easy for him. I’m glad he has you as a friend. I think it’s helped a lot more than he lets on. And there’s only so much I can relate too, so, thank you.”
It takes every muscle in Eddie Munson’s body not to kiss you right then and there. 
“Y-yeah. Of course.” 
You smile at him before turning back to your chopping board. 
“The movie was good, by the way. I’m a real risk-taker now.” “Is that so?” Suddenly the food cooking for dinner and Steve’s three-step plan doesn’t matter anymore.
“Yeah, yeah it is.” 
“How would you feel about taking another risk?” He’s turned towards you, facing your back. You keep chopping as you reply.
“I’m not sure I've rebounded from this one yet, it might be a few days to make a full recovery. Why, what do you have in mind-?” you turn, just for a second, to see Eddie. He’s looking at you with big eyes, and a smile that you’re not certain you’ve ever seen on Eddie before.
“Go on a date with me, Henderson.”
You smile brightly at him, almost beaming—mission accomplished—and just as you begin to say yes, another voice interjects.
“Dude, gross. Wait—is this why you wanted to stay for dinner?”
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musicmystics-world · 6 months
𝓥𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓵 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
𝓘𝓘 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
𝓘𝓘𝓘 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
𝓘𝓥 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼
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Personally I think Vessel would’ve had a somewhat traumatic past from his previous relationships. So I think maybe he would have nightmares of you leaving him just like his previous relationships did. He would wake up sweating and shaking and you would try your best to comfort him and calm him down. You would hug him and whisper sweet nothings to try and calm him down and he would hold you as tight as possible as if you would disappear in front of his eyes. You would whisper to him things like “I love you. I promise I’m not going anywhere” or “It’s okay, I’m here.”
I feel like Vessel is the kind to be somewhat clingy, but not too clingy that it could become overwhelming.
I think he would also be the type to grab your waist as your cooking dinner and bury his face in the crook of your neck.
I feel like Vessel is the sensitive type and by that I mean if you ever say to him something like “Can we talk?” Automatically, he would assume it’s something bad (I do that too) or that you’re going to break up with him. So when he hears those words he immediately starts tearing up.
I feel like Vessel would get worried about you while he’s on tour because he fears that while he’s on tour you might meet someone better, but if you call him almost everyday while he’s on tour and reassure him that your not leaving him for someone else, that it’s always gonna be you and him, he’ll feel much better.
I think Vessel is the shy type and sometimes has a hard time saying what’s on his mind because he doesn’t wanna feel like he’s burdening you with his problems. (I’m that way as well)
Vessel likes to dance with you under the moon while he sings one of his songs.
Some nicknames that Vessel would call you would be: love, my love, darling, dear, or babe
Vessel is very cuddly. He will hold you while you guys sleep, obviously being big spoon. Whenever you move while you’re sleeping, his hold on you tightens.
Vessel’s love language is definitely physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time. Physical Touch is a must have for him. He absolutely loves to hold you whether that be holding your hand or cuddling with you. Words of affirmation is also something very important to him, reassuring him that you’ll always stay by his side and not leave him and that you’ll always support him in everything he does is something he likes to be reminded of very often. Quality time is another thing he enjoys, being with you and doing things with you like cooking or you being in the studio with him as he writes music is something he very much loves.
Believe it or not, I feel like Vessel would have a slightly possessive side to him, not in a weird way. He just always wants to be near you and protect you, I mean like I said he fears you leaving him.
Vessel would sometimes try to convince you to come on tour with him because he wants you to be there watching him perform, but when you can’t go he understands. He’s a very understanding person.
Whenever you would talk to him about how your day was or something interesting that happened at work, he would just stare at you and take in every feature on your face and listen as you talk.
When you met Vessel, he immediately fell in love with you, but he was also scared of falling in love again considering his past relationships, so he stayed distant from you. But once you got to know each other and he got more comfortable around you, he was no longer afraid and the more he was around you, the more in love he was. Although, he was still a little distant.
Vessel would love you with every ounce of his being and would do anything for you, just like you would for him. He knows you’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
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Imagine Peter Rekindling His Crush On You
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Peter Quill X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Suggestive themes, spoilers, mentions of an abusive relationship, fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
(A/N:) Okay I have seen GOTG Vol. 3 twice now and I freaking LOVE this movie! It has reignited my love of Peter. I had this idea and I had to write it! I’m even staying up late to get it done as I want to get it posted ASAP! I hope my fellow Peter fangirls enjoy it as it has a little bit of angst and fluff. I had so much fun writing this and I hope I can get more ideas to write for Peter! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
A week had gone by since Peter had returned to Earth and it had been pretty calm so far. Catching up with his grandfather had been easier than expected and his last remaining Terran relative welcomed him back like the prodigal son. But now Peter was wanting to find more people he had known all those years ago. It didn’t take long until his thoughts had begun to dwell on you. He remembered the crush he had harbored for you, even after Yondu had taken him away his thoughts had gone back to you if he was in need of something good to remember. He asked his grandpa about you, but for some reason the older man was keeping quiet about you. It aggravated Peter but he didn’t ask much, not wanting to push his grandpa’s buttons too much. Though he couldn’t shake the feeling that the older man was up to something.
