Shopping for glass slippers
Shopping for glass slippers
Cinderella got her happily ever after with the help of glass slippers but if we go by the original story a few women ended up cutting their feet just to fit into those tiny slippers. Today the fashion industry has extrapolated this fairytale and ensured that women who have big feet shouldn’t ever be able to find footwear that is beautiful. I suppose the fashion gurus would much rather we walked…
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Day 98 Don't shield yourself
Day 98 Don’t shield yourself
The last 98 days have been everything about I, me, and myself. I have written more, indulged in interests more and realised how important it is to be open about your happiness. I have also discovered that one way people do stay happy longer is when they are openly happy and not happy as per situation or company. Is there a part of your life that you shield from others? I am not talking about a…
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The Frazzled Parent
I contemplated writing about this for a while now but I finally bit the bullet and I have to say that for the first time I am completely out of ideas, energy and patience when it comes to dealing with this whole lockdown set up with kids in tow. I get it – its safe, its necessary, its important but its also exhausting having to deal with each other all the time without a break. The first time…
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Is today the day?
Is today the day? Excuse me? Well, are you going to take that one step? Who are you? Just somebody curious about whether you are going to do it today or not. What is it to you if I do or don’t? Hmmm…I just had a proposition for you to consider before you do. A proposition? Yes, considering it won’t make a difference to what you are about to do? Can you leave me alone? Why? Aren’t you…
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Out of Order
This is the state of my brain for the last 3 days. I just haven’t be able to ideate or write anything longer than two sentences. I actually have 4 different files open with 4 different topics (Short story, opinion piece, series continuation and a confession piece) to write on and I have barely gotten past the first paragraph. Did it put me in a foul mood? Of course it did! I have been moping…
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What do I read?
What do I read?
This is a question that a lot of people have been asking me lately. Book recommendations or questions about how I pick a book. Honestly I have never had a system. There is nothing foolproof about picking a book. Most of the time its me browsing through book stores and reading backs of books. I usually do this alone because unless you have company that can enjoy this process it is rather tedious…
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Best course of action, isn't online!
Best course of action, isn’t online!
Online is a part of life, lets start accepting it. Whether you post a Tik Tok trend or an IGTV video, you are very much involved in the online world of socialising. Socialising with strangers, across borders and time zones. You find people who share interests, become business partners, discover brands and a few odds and ends that form for entertainment through the day with their shenanigans. It…
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When you need more hours
When you need more hours
This is the third part of the series on Working from Home. Click to read the first part  “Joys of Working from Home” Click to read the second part “The Flexible Workstation“ Did you imagine yourself lounging around and work getting done automatically while you took a mini vacation when you moved to a work from home setup. Nice thought but hardly ever true. Work from home typically means you need…
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Along the Tracks
It was just past my 78th birthday and I was getting a lot of advice from everyone about how I should stop travelling solo. I was not making implausible trips up mountains or down ravines! All I ever did was make simple trips on trains to visit family or an old friend or settle the odd bit of business that I couldn’t finish over a phone. It is not like I was a stubborn old man who didn’t care for…
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Day 9 What did you learn today?
Day 9 What did you learn today?
This is one thing that is extremely important to me. I do need to learn something everyday – maybe its small, maybe its mind-bending even a bit silly, but it has to be something. What did I learn today – that you can make jackfruit look like pulled pork! It is an actual vegan meat thing. The whole dish turned out great and my family even enjoyed it until the moment they found out that it was…
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Day 8 The Flexible Workstation
Day 8 The Flexible Workstation
This is the second part of a series I had started on The Joys of Working from Home. If you would like to read the first part before proceeding with this one – click this link – Joys of Working from Home. It was meant to be a book but I decided it would make a better blog. When I first made the grand decision to work from home, I was blessed that my home had a separate study. One that was built…
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What's your greatest fear?
What’s your greatest fear?
Anaya looked up at the building again, wondering if she was at the right place. She couldn’t believe she was answering one of these advertisements, but she needed the money otherwise she would need to clear out her studio within the week. She chewed on her bottom lip as she examined the paper she was holding, which was advertising for participants for a documentary. They wanted real people,…
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Day 6 Connecting with kids in a gadget obsessed world
Day 6 Connecting with kids in a gadget obsessed world
This was requested by a friend. The constant refrain from parents these days seems to be that they just can’t tear their kids away from their smart devices. Parents are constantly telling anyone who can offer an ear that their children are so obsessed with gadgets. The pandemic added to these woes with schools and other lessons moving online. Effectively throwing out the hour-long gadget…
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Day 5 What's your superpower?
Day 5 What’s your superpower?
The DCEU and the MCU certainly educated everyone about power, superpower and responsibilities. If you went to a self-help specialist you would hear that a superpower is combination of your talent, passion and action. There are even examples Google lists out as superpowers – speed, agility, sensitivity, observation, and more. Then there are the boys from Big Bang Theory who would swear by…
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Day 4 The hardest thing to do is write
Day 4 The hardest thing to do is write
I have been writing for a long time now, over a decade actually. I have written stories, articles, interviews, features and a whole load of rubbish too. A lot more of my writing has made it to the recycling bin than has actually been read. But one thing remains a constant, every bit of my writing starts with a boat load of self doubt on whether I can actually finish the piece. This whole exercise…
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Day 3 "Konmari"ing more than a cupboard
Day 3 “Konmari”ing more than a cupboard
I have always found joy whenever I have reorganised cupboards, thrown out baskets of trash and laid out fresh sheets of shelf liners and freshness packets. Yes it is a kind of high to be able to organise things just right. But don’t worry it doesn’t happen too often, so that feeling of accomplishment happens once in 6 months, if not longer. When I first stumbled across Marie Kondo and her Konmari…
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Day 2/100 Edible Adventures
Day 2/100 Edible Adventures
Food has a therapeutic quality. It can make you run down memory lane, remember an event or person, connect you to people, comfort you and be the language between strangers. I’ve always loved to eat (which is evident!) but I have never loved cooking. My father did start my cooking adventure when I was in school where he would insist that my cousin and I cook at least one dish on a Sunday. We read…
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