Agreed, but this made me realize that if Rose/Pink came back, she would see Steven suffering, and within minutes without the gem, he would be dead (as confirmed by the crew). She would despise White more, and she would probably have fused with him to save him anyway. She gave everything up for him, and it really showed in this scene. She didn’t use Steven as a scapegoat. She gave him the opportunity to have his own life and to make the other gems happy. And he did that without her.
Just My Humble Opinion:
Before I post this, I would like to give an official spoiler warning and a warning that you may not agree with me. Also, this post will be LONG. The following post involves items from Steven Universe’s most recent season finally, Change Your Mind. Just a heads up.
I continue to hear people talking about the scene where Steven and Pink Steven dance together, then fuse (Thank you again, James Baxter.) I would like to mention that people say Steven has finally met Rose/Pink Diamond. After everything, they meet, dance together, and then fuse. However, I feel that couldn’t be farther than the truth.
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In this scene, we see Steven and Pink Steven dance, and then, they fuse. It is heartwarming and this scene brings me to tears. However, I believe this is Steven. Steven alone. White Diamond pulls him apart. She removes his gem, his only link to his mom. His source of his powers. The thing that he feels keeps him who he is. But who came out of the gem? First, we see Pink, but it shifts to Roes. Neither of them form. STEVEN forms.
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And then he confirms himself that Rose.. Pink..
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She’s GONE.
Pink Diamond is gone. Rose Quartz is gone. Steven is the only thing, the only person, left of her, and he is not her.
Steven does not dance with his mom in this scene. He dances with himself. Sure, she’s there in spirit, loving him nonetheless, but she is gone.
And that is what gives this scene so much gravity.
As much as I love the thought of Steven meeting Pink/Rose, it takes away from the point of this scene, and it makes it so he, Steven, matters less.
For the entire series, Steven has been so worried about and dedicated to the idea that HE is his mother. He tries to live up to that. He tries to show that he can be just as good as her.
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“I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I’m grown.”
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It even makes it worse that, over the series, things have appeared to make what White was trying to show him was true. That he is Pink, and he has fooled himself into thinking that he could ever replace her. White feels like removing his gem will free Pink and that will show Steven and Pink that she will always be a diamond, but we know that is not true.
The scene with Pink Steven proves, finally, that Steven is more than just Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.  He finally knows he is not his mom, that he doesn’t have to be her, that he can just be himself. The he is all there is and ever will be.
It pisses me off that people say he FINALLY got to meet his mom, because that’s not true. He finally got confirmation that he is himself and that Rose/Pink is gone forever. He is finally free from the burden of her legacy. He can make his own legacy. He can truly be himself.
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And nobody, especially us, should EVER take that away from him. Because now he’s free. Forever.
Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, for everything.
397 notes · View notes
p l e a s e  g i v e  u s  t h e  e s s a y  o p
the reason the useless lesbian stereotype is a thing is that since birth women have been told that they are a passive party in their relationships; that they will be asked out, will be proposed to.  this has set them up to feel unable to take initiative and seek out those that they want to date. in this essay, i will -
28K notes · View notes
I have heard stories about my friends pitbull, Cream, who was the nicest dog ever. She died on February 2 of last year (may her soul rest in peace), but that doesn’t change anything.
According to Kennah, her dog was the sweetest. When they were little, Cream was like their guardian. She cuddled them and loved them. Sometimes, she would let them ride on her back around the house. She loved it until they got to heavy. She was always there to protect them.
A few years ago, when Kennah’s nephew was born, Cream started being protective of him. She would lay next to him carefully, she never wanted to be away from him. She would try to keep the other dogs away from him to rpotect him from getting hurt. As he grew, he also tried to ride her, but she made noises out of pain and he knew to stop when that happened. Instead, he would pet her and hug her and she would give him kisses.
She was the most amazing dog, from what I’m told. She would do anything for her kids.
