samanthacastroc · 3 years
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I’ve been playing with these angel cards and the messages I received have been lovely. So I thought about pulling some cards for you. This is a general message for the collective energy. If it resonates with you 🥰 ✨ Your prayers have been heard. Your hopes, wishes and desires have reached us. Nothing ever goes unnoticed. If we are quiet, it doesn't mean we have left you, it means we are asking you to be patient, to trust, to surrender your dreams to the universe and trust it will happen. Because it will. Faith requires courage, so we are asking you to be courageous, to trust, to keep going despite the difficulty, even when everything seems to be lost, because it isn’t. Above all, we are here to tell you you are not alone, your tears, your suffering, your effort, it doesn't go unnoticed. We are standing right here next to you, touching your heart, transferring into your being the energy you need to keep going. We have not left you alone. Be brave and trust what you wish for will come to pass, all at divine timing ❤️ . . #oraclemessage #angelsmessage #oraclecards #oracledeck #trust #channelreading #channeledmessage #trustyourintuition #youarenotalone #spiritguides #sourceenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/COgBHtGHp9J/?igshid=1tjezs25zpywf
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/COTVFv2HxYj/?igshid=5z1clclls00k
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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More important than the deer is the question because based on your question you will get the answer. Something to keep in mind when walking the spiritual path is that nobody is going to “heal” you, no one is going to rescue, no one has the answer but you. All you need is already in YOU or available to YOU so YOU can decide on the best way forward. 3D living means giving your power away to someone else. Hoping somebody else will rescue you or show you the way. An elevated way of being means you call your power back, you chose for yourself, you find the answers within. Call back your power 💪✨ . . #tarot #tarotreading #tarotguidance #callbackyourpower #womenempowerment #spiritguides #spiritguidance #love #trust #dowithin https://www.instagram.com/p/CNqAd0VHbwn/?igshid=bq4dhvalcljo
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Let's raise conscious children. If you have kids of any age, spend some time with them before bed. Take turns to mention at least 1 thing you are grateful for that day, 1 thing you enjoyed the most during your day or the funniest thing that happened to you that day. You can mention 1 or more if you have more to share. The objective is to help kids be aware of the good things in life and learn to cultivate good memories. This exercise will also help you bond with them and ensure they have good thoughts right before bed to be ready to wake up with the same energy the next day. The sooner you start this practice, the better. Young kids are very receptive and their minds can be programmed faster and with more ease than with older kids, teenagers or adults. But it is never late to start. Art by @tailored.art . . #gratefulness #gratitud #crystalchild #starseed #raisingconciouschildren #createawareness #bestpractice #helpyourkidssucceed #conciousness #futurechildren #thechildrenofthefuture #conciousparenting #emotionalintelligence #emotionalcoaching #children #kids https://www.instagram.com/p/CNnJ-7In1MB/?igshid=15zozlvn6480f
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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El consejo de tus guías para esta semana. Escoge la carta que te llame y lee el mensaje que tiene para ti 👇 YA LO ESTAS HACIENDO - Tal vez has estado sintiendo que por más que haces, no avanzas. Sientes que tus esfuerzos no están rindiendo frutos, que tal vez estas haciendo algo mal o que deberías estar haciendo algo diferente. Esta carta viene a recordarte que lo que necesitas hacer, ya lo estas haciendo. A pesar de que siempre podemos mejorar, los talentos y habilidades que ya posees son suficientes para lo que quieres hacer. No te riendas, sigue adelante que tu perseverancia te va a redituar. ROMPE LAS CADENAS - Te sientes atascada(o), atrapada(o) en una rutina o situación en la que ya no quieres estar. Lo que no te das cuenta es que nada ni nadie te obliga a estar en donde estas. Rompe las cadenas que te atan porque al fin y al cabo fuiste tu quien se las puso. No importa lo formal o imposible que parezca la situación, siempre es posible salir de ella. Recuerda que lo único que verdaderamente