It shocked Peter that one fateful day that you turned up to his grandpa’s front door, like it was the most normal thing in the world. You waltzed in easily, hands full with vegetables.
“Mr. Quill I brought you...,” you paused almost dropping your bundle of goods. You fumbled around, regaining control but still staring at Peter who sat on the couch. Normally he would have laughed at someone giving him such a look but he knew he had to have the same expression on his face. While he still loved Gamora so much, it was a blessing to see you once again. You aged, just as he had but he couldn’t help but see how much of a beautiful woman you had become.
“Peter,” you asked as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Hi (Y/N),” Peter spoke while rising from the couch. He took the vegetables from you and laid them on the kitchen counter. You followed close behind, still unbelieving that Peter was standing right in front of you. Grown and more handsome than you could have ever imagined. You swallowed loudly, stepping closer to him. He leaned backwards, suddenly uncomfortable with how close you were. You suddenly hugged him, shocking him more.
“It really is you!”
Peter chuckled finally hugging you back, “Yeah. I had some loose ends to fix.”
You punched his shoulder roughly.
“Ow! What was that for,” he squalled.
“For leaving without saying goodbye,” you glared.
“I had no choice!”
You continued to glare before relenting. It wasn’t Peter’s fault, you knew that. But it had hurt that day that he had disappeared. You were sure he was as good as dead until you had saw Thanos’ defeat and Peter had stood amongst the heroes that had saved the Earth. But now with him standing in front of you in person, the relief was becoming so overwhelming. You had thought about him a lot since then and you were afraid that you would never get to see him again. Or that if you did get to see him, he wouldn’t remember you at all. But now you were so relieved that that wasn’t the case. You hugged him again, but this time he was scared you would punch him again. Peter held you away from him about to say something else when you looked down. A little boy that hid behind you, tugged on the hem of your shirt. Looking up at Peter with large bright eyes. Of course, you were married. Any guy would be stupid to pass you up, he just hated he was too late. You looked down at your son, rubbing the mop of his hair affectionately.
“Peter this is my son,” you pushed the little boy forward who pushed back too shy to stand before Peter. 
Peter’s eyes went from the young boy to your left hand. He didn’t spy a ring on your finger, but that didn’t mean you weren’t taken. He looked back to the boy who still was trying to escape. He squatted down getting eye level with him before smiling warmly.
“I’m a good friend of your mom’s,” he said holding out a hand. “We knew each other when we were kids.”
“Hi,” he answered timidly before looking back up towards you. Satisfied with him braving a new stranger you let him dart back behind you. You chuckled, shaking your head.
“He’s a little shy sorry about that,” you said.
Peter waved it off, though his heart hurt he was glad you found some happiness in life. You sent your son off to go play as Peter invited you to go outside to sit while you watched your son play. While you enjoyed the sunshine warming your face, Peter couldn’t help but look at your ring finger, the lack of ring bothering him. He didn’t have a right to be jealous of someone who had been there for you, but his heart was betraying him.
You were enjoying the silence, just glad to see Peter once again when he interrupted the silence.
“Who’s the lucky man,” he finally asked. His curiosity and jealousy too much to bear. You stiffened, refusing to look at Peter. You were really hoping he wouldn’t ask but of course he would once he saw your son. You sighed, deflating back into the chair.
“He’s not in our lives anymore,” you replied vaguely. Peter just continued to stare and you sighed again. “He left me a little after I gave birth. He was verbally abusive and he didn’t really love me. He just lied to get to me. I married him like an idiot and I suffered since.”
Peter felt his rage starting to choke him, especially when he saw a stray tear make it’s way down your cheek. He couldn’t imagine someone being so cruel to you and leaving  you alone to raise a child alone. His hands clenched into fists as he trembled in rage.
“He didn’t deserve you,” Peter snarled.
You jumped in your chair, surprised at the anger in Peter’s voice. Every emotion began to swirl inside your mind as you saw how much he actually cared about you.
“Any man that is dumb enough to marry you and knock you up just to belittle you and abandon you is not worth anything in any universe.”
Peter thought about his father who had killed his mother and left Peter alone in the world. If it hadn’t been for Yondu, in his own twisted way, rescuing him he wouldn’t be here talking with you. Peter suddenly took your hand giving it a gentle but firm squeeze.
“You deserve better,” Peter continued.
You laughed nervously a blush darkening your cheeks. “Laying that Quill charm on thick aren’t we?”
“I’m serious,” Peter replied. “He deserves better too.” He gestured to the little boy racing around the yard, giggling gleefully. You touched your cheek, surprised to find tears streaking your skin.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered. Sure you had been so young when Peter left but it had left a void in your life you had tried to ignore. But now with him back on Earth and a grown man, you found that he had meant more to you than anything. You felt foolish for finding someone else to take his place and the one you found had been a waste of time. Your son was the only good thing that had come from that relationship and marriage. Peter tugged you back into another embrace, kissing your cheek. His beard quickly catching your tears as you clung to him tightly.
