privacyofmind · 3 years
so the religion practiced in The Lion King isn’t really developed but seems to be based on the structure and stability of the food web
are there religious extremists? is Simba heretical for eating below his normal trophic level?
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privacyofmind · 3 years
Alright fellow add/adhd kids, repeat after me: weird progress is still progress.
It doesn't matter if other people see or think of it as progress, it matters that you do
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privacyofmind · 4 years
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Older Doodle!
The kids are doin what they do- getting into trouble!
(Silver thinks he’s a convict because Wade put him in a holding cell for 5 minutes after he drank the last CapriSun in the break room)
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privacyofmind · 4 years
Sometimes I feel like people don’t like how I am different from them. It seems like I spend a lot of time arguing with people about simple everyday things and the conversation always ends abruptly. Is it so wrong to think differently? To appreciate life through a different lense? To have a different understanding of the world?
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privacyofmind · 4 years
On Recieving Advice
Over the course of my life, I have gotten all manner of advice. Whether good, bad, or just plain terrible, try to remember that it is highly likely that the source is giving you this advice in the hopes that it will help you some how. 9 times out of 10, I have found that usually their heart is in the right place. Good advice is exceedingly rare, and, unfortunately, almost impossible to recognize when it counts.
I recommend that when recieving advice, that you listen to the person carefully, then shake their hand, look them in the eye, and as sincerely as you can muster say “thank you, I will take that into consideration” and then do what ever the fuck it was you were gonna do anyway. Because more likely than not, it is after the fact that you will find out just how good or bad that advice was anyway.
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privacyofmind · 5 years
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25 posts!
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privacyofmind · 5 years
Summer 2019
I don’t know. 
I don’t know, I don’t know, and I don’t know. 
I need help, 
but the help I’m getting is not the help I’m asking for. 
I’m trapped. 
I’m stuck. 
I’m broke. 
No one cares what I know I need, just what they think I need. 
No one wants to truly step up. 
No one wants my full-time job. 
My overtime job. 
My all consuming job. 
I am the liaison to everyone. 
The person everyone talks to. 
I have too much on my plate. 
To much for me to do. 
I don’t get time for fun. 
The time for fun I manage to scrape together ends up not being fun because of the stress. 
The overwhelming stress. 
The positively crushing stress. 
The stress that every second I spend not doing something, something will not be done. 
The stress that it’s all on me. 
That I carry too much weight. 
It’s time to make a change. 
Time to change the structure of my life. 
I have been trying to do this, 
but no one wants to go along with it. 
I’m on everyone else's time 24/7. 
I am never on my time. 
I want time for me. 
I am getting lazy from being depressed. 
The depression is worsened by the fact that the time I spend crying or lying around rather than working, 
buries me deeper and further behind on my overwhelming list of tasks. 
Delegating has not worked. 
We are fighting. 
All of us. 
Not just the two of us. 
I’m sick of arguing. 
I’m sick of feeling beat down. 
I’m sick of everything beating me down. 
My home is not stable. 
Emotion is too strong as everything keeps getting piled higher and deeper upon us. 
Too much tragedy. 
Too much expense. 
Too much being treated irresponsibly. 
Too much of no one else cares. 
No one else cares. 
No one wants to help. 
No one wants to hear my plea. 
No one wants to hear me. 
My voice is hushed. 
My thoughts are silenced. 
No one wants to know. 
No one wants to care. 
No one wants me to matter. 
No one wants what I feel to matter. 
I have lost my smile. 
My eyes are never dry. 
My bed is empty. 
My heart is filled with sorrow. 
I can’t take this. 
What’s worth it. 
What could possibly be worth it. 
Is there ever a place outside of rock bottom. 
Is there anyone to help dig me out. 
Am I trapped alone. 
Is the darkness all I have. 
Are these shackles what will always restrain me. 
Will I ever know what it's like to be free. 
Will freedom find me in my goals. 
Will it find me in my exhaustion. 
Will rest ever truly come. 
Will my mind ever sleep. 
Will my drink ever be full. 
Will I ever see a cup that isn’t empty. 
Will I ever have rights. 
Will I ever see the dawn of equity. 
Will I ever feel safe. 
Will I ever have. 
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privacyofmind · 5 years
What to do if you find yourself feeling like you need a new phone:
- Replace your screen protector (it may be wearing out, and new is so buttery smooth and clear! I recommend getting Tempered glass, a multi pack for easy replacing)
- Change the background image (it can be the same theme, just try to freshen it a bit!)
- Consider rearranging your apps to make your life easier/more organized
-Consider acquiring a new phone case (the old one may be wearing out, and if your a pop socket kind of person, consider getting a new one of those too)
There are lots of places to get this stuff online cheap, and of course if the phone itself is having real mechanical issues, this won't help. But, if you have found yourself with a little new phone envy, or finding that it's getting same old, same old, switching up how it looks on the outside can help. Besides, using cases and screen protectors can really help slow down the wearing out of your phone. They help protect it so it can stay shiny new looking and feeling! That way, fixing those outside features is all you have to do to feel like its a new phone. 
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privacyofmind · 5 years
Serval reacts to ice for the first time
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privacyofmind · 5 years
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Read full article here: 
5 Reasons Why Introverts Enjoy Being Alone
Follow @psych2go for more!
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privacyofmind · 5 years
Serval reacts to ice for the first time
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privacyofmind · 5 years
Apparently the current proposed name of the hypothetical ninth planet is Persephone which is such a good name I’m mad I didn’t think of it.
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privacyofmind · 5 years
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Traffic warden. Bentley. Crew. Director. We are only missing Terry Pratchett. Or I am. #GoodOmens
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privacyofmind · 5 years
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privacyofmind · 5 years
I thought you needed to see this
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privacyofmind · 5 years
The best notes written in manuscripts by medieval monks
Colophon: a statement at the end of a book containing the scribe or owner’s name, date of completion, or bitching about how hard it is to write a book in the dark ages
Oh, my hand
The parchment is very hairy
Thank God it will soon be dark
St. Patrick of Armagh, deliver me from writing
Now I’ve written the whole thing; for Christ’s sake give me a drink
Oh d fuckin abbot
Massive hangover
Whoever translated these Gospels did a very poor job
Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night
If someone else would like such a handsome book, come and look me up in Paris, across from the Notre Dame cathedral
I shall remember, O Christ, that I am writing of Thee, because I am wrecked today
Do not reproach me concerning the letters, the ink is bad and the parchment scanty and the day is dark
11 golden letters, 8 shilling each; 700 letters with double shafts, 7 shilling for each hundred; and 35 quires of text, each 16 leaves, at 3 shilling each. For such an amount I won’t write again
Here ends the second part of the title work of Brother Thomas Aquinas of the Dominican Order; very long, very verbose; and very tedious for the scribe; thank God, thank God, and again thank God
If anyone take away this book, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen
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privacyofmind · 5 years
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Good job leading that ship onto the rocks, high-five! 
That’s was a fun project I got myself into on a self-dare. The title comes from that tiny tiny figure on the lighthouse getting a high-five from the Chtulhu-like creature. Sadly this picture was a victim of the 2017 computer crash that caused the loss of several of my original HD files, so the zoom-ins (old WIP screenshots I had made and posted on instagram) are the last proof of this even being the case.
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