sammetje08 · 2 years
Side characters!!! I was like re reading and thought MORE i will be doing barbatos diavolo simeon and luke. Not the other three cuz im not at that lesson yet!
Okay so like you know how he wants to know alot abouy the human word right?
So one morning you were like not at RAD and he was like tf 😃
He just straight ass went to the human world to find you
Tall ass looked for you in a dumbster
But then he saw you on a field, with three weird white things?
Lets just say he was confused.
After you explained he made sure when you had PE at RAD you’d play baseball
Okay man can change a time line right!
So when the accident happend with belph he was searching for a time line where everything was the same but you alive
But that ment he had to find a timeline where you playbaseball
He had no idea tf you where doing but he just chose the right one
After that shit he asked tf it was and you explaind.
So simeon writes alot of books and he wanted a new sport to appear in it.
So you were over baking cake with luke and he came into the kitchen
“MC what kind of sport did you play in the human world?”
You just said baseball
He went on recearching on the topic for 2 whole ass days.
He even put you in the story
Okay so like hes a human and probs knows that baseball even exists.
But he just didn’t expect it from you.
So you were talking about random human shit at RAD and you brought it up
He just looked at you like 😀
Then you started to show pics and vids and he was like match rn
Okay so he is energetic asf, and the desserts he loves to make doesn’t make it better.
So he was very energetic when you were waiting for the cake so you started to throw a ball over with him.
And he was like what is this ball for?
You explained and now simeon and luke come to your games
Obey me characters with a MC who plays baseball.
He found out when you were walking down stairs with your baseball cap on.
Very confused cuz they don’t have baseball in devildom, but doesn’t wanna admit cuz his pride.
He talked with Diavolo so he could see a match. He went wether Diavolo liked it or not (wow surprise)
When he finally understand the rules and how to play he started talking with you about it and insisted to watch your matches.
Offers to help you train.
He was snooping through your room for valuable stuff he could sell when he saw your bat.
He took the bat en ran to the living room were you and the rest were.
“OI HUMAN, ARE YA A KILLER OR SOMTHIN?!” While holding the bat infront of your face.
Ofcourse the rest heard it, and you sighted. You started to explain all the rules, witch positions you got and all that stuff.
When your done he looked down and said
“Ofcourse, i knew that.”
He didn’t he was fully convinced that you were a killer.
When you two are alone he asked if he could watch sometime.
Boy doesn’t come out of his room so you went to his.
Levi was binging a show about a human sprot but didn’t get anything about it.
You sat next to him while you were watching it with full attention. He was so confused that you get it.
You saw him looking at you with a bit confusion in his eyes.
How stupid this is to do cuz he is a shut in otaku PAUSE THE ANIME and explain. He was surprised you had that good condition to play the sport.
If you played for a big team he asked if there are video’s he can watch were you played. If you have a not so popular team he asked if you got some pictures or video’s you/mom/dad/bro/sis/sibling/ectra made he can watch.
He found you throwing a ball from one hand to another while you were studying. He catched the ball while you wanted to throw it to the other hand.
Ofc he read something about human sports and baseball before but he didn’t know you played.
So he started an conversation about the sport. Which you talk in with full passion
He started to understand the sport more and he askes if he could watch sometime.
Sometime became every match
You just came home from a match when he saw you in your uniform and sweaty asf.
He stood atleast five steps away from you to keep your filthy smell away from him. 💀
When you were in the shower he went trough your bag and found your stuff. He took your team jacket and looked up and down.
That was his first thought, but he admires how much energy you put in playing.
When he started to learn more about it he almost begs you to let him come watch.
You were filling your bottle in the kitchen before you went to training.
He saw your bag on the kitchen floor and walked up to the fridge sat down and asked you what was inside.
You explained about the sport and whats inside the bag, you swore you could see stars in his eyes.
He asked if you wanted to train with him, and if he could watch your matches.
After a few of them you learned him and the brothers to play so sometimes you have a little match
You were playing over time, and belphie started to get annoyed because your late for your nap with him.
When you finally came home you rushed to the attic to find him staring at you furiously. You walked up to him but he turned around.
You started to explain that you had training and he slowly turned around again so he was facing you.
He asked if he could maybe watch a match, and after you agreed you guys went to bed.
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sammetje08 · 3 years
1. Beel, idk i just think he is a sweetheart
2. Lucifer, unlike him I don’t have a single bit of pride
3. Beel or lucifer
4 my MC sleeps in joggings pants a shirt and a hoodie. She mostly lays on her right side.
