#bad times
nobeerreviews · 4 months
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The good times and the bad times both will pass. It will pass. It will get easier. But the fact that it will get easier does not mean that it doesn’t hurt now. And when people try to minimize your pain they are doing you a disservice. And when you try to minimize your own pain you’re doing yourself a disservice. Don’t do that. The truth is that it hurts because it’s real. It hurts because it mattered. And that’s an important thing to acknowledge to yourself. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t end, that it won’t get better. Because it will.
-- John Green
(Konstanz, Germany)
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cosmonautroger · 2 months
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shoku-and-awe · 1 year
- Morning walkies very sleepy
- On a slope, right flip flop catches in left leg hem (flowy Thai fisherman pants I slept in, whyyy)
- Stumble hard, prepare to absolutely eat shit on the asphalt, phone hand first
- Ancient instinct activated: Perfectly executed tuck and roll!
- Pop up unscathed (scaredy-cat dog not even slightly worried, what?)
- Two hours later, body remembers that it’s 35 years old
- Yuh-oh
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rose-colored-b0y · 4 months
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This photo is a few years old but god damn do I still love it. I was at my lowest point I’ve ever hit in life and I can feel it in this photo, now I’m at my highest point. ❤️
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
A prompt: Four and a ghost
Four sighed in contentment as he leaned back against one of the logs they'd arranged around the fire. Almost everyone had settled to sleep, and he was getting ready to head that way too, when he glanced at Legend.
The veteran was going to take first watch and was gazing solemnly into the fire, a strange contemplative look crossing his features when he noticed Four watching him.
"You okay?" Four asked hesitantly. "You seem a little out of it."
Legend stared at him for an almost uncomfortable interval before he waved a dismissive hand and returned to his vigil. "It's just late. I'm fine. Good night."
The smithy watched him uncertainly, not really knowing how to push or if that was even needed. So he gave up on the venture, sighing and heading to his bedroll, already prepared and awaiting his arrival. As he slid under the cover, he gave one last look at the veteran hero, and his blood ran cold.
What was--that was--
Was that himself hovering over the veteran?! What the hell was happening?!
Four stared at his strange reflection, who watched Legend just as solemnly as Legend watched the fire. Then the image flicked its eyes at the smithy himself, making him forget to breathe.
Before Four could leap out of his bedroll, the ghostly image of himself disappeared into the night mist.
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fluseven · 8 months
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This brand for vegan gummies has partnered up with a German soap opera called „Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten“. The result is this delightful, bright pink gummy that just says „bad times“ in German.
It tastes vaguely of strawberry.
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samhaft · 9 months
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.. be honest, is it giving elmo?
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anyway the video for “afterburn” is out now, directed by Brielle Garcia - check it out:
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parole-parole-parole · 3 months
In a "this too shall pass" Snoopy image as a phone-background kinda moment.
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geister-stadt · 1 year
Sei dankbar in guten Zeiten und geduldig in schlechten Zeiten
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potentially-a-poser · 3 months
Y’all I need to bitch. I’m not Christian anymore, but sometimes my dad drags me to church (he does not know I’m not Christian).
I have had severely fucked up feet that make my life a lot more difficult and painful basically my whole life, but it got really bad when I was 12-13ish. Every single church I went to (we were fundamentalist Pentecostals), I would go up to get prayer for god to help me with my feet. My parents wouldn’t take us to the doctors for a rly long time cause they were like “god will heal you 💖” and also they were conspiracy theorists who thought that if we entered a drs office we’d be forcibly vaccinated. Without fail, every time they would tell me that god would heal my feet because I was such a good little Christian girl and was so committed and faithful (side note: about this time I figured out I liked women and had started s4lf hurting, partially to punish myself for that).
Anywho, I recently got surgery for one of my feet because I was on the verge of genuinely not being able to walk at all anymore. We went to one of the churches i got prayer for my feet on. For the first 30 min of service, the pastor was talking about how if we prayed, god WOULD heal us miraculously. I was pissed but expecting it.
