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Week idk, day I forgot
Sooo the whole “week # day #” thing is through just because I’ve lost proper track. Anyway, I have a (Korean) friend named Yoon who knows English, Korean (Obvs), Japanese and German. He says when he’s learning a language he doesn’t take breaks like I do. He said I should take it slowly and be patient so that’s what I’m *trying* to do. He’s also giving me 5 words a day to study~ Last night they were 손가락, 발가락, 머리카락, 팔꿈치&손목 which I all guessed correctly. I knew they were body parts, but I’ve only learned 손가락&손목 formally, but I guessed the others by context (I know 마리 is head&팔 is arm) - He’s giving me 5 more today~ Other than that, I’ve done 2 HTSK lessons, I’m on my 3rd today. I was also told last time I was studying, by an admin on HTSK, that I should disregard the vocab and just focus on the 25 lessons in unit one. After unit 1 is finished, take a while to catch up on vocab in unit 1 and then move on. He said the key is grammar, not vocab. Because you can know tons of words in any language but you can’t use them unless you know grammar to use it with. So that’s what I’m doing~ But I’m staying on top of the words I do know~
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Week 4 Day 4
Okay, so I guess I haven’t posted in a week. I learned a couple new words after last weeks post. But mostly, I’ve been getting 60-90 words to review every day, and when I do 1 review session of 10 words, instead of having to review 10 less, I’ve been needing to review 20 more...I guess that’s just how the timing of my words are on Memrise...
So anyway, I couldn’t get to really learning new words until 2 days ago, and it’s been slow. On the 18th I knew 190 words, as of today, I know 252 words. It’s not really about the number of words I know, but instead the lessons I know. The next lesson I should be learning on HTSK is Lesson 8, and I was still on Lesson 5 vocab on memrise (I do one HTSK Lesson per day, and it’s hard to retain 50 new words a day...) So like I said in my last post, I was going to finish up to lesson 8 vocab before starting HTSK Lesson 8.
I don’t want to burn out from learning Korean like I did a few months ago, by studying literally all day, so I’m doing it little bits at a time. I finished lesson 5&6 vocab, and I’ll move onto lesson 7 in a couple hours, after I review the new words I’ve learned, and take a break and such
I’m hoping to get on to new material on the website by next week ^^
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The Signs as Characters from Warriors by Erin Hunter
Aries: Crowfeather – Impulsive&Independent Taurus: Silverstream – Loyal&Dependable Gemini: Squirrelflight&Leafpool – “The Twins” Cancer: Graystripe – Romantic&Faithful Leo: Firestar – Born Leader Virgo: Cinderpelt – Caring&Understanding Libra: Ravenpaw – Peaceful&Solitary Scorpio: Tigerstar – Powerful&Ambitious Sagittarius: Mistystar - Impatient&Confident Capricorn: Scourge – Success driven&Goal oriented Aquarius: Bramblestar – Mindful&Self-assured Pisces: Tawnypelt – Adaptable&Compassionate
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Week 3 Day 4
Okay, so I know it’s not really my 3rd week of learning, but I didn’t actually study since Week 3 Day 3, so I’m just picking up where I left off~
I’m only on Lesson 5 of HTSK vocabulary, but I’m on Lesson 8 of the actual lessons. I decided to just catch up on vocabulary before actually going onto new content (Especially since Lesson 8 introduces adverbs, which I havent used yet) - I know 190 words. I’m supposed to know 346 by now. That’s A LOT of vocabulary that I don’t have (156 words to be exact) and I don’t want to fall further behind in vocab, while still learning grammar. What is grammar if you don’t have the vocabulary to use the grammar with?
So I’m going to take as many days as I need to, to learn the 156 words and then move forward on the lessons. Kinda boring, I guess. But I don’t mind it so far.
Also! My Korean friends have been helping me with my Korean. One friend in particular, will prompt me to make sentences, and then asks me to send him a voice clip of me saying it, so I get to practice my pronunciation too! It’s really great and helpful ^.^
I’m afraid to say, I’m not as much help to his English...But I did teach him the slang term for the word “Butcher” hahaha - And because he’s been helping me talk to him in Korean, I’m feeling much more confident about speaking in Korean! I’m not as afraid to make mistakes, and even made my second post on Lang-8, and making small comments in Korean on things I post on Facebook. I’m making progress I didn’t see the last time ^.^
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I’m back~! ...Again...