And, yeah, I understand that this issue has plagued many other dogs. I feel the need to repeat a previous point that
That is the most true statement I have ever heard on this website. Stop killing dogs, stop hurting dogs, treat them like they’re your family and like you need to protect them. That is the only way that dogs will ever not hurt people. If. People. Change.
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Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
183K notes · View notes
Today my step-mom bought lunch meat
Including bologna.
It’s hard to eat that shit when you’ve played Sally Face.
Also when you catch hints about it on a daily basis in tv shows and on the internet.
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Yes! This! This is very valid! NEVER should you invalidate someone else because you are not the same.
Like, say you thought you were gay, but you figured out you like both (or many) and have a preference for the opposite gender. You wouldn’t suddenly invalidate gay people, that’s pretty much homophobia. It’s not cool. Not at all.
The fact that you used to use one label to define yourself, but no longer do so because it no longer fits you, does not mean that the label/identity just doesn’t exist. Wearing a size 8 in shoes when you used to wear a size 5 does not mean size 5s don’t exist. It just means it doesn’t fit you anymore, even if it used to. Or maybe a size 5 never fit you in the first place and you were a size 8 all along! That still doesn’t mean the size 5 doesn’t exist and doesn’t fit others. 
Stop invalidating others’ orientations and identities just because it wasn’t the right orientation/identity for you.
187 notes · View notes
informal poll
“fuck boys get money” means:
a) Forget boys, accrue wealth instead
b) Have sex with boys and get money for it
c) Fuck Boys—ie, boys who fuck—are paid well
d) Argh!! Boys are paid well
e) Shoot, boys sure understand money
317K notes · View notes
I got Dear Evan Hansen the book, and..
I was reading it. I just gotta say that for someone who has anxiety to read a book that shows how bad anxiety gets, it feels great to have it out there, but at the same time, I struggle to read from page to page.
Sure, I love the book so far. I love the musical to death. I love the characters and their growth. It’s just hard because I understand. Evan is struggling. He just wants it to be over, but everything he does drags him further into the abyss. It’s real, true, and hard to handle as anyone with anxiety can agree. Sure, none of the characters are perfect, but their imperfections are what help us relate to them. 
Connor struggled with suicidal thoughts, anger issues, and impulsive actions and he ended his life because it became to much. He couldn’t handle the pressure. He tried to turn to someone who he thought would understand him, but then, in his eyes at least, that person seemed to be trying to ruin his life more than he already felt it was. So he took his life. This brings us to his family.
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Zoe. She feels disconnected from him. Everyone around is telling her how amazing he was, erasing the horrible ways he treated others, especially her. Her mom is focusing on only the good, then Evan comes along and continues this charade that Connor was someone meant to cherish. To Zoe, Connor was a horrible brother and a horrible person. She can’t feel the same sadness her mother feels at his death because she struggles to see that there was any good in the rotten person she knew for so long. Their mother is just trying to make the best out of the horrible situation they are in, and their dad knows he deserves no compensation for what he did, but not in the same way as Zoe. He fells like Connor just threw his life away.
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Moving on, we have Jared. So far, he seems like your average class clown type. He never seems to think about what he’s saying. He just blurts out what comes to mind.This is an issue. It would get him into a lot of trouble. I don’t know much about Jared so far other than this, but he reminds me of Richie Tozier from IT. I also don’t know much about Alana but she seems peppy and sweet, not sure though.
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Now, we have Evan’s mom. She is trying her best, but she isn’t doing it well. She works her ass of supporting Evan, but she doesn’t do it all too well. She is struggling. She is trying to be there, but she also knows she has to work. This makes her appear selfish, but she does her best.
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And last, but not least, Evan. He is struggling with so much more than just anxiety. He gets himself into trouble and struggles to get himself out. He wants everything to be normal, he wants himself to be normal. He knows, or at least thinks, that’s impossible. He’s “too messed up” for it. He feels unseen, and in the most horrible way, Connor’s death sheds light on him. He never should have let it happen, but he could hardly do anytrhing to stop it. He had to make a choice: Go along with it and hope it goes okay while he panics on the inside or disappoint everyone by being honest, which would mark him as a freak. He should have been honest in the beginning. But he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t take the little hope Mrs. Murphy had away.
