shorelineprincess · 10 years
Li Po Chun United World college's May 2014 newsletter, featuring me and some other people from around the world :)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
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Massacre of the dolphins: How 10,000 of the mammals a year are being speared and slaughtered - just for bait to catch endangered sharks
Fishermen in Peru hunt and butcher dolphins, even though it’s illegal
They harvest meat from the animals to use as cheap bait for sharks
Sharks are then slaughtered with their meat sold around the world and their fins are used for the popular Asian delicacy Shark Fin Soup
Jim Wickens negotiated passage on a fishing ship to see it for himself
He and his cameraman witnessed the brutal process from start to finish
As our vessel cut through the Pacific waves, the dolphins tucked themselves under the bow, taking it in turns to playfully surf the wake.
In any other circumstances, it would have been a beautiful sight. But now I could hardly bear to watch, sick to my stomach at the prospect of what was about to happen.
For up above the dolphins, on the deck of the Peruvian fishing boat, stood its captain, brandishing a razor-sharp harpoon.
He steadied himself, carefully watching the rhythm of the dolphins as they surfaced for air. There was a momentary pause… and then he struck, hurling 30kg of tubular steel into the dolphin’s back as it swam alongside.
As the harpoon sliced through the dolphin’s flesh, a cry of excitement went up from the crew as they celebrated their catch.
Our cameraman Ale and I watched in horror as the rope attached to the harpoon snaked away from the boat.
Fifty yards away, the dolphin’s beak broke the surface as it struggled to escape the line, slowly tiring as it became enveloped in a thick cloud of its own blood.
Two crewmen dragged the rope in, the dolphin still desperately thrashing, but there was to be no miracle escape.
As the dying animal neared the boat, a shiny steel hook was plunged into its head and it was hauled aboard, intestines pouring out of the wound where the harpoon had gone clean through.
The body was still twitching.
A crew member sharpened a knife and casually began to slice off the fins, tossing them into the sea.
As the thick puddle of bright red blood widened, he began to peel the skin off its back.
The hunt was over, the dolphin dead, the fishermen had their bait.
With the excitement temporarily at an end, the crew were quickly back into their normal routine.
The salsa music went back on the wheelhouse stereo and a cry from the cook announced that lunch was ready.
A crew member handed me a bowl of soup but as I crouched on the deck next to the skinless carcass of an animal that only a few moments earlier had been effortlessly racing through the ocean waves, I vomited.
I looked at Ale and saw the same look of nauseous horror on his face but we both knew we could say nothing.
We were 100km off shore, surrounded by fishermen who regarded what we had just seen as entirely normal: to say anything about the killing or to be seen portraying any negative emotion could be very dangerous.
But at least we had finally witnessed what we had come to see. We had concrete proof of what, until now, had only been rumour: namely that thousands of dolphins are being killed by Peruvian fishermen who then cut them up and use them as bait for shark fishing.
In marine conservation terms, that’s a double catastrophe, with dolphins — many species of which are protected — being killed to catch sharks, many species of which are now endangered.
It is thought to be the world’s biggest dolphin slaughter and, as an investigative environmental journalist, I was determined to see it for myself.
I secured the bulk of my funding from the Pulitzer Centre for Crisis Reporting, an American organisation, and set about trying to arrange a trip.
After months of patient negotiation, I’d found a skipper willing to take us in exchange for a contribution for fuel and the strict promise of anonymity.
The Peruvian fishermen call dolphins ‘sea-pigs’. It’s a term that does no justice to their elegant movement through the water but, from the fishermen’s point of view, is perhaps a not unreasonable description of an animal that supplies meat that seems tailor-made for shark fishing.
With its rich blood supply, sharks are instantly attracted to fresh dolphin meat and, best of all, unlike other shark bait it’s absolutely free.
So on our third day out of port, my heart sank when I heard the skipper’s excited cry of ‘chenchos!’ - ‘fat pigs’ - and we saw half a dozen dolphins break away from feeding on the anchovy shoals that the nutrient-rich Peruvian waters support in such abundance and race towards the boat to ride our bow-wave.
It should have been a moment to gladden the heart but ours were heavy.
As the captain stood poised with his harpoon, Ale and I leapt into position to film. It wasn’t enough to see the dolphin killed with our own eyes, we had to have a permanent record that we could take back and show to the world.
But there was more killing to come. By dawn the next day, we had arrived at the fishing ground, a thin sliver on the chart where the water temperature was just right for sharks.
The decks had been hosed down and, in the corner, the dolphin carcass lay flensed - stripped of skin - a long section of flesh sliced out of it.
