polaris-postmail · 1 year
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“Flowers for my Moon.”
Classmate!Scaramouche x GN!Reader
"What's with that weird face? I said move."
"...Ha?" After 30 seconds, you've finally spoken. You couldn't say anything else, you found it unbelievable, but it was expected. He treated you like how he treated everyone else. You aren't special, nor do you stand out to him. You really thought he wanted to talk to you, but he just told you to leave. It was clear that you don't mean anything to him, but you were more than happy to change that! You would even wait years for him, just to be your friend.
"You heard me, I'm not going to repeat myself for the third time." He crossed his arms, slowly getting pissed off.
"Ah, r-right! Sorry—" As you were about to stand up, you tripped on the chair, causing you to fall back with the chair. 'Gah! What the hell...' You thought, too busy freaking out that you didn't notice the chair falling on top of you. "Ow..." You wanted to scream so bad. You've already embarassed yourself in front of him... three times! You wanted to scold yourself, berate yourself to death. But all your focus shifted to the pain the heavy chair caused you.
The chairs at your school weren't light, but it was still enough for it to fall on you, enough for it to hit your stomach. It basically felt like you got punched at the gut. You winced in pain as tears pricked your eyes, threatening to fall out. You couldn't help it, it hurt so bad. But he didn't even care, all he did was look at you weirdly.
Scaramouche tsked, then he proceeded to call you pathetic, additionally telling you to just get out of his sight. But then, he held out his hand, you were about to hold out your hand too and take his hand, but... As it turns out, he was actually going for the chair. You didn't think he really wanted to help you out, right? He didn't even spare you a glance, he just propped up his chair to sit on.
'I could be his chair too ykyk' You joked around in your mind, leading you to reveal a grin. At least he spared you a glance now. Even though he just looked at you weirdly.
Although all that he did was glance at you weirdly, your smile didn't cease to exist, but it sort of switched from a bright smile to a half broken one because of the sudden pain hitting you like a brick. Must be a sign! A sign for you to continue bugging him until he becomes your friend.
Eventually, the pain ceased to exist, and you went back to your seat— Which was beside the chair behind him, at the last row. You sighed, disappointed in your recent interaction with him. Though you weren't quick to give up. Of course you won't give up, he's the love of your life, and you're greatly dedicated to court him. You question yourself: 'Why do I love him? That him is a someone who doesn't even want to talk to me.' However, you still love him and treat him as if he would do the same for you. You really do not know why you love him and continue to strive for his love.
Another five minutes quickly passed because of your thoughts. Students scattered across the room, others set their bag down and conversed with their friends, urging you to at least talk to someone. You decide to talk to someone, to your only friend, Nilou. Walking to her seat placement, you were about to talk to her and strike up a coversation, but she lightly turned you down, saying that she was talking to someone else and that she'd talk to you in a minute. That one minute turned to 10 minutes, and you just stood there with a sheepish look on your face. You didn't mind though, knowing and understanding that she was busy. 'I can't just ruin or waste her time, she's busy. I guess I'll either just go back to my seat or wait until she's done.' You thought of it, and you chose the second option. She was your only friend, so she was the only person you could talk to or trust.
And then another minute passed. It's now 6:48 AM. Nilou finally walked up to you, greeting you with the warm smile you always seemed to love. That warm smile never failed to give you the urge to smile back. You see, you never really liked to talk to your classmates or anyone in your school, per se; it was because their personalities were quite... troublesome. Nilou was the first person to approach you with a smile, she was the first person to strike up a conversation with you that didn't make you feel uncomfortable. All your other schoolmates were... Let's just say that they were mind boggling. They kept giving you dirty looks, kept talking behind your back and laughing at you for no reason. You were sure that you made yourself presentable on the first day— Not that you were looking bad every school day. You've had your ups and downs, and Nilou was always there for you.
Speaking about Nilou, she's a part of the student council. You heard it from someone. It's no surprise, actually. Her aura is welcoming and kind, her personality was something to be proud of, the way she speaks to anyone, the way she acts, everything about her seems to be likeable. She was popular, and you were not. But of course, that didn't stop you from staying friends with her!
After greeting you with a warm smile, she striked up a conversation, she was even apologizing for taking so long before talking to you. You said you didn't mind and understood, which she appreciated. After that, both of you just talked about your interests. Her elegant way of being able to hold a conversation was amazing, it really did amaze you. Not to mention that she was great at keeping secrets, she knew you had feelings for Scaramouche and she kept it hidden. She had no feelings for him or whatsoever, he was just a mere acquaintance to her, so you needn't worry.
Your whole conversation with Nilou was about Scaramouche. You kept gushing about him, and she listened. You kept telling her how much you loved him! Of course, you didn't say it too loud. You didn't forget that he was still in the classroom.
Time passed, it was now 6:55 AM. You had just finished conversing with your friend, she went back to her seat to prepare her things for the upcoming first class of the day. She excused herself while you fixed up your things and bringing out your notebooks to take notes.