nos ata es nuestra creencia de ello. Es tu mente la que te tiene atrapada(o) y nada mas. Libérate. CONFIA EN QUE VAS POR EL CAMINO CORRECTO - A pesar de que pareciera lo contrario, vas por el camino correcto. A veces, el camino al bienestar y la abundancia esta lleno de “obstáculos” y cosas que nos dan miedo. Puede parecer un camino muy solo y de mucha confusión, pero cada experiencia en ese camino tiene un propósito. El sentirte desorientado(a) no es un castigo, sino mas bien una oportunidad de corroborar la confianza en ti mismo y en el universo. So te sientes abrumado(a) o frustrada(o), toma una pausa, permítete sentir lo que estas sintiendo y luego sigue adelante, recuerda, no estas solo(a). . . #cartasoraculo #mensajedeldía #guiaespiritual #tusguiasatravesdelascartas #sabiduríauniversal #guiasespirituales #confía #tenfe #siguetuintuición #amate #escogeunacarta #mensajesdelmásallá #tarot #cartasdetarot #lecturadecartas (at Toluca, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNleF_pH1iw/?igshid=17h14cd6an55j
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Anchoring in the new version of us might be not so easy at times. When we change, we need to learn to exist with the new us. We need to get to know us again. The way we used to do things before, might not be the same now, the old process might not work with the new us. And that's ok. We need time to fully be us again. Give yourself that time ❤️ Art by @artsoldier77 . . #change #newearth #newme #conciousevolution #evolving #growth #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #newyou #highvibration #risingyourvibration #highvibes #newvibes #conciousness (at Mazamitla Pueblo Mágico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVY25bnMVW/?igshid=1e316pdtzaxb1
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Un lugar bonito en donde me alma se siente en paz ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CNS2r1NH9U_/?igshid=1lps95hbm0ihr
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Close your eyes, ask your spirit team for guidance and pick a card. GET GROUNDED: it’s time for you to reconnect with yourself you have been occupied with mundane things - your job, your career, your projects. Trying too hard to get answers, to find solutions. The stress and pressure have built up and it's time to take a breath. Remember why you started doing why you are doing. Go back to your roots, go back to yourself. Remember that the world of doing is not the world of being and as rewarding as doing can be, slowing down and just being can be even more fulfilling. You are been called to take a pause, to recharge. MINTAKAN: You seem to be longing for something. A better future, a better place. You have a deep longing for something that right now seems unreachable to you. You a currently living in a fantasy world, in a daydream that is not allowing you to enjoy the present moment. You seem to be nostalgic about a dream of yourself instead of being fully grounded and present in the now. You are invited to step down from the fantasy world you built in your head and start enjoying the marvellous life you have in front of you. The present will only feel magical once you stopping setting your eyes on the future and start enjoying the now. DON'T DIM TO FIT IN - You are like in a dream, trying and trying to make something work that it seems to fail despite your best efforts. It's time to realize the reason it isn't working it's because it isn't supposed to. Whatever you are trying to make work is not meant for you. It's time you release your attachment to it right now and allow the energy of spirit to bring into your life what is meant for you. Once you let go, once you surrender, your gift will come to you easily. Allow easy to happen. . . #messageoftheday #oracledeck #oraclecards #spiritwisdom #spiritguidance #unity #universalguidance #letgo #letgoandrelease #followyourintution #tarot #tarotcards #workyourlight #rebeccacampbell (at Mazamitla, Jalisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSrkE-nUBC/?igshid=pagi0j1wwdvm
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Spirit message on love ❤️ Mystic Shaman Oracle Deck The Medicine for The Beloved Card (at Mazamitla Pueblo Mágico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSc8MkHw_k/?igshid=1viuu0g2rs9xu