Two crew members were now chopping it into long slivers, tossing each piece into the bait box alongside the expensive salted mackerel that had been bought for the same purpose.
The captain was very honest about the benefits of dolphin bait. ‘Dolphin meat is effective for the blue shark,’ he says. ‘When you cut it, it bleeds a lot. And the blue shark likes fat, and the dolphin is pure fat.
‘I understand that to hunt the dolphin is illegal. But for me, it’s a necessity, I do it to keep my bills down. I can minimise my costs, because the bait for shark is very expensive. The majority of boats that fish shark carry the spear-gun with the spear ready to use.’
He said he would normally kill two to three dolphins per trip and make 12 trips a year but, with 500 shark boats in Peru at the last count, that suggests expert estimates of 10,000 dolphins being killed by Peruvian fishermen every year could be an understatement.
The meat of the sharks is sold to dealers waiting at the harbour and is destined for dinner plates across the world. The shark fins are sent to the Far East for soup.
In the stern of our 40ft fishing boat, two crew-members crouched, carefully skewering dolphin flesh and mackerel on to hooks on the fishing line. A buoy was dropped in the water and, as the boat chugged slowly away from it, the line was fed out behind it.
Two hours later and the hooks — a thousand of them — were spread out in the water. Now all the crew could do was wait and try to get some sleep, knowing they had a busy night ahead of them.
As the sun set and the temperature dropped, they donned water-proofs and wellington boots and drank soup enriched with maca, an energy-giving Peruvian root.
Then it was time to haul in the catch. Ale and I watched in the darkness, cameras ready, as the fishing line was carefully picked up and coiled by the crew. And then suddenly there was a shout.
The engine slowed and a spotlight shone down into the dark waters below. A svelte, silvery-blue shape gradually appeared in the water.
It was our first shark. Swimming in its normal underwater habitat, the blue shark is a beautiful sight, its tubular torso and wide eyes endowing it with a gentle elegance.
But there was nothing elegant about this one. Hooked and already half-drowned — sharks have to keep swimming to stay alive — it appeared almost drunk, lazily kicking away at the line that now drew it to the boat.
Within seconds, it was hauled over the gunwale and slammed on to the decks, thrashing around. And then the crew fell upon it. One sliced off its entire snout, just in front of its soft white eyes.
Into the gaping hole, a long thin rod was rapidly inserted down the shark’s spinal column and, at last, the thrashing stopped. Its belly was cut open, the insides washed over the side and the shark carcass tossed to the leeward side of the deck.
It would be the first of a dozen sharks the boat would catch, kill and butcher that night.
An hour in, the engine slowed again amid excited shouts from the deck hands. All four men dropped their work to help haul in the line.
Slowly, a vast black shape emerged from the depths. It was a fully-grown thresher shark, a species recently classified as vulnerable to extinction.
Several hundred kilos in weight, its characteristically elongated tail fin alone was 6 ft long.
For a moment or two longer, it was still a beautiful marine creature and then the knives flashed and it joined the growing pile of meat.
But there was worse still to come. Another blue shark was dragged to the surface, still thrashing in the water. When its belly was opened up, dozens of perfectly formed baby sharks slid out, writhing on the deck.
This was too much for Ale and me. Having sat back for days, not interfering and saying nothing, we had to do something. We waved at the crew, pleading with them to put the live baby sharks in the sea.
They laughed — the idea was comical to them — but they did round up the baby sharks and toss them over the side.
The beam of a torch revealed the tiny fishes’ first clumsy movements in the ocean. The odds on them surviving were slim but at least they now had a chance.
It was 5am. Exhausted by the killing and no longer able to trust myself, I left a deck covered in blood, writhing sharks and savage hooks and descended to the cabin. In every sense, I’d had - and seen - enough.
adoptpets: Dolphins see us as friends and have saved humans on countless occasions throughout history and this is how humans repay them. Along with Peru—Iceland, Norway, Japan, & the Faroe Islands of Denmark all shamefully kill whales & dolphins. Additionally, the USA, Russia, Greenland, Canada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines all allow aboriginal whaling, but this is right has been abused in recent years to allow some to enter the commercial whale trade with whale meat being sold to tourists.
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Looking for colleges/universities
So the time has come, your parents chit chatting over you asking you when will you start looking at colleges, aunties and uncles asking you what are you top choices and friends start talking about Harvard and Oxfords. And you sat there--shit, Was i tumblring when they were looking at unis? 
Yes, that happened to me. And now that i think i have my list of preferred universities, I think i should share my tips to you all.
