soiiisauce · 11 years
50 Shades of grey chapter 15-19
Chapeter 15
“Hi.” I feel unbearably shy when I open the door. Christian is standing on the porch in his 
jeans and leather jacket.
“Hi,” he says, and his face lights up with his radiant smile. I take a moment to admire 
the pretty. Oh my, he’s hot in leather.
“Come in.”
“If I may,” he says amused. He holds up a bottle of champagne as he walks in. “I 
thought we’d celebrate your graduation. Nothing beats a good Bollinger.”
“Interesting choice of words,” I comment dryly.
He grins.
“Oh, I like your ready wit, Anastasia.”
“We only have teacups. We’ve packed all the glasses.”
“Teacups? Sounds good to me.”
I head into the kitchen. Nervous, butterflies flooding my stomach, it’s like having a 
panther or mountain lion all unpredictable and predatory in my living room.
“Do you want saucers as well?”
“Teacups will be fine, Anastasia,” Christian calls distractedly from the living room.
When I return, he’s staring at the brown parcel of books. I place the cups on the table.
“That’s for you,” I murmur anxiously. 
Crap… this is probably going to be a fight.
Chapter 16
Slowly the outside world invades my senses, and oh my, what an invasion. I am floating, 
my limbs soft and languid, utterly spent. I’m lying on top of him, my head on his chest, 
and he smells divine: fresh, laundered linen and some expensive body wash, and the best, 
most seductive scent on the planet… Christian. I don’t want to move, I want to breathe 
this elixir for eternity. I nuzzle him, wishing I didn’t have the barrier of his t-shirt. And as 
rhyme and reason return to the rest of my body, I stretch my hand out on his chest. This is 
the first time I’ve touched him here. He’s firm… strong. His hand swoops up and grabs 
mine, but he softens the blow by pulling it to his mouth and sweetly kissing my knuckles. 
He rolls over so he’s gazing down at me.
“Don’t,” he murmurs, then kisses me lightly.
“Why don’t you like to be touched?” I whisper, staring up into soft gray eyes.
“Because I’m fifty shades of fucked-up, Anastasia.”
Oh… his honesty is completely disarming. I blink up at him.
“I had a very tough introduction to life. I don’t want to burden you with the details. 
Just don’t.” He strokes his nose against mine, and then he pulls out of me and sits up.
“I think that’s all the very basics covered. How was that?”
He looks thoroughly pleased with himself and sounds very matter-of-fact at the same 
time, like he’s just marked another tick box in a checklist. I’m still reeling from the tough 
introduction to life comment. It’s so frustrating – I am desperate to know more. But he 
Chapter 17
The candle flame is too hot. It flickers and dances in the over-warm breeze, a breeze that 
brings no respite from the heat. Soft gossamer wings flutter to and fro in the dark, sprinkling dusty scales in the circle of light. I’m struggling to resist, but I’m drawn. And then 
it’s so bright, and I am flying too close to the sun, dazzled by the light, fried and melting 
from the heat, weary in my endeavors to stay airborne. I am so warm. The heat… it’s 
stifling, overpowering. It wakes me. 
I open my eyes, and I’m draped in Christian Grey. He’s wrapped around me like a victory flag. He’s fast asleep with his head on my chest, his arm over me, holding me close, 
one of his legs thrown over and hooked around both of mine. He’s suffocating me with 
his body heat, and he’s heavy. I take a moment to absorb that he’s still in my bed and fast 
asleep, and it’s light outside – morning. He has spent the whole night with me.
My right arm is stretched, no doubt in search of a cool spot, and as I process the fact 
that he’s still with me, the thought occurs that I can touch him. He’s asleep. Tentatively, I 
lift my hand and run the tips of my fingers down his back. Deep in his throat, I hear a faint 
distressed groan, and he stirs. He nuzzles my chest, inhaling deeply as he wakes. Sleepy, 
blinking gray eyes meet mine beneath his tousled mop of hair.