Throughout the first period, you had noticed that Scaramouche kept taking quick glances at you. Those quick glances didn't look like he was giving you a death stare for what happened. It didn't look like he wanted to kill you, he just had his usual scowl on his face. But it was sort of different this time. His expression was unusually softer than it usually is, despite his expression still being a scowl.
As he was opening his mouth to call out yout name, his attention shifted to something else, which was a girl. You recognized her, she looked pretty. Her hair was long, and she put it up into a ponytail. There was something off about her smile, something that others usually never noticed because they were too focused on her looks and 'kindness.' You never really talked to her because you had a bad feeling about her and because you heavily dislike her. You would avoid her by any means. You don't know her name but she's seated beside Scaramouche. 'That should've been me! I should've been beside him.' You thought.
You felt quite disappointed, he was just about to call out to you, but some girl snatched his attention. You didn't openly glare at her, but you were still upset. But what could you do? Nothing.
A few minutes passed, and class ended. The adviser of your class told everyone to take a recess break, saying that the teacher of the second period was absent. You felt quite happy, really. Your teacher of your second subject was mean to you. Though you didn't leave the room yet, opting to look for Nilou before going to the cafeteria.
Then something caught your eye. It was the same girl from earlier, she was standing on the doorway, holding his hand. Scaramouche's hand.
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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“Flowers for my Moon.”
Classmate!Scaramouche x GN!Reader
Another day in your life doesn't mean anything. You would always walk to school, not desiring to anger your mother. You never truly wanted to anger her, but it seems that for every move you make, she will always find a way to point out a mistake, even if there wasn't even a mistake. Moreover, she would constantly try to make you feel bad, and not one time did it not work. And you always felt bad for it, even though none of it was your fault. However, who was she to blame? You were just a child, and you were her own child.
You were lost in your own thoughts while walking to school, not looking where you were going. This day doesn't seem to differ from all the other days, it's always the same. You weren't feeling well again today, due to your mother offering to bring you to school. Knowing that it wouldn't come to a good end, you just politely declined her offer. And of course, she didn't take it so lightly. She kept accusing you of "hating" on her, she even said that you were just making her feel bad, making her feel as if she wasn't a good mother. You didn't want to anger her, you just wanted a good end, but it seems like you've failed. You only felt worse by thinking of it more.
Being so lost in your own thoughts, you bumped into someone while walking to school, making you fall on your behind. You were about to apologize and walk away, but then you recognized him. Sitting on the ground, you looked up at him and didn't move an inch, rendering you speechless. You looked like a statue and a fool on the ground. It was him. Your crush. Your classmate. The love of your life, Scaramouche! Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your soul leave your body as he turned around to face you while glaring.
"I... uhm... uh—" With a quick silent sorry, you immediately got up, snatching your bag away from the ground before running away. Hopefully, he heard your silent sorry, otherwise it would've been embarassing to face him for the whole day today.
It's 6:28 AM, and you've arrived at your destination, your school, your classroom. School starts at 7:00 AM, so you were quite early. Students were barely seen at that time, the only students in your room was you and your friend, Nilou. But who cares? Being early is a flex. Plus, you could even use your phone while waiting for class to start, something that you often couldn't do. But you were sweating and gasping for air, due to all the running and climbing the stairs, especially when your classroom is on the third floor. So obviously, you sat down on the first chair that you saw, took your time to catch your breath, taking five minutes off from your free time.
6:33 AM. You've finally caught your breath, and you weren't sweating anymore. But you couldn't lift a finger. Considering that you weren't much of an athlete, you had little to no stamina. 'It's 6:33 AM. No harm in taking a small nap, hehe...' You thought. But just as you were about to close your eyes, someone tapped on your shoulder, making you jolt up in surprise. All the tiredness left your body. Hell, even your heart almost leapt out of your body. "Gah! Nilou?! Don't scare me like that..." You were about to turn your head when— Ah. It's him. You didn't see or hear him enter the room before! What is he? A ghost? You felt your heart skip a beat as you felt your soul leave your body once again. You even looked like a lifeless statue again.
'What does this guy want now... Maybe it's me?! Omg, he wants me fr' You thought, even imagining an emoji with heart eyes. "Oh hi." With a simple hi, an hour conversation could start! You better get you hopes up, because this is definitely going to be good. A smile made its way to your clueless face, genuinely thinking that he would want to talk to you.
"Move. You're in my chair." He wasn't glaring at you like earlier, he just had that usual scowl on his face.
You were clearly devastated. So devastated that you were in a state of shock, causing you to only stare at his gorgeous face with a hopeless and baffled look on your face, and to stay still like a statue. You were slightly hurt by his words, also causing you to make a weird surprised face at him.
"What's with that weird face? I said move."
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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Please, make sure you read this before requesting. Let me know if you have a question.