1. Talk with your parents
It is very important to let your parents KNOW that you are looking at universities, it relieves them and give them a nice mood. IF your parents had been to unis, then lucky you, they will have at least some outdated information or experiences on what you are going through right now.
There are a few things that you might want to talk to your parents about. The first thing is their budget for the university cost. They might have some money saved for you, or maybe they were planning that you will be getting a scholarship, or doing part time jobs. So you should get everything cleared out at this stage before anything upsetting happens. Another thing you would like to talk about is whether they are fine with you studying abroad, or away from home. Usually, the desired university doesn't always happen to be around your house, and it is quite hard for a parent to let go of their children. Most of you probably would want to head off to dormitories and experience the hollywood university life, and parents would most likely want their kids to be at somewhere at least they would be able to reach. So talk with your parents, and come out with a geographical range for where you can study in! 
The last thing you want to do before turning on your laptop is talk to your parents about expectations. Everyone has their own dream, it could be being the president of united states or yet-to-be-determined, but there is always a slot for 'what i hope i will be', or 'what i hope my kids would be'. It is almost a definite that parents has expectations for their children, they might not say it out loud, but you can see it from their eyes. Who doesn't want their children to be successful? The problem here is that every person might have their own definition for success. Your parents might want you to be a lawyer, when deep in your heart you have a desire to be the top chef of a restaurant. it always happen, you're not alone. But you have to let your parents know that your life is yours and however they might want you to be a lawyer, you still want to cook for people and see that they enjoyed your delicious food. If your parents are the stubborn type, come up with a list of arguments before going downstairs. 
In the end, parents just want their children to be happy:)
2. Choose a subject
Okay so the parent stage is done. You know the budget for your college cost, you know where you can study in, and you know that your parents won't disagree with what to major in. Then here comes the problem to some of you. What to put in the slot of expectations for yourself? Some people choose the subject at what they're most good at, some people choose the subject that they has the deep desire to study in, some people in the end, might just choose what their parents want them to study for they never really know what to do. Whatever you choose in the end, think the following few things,
What will you do with the certificate of that degree after you graduate? Are there jobs that you can do with it?
Are those jobs nice? Will they meet your desired life style, and will they make you happy?
Will you be happy when you study that subject?
  3. a list of universities
So you have your desired subject to study, but now where do we start to look? there are 9000 universities around the world, do we just click on a random link and cross our fingers? What we do now, is look at the university that fits your requirements.
Write down all your requirements, and go onto google, and type this in, with the blanks filled:
"the best university to study __(insert your subject here)__  in  __(your geographical range)__" 
what you will find are probably wiki answer, yahoo answer and google answers. Check them out, and write down every university that is said to be the best university to study your subject in. Then you open an excel file, and put down all these university names and you start making a table. there maybe more than 90 universities (that happened to meD:), but don't worry, you don't need to go onto every single website of theirs. 
What you put down into this table will probably be the ranking of them globally or countrily, their acceptance rate, school fee, number of students in their school, their requirements, whether they do provide the subject you want to study in or not (sometimes you can't trust the internet entirely) and a few notes on your first impression of the school. 
Here are a few websites for universities in different countries that you might want to use to get a general information of universities:
For US colleges: http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges
For UK colleges: http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/
For Australia colleges: http://www.australianuniversities.com.au/rankings/
These are links i used when i was filling up my uni table, it is quite easy to look for them once you've grabbed a grip on what you need to look at. Usually you search for the university from the links i gave you, and you'll find a general information of them. If you found the descriptions interesting, you will then head off to the specific university site, and check out their details.
In the end your table will look something like this:
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I was more focusing on US colleges because of the Davis Scholarship, but you can see how i sorted out the informations. 
After having a first impression of the university, you should also put down a y or n on whether you would like to have further details on the school, and that you might be interested in it or not. 
After you wrote down all the ys and ns for universities on your list, you should then check out the yesed universities one by one on their website. 
On the first column, 'My Ranks' is the ranking I gave the school after reading their websites. So in the end you sort through the table and you will know which college will be your first choice. Then we have the general informations as usual. The first impression column is the impression i had for the school when i was on the link above checking out colleges in general. Then for the last three columns they were ideas i had of the school after i read their website. 
4. Go back to your parents
The last step is to go back to your parents, or whoever that you feel comfortable talking with, and give them the list. You will want to talk with your parents on your priorities and choices of universities, and they might have some good suggestions that might give you a brighter future. But think carefully before doing what they ask you to do, it may not be as rational or desirable as you might want it to be. In the end, it is you who is heading off to college
5. finally, the application process. I can't say much about this yet as i just started this process, but i will most probably write a post on it after the 1st of january, which will be the dead line for US university applications:)
So good luck for now,
until next time
Shoreline Princess
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
So there was this anonymous who asked me about the three stages for getting into LPCUWC, here's my answer to her :)
Heyy thanks for asking this is a huge step for you from getting into this awesome school! 
