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All of our life, we are looking for satisfaction for our needs. We aim to be recognized and therefore we really make an effort with the result, that we do not care about what the recognition is for. And so we attach importance to money, outwardness or status because we assume that this fulfills our deepest need for happiness. This is a farce as we will always need more money, better outwardness, and a higher status since this reputed happiness is based on the competition with who surrounds us. And so it happens, that some of us end with a beautiful and rich shell everybody envies. But in the end, this is worth nothing, if the inside is empty and did not understand, that real happiness can only develop out of itself.
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Pride goes before the fall, and during a lifetime, some of us are falling very deep in desolation. They end in forlornness - a wasteland which prevents anything to see the light of day. It covers the exciting aspects that prevent our lives from monotony with it's thick and dusty layer which rolls over everything trying to thwart it. While its massively sticky coat works to take us the air for breathing and the will for living, there is a glimpse of the will to live paving its way through the thick layers of dust and sand.
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While we believe that our perception of reality is the genuine truth, we forget that its depiction is always depending on the point from which we look at it.
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The human being is not designed to live as a hermit - we are dependent on the existence of others in our lives.
Finding the right people to surround us is quite a tricky and possibly a life-long task. We need to invest time and energy until we can figure out if it is worthy or not. We are obliged to discover whether our vis-à-vis will also stand at our side in the dark times, how serious they are and if we can trust them?
For a working relationship, trust is mandatory. In order to build it up, we put ourselves in a status in which we assume to be almost as crucial for the life of the others as they are for themselves. We hypothesize that they would make an effort to bring a smile to our lips when we are depressed, that they would make sacrifices to help us and that they would carry us on their shoulders if we could not walk anymore.
Probably, we would come from the conclusion that all of our "extraordinary people" would fulfill the favorable characteristics which we attribute to a working relationship because, in the end, it was us, that believe to be in the right position, who decided whom to let in the exclusive circle.
The truth is that the world is full of people with empty words who promise whatever suits the situation and their own best interest. They hide behind their invisible masks and adjust their behavior whenever it is needed to get their benefit. They laugh with us, chill or party with us - but they are the quickest to run away the moment life becomes a bit more complicated. To understand that we were outsmarted and rapidly replaced hurts even more.
But as severe and painful these experiences are, they also show us who really cares and sometimes it can be surprising who unexpectedly shows up to comfort us while we are licking our wounds.
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In our world everything has its counterpart: We assume that there is 'good', so there has to be an 'evil' and if there is 'oppression' there might also be 'autonomy'.
We are in the misery of making free choices in a limited spectrum - a spectrum which is wholly depended on the perspective which we have chosen. We tend to select our viewpoint by the impact our emotions have on us. And once we made our stance clear, we like to stick to the known as it offers us so much comfort.
We shy away to question our decision as it might screw up what we had selected as our reality. While we are nestled in our comfort zone, we forget that a confrontation might open the door to a thrilling new world.
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We like to complain about the obstacles in our life but ironically, we value the beauty of their diversity when they are not in our way. http://www.pietschy.de/obstacles/
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We are masters in hiding the truth until the rug is pulled out from under our feed.
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It might be those little escapes that enable us to bare with the stories hiding behind our happy faces.
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Events might be forgotten over time but they still shape what they surround.
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As much as sparkles are appealing our attention, yielding to the temptation of devotion might save us from the trap which is waiting behind the attractive camouflage.
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When it feels like losing the ground below the feet, taking a time-out to reconsider the situation might be the only promising option. 
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Most people find it hard to invest the strength needed to fight against the fear of “the other”. It is uncomfortable to deal with “the unknown” as it includes to deal with oneself. But there is a high possibility that a fresh perspective changes the now to an affirmative long-term transition. http://www.pietschy.de/perspective/
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The destruction of the colors of life makes the world a gray monotony.
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The modern city offers its inhabitants a great infrastructure which includes almost everything needed in day-to-day life. It invites us to do whatever is wished and affordable. It provides us with the newest ideas of sports, fashion, education or nightlife. One stumbles out of the house and can be part of the vivid adventure.
But the many people do not come alone as they also bring anonymity, competition, pollution, and noise, just to name a few. As it is tinctured with this distracting excessive demands, it might peak in a moment in which one merely is overstrained and incapable of acting.
As the overflow drains us, it might be a good idea to take some time off and just enjoy the sound of nothingness.
More: http://www.pietschy.de/tranquillity/
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"Nur Liebesbriefe" - "Only love letters"
The idea of communication is an old one: We want to share our thoughts, wishes or feelings with others. Long distances, unviable efforts and the absence of courage caused us to fall back on traditional mailing in the past.
The world is changing, and therefore letters became an endangered species like public phones whose necessity is questioned more and more. Today, the only mail most of us receive consists of official notices or bills which are delivered by the postman who might become a rarity himself in the nearby future.
Most of the private communication has shifted – in the age of modern communication, messages are easily expressed on time in a pleasant way.
Whereas there is no doubt that contemporary media tremendously simplifies our life, the experience of opening an envelope which has been sent to us by somebody with the intention of showing affection is an irreplaceable moment of excitement.
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When darkness claims superiority, the rise of light appears to be unattainable: Each day a feat of strength, a fight, an accumulation of fright. Each day … from scratch.
While we let the slimy monster pave its way day by day, the brightness becomes more and more overshadowed … until we wake up one day and cannot find it anymore – it disappeared.
Floating on the vibe of insignificant, the monster which each of us owns, makes us think that our new place in life is better and save for us to stay. While it grows in size, it grows in power, and its influence leaves us behind helpless, clueless and desolate … we start losing control.
After the monster raged over us, it leaves us back as a barren black desert. The bleak part of our mind is an awful place: It makes us want to believe that there is no hope, no future, no reason to be. Unfortunately, some of us will be kept to a greater or lesser extent by the power they handed over to the darkness.
The marvel of life persists of the fact that eventually there is a chance of making wasteland seminal again. A possibility of liberating from the bonds that peculate joy. ---- http://www.pietschy.de/comeback/
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Every aspect of #being is part of a tightly #knitted #network which determines how we live: One can #design it, adjust it or deny it. Whatever one decides to do does not affect the point that its close intertwining is as fragile as a defenseless #seedling which is left completely blown over by a quick and innocent #breeze. http://www.pietschy.de/breeze/
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