“I missed you too,” Peter said. He never wanted to let you go now that you were back in his life. While Gamora still hurt, he found that holding you and seeing you again felt right. He felt a conviction well up inside him, that he wanted to show you how much of a real man he could be.
“Can I take you and him out sometime,” he asked.
You sniffed before nodding. “I would like that very much.”
“Be prepared for the best date of your life,” he announced making you laugh.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you smiled through your tears.
“I want you too,” he replied before jumping up from his chair. He kissed you again before taking off after your son. The little boy squealed as Peter chased him around the yard, scooping him up and throwing him up in the air. You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore as old feelings came back to you. Peter was back in your life and you couldn’t say it was a bad thing at all.
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
Can I request a Carmen Berzatto x fem! Reader smut? A friends to lovers trope please. They work together in the restaurant and secretly love each other but don’t want to admit it. Eventually Carmy just bites the bullet and tries to confess and then they fuck in his office?
“Bad” at This
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x fem! Reader
Warnings: sweet then sexy, Carmen is hesitant at first, mild fingering, oral (m! Receiving), unprotected sex, language, mild hand kink
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 5k
I have been waiting for someone to request him! I had a lot of fun writing this. Enjoy!
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When the restaurant was busy, most people despised being at work. They despised the frenetic activity. They despised the feeling of being overwhelmed by the din of screams. In contrast, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've always worked well under pressure, and rush hour meant I wouldn't have to be alone with my thoughts.
I was chopping my ten thousandth onion of the night, mindlessly. I wasn't thinking. I was solely relying on muscle memory.
Swipe it to the side.
Start over.
I had done this process a thousand, no, a million times before. It felt familiar. It felt comfortable. The din of patrons was pushed to the outskirts of my mind. My world was quiet, unbothered.
I could feel him.
He was near.
When he walked into the room, he had an unmistakable, strong, and conspicuous presence.
My hands began to tremble.
I was thrown out of my element.
Everything felt strange, new, and foreign.
He didn't make me feel uneasy. No, we were perfectly at ease with each other. He was one of my closest friends.
I was just madly, completely, utterly in love with my boss.
Every time he was close, the desire to impress him clouded my judgment. The feeling was so overwhelming that I frequently slipped.
He was staring over my shoulder. Not in a creepy, tyrannical overload sense. No, just in a boss-like manner, casually checking in on his employees. Despite the lack of sexuality in his demeanor, the hot breath that grazed my throat gave me subtle goosebumps
My cuts became sloppy, and each section of onion became less uniform than the previous one.
“Your knife’s dull, Y/N. Get a fresh one.”
I knew he was behind me. I was aware that he was scrutinizing every move I made. Even so, when he broke the tension, it made my heart skip a beat. I nodded forcefully and reached for the magnetic strip that conveniently displayed the gleaming rack of knives.
“Hey, look at me.”
He positioned himself to my right and tilted his head to attract my attention. I came to a halt when I met his vibrant blue eyes.
“Are you alright? You seem a little flustered. Your face is really red.”
He always spoke to me softly. I'm not sure if it was naive to believe that the feelings of attraction were mutual based on this trivial fact. I brought my hands to my face, and my cool hands proved to be a stark contrast to my burning skin.
“I’m fine. It’s just really hot in here.”
It was a lie. The temperature in the room was no higher than usual.
“I agree.”
Did he concur? Or was he just saying that to try and make me feel better.
“I’ll work on that.”
“Carmy! I need help over here! Where the fuck are ya’?”
Carmen rolled his eyes as he walked away from my station to assist Richie. I couldn’t help but giggle under my breath. I knew he'd complain about him later tonight as we cleaned, as is our custom.
When he left and the familiar aura faded, the room became noticeably cooler.
“I mean, I can’t fuckin’ believe that guy! I swear half the shit he asks me to do is shit he coulda’ easily done himself!”
This grease was truly burned on. I scrubbed harder, the brown splotches gradually disappearing until the gleaming counter was spotless. I was listening, but there was no need for me to respond. Carmen was aware that I was paying attention to his mindless babbling. I was familiar with the procedure. This was his one opportunity to vent after accumulating rage throughout the day.
I couldn’t help but cast a glance to my right. Carmen was sweeping, his strong biceps gripping the broom handle. His large hands dwarfed the skinny plastic. Sweat drops dripped down his large nose, emphasizing his ethereal side profile. I couldn’t help but imagine how his fingers would feel between my legs.
I averted my gaze and concentrated on scrubbing, even though I had already made the counter sparkle.
“I swear he’s doin’ it on purpose. No way in fuckin’ hell he accidentally pushes all my buttons.”
I chuckled.
“You’ve been saying the same thing since I met you.”
Carmen scoffed.
“Well, it’s true.”
I enjoyed the time we spent together after the sun had set on the small restaurant. It was comforting. I didn't feel the need to impress him, and the stakes of the conversation were very low.
His eyes were on me.
I could feel them.
The subtle scuffing of his broom against the floor had vanished.
“Take a picture, it'll last longer.”