5. She is crazy but she’s mine, I kind of see my MC as a bit of an idiot also because im clumzy in real life but im still their human :)
6. My fam does belive in god but not so much that we go to the curch every sunday
7. She wants demon wings and horns, she doesn’t care she just want them. Also she loves the angles. At first she was a bit confused buts she’s used to it now.
8. My MC realtionship with her family is okay not the best not the worst.
9. 50/50 depends, my MC likes talking back so if she decides to talk trash or talk back to anyone she’d be dead..
10. MC really doesn’t care about magic but she would like to study it.
11. Lucifer: damn i feel short, i have a feeling he is like my brother. Mammon: (bsf name) this you? Broke hoe. Leviathan: otaku buddyyyy satan: draco malfoy? Dis you? Asmo: abit gay is okay. Beel: okay but this this man is tall. Does he have to duck to get trough doors? Belphie: is he asleep? In their attic LUCIFERRRR STANGER DANGERRRR. Babartos: butler…gimma a tea. Diavolo: king? Damn okay then
12: simeon: sexy, sexy angle. Luke: you shall be my child and we wil watch mlp :> solomon: he just need glasses and he would be harry potter as an grandpa.
13: my MC played baseball in the human realm as a pitcher so she would be able to throw hard and precisely, imagine mammon stole something of my MC she would just throw something against his head while he is running and the rest is like “she did what now”
14: no she just haves a shelf where she stalls them.
15: the matching neklace she has with her human bestfriend
16: she would try to eat it but if it really grosses her out she would be like yeah heck no
17: seeing the brothers getting closer over time.
18: she misses her sport and the team
19: mostly with beel asmo or mams shopping train or doing stupid bsf shit
20: normal but the tie a bit lose
Obey Me! MC Questions!
About Your MC!
Which of the Boys are they the most like?
Which of the Boys are they the least like?
Who does your MC date? [If multiple, what order do they start dating each one?]
How does your MC Sleep? [On their side, on their back, with a partner, etc., in PJs, etc.]
If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your MC, what would it be and why?
Did they come from a religious family/culture? Do they practice a religion? 
What do they think about the whole angel/demon stuff? 
What’s your MC’s relationship with their family?
What are your MC’chances of survival if they got lost in the levels of Devildom that take you to the surface [aka the layers of Hell]?
Is your MC jealous/upset about not being able to use magic? Do they learn?
What was your MC’s first impression of the demon boys? 
First impression of the Angels & Solomon?
What is a skill your MC has that the Boys would be surprised by?
Do they own a secret place for their most prized possessions?   
What’s the most important thing they own?
Do they eat the strange demon food?
What’s their favourite part of being in Devildom?
What does your MC miss most about the human world?
What does MC spend most of their time doing/with who?
How does MC wear the RAD uniform? [If they do.]
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sammetje08 · 3 years
Master list
Karasuno as baseball positions
Obey me
Obey me bro’s finding out mc plays baseball
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sammetje08 · 3 years
Haikyuu as baseball positions
What positions do the haikyuu boys play in baseball? These are my hc!!
First of all, ofc he is the team captain
You know the dude who screams at the team to run faster? Yeah hes that.
I also see him as a first base man, like this man can catch really well!
If its his turn to hit he would be hitting till a bit futher then first base.
He is the kind to steal any chance he gets
He is a catcher, and i just know it.
When he is on his position he would be the one who sarcastically wishes the batter good luck.
He’l laugh when the batter misses a ball and its an strike.
When its his turn to hit he would be the fucker to make it look like he’s going to do a full swing so the field people go back and then he just bunts so he could go quite easy to first base.
He would be pitcher, and most of the time he is pitching on suga.
When he accidentally hits the batter he’d be the one to make sure he/she/they is okay.
Would take alot of convincing to get him to pitch again just cuz he is scared hitting a batter again.
If its his turn to hit he would go full swing to almost the back of the field.
Mid field, like he is energetic he could run to the back of the field and throw to second base man/woman/person
Would be the one who curses his self if he lets trough a ball.
When its his turn to hit he or hits them as a bunt or goes like full swing to mid field
When back in the duck out he would be hitting the “building” when the rest is hitting (daichi do be getting mad)
Yeah he would be left field, noya trust him to catch the balls and he can throw hard sl yeah.
When letting through a ball he would freese for like an second before turning around to see if noya got it
When it is his turn to hit he would act like he is going to do a full swing but then he just tries to do a bunt like suga but sometimes doesn’t succeed
He’d be hella mad at him self for that 💀
He would be a third base man, i think he would throw hard but still gets hurt easy.
He would be the dude who gets runners out really easy. Also be like “tsk didn’t expect you would make it so far”
When its his turn he just go for a softer but still strong hit. He would steal easly cuz those long ass legs
He would be right field. Daichi trusts him to catch the balls he lets through.