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Things I can do
Any ships
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Will write
Fluff, angst, gore, legal ships, romance, gn reader, male reader, fem reader(if you don't specify, it'll become gn by default.), slowburn, suicide, death, etc
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Will not write
Excessive bodily fluids. Children (Unless it's just platonic fluff.) Age gaps. Incest. Pedophilia. Necrophilia. Sexual Assault. Proships. Homophobia. Racism. Transphobia. Fatphobia. Religous themes. Anything nsfw except gore.
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Greetings, I'm Polaris. I write for Genshin, Twst, Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, and Demon Slayer, for now at least...
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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Previous part.
For every step after step, and every pair of eyes staring at you, people question and ponder what had you so panicked as you ran through the halls of the Akademiya, not caring and looking to what's in front of you. You were too busy in your own thoughts, scolding yourself while you ran around looking like a headless chicken. They even wondered why your shoes were untied, it looked like you were going to trip any moment now.
And you did. You tripped on your own feet, causing you to fall. But what you didn't know was that there was someone in front of you, you didn't even know your shoes were untied. So how could you have possibly known that someone was in front of you?
A pair of arms slid around your waist, swiftly catching you as your face landed on his chest. Your face hurt after the land, and it gave you a nosebleed due to how hard you hit his chest. Don't be so dramatic now, you'll live.
You turned up to look at your savior, when— Gah! It's him. Al Haitham had just saved you from your possible fall. How did he get here so soon? He must've used a shortcut. You immediately backed up and tried to run away, but he gripped you tightly.
"Uhm..?" You quickly gave him a confused look, wondering why he wouldn't let you go. You squirmed around his arms, but he wouldn't budge. Never in your life have you ever panicked so bad until today.
"No thank you?" He asked while you stayed confused.
"I haven't asked you anything?" You pondered on what he was thinking of... 'Could it be— That he's rejecting me?!' You thought as your heart dropped, and your expression turned to sorrow.
"You're not thanking me for saving you from that fall?" He averted his gaze to your nose, it was bleeding.
'Oh! So he's not rejecting me? Does... Does that mean he accepts?!' You thought as your face lit up in joy. And then you were lost in your own thoughts again, being too busy celebrating that he hasn't rejected you yet. Too busy that you didn't even notice the pink envelope peeking out from his pocket.
"Ah. Yes, right, sorry... Thank you." And with that, he let go of you.
But he wasn't planning on letting you run away much longer.
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
Might post a part two to the haitham thing i wrote as a celebration to me passing the entrance test of marcelo ste hehe, might as well write a scaramouche fic while im on it🤭🤭
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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Next part.
Huh... You're here, again. Standing in front of your crush's locker, holding yet another pink envelope with both of your hands. 'How awful must I be, slipping another envelope to his locker. He probably doesn't even bother to read them!' You thought, making your face slightly distort in frustration.
These pink envelopes contained all your love for him. Every night, you would write another love letter for him, gently placing a kiss and then stamping it with wax. And then at morning, you swiftly slip it into his locker. You and Haitham were in the same class, and he knew you well, so you didn't place any initials, no. It would be a giveaway to who you really are. So you just used a red heart seal stamp.
Normally, when people get too busy with their own thoughts, they lose consciousness of their surroundings. And that's what you are right now. Being too busy in your own little world, you didn't even realize that Haitham was already behind your back. Heck, you didn't even notice his shadows!
"Hey, uh... Are you going to do something? Or..." Haitham was slightly concerned. After all, you were just standing there in your own thoughts. You stood so still that anyone could mistake you for a lost or misplaced statue!
Of course, you being you, you immediately shrieked, turning around to see his gorgeously divine face. Seeing him in front of you somehow made you scream and panic even more, making you back up on the locker in panic and hitting your head a little bit too hard.
Due to how hard you hit your head, you accidentally and unknowingly drop your envelope to cover the back of your head, and then you ran away while he stood there with a blank face. Hopefully, he didn't see or remember your face.
But obviously, because you embarassed the hell out of yourself there, he remembered it quite vividly.
And he found it cute.
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polaris-postmail · 1 year
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One, two, three... You try to open your eyes, but you seem to be unable to do so. Try again, loser.
One, two, three... You try to open your eyes again, but to no avail. It's as if you're trapped in this endless slumber, engulfed in darkness, having no sight or whatsoever. You try again with your meaningless attempts to wake up.
One, two, three... Wake up! You suddenly jolt up awake, still not having a sight worth to see. Everything around you is surrounded by the darkness. You can't see anything. It's not possible, at least not in this unlit room. Scared for your dear life, you try to look around and find anyone with a kind soul, but darkness was all you could find. Your hands wander around the room, desperately trying to find a source of light. You didn't seem to be afraid of the dark, so why were you afraid now? Those fearful eyes of yours look around the room, it goes all ways, but you can't seem to see anything...
Who knows? Maybe someone will eventually save you from this never-ending nightmare.
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