Carmen remained silent. But I could see him, looking away, a slight flush on his cheeks. I often felt his eyes burning into the back of my skull. If I was lucky, I caught him staring. But he stared at everyone. It was his job to keep a close eye on everyone. It was difficult to tell whether that was a display of genuine attraction or a job requirement. Besides, I was used to zoning out. I often switch off without realizing that I'm staring at someone, and when I’m discovered, it's embarrassing. And since Carmen and I were kindred spirits, I figured it was a feeling that we could both sympathize with.
“You did good work today. Sorry for makin’ ya come in on your day off.”
“It’s no problem.”
I met his eyes. Sure enough, there was a hint of a flush on his high cheekbones.
“I like being here. It’s fun.”
I sigh deeply.
“Alright, the counters are done. Anything else you need from me?”
Carmen shook his head, his gaze fixed on the floor. At his feet was a small pile of food scraps and stray dust. A few stray curls clung to his sweaty brow.
“Nah, you can head out. Thanks for everything Y/N.”
“Are you alright?”
Carmen came to a complete halt. As he gripped the broom for dear life, the veins on his forearms bulged.
“Yeah… Well, no.”
I approached him, smugly leaning against the counter.
“Alright, tell me, what’s up?”
He exhaled slowly. My attention was drawn to the uneasy rise and fall of his chest beneath his dirty white shirt.
Jesus, he was fine a second ago.
What the hell happened?
He fixed his gaze on me. His blue eyes were filled with something I didn't like, something I'd never seen before.
Nerves, unease, and desperation were all present.
“Can I ask you a crazy question?”
He laughed, but the laughter was hollow.
I shrugged casually, hoping to calm his nerves by appearing relaxed.
He had nothing to be concerned about.
Why was he worried?
“Of course! You can ask me anything.”
Carmen clenched his teeth, the muscles on the sides of his jaw bulging from the effort.
“Do you…”
He chuckled. The noise gave me chills. It was an empty, hollow sound.
“God, this is gonna sound so fuckin’ stupid.”
His head fell forward, and he shook it, a few more stray curls falling.
“I promise to give it a serious answer.”
He inquired. I gave him a mock scout's honor by raising three fingers.
“I promise.”
I smiled, hoping to somewhat alleviate his nerves. Carmen's gaze was fixed on his tattooed hands, which mindlessly caressed the broom handle.
“Do you-”
He gulped, Adam's apple bobbing.
He shifted his weight.
“Do you-”
Jesus, was he trying to kill me?
This suspense was far too much for me.
My palms began to sweat, and my grip on the counter nearly slipped due to the newfound dampness.
“Do you think I’m…”
He shrugged casually, as if he wasn't creating palpable suspense.
I wanted to scream at him to spit it out already.
But, with the intent of being a good listener, I bit it back.
“I don’t know… attractive?”
The silence grew deafening.
Of all the things that could have come from his gorgeous lips, this was not what I was expecting.
“You’re asking if I think you’re attractive?”
Carmen furrowed his brow and vigorously shook his head.
“I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin’ sorry. That’s a stupid ass question.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know what came over me. God! I wish I never said that!”
I raised my hand to silence him.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down. I promised I’d give you a serious answer, didn’t I?”
He gnawed on his bottom lip.
“Oh Y/N, you don’t have to do that.”
“No, no, no, I gave you my word.”
I clenched my jaw.
If I said no, this conversation would almost certainly never come up again. It would be pushed to the earth's depths, never to resurface. I could rest easy knowing that I hadn't confessed my undying love to my boss.
If I said yes.
What would happen if I said yes?
Normally, I can predict Carmen's every move, but I'm at a loss.
Carmen clung to every beat of silence. His eyes were fixed on me, waiting for an answer, afraid I'd say no.
Jesus, what do I say?
Do I take the risk?
“I think-”
Now I was the one creating meaningless suspense.
Come on! Just say yes or no!
I blurted out.
That wasn't the only thing I wanted to say. I wanted to tell him that whenever he came close to me, I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. I wanted to tell him that he was the most attractive and intriguing man I'd ever met in my life. I wanted to pull him into me and run my hands along his bare torso as I pressed my lips to his. But I kept it simple with a mere "yes." I couldn't bring myself to say anything more.
Camen raised his brows, then quickly dropped them to maintain his stoicism.
“Um- cool.”
The slight flush on his cheeks intensified tenfold. His gaze shifted away from mine and landed on the slender broom handle. I pursed my lips into a straight line.
“Is that all you wanted to ask me?”
I inquired.
I could tell he had another question for me. His tone was not convincing in the least. But I decided not to push. I simply nodded reassuringly.
“Alright. Have a good night. I’ll see ya’ tomorrow.”
“See ya’ tomorrow Y/N. Have a good night.”
I brushed up against him. Carmen's familiar scent stood out without being overpowered by the aromas of food. He smelled of cigarettes, sweat, and grease. I shouldn't be so taken with that scent. However, he was able to make the aura of a hardworking man extremely appealing.
I walked past him, my strides slowing, wanting to extend the moment as long as possible in case he had something to say. I began to lose hope with each step, as I increased the distance between us.