“Good morning,” he mumbles and frowns. “Jesus, even in my sleep I’m drawn to 
you.” He moves slowly, unpeeling his limbs from me as he gets his bearings. I become 
Chapter 18
Dr. Greene is tall, blond, and immaculate, dressed in a royal blue suit. I’m reminded of the 
women who work in Christian’s office. She’s like an identikit model – another Stepford 
blonde. Her long hair is swept up in an elegant chignon. She must be in her early forties.
“Mr. Grey.” She shakes Christian’s outstretched hand.
“Thank you for coming at such short notice,” Christian says.
“Thank you for making it worth my while, Mr. Grey. Miss Steele.” She smiles, her 
eyes cool and assessing. 
We shake hands, and I know she’s one of those women who doesn’t tolerate fools 
gladly. Like Kate. I like her immediately. She gives Christian a pointed stare, and after an 
awkward beat, he takes his cue.
“I’ll be downstairs,” he mutters, and he leaves what will be my bedroom.
“Well Miss Steele. Mr. Grey is paying me a small fortune to attend to you. What can 
I do for you?”
After a thorough examination and lengthy discussion, Dr. Greene and I decide on the mini 
pill. She writes me a pre-paid prescription and instructs me to pick them up tomorrow. I 
love her no-nonsense attitude – she has lectured me until she’s as blue as her dress about 
taking it at the same time every day. And I can tell she’s burning with curiosity about my 
so-called relationship with Mr. Grey. I don’t give her any details. Somehow I don’t think 
Chapter 19
Soft lips brush across my temple, leaving sweet tender kisses in their wake, and part of me 
wants to turn and respond, but mostly I want to stay asleep. I moan and burrow into my 
“Anastasia, wake up.” Christian’s voice is soft, cajoling.
“No,” I moan.
“We have to leave in half an hour for dinner at my parents.” He’s amused. 
I open my eyes reluctantly. It’s dusk outside. Christian is leaning over, gazing at me 
“Come on sleepy-head. Get up.” He stoops down and kisses me again.
“I’ve bought you a drink. I’ll be downstairs. Don’t go back to sleep, or you’ll be in 
trouble,” he threatens, but his tone is mild. He kisses me briefly and exits, leaving me 
blinking sleep from my eyes in the cool, stark room.
I’m refreshed but suddenly nervous. Holy cow, I am meeting his folks! He’s just 
worked me over with a riding crop and tied me up using a cable tie which I sold him, for 
heaven’s sake – and I’m going to meet his parents. It will be Kate’s first time meeting them 
too – at least she’ll be there for support. I roll my shoulders. They’re stiff. His demands 
for a personal trainer don’t seem so outlandish now, in fact, they’re mandatory if I am to 
have any hope of keeping up with him.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
50 Shades of grey Chapter 20-26
Chapter 20
Christian bursts through the wooden door of the boathouse and pauses to flick on some 
lights. Fluorescents ping and buzz in sequence as harsh white light floods the large wooden 
building. From my upside-down view, I can see an impressive motor launch in the dock 
floating gently on the dark water, but I only get a brief look before he’s carrying me up 
some wooden stairs to the room above.
He pauses at the doorway and touches another switch – halogens this time, they are 
softer, on a dimmer – and we’re in an attic room with sloping ceilings. It’s decorated with 
a nautical New England theme: navy blues and creams with a dash of red. The furnishings 
are sparse, just a couple of couches are all I can see.
Christian sets me on my feet on the wooden floor. I don’t have time to examine my 
surroundings – my eyes can’t leave him. I am mesmerized… watching him like one would 
watch a rare and dangerous predator, waiting for him to strike. His breathing is harsh but 
then he’s just carried me across the lawn and up a flight of stairs. Gray eyes blaze with 
anger, need, and pure unadulterated lust.
Holy shit. I could spontaneously combust from his look alone.
“Please don’t hit me,” I whisper, pleading. 
His brow furrows, his eyes widening. He blinks twice.
“I don’t want you to spank me, not here, not now. Please don’t.”
