so-very-sedated · 7 days
how to get rid of nausea (or at least reduce it)
ok y'all so it's almost 1 in the morning and i can't sleep so i figured i might as well make use of my time. these tips are from what have personally worked well for me as a person who's been dealing with ibs and gerd since basically birth. of course these might not work for everyone, this is just what has helped me the most :)
first, make sure you've taken your meds!
sip on some cold water. preferably with ice.
get some cool air. whether that's through a window or just a fan.
drip some cold water onto the veins of your wrist. i know this sounds kinda weird, but my dad said it's a trick he learned in the military to help nausea. it's worked pretty well for me, personally. though the effect is temporary.
sip on some cola or another fizzy pop. carbonation helps you burp, and you honestly might just have some trapped gas. you'd be shocked how just one good, trapped burp makes you feel like you need to projectile vomit. drink in small, frequent amounts, not large gulps(for the love of god don't take large gulps. please). this is honestly one of the best tricks for nausea for me, it helps within minutes or sometimes a bit longer.
sniff some rubbing alcohol. again, kinda weird, but it works pretty well for some reason.
drink some pepto bismol. a life saver honestly.
take some tums. i highly recommend the peppermint flavored ones. tums are usually for acid reflux/gerd, but the peppermint really helps the nausea part for me. that's why i usually get these bc i'm killing two birds w/ one stone lol
sleep at a high elevation. this helps stomach contents from coming back up. there's been many times where i've had to sleep at a 90° angle. get out your pillows and stuffed animals to make one giant mountain if you have to (that's what i do at least).
sleep on your left side. if you really want to sleep on your side, sleeping on the left keeps the stomach contents down the best.
distract yourself. either watching your favorite show, playing a game, or, hell, even working. this might be a bit tricky if the nausea is overwhelming, though.
avoid strong smells. rubbing alcohol is the exception here, but strong smelling things (esp food) has always made my nausea much worse.
avoid spicy/punch-to-the-face type food. eat simple foods like toast, saltine crackers, or applesauce. my personal favorite is dried seaweed (salted)!
sit upright; try not to slouch. sitting upright helps you digest food properly and gets rid of any trapped gas as well.
don't move around a ton. of course, some simple stretching is beneficial, but i'm just suggesting you don't go run for a few miles when you're feeling like shit <3
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so-very-sedated · 7 days
extremely fucked that I have to live with chronic pain because of some stupid choices I made as a kid
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so-very-sedated · 4 months
tried to kms last night :/ pretty stupid
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so-very-sedated · 6 months
the person in the mirror isn’t me it’s just them pretending to be me and copying my movements, sometimes they also do this to photos of me, but not typically videos
I hate them, I want them to leave me alone
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so-very-sedated · 6 months
hello, I’m Theia (pronounced THey-Ah)
this is kinda a vent blog, kinda a way to keep track of things, the TWS for everything is at the bottom of the post
I have:
- delusions, I am able to double book-keep and thats what helps me stay calm, though sometimes I might post about a new or past delusion as if it were actually happening/had actually happened
- intrusive thoughts, they get very violent and disgusting, TWS at the end
- depression, I’m medicated (heavily) but I still get the seasonal blues, and honestly even being sedated doesn’t really curb it at times
- suicidal thoughts, came 2-for-1 with the depression, I try to just ignore them usually but may keep track of them via posts on this blog
- autism, but I post about that a lot on my main so it probably won’t get mentioned here much (the sensory issues will though)
TWS FOR THIS BLOG: suicide, suicide ideation, self harm, delusions, unreality, medications, rape, violence, blood, gore, incest, pedophilia, abuse, guns, bugs, vomit, religion, christianity, (more to be added)
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