shakieborgunwall · 7 years
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shakieborgunwall · 7 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
It’s The Little Things
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Ever notice that tiny hole atop your coffee lid? The smaller one, at the opposite end from where you drink. Though often unseen, that little hole serves an important function. In its absence, your drink would not escape smoothly from its cup; it would bubble and splash, because as the fluid exits, air must enter the container to fill the void left by the liquid's departure. Thus, that little puncture maintains equilibrium; it allows air into your cup to displace the beverage you're drinking; to fill the void it left behind; to help the cup retain its original shape, and prevent it from collapsing as its volume decreases. A vital and barely noticeable feature, yet most of us only heed the larger hole from which we sip the contents of our cup. And just as so, behind the names pinned to every great movement, achievement, or significant historical figure, you'll often find the works of lesser-known and, often glossed-over, individuals whose names today may hardly ring bells in our collective conscience, but without whose contributions the former may never have risen to prominence or even been known. It was their work and dedication that enabled the great ones, but they toiled in obscurity, with little or no desire to seek the fortune and fame that often accompany greatness. Though history's disregard and disproportionate focus may relegate them to insignificance, we must remember that it is often the little, unnoticed, and neglected things; the selfless works, the genuine efforts, and nameless souls that make all the difference in this world...though they may escape our attention and remain unknown. — Shakieb Orgunwall
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
She was chaos and beauty intertwined. A tornado of roses from divine.
Shakieb Orgunwall 
Instagram @shakieborgunwall​ 
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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Shakieb Orgunwall
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 8 years
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shakieborgunwall · 9 years
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