rosebuddyboy · 7 years
some dad lance things he’d definitely do
after dropping the kids off at school, he’d yell out the window “MAKE GOOD CHOICES SWEETIES” in a white suburban mom voice
the kids die in embarrassment
honks ridiculously long when he goes to pick them up, all the other kids stare at his kids, his kids love him but also want to go home rn immediately
dances with his kids from every genre. to traditional cubano music all the way to beyoncé, it’s adorable, even when they kinda trip over their own little toddler feet
is the Really Competitive Dad at their sports games
will definitely yell at the Ref
gives the evil eye to the other team’s coach. the coach has no idea why this dad is squinting at him
gives his kids a lot of support, smiles, and thumbs up at their games
definitely the loudest dad in the sidelines
probably made signs with his kiddos for what they wanted them to say on it, carries them proudly during the games
(they even made one for keith to hold too)
the best at doing their kids hair. especially the one who has super curly hair, because he used to have to comb the knots out for his younger sister and knows how to do it in a way that would hurt
take his kids out to look at the stars
they come up with fake stories about each one because they don’t know any of the constellations yet, it’s super cute
first time he took his first bab to cuba with keith, his mom burst out to tears. then lance burst out to tears. everyone burst out into tears.
keith was very confused but comforted them both
just….. Lance as a Dad (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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15/50 “beef jerky and road trips go hand in hand babe!”
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
sometimes I get so jealous of other people’s social skills. like damn. they can talk to people?? and people like them?? look at all those people who like them. wtf. illegal
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
now accepting anon hate
but only in the form of haikus
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
My 10 y/o brother just said “I have an appetite for destruction” and then he reached down and untied my shoe
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
I fucked up a job interview so bad today they asked me why I wanted to work at this fast food restaurant and I blanked and said that when I was little I liked their fries and wanted to be the French fry queen
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
how can lawyers argue without crying 
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
spice up those coffee shop AUs
sure, i used to be a regular, but i literally haven’t been to this coffee shop in two years. how do you still remember my order??
you wrote my name down wrong the first time i came here and i didn’t correct you, but you’re really sweet and now i don’t know how to tell you you’ve been calling me by the wrong name for the past month.
i’m the manager and one of the other employees keeps drawing amazing art on the chalkboards, but i can’t figure out who it is?? i’ve been keeping a meticulous schedule to figure out whose shift it appears during
i work opening shift, but whenever i get there at 5:30 somehow you’re always already there, looking flawlessly put together. you haven’t even had your coffee yet. tell me your secrets.
we’re coworkers but we work different shifts and communicate exclusively through post-it notes. maybe i should just give you my phone number already so you can tell me more about the lady who ordered a latte for her ten year old.
you and your friend always sit at the table a couple down from mine and gossip in [insert language here], which happens to be a language i’m currently learning. i’ve been eavesdropping to try and improve my listening comprehension and oh my god are you actually talking about how hot i am??? 
i love hot chocolate So Much but it’s embarrassing to be the adult ordering hot chocolate at a coffee shop, so do you think you could announce that it’s a different drink when you’re giving it to me??
at the local coffee shop, there’s a chess set set up in one corner of the shop and every morning i move one piece. later in the day, someone else always moves a piece too. i’m dying to know who i’m playing against.
i’m a new hire and you’re trying to show me how to use the espresso machine. i actually already know how to use it, but i’m pretending to be incompetent so that you’ll keep talking to me. please don’t fire me.
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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agatha wellbelove
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
me: i love-
anyone i have ever talked to, ever: yes, you love keith, we know, you love keith so much, he’s the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love keith, we KNOW, you love keith, you fucking love keith ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE KEITH, WE GET IT.
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
how much u wanna bet that penny goes to america for a while with the bf and winds up bringing back some southern fried chicken and how many pieces do u think simon can eat in one sitting
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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ok but hear me out: pining lance
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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bad fashion boyfriends
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
person: there’s something i have to tell you  my anxiety: *the pink panther theme* 
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
lance: hi keith: hi? 🙋⬆⬆ the only thing “high” here are my raised arms 🙌🚫🚫 while i process this betrayal 😤😠😭 because of the bonding™ ❤💛💚💙💜🌈 moment that you conveniently forgot 👀🙅💔 
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rosebuddyboy · 7 years
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Small Yuri on Ice watercolors. Painted most of these a month back and forgot about them haha!
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