Then this bitchass old lady sitting behind me grabbed my shoulders harder than any old lady should be able to do, and she whispered “god told me to tell you knows exactly what’s in ur heart and he loves you” which is so fucking generic but I digress. But anyway she then proceeded to play with my hair and rub my shoulders for literally 3-4 minutes (which doesn’t sound long but oh my god it is). Keep in mind this lady had no permission to touch me and I was visibly uncomfortable.
The pastor also lied from the pulpit and said kids today don’t know what a pastor is. He’s also a bus driver and he said whenever he tells kids he’s also a pastor the most common response is “what is that?”, which I guarantee is a lie because we live in the Bible Belt and my school has FCA meetings before school twice a week that are always packed, and a good amount of teachers have Bible verses on their walls. We have 12 churches inside the city limits (the town has 4000 ppl)
Anyway, overall bad time
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flock-talk · 1 year
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I had forgotten newt was soggy, he was on my head drying off, so when he climbed in to view and I saw patchy darkness I thought he had ripped half his feathers out and started panicking
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Big Year wrap up post / things that I'm thankful for
Every year is a year of ups and downs or at least that's pretty universal. I don't think anyone ever has a year or everything is completely good or completely bad.
The good was plentiful for me this year.
I remember back when I was in Corpus Christi and I had read the book The Secret and I started out making my list of what I wanted for my life.
The list went something like this #1. A teaching job.
#2. an actual house with a front and back door and a yard, #3 was $30,000 in the bank.
I don't know where I came up with that number it was just a number I thought would be a good financially stable number.
I have had a teaching job for the last 6 years.
I have had a house for the last 2 years.
And I'm still working on that number but at least I do have a savings account that I'm not constantly having to dip into. And this year I finally was gifted a washing machine by someone at work. I still don't know who did it but they were incredibly hind. It only works on one cycle but it works and that has saved us so much time and money. Being Mobility challenged it was horrible looking clothes to and from the laundromat. Plus trying to cough up the money each time we needed to do laundry was another problem. I am still in awe of the fact that if I need to do a small load of clothes I can just go and do them and be done with it. We have a clothesline in the backyard and honestly that is all we need.
Work has been a bit dicey this year but it is not because of the kids it is more because of the parents and the administration. And I don't really see that changing so I must figure out ways to deal with it.
The parents are getting younger and less educated and do not understand some of the things I say into in class. Which means I need to mask myself even tighter than ever.
That is one of the few things that really sucks about this year and the last couple of years as far as my autism.
At one point I had so many people on staff that I could absolutely be myself with and they were okay with it. One by one though those people left because this isn't the greatest school system to work for. The principals tend to back the parents and not the teachers and there is absolutely no discipline whatsoever in any of the schools.
The kids know this and the parents know this so especially if the parent is Rich or a part of the school system the kid gets to do whatever they want with no consequences.
And this is scared a lot of the yòd teachers away.
I am NOT young and I'm slightly disabled because of my vision and my lack of Mobility so I suck it up because I can't go anywhere else at this point.
I want to retire to another place but as far as a job this is really the only one I'm capable of doing.
I guess it's a part of being autistic that if you see something that's wrong you want to call it out. At least that is the way it is with me. And from that now you really can't do that without getting in trouble. Everyone knows what's wrong and no one wants to fix it. People just want to turn them line die. I made that mistake about three three years ago with my previous principal. When she said there was an open door policy I believed it like an idiot and or for the record if someone says there is an open door POLICY THERE IS NOT AND YOU WILL JEOPARDIZE YOUR JOB BY BELIEVING IT.
For speaking out about anything I thought was unfair, she got me alone and absolutely eviscerated me. She brought up all kinds of petty little things having to do with my work ethic that no one else would have ever called out, she called me unprofessional, she called me hard to work with, and she gave me the worst Job review I have had in 45 years of working.
To this day I have nightmares about that and her the same way I had nightmares of my abusive stepmother that I was subjected to for 7 years. Only the principal did that much emotional damage in 2 hours.
So yes having the masks so tightly at work does suck but it is a job and it is the first time in my life that I have not had to work multiple jobs in order to support myself.