1. aptitude test: The people i knew who failed this are those who were forced to apply (usually by parents or teachers) or ones who are not clever enough to get a grade higher than Es on their report cards. if you are the latter, then my best advice is to drop this idea, as you will be pretty stressful in this school, and start studying this summer:)
and i am sure you are neither of the cases above! so congratulations you’ll most probably get into challenge day!
2. challenge day: if you really want to get into this school, show them who you are and show them your willingness to get in. Show them that you are the right person they need. It is not wanting to win that makes you a winner, it is refusing to fail. this is a quote that went by my side during my three stages, especially during challenge day. SHOW THEM WHO YOU ARE and you’ll pass. well, as long as the YOU is not a fake one, or one that turns into a piece of wood when being talked to. try to show your leader ship, or your willingness to be led while not afraid of challenging others. Good luck with this, but i have heard that recently after the our new principal took lead more and more people pass this stage:)
3. Interview. Okay so here comes the hard part. the few interviews you had in life would probably not be enough to support you and give you confidence. But DONT PANICK! cause most of the others who got into this stage are as freaked out as you would be! Try to be confident, or at least show them that you are confident. No weak side shone. Tell them and pour your feelings of how you want to get in into your words. this is a school looking to people to be taught, not people who are perfect. They are looking for sponges to soak their water, not sponges soaked with coke. so do not panick if you don’t think you are good enough or you don’t have enough ‘certificates’ to show them that you are awesome (that happened to me, i did not have any certificates at all at the time of my interview. but i moved them with my passion:D) It is not hard. Carefully shape your words, do not do stupid mistakes like offending your former school, they would not like it. In general, try to be yourself (i know this is hard, the worse advices are to be yourself, but what else can i say?), if you ARE the right person they need, you’re sure to get in. If you aren’t the right person to get in and you Faked a you, then even if you get in you won’t have a happy 2 years.
Good luck for now and come out anon! you are always welcome to add me on facebook and ask me stuff (state in your friend request that you’re from tumblr:D)! you are more than welcomed to do so!! xx 
Chill, and DO NOT FREAK OUT. that will gain you a lot of points;)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Turning frustrations into Hope:) Colleges, life, trying not to fail
So i’ve been getting quite a few compliments from people who knew me about this blog that i don’t normally use..
Well i guess it doesn’t hurt to write a few posts:D
Hmm so where to start?
I’ve left out so many stuff since i’d last written about my life.
On the relationship hand, currently on a stable relationship, don’t really want to mention much:D
on the other hand, Was really busy with SAT and all those exams, but well they all ended!! phew! 
It is almost the middle of June and i just realized
so my summer started when May ended, on i think it was 25th of May, and ends on the 19th of August, about 2 and a half month. now that i’ve spent 2 weeks already.. well i don’t really want to do the maths but..D:
So i’d been doing researches on which college to attend. Since i created this blog to do some adverts on United World College, i guess it wouldn’t hurt to say something on the scholarship hand. You know those dudes that are so rich they give out money to people so that they can study abroad in their countries? Well there’s this person, which i shall praise him as un dios, called Shelby Davis, that is so rich he grants scholarships to people who graduated from any of the UWCs to study abroad in USA (okay, about ~94 universities in USA, including the top colleges). if i’m not mistaken, the amount that he grants per person is not an amount, but two words: FULL SCHOLARSHIP.  
for further information on the Davis scholarship, visit http://www.davisuwcscholars.org/program
okay times up for advertisements.
so i had been checking out colleges in the US of A where i can further investigate on Marine biology (as in, to MAJOR it.) (and hopefully wildlife biology and zoology) that can ensure quality teaching AND which provides the Davis Scholarship, but to my surprise, all those us colleges that are famous in marine biology are either
1) Does not grant the D. Scholarship, or 
2) are called: Harvard, Cornell, Duke, Boston U, and oh, that’s all. 
I mean sure, Harvard, Duke, cool! but.. but.. it would be too famous to be true! i never thought i would enroll or even apply to a university that is ranked 1-10 in a world scale! Okay, it’s cool, it’s fun, and I am like, 33% sure that i can be accepted, but
1) I am not getting good grades. 33 out of 42 in the IB world is like World average! and why would a university like them want me when i am getting a world average?