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They’re all messed up in their own ways. It’s horrible, yet I love it. Thank you for your time.
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Of course! I just wanted to voice my emotions. The topic was starting to make me angry because people were like “Don’t be rude because you don’t agree that Steven met him mom”
I disagree because I know that he didn’t.
Just My Humble Opinion:
Before I post this, I would like to give an official spoiler warning and a warning that you may not agree with me. Also, this post will be LONG. The following post involves items from Steven Universe’s most recent season finally, Change Your Mind. Just a heads up.
I continue to hear people talking about the scene where Steven and Pink Steven dance together, then fuse (Thank you again, James Baxter.) I would like to mention that people say Steven has finally met Rose/Pink Diamond. After everything, they meet, dance together, and then fuse. However, I feel that couldn’t be farther than the truth.
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In this scene, we see Steven and Pink Steven dance, and then, they fuse. It is heartwarming and this scene brings me to tears. However, I believe this is Steven. Steven alone. White Diamond pulls him apart. She removes his gem, his only link to his mom. His source of his powers. The thing that he feels keeps him who he is. But who came out of the gem? First, we see Pink, but it shifts to Roes. Neither of them form. STEVEN forms.
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And then he confirms himself that Rose.. Pink..
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She’s GONE.
Pink Diamond is gone. Rose Quartz is gone. Steven is the only thing, the only person, left of her, and he is not her.
Steven does not dance with his mom in this scene. He dances with himself. Sure, she’s there in spirit, loving him nonetheless, but she is gone.
And that is what gives this scene so much gravity.
As much as I love the thought of Steven meeting Pink/Rose, it takes away from the point of this scene, and it makes it so he, Steven, matters less.
For the entire series, Steven has been so worried about and dedicated to the idea that HE is his mother. He tries to live up to that. He tries to show that he can be just as good as her.
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“I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I’m grown.”
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It even makes it worse that, over the series, things have appeared to make what White was trying to show him was true. That he is Pink, and he has fooled himself into thinking that he could ever replace her. White feels like removing his gem will free Pink and that will show Steven and Pink that she will always be a diamond, but we know that is not true.
The scene with Pink Steven proves, finally, that Steven is more than just Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.  He finally knows he is not his mom, that he doesn’t have to be her, that he can just be himself. The he is all there is and ever will be.
It pisses me off that people say he FINALLY got to meet his mom, because that’s not true. He finally got confirmation that he is himself and that Rose/Pink is gone forever. He is finally free from the burden of her legacy. He can make his own legacy. He can truly be himself.
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And nobody, especially us, should EVER take that away from him. Because now he’s free. Forever.
Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, for everything.
397 notes · View notes
I could NOT agree more, my dude
Just My Humble Opinion:
Before I post this, I would like to give an official spoiler warning and a warning that you may not agree with me. Also, this post will be LONG. The following post involves items from Steven Universe’s most recent season finally, Change Your Mind. Just a heads up.
I continue to hear people talking about the scene where Steven and Pink Steven dance together, then fuse (Thank you again, James Baxter.) I would like to mention that people say Steven has finally met Rose/Pink Diamond. After everything, they meet, dance together, and then fuse. However, I feel that couldn’t be farther than the truth.
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In this scene, we see Steven and Pink Steven dance, and then, they fuse. It is heartwarming and this scene brings me to tears. However, I believe this is Steven. Steven alone. White Diamond pulls him apart. She removes his gem, his only link to his mom. His source of his powers. The thing that he feels keeps him who he is. But who came out of the gem? First, we see Pink, but it shifts to Roes. Neither of them form. STEVEN forms.
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And then he confirms himself that Rose.. Pink..
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She’s GONE.