There it was. I turned on my heels and shoved my hands into my pockets to appear confident and at ease. My ears were filled with the audible thrumming of my heartbeat. If this was going in the direction I thought it was going, I wanted to embrace it.
The tension was palpable. It thickened the air to the point where we were swimming in molasses.
“Y/N, I’m gonna be totally honest with you.”
I gently wiped my hands on my jeans, trying to remove the thick layer of sweat from my palms.
“I’m not good at this...”
His whispering tone gradually faded away into the dense atmosphere.
“What do you mean “this?’”
“I mean- fuck.”
He muttered as he ran a hand through his greasy hair. He scratched his head, and I couldn't help but watch the tendons in his hands and forearms flex. Carmen allowed his strong arm to carelessly fall as he sighed deeply. He met my eyes, running his wet tongue along his bottom lip.
I swallowed.
“I’ve never been a social butterfly and I definitely have never been a romantic.”
So, everything was going as I had hoped.
“I don’t know the right things to say and I don’t know when to say them. I don’t know how to be anyone but myself. Which is both a blessing and a curse, I suppose.”
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
“So, I’m just gonna say this in my normal, stoic way… because that’s the only way I know how to say it.”
I didn't believe he would actually say it. I anticipated that he would abruptly change the subject. To be honest, I didn't believe this was possible.
“I am in love with you.”
My jaw instinctively dropped.
The confession lacked any genuine emotion. It only encompassed mere traces of the feelings he was hoping to convey.
It was stoic.
However, I discovered that I was completely and utterly shaken. He couldn't have said it more beautifully.
“Well,” I said with a laugh, “for someone who isn’t a social butterfly, that sure as hell wasn’t bad.”
Carmen chuckled.
“Would it kill the mood if I told you that it wasn’t spontaneous at all and I’ve been planning what to say for literal months?”
I shrugged.
Carmen smiled. My heart warmed. Despite being his closest friend, seeing him smile was rare.
“Ok, good. Cause if I tried to be spontaneous, it’d be a total shit show.”
He sighed, relieved to have finished the challenging task.
“Can I ask you another stupid question?”
“Of course.”
His gaze trailed down to my lips, a soft blush on his cheekbones.
“Can I kiss you?”
My stomach flipped and blood rushed to my cheeks. My face grew hot. God, we were so juvenile. I smiled tightly.
“Yeah. I’d love that.”
He moved forward, closing the distance between us. His breath gently cascaded across my face. My chest tightened.
“I’m not very good at this either.”
He said with a rigid laugh. I pressed my open palms against his chest. Carmen's throat tightened. His pecs rippled under my foreign touch. Despite this, he kept a steady gaze, his blue eyes fixed on me.
“I do not give a shit.”
I said, imitating his laugh. I hurriedly closed the gap between us when I realized Carmen wouldn't be the instigator.
He was really, really tight. His arms hung at his sides, fists clenched in uncertainty. I pressed my chest flush against his, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. His muscles were stiff and unyielding.
“Relax Carmy… and lose the broom.”
I whispered reassuringly. Carmen relaxed somewhat.
“Right, sorry.”
He dropped the broom. The plastic hit the ground with a loud smack. I tangled my hands in his greasy hair, urging him to come closer. He obliged, craning his head forward to meet me halfway.
Carmen's lips were surprisingly soft. He was clearly hesitant at first, not wanting to move too quickly. Finally, he found solace in the feel of my kiss and allowed his mouth to mesh against mine in a relaxed manner. I grasped his wrist, bringing it to the swell of my hips. He let it sit, not wanting to alter anything I had done.
“You can touch me if you want. I’m not gonna break.”
Carmen wrapped his other hand around my hip and gently drew me forward, connecting our pelvises.
“Is this alright?”
He murmured under his breath.
“That’s perfect.”
His bulge began to grow against my thigh.
Shit. This was gonna be fun.
“You’re really hard right now, Carmy.”
I said with a chuckle. Carmen broke away, his face bright red. He looked down, confirming that he really was, in fact, hard.
“Ah-shit. I’m sor-“
I hastily cupped his face, reconnecting our searing kiss.
“Don’t you dare apologize.”
I reached between our bodies, cupping him through his jeans. Carmen groaned, my mouth swallowing his noises.
He murmured, instinctively grinding his hand against my open palm.
“Jesus, you’re touch starved aren’t ya?”
Carmen shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut as struggled to maintain his composure.
“That feels really fucking good.”
His tone was completely erotic. It was low, breathy, and his thick accent added to the sensuality. Carmen’s pleasured expression sent a wave of heat to my core.
God, I wanted his cock in my mouth.
“Can we go into my office? It’s more private there, and, to be honest I think these counters are a little too tall for me to fuck you on.”
I had been in his office many times before. It was a place of comfort where I could briefly escape the hustle and bustle of restaurant life. At least, that’s what I told Carmen. Typically I’d need time to gawk at him and wonder what it would be like to have his face between my legs. I’d grow wet at the mere thought of his nose bumping my clit as his tongue delved between my folds.