2) It’s not like the process is easy! I’ve read articles on how interviewees ask you weird questions like ‘What is the difference between the red of a Tomato, and the red of a Chili. okay, i can guess it’s something like the red of the tomato is to invite animals to eat them for seed dispersal, while the red of a chili might be to warn animals NOT to eat them for they are spicy. but this is because i had been thinking of this question for 5 years! not 5 seconds!
3) okay, it’s just the fact that the schools on the list are famous that scared me. And how i had heard second years in my school talking about this person trying to get in and that person getting in, and then this person didn’t even get into colleges on the top 20 list when it was expected from the whole school that scared me. Imagine trying to sign up for being the president of your country. just imagine it. i felt like that. already. 
If you’re reading up until now, i am sure you are either one of my best friends of my best fan. I love you and please read on, cuz the story is getting interesting, and uh, inspiring:D
But then, out of frustration, i randomly clicked on a few of the universities that grants Davis scholarship that is located in the middle of nowhere of America, where you can’t even SEE the sea, and check out the majors they offered. and ALL of them offered ONE BIG MAJOR only, that interested me, um. it’s called BIOLOGY. 
Like i’m not sick of all those human stuff and microscopy, no, not even the microscope can see them, DNAs and RNAs and WHATEVER THEY ARE USED TO DO!! 
and i check out the courses for biology, some of them are okay, but i do not want my grad certificate to be like
Jolie Lau
has been awarded the degree ot
in never-heard-of University
Rip, dreams of JL. 2014
and all those dreams flahsed in front of my eyes. 
and suddenly
for one moment
i thought
i had forgotten
I got into LPC
as if
it was easy
to be accepted.
i was chosen
together with the other 60 hk students
among 600 applicants
the chance of getting in
was one out of ten
10% acceptance rate
That  was even lower then 
Boston University,
Duke U.
and Cornell
Why not? 
why not take the challenge
and go for the 
school that accepts 6.3% of their applicants only?
it’s just 6 in every 100 people 
similar to Lpc. 
I shrugged, 
and asked myself,
A friend once told me,
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”   
and well he did achieve greatly
his name was Robert F. Kennedy
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
So I am going to be a second year in lpc next year.. apologies to anyone who followed me, i was too busy to update my lpc life or anything else on Shoreline PrincessD:
So today i was checking out Shoreline Princess as my summer vacation has started (i know right? so early:D), and i realized some of my followers told me that they're getting into lpc. But i am really confused with where people are posting those (as it's not in the message box) or something.
So if you want to contact me and chat with this awesome second year who will be looking after you next year (:D) REBLOG THIS! and i'll get to see how many of you are going to LPC and be my first year!!:D
ANNND add me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/jolieposeidon 
i am not going to send fanmails everywhere telling people to ask me questions:D
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
11 Questions
Rule 1) Always post the rules  Rule 2) Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.  Rule 3) Tag 11 people and link them to your post Rule 4) Let them know you’ve tagged them
Tagged by Picnicsontrampolines
1.  Three words to describe yourself?
Outgoing, passionate, cheerful (more of the crazy type:D)
2.  Favorite artist (music)?
Tyler Glenn singer of Neon Trees
3.  Favorite quote?
There are so many people in this world who will  tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is  turn around and say "Watch me." <3 ~unknown
4.  All-time favorite song?
a Thousand years
~held a special place in my heart <3
5.  Favorite name?
Poseidon:D i know, shut up;)
6.  What do you think about God?
This is weird cuz i was tagged by a christian friend. But sorry, I am an atheist. I believe there is a creator somewhere that is drinking a cup of wine smirking at people who worships gods (created by this creator) that forces them to believe in them or else they'll be going to hell
7.  (Strange) addictions?
smelling the awesome scent of cherry-free lipbalms
and drinking loads of water
8.  What makes you proud of yourself?
I am passionate about my dream of being a wildlife biologist and i am willing to go for it. 
9.  Your biggest weakness?
I am always in my thoughts that it is really easy for you to scare me from the back.
10. You favorite hobbies?
DIVING!!! and being ALONE with nature:)
11. If you could say one thing to the world, what would it be?
1. Close your eyes. What is the first place that pops into your mind?
2. If a genii appears and grant you three wishes for your best friend, what would you wish for her? 
3. What is the essence of life?
4. What makes you smile?
5. What is your favourite dish?
6. Imagine your friend driving on the road
7. If you could be invisible for one hour, what would you do and where would you go?
8. Talk about a relationship that is possible but never happened to you. 
9. What is the hardest thing for you to do?
10. is there anything you see that no one else notices?