And of course the credit for all of this goes to God because I could not have done any of this of my own free will. I am weak and I am scared and I am full of every Neurosis in the world so whatever strength that I have come to know throughout my life definitely was god-given. I utilized it and I made my own but it had to come from God first. And speaking of that
My 11th eye surgery was a success. I had a corneal transplant and it has been going wonderfully thank god. Right now I am just waiting for the surgeon to tell me I can go ahead and renew my prescription. He has been very picky and says that my eye would change so much throughout the year there was no use getting a new prescription because I would have to throw it out in 6 months anyway. But I would have been willing to do that if I could have just been able to see better with my classes. Right now aside from driving I don't even wear them because my eyes have changed so much and now I can't see anything with my glasses at all. Getting around town, and thank God this is an extremely small town, I feel like I do more from muscle memory anyway. I have no one to drive me so I kind of have to do this.
But thank God I can see!!!
Other than that hubby and I have been healthy all this year and thank God for that.
Of the bad things I have had to survive the big two that weigh on me the most is losing two people I loved very dearly. One I knew my entire life and she was like a second mom to me. I still dream about her constantly. She died at 8:00 if 93 and she had a wonderful life and was surrounded by children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren and we did get to talk on the phone right before she died and that was a blessing. Even knowing I couldn't see for crap I still drove 3 hours out and 3 hours back to her funeral and God bless me I made it only with God's care. It was scary going.
The other one is my friend Ben who took his own life a few months ago. It is so hard for me not to be mad at his ex-girlfriend because I believe her breaking up with him after 10 years directly led to his suicide. But we are not responsible for the actions of others. Many people reached out to ben, myself and a couple of teachers who worked with us that now have moved on reached out to him constantly. I thought at least he had talked to them they thought he had talked to me and he did not talk to any of us.
It wasn't out of the blue thing. He was always very depressed and very sensitive. And he would make posts on Facebook about being alone and not having friends and not having anyone that understood him. And with each of these posts I would reach out to him and tell him I loved him and I wanted to talk and I was always there and nine times out of 10 he would not reach back out to me. It had been 8 months since we had spoken or since he had taken me up on one of my offers to talk and at the time he killed himself. It was and still is very hard to deal with.
And honestly is far as bad things go, that was it. Yes a few parents made my work life miserable for a while. Yes I walk on eggshells at work now after getting written up twice for something no one in any other school district would have ever written me up for. But when I look back at the truly bad things that happened last year there's only those two.
I miss writing a lot. I would write huge fan fictions, essays and poetry. Sometimes I would write 8 to 10 hours a day in my spare time, when I had a day off or in between jobs. Now the only writing I do is on this site. All of my Muses have dried up. I don't have time to enjoy things like I used to. I don't have time to completely submers myself in whatever band or piece of media I have always been into. The most time I get is maybe 45 minutes for a documentary here or there. I always think when I have a vacation like Christmas break or spring break that I'm going to sit down pick up an old thick and either rewrite it or expand on it. I
And I never do. I don't even have the time at night to indulge in the Daydreams and fictional ideas that used to lead me into sleep. I am so exhausted now I am asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow. If I'm not asleep then I am awake watching a movie with no other thought in my head.
Thanks to and after school staff meeting where the art Department supplied us with supplies enough to make a Christmas painting, I have discovered I really enjoy painting. And I'm hoping maybe to do a little more of that this year or at least try it out.
If you took the time to read this, bless your heart. And I hope the year was kind to you and that next year will be even kinder.
Vaya con Dios!
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plottwistedstory · 4 months
„Es ist Ende 2023 und ich bemerke, dass ich ihn verloren habe: meinen Schimmer, mein Lächeln, mein Lachen, meinen Glanz. Und zugegebener Maßen bestand dafür dieses Jahr, auch eine ziemliche große Chance.“
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jugglingjujube · 7 months
Has anyone written a fic of when Harrow goes to the sixth after the siphoning trial? Because oh boy that conversation must not have been fun for anyone
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stardustsea · 1 year
Eddie's face every single time he was on screen had me DEVASTATED
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solifelessblog · 1 year
I randomly stumbled upon your wanted au and wandered if you still want to continue it? Just curious
Its still live in my mind, tho its one of those AU's that i give more lore when i feel like drawing something about it, so, yess i have some sketch about it actually! something something how flapjack come into the mix hmm
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