shinamonban · 5 months
rin about any man she’s ever loved: i can fix him
kitay: you’re literally worse
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shinamonban · 7 months
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reposting this babel drawing w/o the ask and then remembering abruptly that I have a sketchbook pg of babel drawings just sitting around
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shinamonban · 7 months
donna tartt: literally writes an entire 600 page book about how it can be dangerous to do things just for the aesthetic
us, already making pinterest boards: oh to be a classics student in vermont in the 80s drinking whiskey from a teacup and occasionally murdering people 
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shinamonban · 8 months
barty and regulus are not the same height. regulus is shorter, and barty sometimes makes fun of him until regulus kicks his knee and it's not funny anymore. <3
(but he does love feeling cozy in barty arm in the winter)
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shinamonban · 8 months
Someone please stab me (with rizz)
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shinamonban · 8 months
OH LORD thanks for the food.🙏🏻
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Barty snorted, slowly moving his hand down Regulus back, past his ass towards his outer thigh and pulled him closer to him. He watched in amusement, as James' eyes trailed the movement and fist grew tighter and his jaw clenched harder. Once their eyes met, Barty mouthed: He’s mine.
he's mine, no matter how hard you try: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50396548
based off that one gif. i forgot the name of the show/movie. anyways read :)
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shinamonban · 8 months
I've been trying to write a Dead Poet Society Bartylus one shot
That one scene specifically where Todd finds out Neil died
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shinamonban · 9 months
doodle idea but it’s baby rosie after she gets ahold of barty and makes him real pretty with matching pigtails ya know or some cute eyeshadow (he’s never looked better) ((he goes to the store like that later))
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Shes a handful
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shinamonban · 9 months
I SERIOUSLY hate you.
Listen to what I’m saying.
I. Can’t. Stand. You.
You missed me.
I hate you.
You missed me
and you love me.
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shinamonban · 9 months
sirius black headcannons because we’re the same person & i say so
- he wore cheap fake rings that left his fingers discoloured
- he came up with everybody’s nicknames & stupid renditions of them all
- whenever he showers he just shakes his hair dry like a dog (remus always tells him off and sirius says “well if you don’t like it why don’t you brush it?” and that’s how he always gets remus to brush his hair)
- he bought everything he saw with a star, moon, or sun on it
- absolutely adores moony kisses. it doesn’t matter if it’s on the lips, cheek, neck, nose, hair, forehead. he swoons everytime remus’ lips touch him
- his hands are constantly cold, even when it’s hot out, and he makes remus warm them up
- when he gets excited he talks a lot then regrets it later because he thinks he was being annoying
- he goes quiet when he thinks he’s annoyed or upset someone he loves
- doodles on the corners of his papers & on himself
- the shortest attention span ever
- he actually enjoys reading but hardly ever does it because he can’t focus on the book for that long
- ADHD king<3
- he would always climb into james or remus’ bed when he had a nightmare (or just didn’t want to sleep alone)
- even from a young age, he always found himself drawn to remus in a different way then the rest of his friends, he wanted to be around him all the time, he wanted to know everything about him, he wanted to help him or be helped by him, remus was like a vacuum sucking him in from day one
- has a million posters in his room
- would do karaoke in the dorm (only he and james would participate)
- would sing love (or breakup) songs dramatically to remus
yeah those are basically just things i do or would do (if i wasn’t lonely) because i’m a major sirius kin so yeah
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shinamonban · 9 months
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Gay uncles.
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shinamonban · 9 months
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They’re being gay and stuff
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shinamonban · 9 months
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Barty Crouch Junior.
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shinamonban · 9 months
“Im a Barty kinnie” i say. You all assume that I mean it in a fun quirky “I’m gonna set something on fire” way.
You’re incorrect.
I mean It in a “Im terrified that I’ll become exactly like my father and I feel like I’m not in control over my own body” way.
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shinamonban · 9 months
Wymack, Bee, Nicky and Kevin are so underrated in regards to how fundamentally they helped Andrew. Without them Andrew would never have anyone to even take a chance at him. Without Wymack, he wouldn’t have college and exy, without nicky he wouldn’t even have a “home”, without Bee, Andrew’s mental state would have been way way worse, and without Kevin, Andrew wouldn’t have a purpose.
Neil may be the catalyst and Andrew’s main reason to actually live. But these four people (and Aaron) are Andrew’s cornerstones, his foundation, are what’s holding him up before Neil josten even existed.
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shinamonban · 9 months
Andrew X Neil: understanding and trust, cigarettes, fast and expensive cars, midnights and long drives and lazy mornings, cats, lingering stares, tousled hair, soft touches, neck kisses, keys, intertwined fingers, sharing blankets, feeling like coming home after a long day
Kevin X Andrew: desperation and determination, long and comfortable silences, harsh words, tentative touches, driving each other mad, varsity jackets, longing, push and pull and giving in, biting kisses, linked pinkies, fierce hugs, a silver lining in the dark
Neil X Kevin: obsession and devotion, bantering, pushing each other to do their best, ferocious grins, bruises, running, lazy cuddles, clasped hands, falling asleep on each other shoulders, familiar kisses, knowing that someone will always be there for you no matter what
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shinamonban · 9 months
Barty”do you want to be with somebody like me?”lus.
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