radicalavender · 13 days
A lot of "radfems" continually peddle the idea that Middle Eastern men are more misogynistic than white, "Western" men and either do not realize or purposefully do not mention that this rhetoric was started by the far right to popularize white supremacy/Neo Naziism and is a dogwhistle to "The Great Replacement" theory.
They start off at first framing their worry with immigrants by spinning a story of how Middle Eastern men are coming into Europe and raising the incidents of rape to an extremely high degree. They show false statistics and reports that have been faked to further convince you of this new rape epidemic.
After watching crazy exposes of these supposed incidents you continue to "research" more and more into this phenomenon, why nobody is acknowledging it, etc. and after they radicalize you into hating these men specifically, they introduce escalating ideas of racism to you until the idea of the "great replacement" is acceptable to you - and that we shouldn't accept immigrants and refugees because rapists are coming through the border to Rape our Women and Convert them to Islam (and to get rid of white people) and we hate the Men, not women! (Ignore that a majority of refugees are women and children; ignore that immigration is a lengthy process, and "Illegal immigrants" are just refugees, those who have been on the waiting lists for years, or those who are technically considered "illegal" because they didn't renew their visas; ignore that the sources we provided are made up, ignore that we only ever talk about black and brown people, we can't have white people going extinct- being replaced!)
How do I know about this and the things they say? I was introduced to a big part of alt right propaganda by Lauren Southern, which led me down what online leftists called the "alt-right pipeline." I wasn't looking for this, I was introduced after watching more and more misogynistic content. It happened slowly, and before long, I knew of the theory. I knew of the Evil Jews destroying the Earth. I awaited the Boogaloo. Overall, though, I didn't care much for these theories - I just wanted to indulge in my self hatred, and yet bigotry was instilled in every misogynistic content they produced. Every word and line they said implanted the seed of what they were really fighting for. And although I enjoyed letting my mental illness fester by watching this content, I couldn't ignore the racism/homophobia/etc. and, in a way, I suppose that made me realize that misogyny was illogical just like any other bigotry, too.
I was going to link to Lauren Southern's video popularizing this term further and how she uses the rhetoric above, however, she's since deleted it. Another Youtuber has called her out in this video here, which clips some of her original video:
More examples of her peddling the Rapist Immigrant rhetoric:
Seeing the same propaganda pop up in the space I've learned to love myself in is terrifying. Seeing the beginnings of what became an awful ideology I found myself in whenever I festered in my own mentally ill thoughts is terrifying.
This is a racist talking point you are promoting. It is false. It has been disproven time and time again and yet here you are, still believing in it.
And to any radfems still questioning that this is propaganda, I urge you ask yourselves:
What sources gave you this information?
Why is it only this specific group of men?
If reports of rape are rare compared to actual incidents of rape, and if the concept of "false accusations" are always brought up whenever any incidents of rape do get reported/do occur, why is it only in this specific instance that rape is being called out at all?
If the sources that gave you this information truly cared about women, why do they never report similar "spikes" when referring to immigrants/refugees in other countries or just in other countries in general?
If you can believe it is all men, then why do you assume that one culture is worse when there are similar or even higher misogyny rates in every single country on planet Earth?
If you still cannot introspect on your racism and the origins of the ideas you are peddling, whether ignorant to it before, you are not a radical feminist, let alone a feminist at all. You are a white supremacist. You are not welcome here, and never will be.
And above all else, you are actively harming and making it unsafe for black and brown people, especially black and brown women, to be here on Tumblr and make it unsafe for them to exist at all.
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radicalavender · 13 days
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radicalavender · 13 days
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well yes!😭
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radicalavender · 13 days
nobody would want to go to your bar full of fat sweaty white dykes anyway
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radicalavender · 2 months
Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support
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radicalavender · 2 months
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WAND) — The Sangamon County State's Attorney released body camera footage Monday showing the events leading up to the shooting of Springfield woman Sonya Massey shortly after a 911 call.