Is kind of nervous when that happens, would daichi be mad if also he lets it trough?!
When hitting he isn’t the strongest but still makes it to the base.
Poor boy would lose it if he went out while stealing.
Catcher just yeah he would be one. Reaplacing suga even in baseball 💀
He would be hella smooth with the signs to tell the pitcher what kind of ball he wants. Like bestey are you just itchy or is that a sign for a curve ball?
When it is his turn to hit he would hit till the end of the field and sometimes over the net, good luck finding those ig…
He would be left field and switch with asahi as pitcher. I just see him trying to hurt kageyama if its his turn to catch.
When he throws a wide he would be the one who grabs his hair and starting to re think his life choises
When it is his turn to hit i can just see him standing there full confidence and than BAM hit by pitcher💀
Or like he tries hitting full confidence and then misses
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sammetje08 · 3 years
Obey me characters with a MC who plays baseball.
He found out when you were walking down stairs with your baseball cap on.
Very confused cuz they don’t have baseball in devildom, but doesn’t wanna admit cuz his pride.
He talked with Diavolo so he could see a match. He went wether Diavolo liked it or not (wow surprise)
When he finally understand the rules and how to play he started talking with you about it and insisted to watch your matches.
Offers to help you train.
He was snooping through your room for valuable stuff he could sell when he saw your bat.
He took the bat en ran to the living room were you and the rest were.
“OI HUMAN, ARE YA A KILLER OR SOMTHIN?!” While holding the bat infront of your face.
Ofcourse the rest heard it, and you sighted. You started to explain all the rules, witch positions you got and all that stuff.
When your done he looked down and said
“Ofcourse, i knew that.”
He didn’t he was fully convinced that you were a killer.
When you two are alone he asked if he could watch sometime.
Boy doesn’t come out of his room so you went to his.
Levi was binging a show about a human sprot but didn’t get anything about it.
You sat next to him while you were watching it with full attention. He was so confused that you get it.
You saw him looking at you with a bit confusion in his eyes.
How stupid this is to do cuz he is a shut in otaku PAUSE THE ANIME and explain. He was surprised you had that good condition to play the sport.
If you played for a big team he asked if there are video’s he can watch were you played. If you have a not so popular team he asked if you got some pictures or video’s you/mom/dad/bro/sis/sibling/ectra made he can watch.
He found you throwing a ball from one hand to another while you were studying. He catched the ball while you wanted to throw it to the other hand.
Ofc he read something about human sports and baseball before but he didn’t know you played.
So he started an conversation about the sport. Which you talk in with full passion
He started to understand the sport more and he askes if he could watch sometime.
Sometime became every match
You just came home from a match when he saw you in your uniform and sweaty asf.
He stood atleast five steps away from you to keep your filthy smell away from him. 💀
When you were in the shower he went trough your bag and found your stuff. He took your team jacket and looked up and down.
That was his first thought, but he admires how much energy you put in playing.
When he started to learn more about it he almost begs you to let him come watch.
You were filling your bottle in the kitchen before you went to training.
He saw your bag on the kitchen floor and walked up to the fridge sat down and asked you what was inside.
You explained about the sport and whats inside the bag, you swore you could see stars in his eyes.
He asked if you wanted to train with him, and if he could watch your matches.
After a few of them you learned him and the brothers to play so sometimes you have a little match
You were playing over time, and belphie started to get annoyed because your late for your nap with him.
When you finally came home you rushed to the attic to find him staring at you furiously. You walked up to him but he turned around.
You started to explain that you had training and he slowly turned around again so he was facing you.
He asked if he could maybe watch a match, and after you agreed you guys went to bed.
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sammetje08 · 3 years
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He’s out!! Its what you heard when you catched the ball at home base. The team starts cheering in the duck out and on the field. This was the moment you all waited for; becoming official baseball champions. We all got in a cricle and the coach starts to review the game with us. After what felt like ages for you she was finally done. You got your stuff together and ran to the car were aizawa was waiting for you. The drive back to the UA dorms was a calm one it took about 2 hours and you’ve fallen asleep. Aizawa woke you up when you arrived. The moment you walked through the door confetti canons go off and there was a huge cake in front of you. Your teammates to your surprise were already there. You celebrated the victory untill you got pulled into a separate room. You turned around to see that denki was the one who took you here. “I wanted to have you a bit for myself, to congratulate you ofcourse!” He says chuckling nervously. You walk up to him and give him a hug. This was a day you could never forget
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sammetje08 · 3 years
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sammetje08 · 3 years
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I absolutely adore this man like how can he be so cute but also hot?
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