11. What is your favourite month of the year? any specific date?:D
tags: stephanylowell, yourenotreal77, angelelfyuki, thedivinesecretsof, amatterofattitude, life-with-fairytales, alonesurroundedbythousands, wallflower95, whentheleavesturnover, blacktowel, thelovelychica :>
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
10 ways to choose the best prom dress
Every teenage girl dreams of the day, and night, of her first prom. Preparing for that one event, however, can take weeks, sometimes longer. If you will be looking forward to Prom Night - junior, senior or some other kind - this article will help you save some money, some time and perhaps even some face.  Everything has to be perfect and done exactly right according to your own specifications. It is your night, after all. Your date, corsage, limo, hairstyle and makeup are all critically important. But the one thing that outshines all of the other items of importance is the dress. The prom dress is the icing on the cake, and more than any other single thing can determine what the outcome of the evening will be. There is no room for error here!  No matter who is going to pay for the dress, it is important to shop around before making any final decision. Beyond the price range you (or your parents) have established, there are a number factors to consider when choosing the right gown. The color, length, fabric, style and overall fit are what will make your dress a success. Here are 10 tips you need to know before you go shopping:  1. The first tip is more of a reminder, perhaps. (Make that several reminders!) You need a firm budget so you don’t waste time on a designer gown you prom dresses uk can’t afford. You also need to know your best and worst colors, what designs and features work best with your body type, how to recognize quality clothing and so on. If you feel less than qualified in any of these areas, by all means get good advice - and take it.  2. Bring the shoes that you’re going to wear along with you. You need to make sure that the dress is the right length for the heel height, and that the colors match or coordinate correctly. Remember that your shoes must coordinate with more than just the color(s) of the dress. You need to be in balance style-wise, too. In fact, your shoes are very important to your choice of a final dress.  3. Avoid dresses that have trains on them. Although it might look great in front of a mirror or strolling in the store, a train can cause some major foul-ups on the dance floor. Trains are a hassle and the last thing you need to worry about is tripping in front of everyone.  4. Of course, there is going to be dancing at the prom. Be sure that your dress fits right in relation to the top of your shoe. Otherwise it might be the hem of your dress that you dance on all night instead of the parquet floor.  5. If the dress ties in the back, make sure that it is done in a way that is going to be secure over a period of time, and in different positions (sitting, dancing, walking). Some girls will use a hidden safety pin, discreetly placed, to ensure that the back of the dress stays closed. After all, you don’t want that date of yours, or anyone else, getting any funny ideas.  6. If the dress happens to be strapless, make sure that the front of the dress fits right. Otherwise this can turn into a real embarrassment. Remember, too, that you will not be able to wear a regular bra with a strapless dress, as well as those with “spaghetti straps.” There are a few different kinds of “partial” or “strapless” bras that you might consider using, and some dresses come with “integral cups” for shaping and support.  7. Consider every type of fabric and style combination to find the dress that best fits your body type. For example, an empire-line dress is great for disguising a bigger waistline or tummy, while big hips are often camouflaged by a stovepipe midsection of satin fabric. “Clingy” and form-fitting clothes, of any kind, are not the best ideas for everyone.  8. Sweetheart necklines flatter almost any chest or neck and they can look quite becoming on almost any young lady. The neckline is very important, as it teams up with your hairstyle to frame your face.  9. If your neck is of the longer variety, definitely avoid plunging necklines. They can make your neck look even longer than it actually is and you certainly don’t want that. Conversely, if you have a short neck, a plunging neckline can help, as long as it is done in good taste and in accordance with the other considerations.  10. Look for a dress that puts the emphasis on your best feature. Whether it be the unique color of your eyes or your dramatic hourglass figure, part of your decision should be based on how well the dress “accentuates the positive.” And remember the saying, “You should wear the dress, the dress should not wear you.” This will help you feel great about how you look, as the focus will be on the positive things you accentuate, as opposed to other things that you may not like as much.  If you really have bad luck and can’t find anything you like, you might have to consider buying a pattern and having a dressmaker make it for you. You might expect this wedding dresses to be quite costly but, in fact, it’s more affordable than you may think. EBay is a huge “virtual mall,” as everyone should know by now, and is a good place to seek out unusual or retro patterns and fabrics. If you go this route, you certainly won’t get to the prom and see another girl in the exact same dress.  Have fun with the shopping. It doesn’t have to be a stressful situation. If you follow some simple guidelines you will find the task is a lot less daunting than it might sound. You might consider inviting some friends along and having a shopping party, or make it a mother/daughter day, something special for the two of you to share. Memories are made of just these sorts of events, and “the prom” is a big one for many generations of young ladies. You will remember it for the rest of your life. 
reblogging from http://dressguadalupe.tumblr.com/
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
Another credit to my besties stephanylowell and natbouffi.