Pink Diamond is gone. Rose Quartz is gone. Steven is the only thing, the only person, left of her, and he is not her.
Steven does not dance with his mom in this scene. He dances with himself. Sure, she’s there in spirit, loving him nonetheless, but she is gone.
And that is what gives this scene so much gravity.
As much as I love the thought of Steven meeting Pink/Rose, it takes away from the point of this scene, and it makes it so he, Steven, matters less.
For the entire series, Steven has been so worried about and dedicated to the idea that HE is his mother. He tries to live up to that. He tries to show that he can be just as good as her.
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“I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I’m grown.”
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It even makes it worse that, over the series, things have appeared to make what White was trying to show him was true. That he is Pink, and he has fooled himself into thinking that he could ever replace her. White feels like removing his gem will free Pink and that will show Steven and Pink that she will always be a diamond, but we know that is not true.
The scene with Pink Steven proves, finally, that Steven is more than just Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.  He finally knows he is not his mom, that he doesn’t have to be her, that he can just be himself. The he is all there is and ever will be.
It pisses me off that people say he FINALLY got to meet his mom, because that’s not true. He finally got confirmation that he is himself and that Rose/Pink is gone forever. He is finally free from the burden of her legacy. He can make his own legacy. He can truly be himself.
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And nobody, especially us, should EVER take that away from him. Because now he’s free. Forever.
Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, for everything.
397 notes · View notes
If you have story prompts and you would like someone to use them, look no further! My friend and I share a Wattpad account and we are developing a story where each chapter bases off a story prompt. Currently, the only version we have so far is short love stories that we are working on. However, we plan to further this if all goes well. Therefore, please submit many different ones. So, if you please, submit some in my ask. Please and thank you!
(P.S. I will credit everyone who gives me them, and if they find them from somewhere, I will credit both. Thank you!)
Our book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/179140846-%E2%99%A1-some-stories-%E2%99%A1
0 notes
@lovejapan55 and a few others have brought to my attention that this is NOT my opinion, but it is a proven fact. Rebecca Sugar herself has apparently confirmed this to be true. Now, I never saw that myself (wherever it is), but enough people have told me now that it’s probably true, and if not, I spent and hour writing it anyway and I stand by it.
Just My Humble Opinion:
Before I post this, I would like to give an official spoiler warning and a warning that you may not agree with me. Also, this post will be LONG. The following post involves items from Steven Universe’s most recent season finally, Change Your Mind. Just a heads up.
I continue to hear people talking about the scene where Steven and Pink Steven dance together, then fuse (Thank you again, James Baxter.) I would like to mention that people say Steven has finally met Rose/Pink Diamond. After everything, they meet, dance together, and then fuse. However, I feel that couldn’t be farther than the truth.
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In this scene, we see Steven and Pink Steven dance, and then, they fuse. It is heartwarming and this scene brings me to tears. However, I believe this is Steven. Steven alone. White Diamond pulls him apart. She removes his gem, his only link to his mom. His source of his powers. The thing that he feels keeps him who he is. But who came out of the gem? First, we see Pink, but it shifts to Roes. Neither of them form. STEVEN forms.
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And then he confirms himself that Rose.. Pink..
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She’s GONE.
Pink Diamond is gone. Rose Quartz is gone. Steven is the only thing, the only person, left of her, and he is not her.
Steven does not dance with his mom in this scene. He dances with himself. Sure, she’s there in spirit, loving him nonetheless, but she is gone.
And that is what gives this scene so much gravity.
As much as I love the thought of Steven meeting Pink/Rose, it takes away from the point of this scene, and it makes it so he, Steven, matters less.
For the entire series, Steven has been so worried about and dedicated to the idea that HE is his mother. He tries to live up to that. He tries to show that he can be just as good as her.
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“I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I’m grown.”
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It even makes it worse that, over the series, things have appeared to make what White was trying to show him was true. That he is Pink, and he has fooled himself into thinking that he could ever replace her. White feels like removing his gem will free Pink and that will show Steven and Pink that she will always be a diamond, but we know that is not true.
