seed2harvest · 2 years
“Sometimes having too much empathy can entangle your energy up in a victim/savior mindset.”
— India Ame’ye, Author
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seed2harvest · 2 years
“Begin to normalize catching yourself in the act and making corrections in the moment. Track the ways you judge other people or have a scarcity or lack thought or limiting belief about yourself in real time. Don’t get upset, just begin to live more present to your thinking, perceptions, breath, spine, heart, and nervous system. Growth is less about perfection, and more about becoming mindful of when you are doing the very thing that you desire to evolve out of your body and life. The best lessons are learned in real time as you stretch your wings far and wide into an ocean of endless becomings.”
— India Ame’ye, Author, The Melody of Love
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seed2harvest · 5 years
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seed2harvest · 5 years
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seed2harvest · 10 years
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#ettajames #blues #r&b #soul #music #art #soundenergy
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seed2harvest · 10 years
I want to get naked.
To escape this freshly space-suit And beat my soul free.
As powerful as this machine is I be feeling TRAPPED.
Thus far I’ve only been able to astral project accidentally. The first time scared me shitless and had me questioning my mental sanity. But recently I’ve been flirting with the idea of mastering it.
Call me an escapist of you’d like, but I know there’s got to be more than this cess pool.
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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It's beginning to look a lot like spring time. Clockwise from top left: lemon blossoms, apricot blossoms, orange blossoms, and plum blossoms. Right in my backyard. #nature #food #organic #fruit #spring #summer #seasons #produce #bounty #health #HealthyLiving #Healthy Eating #HealthIsWealth #healing #quotidian #love #light #earth #peace #abundance #blaque #whole #food #gardening #balance #BayArea
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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Beauty in nature.
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seed2harvest · 11 years
Sipping Somber Lemonade...
Having another one of those somber, melancholy days, except this one is paired with spiritual discontent and a nauseous stomach.
I thought sitting in the open elements would be an appropriate pick-me-up, but are doing little to settle me.
"Who am I."
"What the fuck am I doing here?''
"Where the fuck am I supposed to be going?"
"does any of that shit really even matter?"
Another day muddling through this sexually transmitted condition called, "Life". Some days I love it. Other days I want to ditch this shit like a bad habit. Just want to find that place I belong. Nicotine and malt liquor are no longer numbing these feelings. Instead they are compounding them.
Are the answers outside of myself or within?
I keep tryna call my Higher Self, but she aint picked up the line on the other end. Maybe she doesn't think I'm quite prepared for that conversation.
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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Found myself in a hostel in Santa Monica. #travels #traveling #roadtrip #SoCal #SouthernCalifornia #L.A. #Santa Monica #Seminar #business #hostel
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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I love restroom graffiti. #restroom #graffiti #random #art #drawing #pencil #figures #stall #clever #NeverGiveUp
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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This is my big little baby. His "slave name" is Huey, but these days he likes to be referred to as Tariq. As you can see, he is quite camera-shy. #turtle #RedEarSlider #water #creature #living #being #ThickShell #beautiful #family
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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My daffodils are in bloom SUPER early this year. I'm not complaining; they look beautiful. #daffodils #flowers #bulbs #plants #planting #gardening #urbangardening #nature #outdoors #sunshine #light #life #yellow #beautiful #TeamGreenThumb
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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Rose Quartz. This little stone packs a punch. I use it in times when a little more love is needed. #rosequartz #rose #quartz #crystals #stones #stonehealing #healing #health #healthyliving #healthiswealth #balancing #energy #spirit #light #hearty #chakra #love
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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"TELEVISION TELLS LIES TO YOUR VISION!" I snapped this picture a while back at a grimey bus stop. Looks like someone had the right idea; deprogramming. #tv #television #popculture #programming #deprogram #media #mind #mental #brain # brainwave #power #electric #energy #frequencies #break #free spirit #knowledge #wisdom #search #higher #self
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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Another "dump salad" creation. Just "dump" whatever fresh goodies you have into a tasty, healthful creation. This one includes red lettuce, arugula, parsley, apple, tomato, carrot, garlic, ginger. I paired it with a simple dressing made of olive oil, orange juice and honey. F***ING DELICIOUS! #salad #greens #lettuce #carrots #tomato #herbs #health #healthy #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthiswealth #fresh #organic #produce #whole #hearty #fruit #veggies #food #foodporn
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seed2harvest · 11 years
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Death of a Butterfly: When Nature and Urbania Collide. #butterfly #nature #cigarette #ground #concrete #abstract #death #transition #photo #urban #travels #man #opposites
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