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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“As I trust my heart more and more every day, the path I must follow reveals itself”. Sometimes, when we talk about the heart, we think love can only be felt for the person we call our partner. But our heart centre and heart energy are for much more than that. Our heart speaks of what makes us happy, of the passion we feel when we plan to do something, of the excitement of embarking on a new adventure, of the love for life. Our hearts are our compass in life. Many times ignored, our hearts become bored, closed, forgotten. A broken heart not only comes from a failed relationship but also from the constant shut down of its energy. When we engage in activities that don't excite our heart, it breaks a little bit. When we do stuff just for the sake of doing it or out of responsibility, our heart breaks a little bit. When we ask our heart to keep quiet because what it is asking is just not doable, our heart breaks a little bit. In a mind-based society like ours, our hearts are at the risk of shutting down completely. A broken heart, whether injured by heartbreak or lack of excitement, causes more damage in our lives than any other injuries we might sustain. Opening up your heart to love means more than letting a person into your life. It means finding the courage to live. Art by @artbymushka . . #healingabrokenheart #learningtoliveagain #liveagain #lovelife #heartcentre #heartspace #heartchakra #heartwisdom #followyourheart #heartenergy #heartwisdom #letyourheartleadtheway #creatingfromtheheart #letyourheartspeak #divinefemenine #excitment #livinginthenow #livinginthepresentmoment #heartbasedsociety (at My Hearth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNK3mOQHZEn/?igshid=yqprpbtdujpt
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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The wisdom of air energy ❤️ If we stay still and we let our mind settle, the answers will be made known to us more easily. Before doing, take a pause and let spirit guide you. . . #mysticalshamanoraclecards #oracle #oraclecards #shaman #shamanism #airenergy #airguidance #wind #thefourdirections #stillness #cards #divination #spiritwisdom #spirit #bestill #goinwards #meditation #eternalwisdom #souljourney #change #evolution #manifestation #changeyourreality (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNIjnYBHtoc/?igshid=1out1skdxd2e6
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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When we are in search of a partner we forget that for that partner to arrive, we first need to be and feel whole on our own. Self-love, if done right can be as fulfilling and exciting as partner love. If we go through life with the idea that life will be more exciting, more fulfilling, better, when we find “the one”, chances are that whom we will find will not be the one and we will be eternally looking for him/her. “The one” lives within ourselves. We are THE ONE. Once we find it within us, we will find the one outside us. The one who will enhance our lives but not complete them. . . #findlovewithinyourself #loveyourself #yingandyang #divinefemenine #devinemasculine #wisdomfromthestars #wholeness #belonging #youaretheone #betheone #selflove #innerlove #innerwisdom #unconditionallove #beyou #lifepartner #twinflames #twinflame #twinflamereunite #perfectbalance #unconditionallove #romanticlove (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNFcTgYHZ92/?igshid=npipb5trwuxv
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Your affirmation for today. Sometimes we forget how amazing and valuable we are, so here I am to remind you - You rock! 🤘 No matter who you are, no matter what have you done in life, no matter what you have been told. YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU MATTER, YOU ARE LOVED. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise. . . #knowyourworth #quoateoftheday #affirmations #selfhealing #personaldevelopment #youmatter #youareworthy #youareloved #souljourney #selfworth #masteryourreality #subconciousmind #innerhealing #innerpeace #innerchildhealing #loveyourself #knowwhoyouare #youareamazing #knowyourself (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDui_AHWcl/?igshid=1cum9z3exov9o