~This is also my 100th post woo~
Soo I quit Korean for the 2nd time, back around January. I had finally learned enough words plus proper conjugation to start posting on Lang-8
I’d made one single post, and of course I knew I’d made mistakes but to me, on this first post, I fucked up big time. Now, in an attempt to explain the fact that I suck at Korean, I ended up saying “제가 싫어” which, if you don’t know, roughly translates to “I hate myself” - Now, I was told “싫어” means “To not be good” by the website I study from. Idk if that’s it’s original meaning, but apparently Koreans only use “싫” to mean “hate”
I seriously would’ve been absolutely fine making any other damn mistake in my first post, besides accidentally saying “I HATE myself” - I would rather say “My mothers a chicken” or something like that. And while everyone who made corrections was understanding about the mistake it was just so embarrassing that I had to take a break and recover...hahah...
But I’m finally back! I reviewed 40 words yesterday, and I’m going to do 40-80 words more. 40 is usually what I do in one sitting. After maybe 2 or 3 days, once I remember all my words perfectly once again, I’ll review the conjugation I’ve learned and try to make some more posts on Lang-8, along with continuing my lessons ^.^
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Note to self:
Take a trip to H-Mart for some hard candies to eat while I study. It’s brain food, after all (hahah)
I’d like to pick up some peach flavored, and mango. They didn’t have them last time I went. The green tea ones take forever to dissolve...Need peppermints at the least.
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I’m so confused...But I’m back!!
How did I gain 30 followers since I left...???
Well anyway...I’m back!! Did you guys miss me? <3 Of course not hahaha. I guess I was pushing myself really hard that in the 3 weeks I learned Korean, I kinda burnt out. I was studying starting at 10am-12pm (Basically as soon as I woke up) and had a study/break/study routine until 10pm on the dot. For 3 weeks hahaha...Hmm, I never really stopped being interested in Korean culture however. I never stopped listening to K-pop and finding new songs. I still watched K-dramas for a while but slowly stopped that too.
Well, lately I had been wanting to get back into the studying, but I didn’t really have the motivation. Well, today I had the sudden urge. I’ve decided to start small, and I hope I won’t push myself as hard this time around.
I started by reviewing my Memrise words (95 total) and I got 40 done. Watched some Weekly Idol, chatted some friends. Then I went through my notebook and reviewed the first lesson. I refreshed on sentence structure, a few particles, and basic sentences. I decided that would be enough for today. I also have a short term study plan:
Before jumping back into learning anything new, I’m going to review my notes, and current vocab until I know it forwards and back again. I still wont learn new content at that point just yet. I was 3 lessons behind on vocab, due to the fact that there were 30-50 words per lesson, which I can’t possibly learn in a day. But the lessons were being learned faster than the vocab. So I’m going to take maybe a week to catch up on the 3 lessons of vocab, maybe make a lang-8 to practice the vocab/grammar at the same time. And still review what I know, and maybe take the lessons very little at a time until my vocab is all caught up.
I will be taking this much slower than the first time around, so it will be a long process to even get to new content. That’s okay. I’m patient ^^ And I’m excited!!
Apologies this was so long, but thank you if you got this far. Wish me luck!!
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This blog is going on hiatus
If you want to keep contact, follow my Disney blog princess-tiana-of-maldonia and I’ll follow you back ^^ I’m not studying Korean currently so I’m going on hiatusr
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I did a thing
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Week 3 Day 3
Wow...I haven’t really been keeping up with my posts...Been keeping up with my lessons though ^^
So in the past 2 days since I last posted, I have gotten through lessons 4&5 of HowToStudyKorean. I learned most of lesson 5 yesterday but I found I was getting distracted easily. My friend told me to stay off my computer - to reduce distraction - however since I learn on a website and not by a book I can’t turn off my computer to study hahah
Well, I learned some new words, but I’m still about 101 words behind and I’ll be event more behind when I start lesson 6 tomorrow...They really gives too many words in their lessons....I’m gonna learn the grammar and not have many words to use them with...
I also have to review about 55 words a day. And that number will only go up with each new word. I learned most of lesson 5 yesterday, like I said. But it was all conjugation. I was so excited I was bouncing in my seat. But then I was told in the lesson that I’d only be learning “Diary form//Plain form” of Korean Conjugation which is only used when quoting someone, or writing as a narrator in a book, articles in newspapers/magazines and such...
