redfusewired · 9 years
Tear-jerking Tuesdays
There’s no better way to effectively communicate a message than to play on your heart’s strings. Leveraging on collegian Football phenomenon, Fletcher Cleaves, and his tragic yet touching story... he reminds us that it’s never worth glancing over at your phone while you’re behind the wheel.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Congratulations! You’re In Last Place
According to Nike, it’s all about mustering up the courage to run a race... let alone a marathon. If you’ve already lost the race.... might as well lose in style? But hey, it’s a short and endearing spot that offers a fresh new perspective. We’re done with ball-sweating, ball-busting TVCs, of thriving athletes that come in first place... because in reality, that’s only just the 1%, out of the many rest of us that work out and exercise too. So thank you, Nike, for showing us what it it’s like on the other end of the race.
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redfusewired · 9 years
From Beckham to Hart
It’s all about the content... yes, and the amount of following plays a big role too. But when you artfully produce content like this, it adds points to your branding. You make people hop on the bandwagon. You master the art of selling without being too “hard-sell”. Ads don’t need to be 30, 45 second TVCs anymore. When you have funny, believable, content... sometimes, it’s all it really takes.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Without Words
Simple, minimal, and so pure. DHL’s new set of print ads, with the help of Grey Group Bangalore, that just does it so tastefully and effectively.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Here’s another gimmicky, animal ad, but hey... it works? This spot is for the new TomTom app that simultaneously with their TomTom action cam, an easy-to-use video uploading and editing app on your smartphone that doesn’t require much knowledge, trimming, filtering or whatever that is you need to know to get your video to look right. All it rquires is a simple “shake.” If a goat can do it, I’m sure we can too. Why did I post this? Well, it’s about the simple, core idea, in which the brand’s story revolves around. Although the script sounds a little cheesy or takes on a different style of humor, the idea is clear... easy-to-use (or for lack of a better phrase, “stupid proof.”
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redfusewired · 9 years
LED Sensation
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Who Nike + AKQA (San Francisco) What An interactive basketball court, called “House of Mamba”, is what the future is all about. Kobe Bryant flew all the way into China to champion the event, but the real coaching and teaching came from the basketball court itself. With the use of LED sensory, it guided players to polish their skills on almost every area possible, from defense to offense. Why we should care Well this brings us two things... one is our creative use of the environment, that we no longer stick to just the physical but with advanced technology it brings forth a new world of possibilities. Two, we bear in mind the question (as we always do) that with technology taking over, does this mean we no longer need people to carry out certain jobs— like coaching our athletes? Is it a good or bad thing now that we can rely on technology to do almost everything for us? Like cooking or making our food, cleaning the house.
This just reminds me of Pixar’s 2008 film, Wall-E.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Hello... Pizza?
Who CNA Language School + Bella Vista Pizzeria + FCB Brazil What English lessons and free pizza? Well that makes it sound like an English class party at the end of the school year. Okay, let me rephrase... How about ordering pizza and helping someone learn and practice their English while waiting for your pizza? And when it’s all been said and done, all of your help leads to a greater discount? That’s sounds like a more significant cause. The mechanics are simple: customers in Bella Vista Pizzeria had the options to directly order their pizza without a discount or order a pizza and talk to student from CNA Lanugage School in São Paulo through an ipad. The longer they converse and help these students practice their English, the bigger the discount. Why we should care You’ll be willing to do anything for free, especially when it comes to free food. The insight and the motivational drive is simple, yet so powerful. And the reason why I call it a ‘significant cause’ is because it calls for us to make choices based on the benefit of others and not just ourselves.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Coming Soon: Super Expensive Flights to Outerspace
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SpaceX presents to you a retro-design trio of tourism posters in prep for NASA’s mission to Mars. If all goes well, fingers crossed, it will be the next ultimate tourist destination for... well, all of mankind.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Finger Clickin’ Good
Not much to say here, except... Well done, KFC! Their insight was right on the money. Now who wants to get their phones all dirty, typing with greasy fingers? Not to mention that even as a fast-food chain, KFC has a way of creating a unique dining experience for their customers. Meanwhile, about a year and a half ago, KFC Malaysia also launched a ‘Phone Stack’ campaign, which was all about being present in the moment rather than being stuck to your phone. When people collectively stacked their phones up to a certain time limit, they all got to share a special discount for their next meal. This ‘Tray Typer’, however, may well be conveying the exact opposite of what KFC was trying to communicate years ago in Malaysia. Providing tools for connecting to their smartphone only paves the way for people to slide back into being stuck on their phones. Which begs me to ask the question: what message is KFC really trying to communicate to their consumers? Or do they stand for anything at all? Talk about indecisiveness. Watch the ‘Phone Stack’ ad here:
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redfusewired · 9 years
Let’s Speak Emoji
Who WWF & Wieden + Kennedy (London) What A cross collaboration between Twitter and Emoji to educate users about endangered animals around the world. With the hashtag #EndangeredEmoji, people are reminded of the animals they so often use in their everyday language, without being aware of what is really happening in the wildlife. Here are the mechanics... if you register your twitter account, it will keep track of how many times you use an animal emoji from the list of ‘Endangered Emojis’. Twitter will send you a monthly bill asking you to donate to WWF according to the species you’ve used. Why we should care The insight here is plain, simple, and effective. The key is that they looked into our lifestyles, our everyday language and behavior, then adding onto it and making us conscious and aware of what we do... all for a good cause. It’s a less “in-your-face” way of advertising and reaching out. These are the times where we don’t plaster words in your face anymore— it’s the time where we we speak using icons, stickers, and pictographs to tell a story. Do you think it puts humanity in a dangerous position of forgetting how to speak and communicate with each other using words?