I wonder if he ever fantasized about me. I wonder if he ever found his fingers involuntarily dipping below the waistband of his boxers. If so, I wonder what fantasies his complex mind was able to conjure.
I hope to learn them one day.
I shoved him backwards. His knees collided with the chair and he fell back with a loud huff. I dropped to my knees, lodging myself between his spread thighs. Carmen’s eyes widened.
“Oh, fuck me.”
If he was becoming aroused solely from the sensation of my hand against his clothed erection, I couldn’t wait to relish in his expressions when I took his cock into my mouth.
I brought my hands to his fly, slowly unbuttoning it and dragging the zipper down to expose a small section of my boxers. Carmen shifted his hips as I dragged his jeans down his thighs. I palmed him through the thin fabric, a small patch of precum appearing on his boxers.
Carmen hissed through his teeth, jerking his head back to fully expose his thick neck.
“Shit, shit, shit.”
He dug his dull nails into the arm rests, veins bulging along his forearms from the effort. I hooked a finger in the waistband of his boxers, dragging them down his thighs just enough to expose his thick cock.
My mouth began to water. The feeling of his erection through his boxers was deceiving. He was really fucking big.
“Jesus Carmy, you’re big.”
I wrapped a hand around his veiny length, gently pumping. Carmen whined.
“Your hand feels really good.”
I dragged my hand to the base before bringing it upwards. I spread his precum around his pink tip, lubricating his cock to prepare it for my mouth.
I grasped his dominant hand, bringing it to my scalp.
“Move me however you want.”
Carmen’s head flopped forward, his cock twitching as he met my gaze. He tangled his hand in my hair, gently tugging on the roots.
Without further ado, I slipped his tip between my lips. Carmen exhaled shakily, his chest heaving with each labored breath.
“That feels really fucking good.”
He chuckled. I swirled my tongue around his tip, slowly taking more of him into my mouth. Carmen maintained eye contact, growing impossibly harder as he watched me take all of him into my mouth.
I groaned, trying my best not to gag as his cock grazed the back of my throat. Carmen furrowed his brow, gently thrusting his hips into my mouth.
My nose brushed against his happy trail. He spread his legs, utilizing the grip on my hair to push me further onto him. I groaned, the vibrations causing Carmen to shudder.
“You-you look really pretty.”
I admired the effort.
I hollow my cheeks, increasing the suction. Carmen groaned and threw his head back, unable to conceal his desires.
“Jesus darlin’.”
I rubbed my thighs together, hoping to relieve some of the ache building between my legs.
God. The lamp's soft glow washed over his perfectly sculpted features. His erotic noises were amplified by the blanket of silence. This is exactly how I imagined it when I had my hand between my legs, hoping to recreate a feeling I had never even experienced.
I wanted him to fuck me.
I wanted to hear him moan and I wanted for him to make me cry with pleasure.
It was almost unbelievable that the man who made a living yelling and making sure everything was in order was now gazing at me with half-lidded eyes.
I shifted my hips, resisting the urge to touch myself. I wanted to save all feelings of pleasure for when his cock slipped into me. I wanted to ache for him just a little longer.
“I’m gonna cum real soon.”
Sure enough, his cock began to twitch against my tongue. I bobbed my head faster, expediting the process. Carmen dropped his jaw, releasing one final groan as he came into my mouth. My throat became coated with his hot cum. I bobbed my head a few more times, helping him come down from his high.
When I was satisfied with my work, I released his cock with a loud pop. Carmen looked spent. His body was numb, his eyes were closed.
I crawled onto his lap, gently cupping his face. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open, exposing his vibrant irises.
“Are you alright?”
He grinned.
“I’m fuckin’ awesome.”
I pulled him in, pressing my wet lips to his plush mouth. I slipped my tongue past his teeth, deepening the kiss. Carmen groaned. I clung to him, his strong torso pressing against my soft breasts.
He wasn’t close enough.
I needed him to be closer.
I needed him inside of me.
“Can I fuck you now?”
He murmured against my mouth.
Damn, he read my mind.
“You can fuck me anytime you want baby.”
He brought his calloused hands to my thighs, tenderly caressing the supple skin. I glanced down, watching as his dark ink danced along my skin.
“You have pretty hands.”
Carmen chuckled.
He hooked his hands under my thighs. Effortlessly, he raised me up, shoving all the papers to the side as he set me down on his desk. Carmen immediately rekindled our passionate make out session, slipping his tongue past my teeth. His hands moved upwards, fingers slipping past the hem of my shirt to touch my bare sides.
I yanked him forward by the collar, positioning his body between my legs.
“Take my clothes off please.”
Carmen scoffed.
“Yes ma’am.”
He tugged on the hem of my t-shirt, lifting it over my head and discarding it haphazardly onto the floor. My shorts soon followed.
I was now only in my undergarments, making quick work of Carmen’s dirty shirt. I ran my soft hands along his bare torso, feeling his muscles ripple under my gentle touch.
Carmen’s hands slowly dragged along my hot skin, hastily undoing my bra strap and allowing the fabric to fall to the floor. His palms hovered over my breasts.