Chapter 21
There is light everywhere. Bright, warm, piercing light, and I endeavor to keep it at bay 
for a few more precious minutes. I want to hide, just a few more minutes. But the glare is 
too strong, and I finally succumb to wakefulness. A glorious Seattle morning greets me – 
sunshine pouring through the full-height windows and flooding the room with too-bright 
light. Why didn’t we close the blinds last night? I am in Christian Grey’s vast bed minus 
one Christian Grey.
I lie back for a moment staring through the windows at the lofty vista of Seattle’s 
skyline. Life in the clouds sure feels unreal. A fantasy – a castle in the air, adrift from the 
ground, safe from the realities of life – far away from neglect, hunger, and crack-whore 
mothers. I shudder to think what he went through as a small child, and I understand why he 
lives here, isolated, surrounded by beautiful, precious works of art – so far removed from 
where he started… mission statement indeed. I frown because it still doesn’t explain why 
I can’t touch him.
Ironically, I feel the same up here in his lofty tower. I’m adrift from reality. I’m in this 
fantasy apartment, having fantasy sex with my fantasy boyfriend. When the grim reality 
is he wants a special arrangement, though he’s said he’ll try more. What does that actually 
mean? This is what I need to clarify between us to see if we are still at opposite ends on 
the see-saw or if we are inching closer together.
Chapter 22
I am manicured, massaged, and I’ve had two glasses of champagne. The First Class lounge 
has many redeeming features. With each sip of Moet, I feel slightly more inclined to forgive Christian and his intervention. I open up my MacBook, hoping to test the theory that 
it works anywhere on the planet.
From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: Over-Extravagant Gestures
Date: May 30 2011 21:53
To: Christian Grey
Dear Mr. Grey
What really alarms me is how you knew which flight I was on.
Your stalking knows no bounds. Let’s hope that Dr. Flynn is back from vacation. 
I have had a manicure, a back massage, and two glasses of champagne – a very nice 
start to my vacation.
Thank you.
From: Christian Grey
Subject: You’re Most Welcome
Chapter 23
I glance nervously around the bar but cannot see him.
“Ana, what is it? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“It’s Christian, he’s here.”
“What? Really?” She glances around the bar too. 
I have neglected to mention Christian’s stalker tendencies to my mom.
I see him. My heart leaps, beginning a juddering thumping beat as he makes his way 
toward us. He’s really here – for me. My inner goddess leaps up cheering from her chaise 
longue. Moving smoothly through the crowd, his hair glints burnished copper and red under the recessed halogens. His bright gray eyes are shining with – anger? Tension? His 
mouth is set in a grim line, jaw tense. Oh holy shit… no. I am so mad at him right now, 
and here he is. How can I be angry with him in front of my mother?
He arrives at our table, gazing at me warily. He’s dressed in customary white linen 
shirt and jeans.
“Hi,” I squeak, unable to hide my shock and awe at seeing him here in the flesh.
“Hi,” he replies, and leaning down, he kisses my cheek, taking me by surprise.
“Christian, this is my mother, Carla.” My ingrained manners take over.
He turns to greet my mom.
“Mrs. Adams, I am delighted to meet you.”
Chapter 24
Christian stands in a steel-barred cage. Wearing his soft, ripped jeans, his chest and feet 
are mouthwateringly naked, and he’s staring at me. His private-joke smile etched on his 
beautiful face and his eyes a molten gray. In his hands he holds a bowl of strawberries. 
He ambles with athletic grace to the front of the cage, gazing intently at me. Holding up a 
plump ripe strawberry, he extends his hand through the bars.
“Eat,” he says, his tongue caressing the front of his palate as he enunciates the ‘t’.
I try and move toward him, but I’m tethered, held back by some unseen force around 
my wrist, holding me. Let me go.
“Come, eat,” he says, smiling his delicious crooked smile. 
I pull and pull… let me go! I want to scream and shout, but no sound emerges. I am 
mute. He stretches a little further, and the strawberry is at my lips.
“Eat, Anastasia.” His mouth forms my name, lingering sensually on each syllable.
I open my mouth and bite, the cage disappears, and my hands are free. I reach up to 
touch him, graze my fingers through his chest hair.
No. I moan.
“Come on, baby.”
No. I want to touch you.
