scarlett-fatale · 9 days
I need help.
I haven't eaten in three days and Iḿ scared I can afford my last month's rent. My lease ends on June 17 and I haven't been able to afford any rent application fees. I'm scared I will be homeless and I cannot move back home to my family. I don't get paid until next week and I think my credit account has been scammed. My car was broken into and I can't afford the deductible, even with insurance. I'm depressed and I feel like a huge failure and a fraud. I'm at my wits' end. I'm desperate but also feel numb and hopeless. I've been afraid to ask for help because then it means I'm confirming my mistakes to everyone who expects better from me. I don't know what to do and I'm lost. I hate myself and I don't want to do this anymore
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scarlett-fatale · 10 months
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scarlett-fatale · 2 years
if you write fanfic, then listen up!
your reader should never ever blush to the eye, because black people (and obviously other races) exist and many can’t blush to the eye
alternatives: get flustered, heat rushes to their face, or they may appear bashful
that is all, please respect all POC because they don’t deserve to be ignored. please don’t be ignorant, thank youuu
mmm also! please think of gn!reader fics. i’m non-binary and it’s so hard to find shit. so please, sincerely, let me read content that pertains to me. and when someone puts “S/O” in a request. don’t make it a fem!reader >:(
(edit: PARDON? where tf did y’all come from? thanks tho <3)
(edit 2: i see y’all encanto hoes liking and reblogging /lh /pos)
(edit 3: me to everyone on this post 🥰)
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scarlett-fatale · 2 years
the fact that chris evans has to keep reminding y'all that sam wilson is captain america is so fucking insane to me, yet i am not in the slightest bit surprised by y'alls reactions
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scarlett-fatale · 2 years
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This is honestly ridiculous. I’m glad Chris said something. Some of his fans are being predictable assholes in the comments though.
Anyways, Sam Wilson is Captain America and anyone who doesn’t like it can die mad 🤷🏾‍♀️
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scarlett-fatale · 2 years
I am also a proud fan. I am not ashamed.
if wired earphones have a million fans i am one of them. if wired earphones have ten fans i am one of then. if wired earphones have one fan i am that fan. so on and so forth i can’t remember the rest of this meme
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scarlett-fatale · 2 years
New App
So this post is not like an ad or some kind of promo...it's literally just me raving about this app that I downloaded and how it has become like my new favorite thing
OK..so its called Decibel.fm and I came it across it through tiktok (as one does) but like it's not just like any bullshit app like its actually fun and I love it (so what if I'm biased as a heavily self-proclaimed music lover)
It looks like this (the app logo)
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And its literally so pleasing! Think like Pinterest but for music (and yes I still use Pinterest)
But like you can make playlists and share music and make cute little collages and customize your profile
Like here's a screen cap of mine from like a couple weeks ago (I've updated and added more stuff since then)
and if you decide to download it, don't hesitate to follow me or hmu for music/song recs and I'd love to return the sentiment
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scarlett-fatale · 3 years
me: *doesn’t hear from best friend for a day*
me: omg are we drifting? we’re drifting. I don’t know what is happening in your life. I’m so out of touch. We don’t know each other anymore. What is our friendship?
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scarlett-fatale · 3 years
May all of you have your bills paid on time and have money left over to spend on you
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scarlett-fatale · 3 years
Oh 100%
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i feel like this is what we deserved
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
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My tiniest screen just told me to stand up and move around.
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
Their friendship gives me the hope I need to live these days
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
I cannot help reblog this every year when Sept.-Dec. rolls around
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
So for years black girls have had to read fanfics where y/n was automatically described as being paled skinned with long flowing hair and blue eyes. We couldn’t relate to it exactly, it excluded us, it ignored us. But we read it cause it was all that was out there. Now when we start writing fanfics for other black girls to feel included and represented, now you all are saying that you ‘‘can’t relate to it” therefore don’t support black writers when we were supporting your work all those years even though you were acting like we don’t exist within these fandoms. 
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
i think i am.....pansexual
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scarlett-fatale · 4 years
Reblogging bc of spaddy😂😂
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