They are the exotics at my old school who has a tumblr account. So one day they told me i HAVE TO make a tumblr account cuz it's fun.
So i made my first tumblr blog Oceana. (http://jolieposeidon.tumblr.com) and shared life quotes and stuff that i found very inspirational. Then, on 4th of June, i was accepted to united world college. To share my personal life in lpc, i created this blog Shoreline Princess.
I know i know there's not much posts about my school yet.. don't worry!! they'll come eventually:D i mean, not much had happened yet, LPC is actually very academic based. Maybe i'll talk about something after Saturday, which is APEC cultural evening:)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
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This is an extremely meaningful picture. It is our first photo in LPC. I'm guessing that 20 years later, when we are having a reunion, we'll be going back to block 3's roof, and take an exact photo like this. Only that all of us have a story to tell:)
Here's our names to show how diverse our school is!
from left to right:
Tracy (Taiwan), Namgyal (Bhutan), Yuki (Hong Kong), Me!, Stephanie (HK), Gabe (New Zealand), Annemaayke (Netherlands), Morgan (Ireland), Ellie (HK), Maria (Philippines), Winkie, Rachel and Nancy (HK)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
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I just saw pearson posting that photo on facebook, think that i ought to share it with you:)
even though the application deadline for hong kong had passed already, you can still hand in the application late (which apparently, lots of the student who got INTO lpc handed in their applications late!)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
YOHOHO 9 school days left!!!!x))
When i'm HAPPY: 
Taio Cruz- TY.O: Hangover, tattoo, telling the world
Simple Plan- Get your Heart On: Astronaut 
Selena Gomez- When the Sun goes down: Hit the Lights
We the Kings ft. Demi Lovato- Smile kid: We'll be a dream
Hey monday- Beneath It All: Wondergirl, Wish you were Here, Mr. Pushover
When i'm SAD:
Miley Cyrus- Can't be Tamed: Scars, Stay
Avirl Lavigne- Goodbye Lullaby: Wish you were here
We the Kings- Sunshine State of Mind: The view from Here
Disney- A whole new world (Aladdin), I'll make a man out of you (Mulan), Part of your World,  (Little Mermaid), I have a dream, I see the lights, Poor unfortunate soul (Tangled), Something there (beauty and the beast) 
Taylor Swift- Speak now: Speak now, mine, long live, sparks fly
Fun- Some nights: We are Young
All time Low- Dirty works  
When i'm mad i go to sleep. So here's a playlist when i go to SLEEP:
All songs of Secret garden
Avatar soundtrack
the Polar Express soundtrack
Christmas songs sang by Bing Crosby, Joe Junior & Irene Ryder
Another playlist when i STUDY:
Movie soundtracks of: Avatar, the polar express, all Harry potters, Real steel, Inception, Spirited Away:)
i'm sure that no body is clicking onto my blog just to see my tumblr challenges that should be updated EVERYDAY. HOWEVER, due to the terrible stress over here of getting myself a pretty Academic Grade in my first term at LPC, I am not able to update it everyday. So here is an apology to my imaginary fan who checks my blog everyday: I'm sorry:/
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
The questions are getting serious and hard.
I am proud of using my spongebob bed sheets while everyone else is using mature flowers or striped bed sheets!!:D
HEre's a beautiful picture of my pretty bed!!:)
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Sorry for the low resolution:P
As a teenager, dreaming of the future is what i do. But sometimes, i just need something to remind me that i am still a child at heart.:)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
When thinking about what has the biggest impact on a person people often think back to their parents or teachers. My parents surely has a huge impact on me, they taught me how to live my life to the fullest, they taught me how to make my own decisions, they taught me how to be brave, be strong and be independent, they made me into who i am today.
However, i want to talk about something that has the biggest impact on me, it's so big, that i think it changed my life from an ordinary girl's life into a girl with her own passion and dream. It was not a person, it was not even a picture. It was a video of something bloody. It was a video my teacher showed us when we were in primary school.
I remembered sitting at the back of the classroom reading my comics under the desk, when my teacher turned on the television. Oh boy, i told myself, movie time!! I closed my comic and started watching that video. 
(WARNING the link below contain violence scenes [the whole vid is violent] that might cause you health problems. just be prepared to watch some blood. oh, and prepare some tissues. :'()
The above link is not the exact video that i watched. I remember watching a helicopter view of how the ocean turned from sapphire blue to bloody red. However, this is the closet video from what i saw. There is this video that is age restricted that i guessed is the one that i watched as there are lots of view for that. If you would like to watch it do some research on youtube and you'll find it.