“Wake up.”
Chapter 25
My mother hugs me tightly.
“Follow your heart, darling, and please, please – try not to over-think things. Relax 
and enjoy yourself. You are so young, sweetheart. You have so much of life to experience 
yet, just let it happen. You deserve the best of everything.” Her heartfelt words are comforting whispered in my ear. She kisses my hair.
“Oh, Mom.” Hot, unwelcome tears prick my eyes as I cling to her.
“Darling, you know what they say. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your 
I give her a lopsided, bittersweet smile. 
“I think I’ve kissed a prince, Mom. I hope he doesn’t turn into a frog.”
She gives me her most endearing-motherly-absolute-unconditional-love smile, and I 
marvel at the love I feel for this woman as we hug again.
“Ana – they’re calling your flight,” Bob’s voice is anxious.
“Will you visit, Mom?”
“Of course darling – soon. Love you.”
“Me too.”
Her eyes are red with unshed tears as she releases me. I hate leaving her. I hug Bob, 
and turning, head to the gate – I do not have time for the first class lounge today. I will 
myself not to glance back. But I do… and Bob is holding my mom, and tears are streaming 
Chapter 26
I wake with a jolt. I think I’ve just fallen down some stairs in a dream, and I bolt upright, 
momentarily disorientated. It is dark, and I’m in Christian’s bed alone. Something has 
woken me, some nagging thought. I glance over at the alarm clock on his bedside. It is 
5:00 in the morning, but I feel rested. Why is that? Oh – it’s the time difference – it would 
be 8:00 a.m. in Georgia. Holy crap… I need to take my pill. I clamber out of bed, grateful 
for whatever it is that has woken me. I can hear faint notes from the piano. Christian is 
playing. This I must see. I love watching him play. Naked, I grab my bathrobe from the 
chair and wander quietly down the corridor, slipping on my robeand listening to the magical sound of the melodic lament that’s coming from the great room.
Shrouded in darkness, Christian sits in a bubble of light as he plays, and his hair glints 
with burnished copper highlights. He looks naked, though I know he’s wearing his PJ 
bottoms. He’s concentrating, playing beautifully, lost in the melancholy of the music. I 
hesitate, watching from the shadows, not wanting to interrupt him. I want to hold him. 
He looks lost, sad even, and achingly lonely – or maybe it’s just the music that’s so full of 
poignant sorrow. He finishes the piece, pauses for a split second, then starts to play it again. 
I move cautiously toward him, drawn as the moth to the flame… the idea makes me smile. 
He glances up at me and frowns before his gaze returns to his hands
Oh crap, is he pissed off that I am disturbing him?
“You should be asleep,” he scolds mildly.
This Reminded me of a happy time
Thank you
I gaze at myself in the mirror. A pale and haunted ghost stares back at me. I scoop my 
hair into a ponytail and ignore how swollen my eyelids are from the crying. My subconscious nods with approval. Even she knows not to be snarky right now. I cannot believe 
that my world is crumbling around me into a sterile pile of ashes, all my hopes and dreams 
cruelly dashed. No, no don’t think about it. Not now, not yet. Taking a deep breath, I pick 
up my case, and after placing the glider kit and my note on his pillow, I head for the great 
Christian is on the phone. He’s dressed in black jeans and t-shirt. His feet are bare.
“He said what!” he shouts, making me jump. “Well, he could have told us the fucking 
truth. What’s his number, I need to call him… Welch, this is a real fuck-up.” He glances 
up and doesn’t take his dark and brooding eyes off me. “Find her,” he snaps and presses 
the off switch.
I walk over to the couch and collect my backpack, doing my best to ignore him. I take 
the Mac out of it and walk back toward the kitchen, placing it carefully on the breakfast 
bar, along with the BlackBerry and the car key. When I turn to face him, he’s staring at me, 
stupefied with horror.
“I need the money that Taylor got for my Beetle.” My voice is clear and calm, devoid 
of emotion… extraordinary.
“Ana, I don’t want those things, they’re yours,” he says in disbelief. “Please, take 
“No Christian – I only accepted them under sufferance – and I don’t want them anymore.”