The scene with Pink Steven proves, finally, that Steven is more than just Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.  He finally knows he is not his mom, that he doesn’t have to be her, that he can just be himself. The he is all there is and ever will be.
It pisses me off that people say he FINALLY got to meet his mom, because that’s not true. He finally got confirmation that he is himself and that Rose/Pink is gone forever. He is finally free from the burden of her legacy. He can make his own legacy. He can truly be himself.
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And nobody, especially us, should EVER take that away from him. Because now he’s free. Forever.
Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, for everything.
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A conversation between two of my friends a few weeks ago
Kennah: so, yeah.. I signed up for that Be More Chill karaoke contest. I hope I win.
Alex: oh. Yeah. I didn't.
Kennah: why?
Alex: I can't sing. And I can't be that close to Jason Tam.
They opened my mind, because if that isn't a whole mood, I don't know what is.
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Just My Humble Opinion:
Before I post this, I would like to give an official spoiler warning and a warning that you may not agree with me. Also, this post will be LONG. The following post involves items from Steven Universe’s most recent season finally, Change Your Mind. Just a heads up.
I continue to hear people talking about the scene where Steven and Pink Steven dance together, then fuse (Thank you again, James Baxter.) I would like to mention that people say Steven has finally met Rose/Pink Diamond. After everything, they meet, dance together, and then fuse. However, I feel that couldn’t be farther than the truth.
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In this scene, we see Steven and Pink Steven dance, and then, they fuse. It is heartwarming and this scene brings me to tears. However, I believe this is Steven. Steven alone. White Diamond pulls him apart. She removes his gem, his only link to his mom. His source of his powers. The thing that he feels keeps him who he is. But who came out of the gem? First, we see Pink, but it shifts to Roes. Neither of them form. STEVEN forms.
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And then he confirms himself that Rose.. Pink..
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She’s GONE.
Pink Diamond is gone. Rose Quartz is gone. Steven is the only thing, the only person, left of her, and he is not her.
Steven does not dance with his mom in this scene. He dances with himself. Sure, she’s there in spirit, loving him nonetheless, but she is gone.
And that is what gives this scene so much gravity.
As much as I love the thought of Steven meeting Pink/Rose, it takes away from the point of this scene, and it makes it so he, Steven, matters less.
For the entire series, Steven has been so worried about and dedicated to the idea that HE is his mother. He tries to live up to that. He tries to show that he can be just as good as her.
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“I will fight to be everything that everybody wants me to be when I’m grown.”
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It even makes it worse that, over the series, things have appeared to make what White was trying to show him was true. That he is Pink, and he has fooled himself into thinking that he could ever replace her. White feels like removing his gem will free Pink and that will show Steven and Pink that she will always be a diamond, but we know that is not true.
The scene with Pink Steven proves, finally, that Steven is more than just Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz.  He finally knows he is not his mom, that he doesn’t have to be her, that he can just be himself. The he is all there is and ever will be.
It pisses me off that people say he FINALLY got to meet his mom, because that’s not true. He finally got confirmation that he is himself and that Rose/Pink is gone forever. He is finally free from the burden of her legacy. He can make his own legacy. He can truly be himself.
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And nobody, especially us, should EVER take that away from him. Because now he’s free. Forever.
Thank you, Rebecca Sugar, for everything.
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Can we all appreciate James Baxter please?
Go, James Baxter, go! 🐴 
90K notes · View notes
My friend showed me something interesting
Not gunna say a lot, but reblog if you ever have had a “Bitch stole your look” moment, maybe tell your story?
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May I add this to the table?
Cause I dunno if anyone else did
I had a dream last night that there was another live action of Black Butler and Sebastian Michaelis was played by Spencer from ICarly… it was so vivid and I can’t stop thinking about it
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I’d just like to call back to this post because literally she had SO MUCH more guts than anyone in the school. Literally, she was like the best.
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Boyfriend* over*
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