“Is that okay?”
I nodded.
“Yes, of course.”
He began to slowly knead the soft flesh, the heel of his palms brushing against my hardened nipples. I whimpered against his mouth, my nerves on fire from his hot touch. I ran my hands through his hair, indulging in the soft moans that came with the occasional tug of his roots.
Carmen’s hand brushed against my abdomen. He lightly grazed my clothed mound, gently cupping me through my underwear. I groaned, breaking the kiss to lean my head against his strong shoulder.
“Can I?”
I nodded.
“Please. Just-just don’t make me cum yet. I wanna cum on your cock.”
Carmen pushed my panties to the side, hesitantly delving a finger between my wet folds. I arched my back into his chest, raking my nails against his scalp, which elicited a low groan from the back of Carmen’s throat.
He began to tenderly thrust his calloused fingertips against my spongy walls, softly humming in delight whenever I instinctively clenched around his digits.
“Does that feel good?”
He dropped his voice to a whisper. His hot breath brushed against my ear and sent cold shivers down my spine. I glanced between our bodies, nearly cumming as I took in the sight of my walls swallowing two of Carmen’s fingers. The veins of his forearms flexed with every thrust.
God, if only he knew how much I fantasized about his rough fingers pleasuring me.
“Yeah… yeah Carmen that feels really fucking good.”
My body was now red hot with desire, every sense had increased tenfold. The feeling of his fingertips delving into my cunt made me antsy with want for his cock.
“Okay, that’s enough for now, please fuck me Carmen.”
I knew I’d get the chance to cum around his thick digits eventually. There was no way in hell tonight was the last night I’d see Carmen naked.
“Um- will you do it for me?”
I smiled.
I grasped Carmen’s semi hard cock in my hand, giving it a few pumps. His eyes fluttered shut.
My heart grew. Whatever the circumstances, he was gorgeous. However, something about his vulnerability, his desire to be mine lit a fire deep within me.
I pressed his tip to my entrance, and we both sighed in unison.
“Move your-“
Carmen rolled his hips, pushing his cock past my entrance and deep within my walls. His large hands slammed onto the table, bracing himself so he wouldn’t collapse at the sudden onset of pleasurable sensations.
I mumbled, his thick cock stretching me to the brim.
“Feel good?”
I nodded vigorously.
“Fuck yes.”
I said, possibly a little too enthusiastically. Our noses bumped as I hastily reignited the spark between our lips. Carmen wasn’t holding back anymore. He hungrily moved his mouth against mine, shoving his tongue past my lips.
I threw my arms around his shoulder as he began a steady pace. His cock was so perfect it made me dizzy. I feared I would fall if I didn’t hold Carmen close.
“If I knew you felt this perfect I would’ve told ya’ I loved ya’ a long time ago.”
I chuckled.
“Not so shy anymore?”
Carmen slowly increased his pace. The veins along his length bulged. They pressed into my stretched walls and heightened the sensuality of his glorious thrusts.
“Next time I’ll be confident from the start. I’ll give ya’ whatever the fuck you want for being such a doll this time around.”
I jolted, a soft scream spilling from my lips as his tip grazed my g spot.
“Keep makin’ noises like that, I wanna hear ya.’”
I maintained eye contact, allowing any expression roll over my features in the hopes of fulfilling his erotic desires. He was now hitting my g spot with every thrust. I saw in his eyes that he was meticulously crafting his pace in order to best suit my needs.
The tips of our noses brushed against each other everytime Carmen snapped his pelvis forward. I ran one hand down his body, raking my nails through his happy trail before coming back up to fiddle with his greasy hair. I was overcome with the need to feel every part of him. My hands wouldn’t stay in one place. I was finally able to touch him without limits, and I wasn’t about to waste that opportunity.
When Carmen established a groove, his palms cupped the sides of my hips. He brought me forward to the edge of the desk to acquire a more suitable angle to ram himself into me.
The dim light was now illuminating one side of his face, leaving the other in darkness. I grasped his face, running the pads of my thumbs along his defined cheekbones.
The coil was mindlessly tightening within my lower abdomen. Carmen furrowed his brow in frustration.
God, I wish he always looked like this.
Sure, I’d seen him concentrate before. But concentrating on chopping onions and concentrating on finding the perfect angle to fuck were two vastly different forms of concentration.
I hooked my legs around his thin waist. All the combined efforts created the perfect angle. I threw my head back, a loud moan ripping through my as I came increasingly closer to cumming.
“Are you close?”
I murmured, voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh fuck I can’t wait for you to cum all over me.”
“Are you close?”
I inquired.
“Darlin’, I’ve been close for the past thirty minutes.”
I was close, so incredibly close. The beginnings of an earth shattering orgasm were seeping into the corners of my brain, clouding my thoughts.
“Lean into me. I want you to be close.”
I tossed my head forward, nestling my face in the crook of his sweaty neck.
This was so much better than I could’ve imagined.
I could smell the cigarettes on his skin. I could feel him pumping inside of me as I caressed his hot skin. I could hear the sensual sounds of sex filling the small office, bouncing around the walls. I could see him, staring at me, relishing in my expressions as he fucked me senseless.