Past tense of conjugating verbs was the hardest. And I understood all of the lesson but I don’t think I have it down to the point where I could easily conjugate a verb on the fly in plain form. Just because it was confusing, as much as I understand it. Adjective present tense conjugation is awesome because their dictionary form is already conjugated into present tense so that’s pretty cool.
Thats all I learned really, hopefully I’ll post tomorrow about some other things that have been going on but I kept putting this post off since 9:30 pm and it is now 12:30 am so I’m not gonna put a second part today Goodnight everyone ^^
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OMG 😂😂😂
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About your “Notice” question
I have used the word noticement before tho not ashamed to admit it
And I know you said false nostalgia doesn’t give the same meaning for you, but that’s what it’s definition is (that you described) buutt if you want another word I would use “Fictional nostalgia” (If the place/time you’re nostalgic about is fictional) or “Fantasied nostalgia” (If the place/time is either fictional/fantasy/made up in your head or in any other way) Just put whatever descriptive word you’re generally nostalgic about before “nostalgia” and it’ll get your meaning across, i’m sure ^^ Hope that helped - Figured I’d put in my two cents since I’m sick of studying Korean right now xD
english help
i want to say “noticement, noticeness, noticity” don’t we have a word for this? what is it? also i need a word for “nostalgia for a place/time the person has never been to or experienced”, in any language is fine. no, normal “nostalgia” isn’t the same and “false nostalgia” doesn’t give the same meaning (to me anyway).
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Week 3 Day 1...That’s discouraging to write
I’m already on week 3 but I haven’t made any progress since the beginning of Week 2...literally no progress. I first was demotivated due to recent (Can’t really call them recent after nearly 3 weeks) events that just discouraged me...I made attempts to motivate me...As you may know I’m obsessed with peppermints and other hard candies. So in an attempt to motivate me, I made it a rule only to eat those candies while or after I study. Didn’t really work at first... But then I decided...well I’ll just show ya
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So I went back to my lesson and tried to learn...Well I got stuck on a problem (If you’ve seen my last post) 
Turns out I was mistaking은 which was being taught in the lesson as an adjective that can be used to describe a noun with the subject particle which is also 은
Simple mistake...Took 3 days to figure it out .-. So I’m back! Studying hard and will be posting much more frequently! Look out for future posts ^^
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me: yeah i'm making good progress on this language and i really need to talk to native speakers so hmu if you are one!!! i'm so happy to meet you!!! let's talk!!! (⊙‿⊙✿)~★
native speaker: hi i can t--
me: *screams* *backflips into the sun* *pilots the sun away, still screaming from inside it*
native speaker: wut
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Ugh...I’ve been on this lesson for like 6 days...
So I’m going to ask my followers for help - I know some of you know quite a bit of Korean. This copy pasted from the FB group I asked for help as well: “ I'm learning using adjectives  ~ㄴ/은 to describe a noun. Up until now I've only learned the dictionary form of adjectives and verbs, and now I'm learning how to use  ~ㄴ/은 to change an adjective from their dictionary from of ~다 to describe a noun. I understood it all fine and well, every example...Until it got to this part. Quote: "음식은 비싸다 = The food is expensive 비싼 음식 = expensive food The first example is a sentence. The second example is not a sentence. The second sentence needs more words in order for it to be a sentence. You need to add either a verb or adjective that predicates the noun of “expensive food.”" Why is "은" used after "음식" and "비싸다" is still in its dictionary form? They way it was taught up until that point (At least from what I understood) was that "은" should be used ON the adjective to describe a noun. I was also taught that being verbs such as "is" are implied in the adjective and don't really exist in Korean...this is starting to confuse me as well Correct me if I'm wrong but it should be like: 큰 배 for example ㄴ in 큰 describe 배? so why is it that in "The food is expensive" 은 comes after 음식? shouldn't it come after 비싸 to be changed into 비싸은? Maybe I don't entirely understand the vocabulary either hahaha but this whole section of my lessons been confusing me, i've been pondering it for days and I haven't been able to figure it out for about 3 days unsure emoticon Sorry this was so long but if anyone is able to help me I'd really appreciate it!!“ I’m not letting what happened with my ex - I’m not letting him stop me from achieving my dream Anyone and everyone who can help automatically becomes my best friend ^o^
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Damn it...
Now I have to go study... ;-;
Guilt tripping me and shit
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