The release of the video had been postponed at the request of Massey's family, but was finally released this afternoon. The footage can be seen below. Some images have been blurred by police. Massey was shot and killed by Sangamon County Sheriff's deputy Sean Grayson on July 6 after she called 911 herself to report a possible prowler at her home just before 1 a.m. At 1:21 a.m., deputies reported shots had been fired. Two deputies were at Massey's home responding to the 911 call. One deputy turned on his body-worn camera when they first arrived on scene, but Grayson only activated his camera after shooting Massey. Prosecutors alleged that Grayson ordered Massey to move a pot of water heating on the stove to the counter. Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9 mm pistol. Massey then put her hands in the air, declared “I'm sorry” and ducked for cover before being shot in the face. Grayson also discouraged the other deputy from getting his medical kit, prosecutors said.
This afternoon, horrific bodycam footage of the police killing of Sonya Massey by Sean Grayson in her own home in Springfield, IL was released.
Sonya Massey deserved to live a full life instead of being killed by Grayson. #SonyaMassey #JusticeForSonya #BlackLivesMatter
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radicalavender · 2 months
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Local bookstore vandalism reminds me to have sex with my girlfriend 🩷
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radicalavender · 2 months
yes pls keep saying this shit bc the transing of lesbians is like one of the main reasons i peaked
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radicalavender · 2 months
i wish nonlesbians would shut the fuck up about gnc/masc/butch dykes being one step away from being trans. im so sorry your idea of women is so limited that you cant imagine masculine women existing
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radicalavender · 2 months
i was abt to post this with the caption “this is why im never dating a bi woman again” (which is also real) but apparently op is a tim so like yeah very likely thing for him to say
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radicalavender · 2 months
i would say i don’t think i’m better than anybody but i’m a misandrist and everybody is not, of course i’m better than them
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radicalavender · 2 months
where can i find lesbians of colour on here? i want to be among my people
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radicalavender · 2 months
In 2018, 77% of South Korean men under 30 were supportive of the #MeToo movement in South Korea (which is it's own distinct, but related--movement to the 2016 American #MeToo), but in 2021 this number is around 29%! It's only gotten worse since then, as there are plenty of articles around how anti-feminist South Korea is, to the point where the conservative presidential candidate had an upswing in polls after claiming he'd "abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality"--and he went on to win!
The anti-feminist backlash has gotten so bad that there are lots of cases of women getting fired for basic feminist statements:
"In 2016, a voice actress was fired for uploading a picture of herself wearing a t-shirt saying ‘Girls do not need a prince’ on social media."
"Since 2016, at least forty-three workers have been mistreated at work for being feminists in South Korea."
What strikes me is that this effect is particularly concentrated in Korea's young men, even though conventional wisdom holds that younger generations are more progressive. This is a crazy amount of anti-feminist backlash, even by anti-feminist backlash standards.
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radicalavender · 2 months
my very tra friend is reading the second sex by simone de beauvoir…. happy peaking!!
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radicalavender · 2 months
packing up my things… putting my radfem books and harry potter books in the same box like god intended
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radicalavender · 2 months
White transwoman in plain English: I'm sexually attracted to misogyny. I think being raped is the epitome of femaleness and if I'm being perfectly honest, it would be extremely validating. Sexual degradation not only affirms my womanhood but my sense of being as a woman. When I get catcalled or disrespected for my feminine appearance I get an erection. To be honest this compulsion of mine to feel small and powerless is what drove me to start identifying as a woman. Libfems using every coping mechanism imaginable to suppress their common sense: TERFs wouldn't get what she's saying, she's a feminist philosopher venting about the complexities of womanhood. When she says the thought of being raped makes her cum the hardest she's saying exactly the same thing Andrea Dworkin and many feminists once said about gender-based violence. What she's saying is SUPERRR DEEEP and complex and is basically the essence of feminism but terfs are too stupid to see. Sad really. She's basically the female Socrates that's why people can't get what she's saying.
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radicalavender · 2 months
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i’m just saying there’s a reason why we don’t see tif’s post about “gay breaking” and why we don’t see them post about wanting to rape and violate gay men or people who don’t agree with their ideology in general. there’s a reason why they don’t claim that gay men all secretly like vaginas.
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