The video shocked the whole class. The screams of the dolphins filled the air. As we watched the ocean turning into blood, tears filled our eyes. Some of the girls just can't take it anymore and got down onto the table. Even the face of the toughest boys, were shimmering with tears. It was the first video that shocked us so much -- we had never thought of how evil humans could be. For all our lives, all the antagonists from comics were aliens from outer space or ugly man with warts all over his face. We never imagined that a bunch of people who could be your parents would just trap the dolphins down kill them with sticks, jump into the bloody ocean and drag their still-alive body onto the boat. 
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For those who are not able to watch the video, here is the picture that changed my life forever.
According to National Geographic, the Japanese do this as a 'tradition' hunt. The japanese government even give the fisherman permits to get the dolphins for 'Aquarium trades' or just slaughter them for meat. I've even read from somewhere else that said the fishermen kill the dolphins as a 'pest control' as the Dolphins are eating the fish that provide the fishermen income. 
I could not believe my eyes. Ever since i was little i named dolphins as my lucky charm and my favourite animal. Watching dolphins being killed because of human selfishness = ME BEING EXTREMELY ANGRY 
I was so angry, that i've came back to think about it, it might be a motivation that caused me to fall in love with the ocean when i first dived, and realizing that we should protect our ocean after my first dive, finding my dream of wanting to be a wildlife biologist after i went to Australia, and with all these factors, being motivated to look for a better chance for a better future to protect mother nature at LPCUWC. 
Don't you think that it changed my life forever? 
everything happened for a reason,
Shoreline Princess
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
AHHH after a freezing dive at the open sea:))
feeling refreshing and sleepy..niceee:D
who's my super hero??
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Patrick star is technically not a super hero, but he's a super hero in my heart:)
Whenever i'm sad, i watch spongebob. And nomatter how sad i am, when i saw patrick, i immediately start laughing. he's such a cutie. He even taught me how to believe in my self and not to care about what people thinks about you. As long as you're happy, you're the luckiest person in the world.
until tomorrow!
shoreline princess
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 5 Tchallenge- a picture of somewhere you've been to
Whoopse! sorry!!
it's 12:26am over here and i just finished a movie with a friend:)
I'm going to have my last dive of the year tomorrow. Supposingly as a year one student we can only go diving with the year twos as a 'companion', as in, we just have dive lessons and dive. However, because i had previous experience, and i have the advance open water diver certificate while the others has an open water diver certificate only (well, except for the teachers who are master divers:P), i am allowed to go diving with the second years to learn surveying techniques and spotting/GASsing. I have no idea what those things are but i am still looking forward to it!!x)
since i'm diving tomorrow, the only 'somewhere' i could think of is Philippines where i got my advance open water diver certificate. 
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This is La Laguna beach club & dive centre at the Philippines where i went to dive last christmas. It is an amazing and wonderful place with beautiful corals, nice people, awesome coaches and is a nice resort just to chill and enjoy the fine snow-free winter in Asia:)
Anyways, i've got to take an energy sleep so that i could be energetic tomorrow to  jump into the freezing ocean tomorrow!!
Love you all and see ya!!
Shoreline Princess:)
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shorelineprincess · 11 years
Day 4 Tchallenge - A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Instead of talking about a habit that i wish i didn't have, i'd like to talk about anything that i wish i didn't have. (as i just can't think of habits suddenly.)
-  I wish i could be tidy
-  I wish i won't get uncomfortable when my room is not tidy (yeah that's really ironic. I fell uneasy and uncomfortable when my room is not tidy, but my room makes me uncomfortable 90% of the time blah.)
-  I wish i did not scream that much when i was little (which transformed my vocal cord from a sweet girly voice to a low and boyish voice)
-  I wish my toes weren't bent inwards (it's really annoying and uncomfortable when i try to wear pretty shoes..D:)
-  I wish my nose could be smaller 
-  I wish i could have super powers
-  I wish i could be more productive. for instance, why am i tumbling when i should be doing my theatre research?
-  I wish I could eat less junk food
-  I wish i could be less jealous
-  I wish i courageous and be brave to try
-  I wish i could be happy and live on with my life without thinking of these things that i could not change. 
-  okay i'll stop thinking about them:)
-  I am proud of who i am
-  I love my family
-  I am looking forward to the future
-  I have loving friends that cares about me:)
-  and so on and so on:D
Try turning the corners of your mouth upwards
and watches as your life change.
Shoreline Princess
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