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redfusewired · 9 years
Inside the Mind of... A Dishwasher
Here’s something different for a change... a TV spot by Wieden+Kennedy London that was released just about a month ago for a dish-washing detergent called Finish. It offers a new perspective and a perfect solution, reminding us all why we need that dishwasher... soap.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Wear It Like Beauty Marks
Who Hungarian Interchurch Aid + ACG (Hungary) What Tattoos for a cause... temporary ones. No, not the glittery ones. Not even the ones that glow-in-the-dark. They come in the form of bruises, cuts, and scars and all in the name for anti-domestic violence. With that said, the act was simple, it was to encourage women all over Hungary to wear these tattoos to raise awareness through social media with a hashtag, #HurtsMeToo, and with some help from the country’s 5 biggest stars. News spread rapidly like wildfire reaching more than 30% of the country’s population in just 3 days. It became prime time news and more importantly, it reached the parliament putting this issue of violence back on their agenda. Why we should care We just should because they show us how. How they have managed to develop a campaign across social media to be carried out seamlessly.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Hot & Hunky
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I meant the new McDonald’s burgers they are releasing for a limited time only. But I think I could say the same for their not-so-secret reboot of Hamburglar. From an illustrative, almost childish approach to a more “real-feel” appeal (made that up), what could this be saying about today’s pop culture? It seems as though everyone’s moving away from a fictional made up world and bringing us back to reality....  with more “human touch”.
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redfusewired · 9 years
No Time to Workout? Think Again.
Who Powerade + Ogilvy & Mather (Berlin) What Multiple interactive billboards around the city that challenges people to use their strength and abilities. Some displayed moving rock-climbing walls, others lifting the entire billboard as heavy weight, while others were challenged to punch as hard as they could. This takes ambient advertising to a new level, and they did it perfectly (without any casualties or injuries, of course). Their message was: “You have more power than you think.” True, but what I thought would’ve been a stronger message could’ve been along the lines of “No more excuses not to workout.” But then again that’s just my personal opinion. Why we should care Seeing things like this just inspires us to do things in a grander, larger scale. And though we live in compact and densely populated cities, we still have an abundance of space... we just need to look and more importantly know what we could do with a space. We need to be masterminds of this craft.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Get Over Waiting
Who Coca-Cola + Ogilvy & Mather (Amsterdam) What A new phase to convey the message of “choosing happiness” in the form of a catchy, pop song. Why we should care Although the music video is slapped with coke products, they get in touch with our human emotions to choose happiness, now. “Yeah, happiness comes to those who wait... sure, but what are you waiting for?” What’s the ultimate message we want to convey? Does that message reflect a human truth? (In this case, it’s about choosing to be happy because it’s not only good for ourselves.. it’s contagious and it does good for the people around us too.) And if it doesn’t, then maybe its time to re-evaluate the way we think, the messages we want to convey, because advertising is no longer about product stories or testimonials... it’s about human truths and finding the most creative ways to convey them.
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redfusewired · 9 years
Let the Waterworks Begin
Who True Move H (Thailand) What We all know that the Thais’ are the best at pulling strings when it comes to emotional, tear-jerking TVCs. Well this spot for a Thai telecom companies just does the same, but it compellingly and beautifully tells a story of humanity. One of the spot’s actors shared: “Compassion is a beautiful and powerful gift that is needed in so many places at this very moment. It is an incredible power that all of us have at our disposal. Let's use it.” Why we should care This is what gives me hope... advertising with a true purpose and a work of art. While the music and the film themselves were crafted to a T, it conveys a powerful message about humans connecting with one another... not on Facebook, not even through a text, but by a simple action of stretching out your hand. It’s the most primitive, simple way of showing it. And it works.
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redfusewired · 9 years
The Love Note that Beats It All
Who Post-it + Innored (Korea) What Here’s another example of proving that your product can do more than what it was made more. The agencies partnered up with a young man who wanted to do extraordinary for his girlfriend and propose by using post-it notes on a large scale. Who knew that these little sticky squares have such a huge impact? Why we should care The thought that exists here is that you can sell a product, without going literal about what they’re really used for. I’m not saying that its okay to do something completely irrelevant to your product, but maybe use the most unconventional way of expressing what the product can do aside from the usual. Maybe you’re selling a pen. Don’t sell the fact that it writes. Make up a story and sell the fact that a pen has the power to make someone into a millionaire after a simple signature on a cheque book. Or the fact that it can bond or unite two spouses when signing a name on a certificate. You know, the unconventional stuff.
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