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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I feel fear whenever I want to create something, whether it's art or a new body for myself. I am afraid of starting so I convince myself I don't know how to do it and I do it wrong because what if I get it right? I would have to do it then. It's so funny because these thoughts are not the ones that come up right away when I have a blank piece of watercolour paper in front of me. No, at that moment I freeze not knowing what to do, where to start. I freeze afraid of doing it wrong, of not being perfect. But I am afraid of perfect because if you do it perfectly once you need to do it perfectly again and again and again... So I don't do perfect. I prefer not doing altogether. But then I am always looking at the piece of paper from the corner of my eye, wondering, what if I try? Isn't that funny? I am amazed at the power a single thought can have in the life of a person. Imagine if we only had “good” thoughts, what would be of the world? Art by @katja.perez . . #overcominglimitingbeliefs #innerchildhealing #feelthefearanddoitanyway #fearwarrior #illussion #overcomingtheillusion #seeforyourself #tryit #healing #reprogramyourmind #souljourney #shadowwork #shadowworkintegration #loveyourself #sacredcreators #createsomethingnewtoday #createart #creator #imagination #overcomingperfectionism #cretivity #speakyourtruth (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNA2teTHyFs/?igshid=a9tcmbsl2w4b
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Deja que tu intuición te guíe hacia la energía que necesitas cultivar esta semana. Elige el cuarzo que prefieras y lee abajo el mensaje que la energía de esta piedra tiene para ti: TURMALINA NEGRA - Esta semana necesitas conducirte con confianza y determinación. No es tiempo de dudar, recuerda que sin importar la situación, ya posees lo que se necesita para triunfar. El éxito que tengas en tu trabajo o tus proyectos depende de la confianza y seguridad que demuestres en ti mismo. Lo que deseas ya lo tienes ganado, solo debes creerlo para que así sea. CUARZO ROSA - Esta semana traerá muchas oportunidades para consentirte, expresarte con facilidad y recibir apoyo de los demás. Este cuarzo te invita a que recibas la energía del amor en tu vida. Déjate querer y disfruta de la energía relajada y amorosa de estos días. CORNALINA - Es momento de dejar fluir tu creatividad y poner manos a la obra. Esta semana estará llena de ideas nuevas y momentos llenos de creatividad e inspiración. No desaproveches esta energía, evita estancarte en el perfeccionismo, esta no es una semana de completar proyectos sino de que nazcan las ideas. Asegúrate de crear el ambiente optimo para que tu imaginación se suelte. . . #lecturadeldia #lecturaconcuarzos #energíadelasemana #energíadelunallena #cuarzos #cuarzosméxico #cornalina #turmalinanegra #cuarzorosa #lecturadetarot #lecturadeloráculo #cartasoráculo #tarot #mensajedetusguiasespirituales #guiasespirituales #toluca #metepec #méxico #guiadivina #intuición #mensajescanalizados (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNASGo1n-d2/?igshid=115zu9191nnc7
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Different energetic vibrations and different levels of consciousness create different realities, different experiences, different results, different connections. Beyond higher or lower vibrations, you want to be at the vibratory level which produces the results you desire. Meaning, if you want to live an abundant life, you need to vibrate at the level of gratitude, compassion, partnership, freedom. If you want to live a peaceful life, you need to vibrate at the level of love, tolerance, understanding. To reach those levels of vibration, you have to have a certain level of expanded consciousness. This means you need to see beyond your physical body and start seeing yourself as pure energy. Moving from a 3D human consciousness to an expanded 5D human consciousness is a process we call awakening. Art by @theancientgemstone (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM98unrn_nu/?igshid=1qqxv4h2g7jdn
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samanthacastroc · 3 years
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Entre más cómoda me siento con quien soy, la necesidad de tener que “actuar” algo que no soy para impresionar a los demás disminuye. La comodidad conmigo misma viene de saber quien soy, de conocerme totalmente, de aceptarme con las habilidades que aún no desarrollo y también con aquellas cosas que domino a la perfección y ahora llamo fortalezas. El conocimiento personal es un proceso que con tiempo, amor y dedicación rendirá frutos. Invierte en ti. Art by @skip_closer #conociendomiser #conociendomeamimisma #niñointeriror #evolucionandomiconciencia #autoconocimiento #conciencia #evolucióndemialma #evolucióndemiser #toluca #metepec #mexico #eventosentoluca #eventosenmetepec #desarrollohumano #crecimientopersonal #coaching #coachingparamujeres #terapia #ayudapersonal #retos #mejoramientopersonal (at State of Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2DQ6enmlK/?igshid=1cfzsg9r20qhl
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