“Ana, be reasonable,” he scolds me, even now.
“I don’t want anything that will remind me of you. I just need the money that Taylor 
got for my car.” My voice is quite monotone.
He gasps. 
“Are you really trying to wound me?”
“No.” I frown staring at him. Of course not… I love you. “I’m not. I’m trying to 
protect myself,” I whisper. Because you don’t want me the way I want you.
“Please, Ana, take that stuff.”
“Christian, I don’t want to fight – I just need the money.”
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soiiisauce · 11 years
There are sad days, and lonesome nights, like searching for one, in thousand lights, I never thought you’d someday be so far, and someday I’ll see you like I see a star, Who I want to have but cannot touch, and someone who I love so very much, I don’t know if you know how I really feel, but I hope you know I loved you in real..
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soiiisauce · 11 years
God must have seen my need for someone who could turn my failure to victory, whose touch could turn my tears to smiles, who by just being there could turn my sadness to laughter. Maybe that's why he sent you to me.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
I haven’t cried for others the way I’m crying for you, I haven’t showed others the care I’m giving you, I haven’t treated others the way I’m treating you and I haven’t loved anyone the way I’m loving you.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
When I get to hear you laugh, when I get to cheer you up when you’re down, when I get to fight for you, when I simply get to be a part of your life. These are the times I thank God I’m alive.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
If there could be one thing I could never afford to set free, that would be you. It’s cause you’ve made my life so complete that you, being a part of it, could kill me. You won’t let me die, right?
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soiiisauce · 11 years
I’m not asking you to stay for the rest of my life, stay as long as you want. No why’s, no how’s, no but’s, no promises. Just stay. It’s more than enough.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
I miss you not because you miss me but because you taught me how to feel the emptiness when you’re not here. I love you not because you love me but because you taught me everything I never knew existed before.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
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Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
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soiiisauce · 11 years
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Tomorrow is a blank page, just waiting to be filled with your dreams... All you have to do is be yourself and live the story of your own unique life. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all be happy.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
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Don't keep your dreams in your eyes, they may fall as tears. Keep them in your heart so that every heartbeat may remind you to convert them into REALITY.
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soiiisauce · 11 years
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The greatest gift you can give some one is your time, your attention, your love, your concern...
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soiiisauce · 12 years
1 "The great love that I have for you 2 is gone, and I find my dislike for you 3 grows every day. When I see you, 4 I do not even like your face; 5 the one thing that I want to do is to 6 look at other girls. I never wanted to 7 marry you. Our last conversation 8 was very boring and has not 9 made me look forward to seeing you again. 10 You think only of yourself. 11 If we were married, I know that I would find 12 life very difficult, and I would have no 13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart 14 to give, but it is not something that 15 I want to give to you. No one is more 16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not 17 able to care for me and help me. 18 I sincerely want you to understand that 19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor 20 if you think this is the end. Do not try 21 to answer this. Your letters are full of 22 things that do not interest me. You have no 23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me, 24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that 25 I am still your boyfriend."
        The NUMBER TAGS :)
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soiiisauce · 12 years
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if i die i look so awful! ndi koo angayan sa coffin if ever!! eewww.. so i don't want!!
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soiiisauce · 12 years
Never ever follow other's suggestions just because you were forced to, always follow what your heart is gonna tell you otherwise you might be questioning yourself, "what if I followed mine?
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soiiisauce · 12 years
Girl like you are hard to find,but i'm very glad i did,it feels like i've known you Forever and i think i knew from the start i'd fall in love with you,but that still didn't stop it!i love you more than you will ever know!You're all that i need!I'm in love with you and nothing could make me stop loving you!You say i deserve someone best for me!Someone that can make me happy!have you ever realize you just described your self?!i don't say i love you because i have to,I say it because i want to and thats what i really feel,I would stay awake just to watch you sleep!i don't care if you think i could do better because i want you!Forever implies many things and its a long time,but i mean each one of those things and that's time i'm will to spend!i will love you everyday after tomorrow,and if i die tomorrow i will still love you
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