“Oh God Carmy, I’m so fucking close it’s unreal.”
Carmen found my clit, gently grazing his calloused finger against my tight bundle of nerves. I came loudly, my walls squeezing his cock as I reached my high.
Carmen twitched inside of my overstimulated walls, cumming shortly after me. His hot load painted my walls. I watched. I watched his expression gloriously contort in pleasure as he came inside of me, his beautiful face glimmering with perspiration in the soft glow.
He gave a few lazy thrusts, wanting to prolong the sensation for as long as possible.
“Jesus Carmen, for someone who “isn’t very good at this,” you sure act like you know what’s goin’ on.”
Carmen smirked, wiping his brow with the back of his hand.
“What can I say, I’m a fast learner.”
He leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
“I promise I’ll make you really scream next time.”
His sultry tone made my heart flutter.
I asked.
He held up three fingers.
“I fuckin’ promise.”
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lavouredior · 21 days
I read all of your fics (AMAZING) and in a Vox x bunny reader I saw that it said she got in trouble for talking to Alastor and uhmm…. You should so write the story of that happening 🤭🤭
i been hoping someone would request this !!
warnings: SMUT, 18+, oral ( m receiving ), bunny’s way of apologizing, punishment, spanking, female reader
Stay Away Bunny
“conejita.” you looked up to see valentino staring at you, in a surprisingly good mood. “i need you to do a favor for me and your little boyfriend okay’d it already.” you just looked up at him questionably.
“i need you to go to that stupid hotel and get my angel dust back okay?” you just nodded, you loved angel dust and were around him a lot when he was staying at the studio. “okay conejita i need him back before nighttime.”
you got up grabbing your stuffed animal from next to you before heading off to go find angel.
it didn’t take long for you to get overwhelmed by the sinners, there were so many staring at you. although maybe you should’ve been paying attention to where you were walking instead.
you walked into a taller demon, when you looked up he had a big smile on his face. “well if it isn’t the infamous vee bunny.” all you did was smile back at him, thinking the smile was him being nice instead of something he always had.
“where you headed little bunny?” he asked crouching down slightly to your height. “valentino wants me to go get angel dust and bring him back home.”
he just nodded, “oh and what a cute stuffed animal you have!” you giggled before holding your stuffy up to him. “she a bunny!” he nodded again “quite a cute bunny you have their dear.”
vox for one was not a fan of val making you his little errand bunny. but he allowed it because val promised he wouldn’t do anything mean to you for the rest of the year if you did it.
what he wasn’t an even more fan of is him looking at his cameras and seeing the radio demon with his little bunny.
vox was furious, immediately using his electricity to be by you guys. “bunny.” he said lowly getting your attention and causing you to run over to him. although when you lifted your arms up like usual for him to pick you up he didn’t.
“alastor. stay away from her. she doesn’t need to be roped into your problems.” alastor simply stood straight again then disappeared into the shadows.
vox walked back to the vee tower with you, doing nothing but holding your hand to make sure you didn’t wander off like you sometimes do. “go to your room, wait there. i’ll come get you when i’m ready.” you nodded heading off to your room
an hour had passed before vox walked into your room and sat on your bed causing you to sit up hoping you were gonna get your normal attention from your boyfriend.
he pat his thigh and you immediately went and sat on his lap. “bunny. no.” you just looked at him confused which caused him to roll his eyes before moving you so that you were laid across his legs.
“bunny i’m gonna need you to count okay?” you didn’t reply, confused about the entirety of what was going on before you felt the first smack. “one.”
that went on until you counted to thirty. then vox simply picked you up and laid you down on the bed before heading back to his office.
you knew he was mad. he used to tell you about alastor and rant but you didn’t know what alastor looked like and thought a friendly sinner was just talking to you!
that’s when you had the bright idea to go visit vox in his office. “bunny i’m not in the mood for you.” is all he said before returning to his paperwork.
you felt bad, whenever you got in trouble with vox ( which was rare ) you had your own way of making it up to him. you walked over to his desk then crawled under and placed yourself in between his legs.
first thing you did was rub ur chin against his thigh, a false security for vox as he just thought it was you doing your usual way of telling him you love him.
what he wasn’t expecting was for you to next start undoing his pants. “bunny.” he said sternly but at that point your mouth was halfway down his length with your eyes staring up at him.
he sighed, he wanted to be mad at you but it was hard when he knows you’re trying your best to make it up to him.
he put his hand on the back of your head and started guiding your head up and down, something he usually did for you when you decided you wanted to give him head
what he wasn’t expecting was you to close your mouth when he went to move your head back down and press a kiss to his tip.
he just looked down at you and smiled “my bunny gonna be a good girl now?” all you did in response was stick your tongue out and let him guide your head back down onto his length.
that went on for about ten minutes before he came in your mouth and then pulled you onto his lap. “show.” you stuck your tongue out. “good girl, now swallow.” you swallowed then stuck your tongue out again to show him proof.
“that’s my good girl.” he said before moving your body so that you laid your head against his chest.
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