soso-chan126 · 8 months
Cidolfus Telamon "Cid" x reader
It happened again. I was playing the wonderful game of Final Fantasy XVI and thought "Why not writing something about my all time favourite. And yes. Cid, the first one, is my all time favourite. I mean why not? And if all that doesn't make any sense blame it on the alcohol, okay? And yeah. I'm writing this while being drunk. Now let's go!
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I was currently sitting in Martha's rest and drank relaxed a bit. I was also kind of drunk but I still knew what I did. (I had that a lot and currently as well. Now you guys can argue if I broke the law or not. Well it depends in which country I live in but still you can. I give you my permission.) Then suddenly a man caught my gaze. He had a beard and rather dark hair. I would dare to say that he was attractive. At least to me he was. He also looked at me and after around 5 minutes he walked towards me.
"Is the seat next to you taken?", he asked in his deep voice. I felt goosebumps spreading on my body and I smiled up at him. "No. It's not. If you like you can sit down next to me", I smiled up at him. He smirked and sat down next to me a drink in his right hand. We were silent for a few minutes but he started a conversation rather quickly. The typical stuff. What my name was, how old I was and much more of that stuff. I replied and asked about him. That way I learned that his name was Cidolfus Telamon but he would prefer it if I call him just Cid. So I did it.
We get to know each other and started to like each other as well. We had some funtime in the bed and were rather close to each other.
Currently I laid in his bed and drew pattern on his chest with my finger. He caressed my shoulder and went through my hair. I loved every second and minute with him. Hell I loved him. And I knew that he loved me. That was all I need to know. I didn't need to know that he was a dominus. I didn't need to know that he had a hide away for bearers and dominus. All I needed to know was that he loves me and that I love him. And that was the only thing I knew. Until an unknown man and woman went to my home and told me everything about him.
Here is the masterlist:
Here are the requests:
I know. I know. It's short like very short but I wanted to write something and well... my drunk brain is not that creative. But still. I hope it was enough to make some of you happy. I added no spoilers I hope and well... if you have any request or so tell me. It's also rather a scenario than a oneshot. Or both? I don't know. Well guys I will return to playing Final Fantasy XVI and I whish you guys a good night, day or something of that sort. I hope that you'll soon send some request but until then or another boredom of mine... See you guys later!
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soso-chan126 · 1 year
Here are the masterpieces that aren't really masterpieces of mine listed. So yeah let's not talk to much about this stuff. I will upload it as soon as I can.
Night at the museum:
"Heimat": a Oneshot about a female reader who comes from germany and teaches Ahkmenrah the meaning of the word "Heimat". After a reading session of course.
Final Fantasy XVI:
Cid (Cidolfus Telamon):
"Cidolfus Telamon "Cid" x reader": a Scenario about the reader being in a relationship with Cid and learning from strangers everything about him. (Very short.)
My hero academia:
The legend of Zelda:
So that's it for now. The other ones are just examples but well you can request anything under this little link there.
And you find my little welcome to this blog here as well.
Well that's all I needed to say so yeah. Goodnight and wish me luck for my class test tomorrow! See ya later!
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soso-chan126 · 1 year
Ahkmenrah x fem! reader "Heimat"
I'm incredibly bored and watched some Night at the museum. Than it just happened that I thought a little bit (is indeed a rare process) and well I thought I could write a little oneshot for the pretty pharao. I couldn't help myself soo yeah. Btw the reader is in this oneshot from the time of the 20th century and to be more specific (is it written that way? idk well if not I am counting on all of you that you're going to tell me if it's right or not) the reader is from the time of the second world war and well there may be some topics that can trigger people. So I will put a trigger warning at the beginning. But well maybe not I'm not sure what I will include and so on and I also don't know how I make the reader so yeah... I will just go with the flow and write for my hearts content (not sure if I can put it that way). So before the beginning I write a quick definition for the word "Heimat". Ouhh and my little to long author notes are those little mini textes.
Heimat (german): "a place, where someone was born and grew up or is there long enough to have a feeling of being at home (is mostly a word for a place (and sometimes someone) that (or who) someone has a very special connection to)
translated out of the "Duden" can't say it's the right translation to the definition but well if someone of you has a better definition that's in english I'll gladly swap that with this one if you don't mind.
Well let's go then! ahh... btw I write about a female reader so yeah... if you want another one with gender neutral or a male reader ask right away and then I'll write it as soon as I can! I am not a native speaker so well it certainly has some errors and I'll correct them if you tell me where some are. Thanks and let's go!
TW: mentions of the holocaust, death, national socialists and some of the other stuff about the 2nd ww and also swearing but only lightly and once if I'm not mistaken
You have been warned. Reading on your own... I forgot the word. Eh... something like concequences ig but I'm not sure. It's way to late for writing tbh. And if you don't want to read the stuff with the 2nd ww then just skip the background. I will mark it for you guys.
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Everyday I remember my cruel death. I am nothing but a little wax figurine that just resembles my once very much alive self but I still have her memorys. Even though I am only made out of wax and don't even have a real brain. She was a hero for a lot of people even though she was only a little artist that wasn't much known. She lived in nazi germany so she knew what was going on in germany. Even more because one of her friends worked for the terrifying camps. He told her a lot of things proudly and most of them weren't allowed to be told to zivilian people like herself. She took advantage of the knowledge and used it for her art. She showed the terrors of the war of the holocaust of everything.
She also started to try to change the world for the better and so she came into the view of the regime and their corrupted forces. She was able to trick them but well her luck ran out after she helped a spy of the united states. The spy learned a lot of things from her that were cultural differences between the two countries. With her help he was able to keep hidden. To his luck he looked also like a "typical german" probably had ancestors that were german people. However that was a reason why spys of the allies were basically searching for her so that she can also help them. She was bad at denying the need for help of other people. The spys that resided in her humble home also found out that she hid two jewish families in her house.
Europe and germany were her so called "Heimat" she looked up to Stefan Zweig who also saw europe as his "Heimat" or his home. But well his works were forbidden in germany thanks to the national socialists. She was enraged to find out that her favourite author isn't allowed in her home. But she couldn't give a single shit. She still had the books of him that she once bought. She hid them well. They always tried to find something so that they could arrest and torture her. Well she wasn't allowed to draw anymore and that was a problem but she never stopped with helping others out.
Then someday one of her neighbours told her off to the ss. They came into her home and found everything the spy who resided with the young woman and also the jewish families, the forbidden books and her forbidden art studio. Also the books of different languages such as english, french, japanese, italian, spanish and much more. She learned them all and can speak some of them fluently while the others were a little rusty but good enough to communicate decently. They caught her and they also punished her. And their punishment was the reason for her death. She was a strong woman who helped as much people as she could by sending them off to other countries or hiding them and teaching them. The spy was also tortured and died right next her when a bomb of the english army fell onto the building they were in. He apologized to her but she told him that it wasn't his fault and that she decided for herself to walk on this path that was hidden in the darkness without any sight of light. She wanted to bring light into her home, her "Heimat". But she lost it and she pobably never gets it back. Well that's what her dying self thought but that wasn't exactly true.
~End of backstory~
She came back to life and well she is now my humble self who is a good friend of hystorical people like Sacagawea, Theodore Roosevelt and others. My personal favourite of them all is Ahkmenrah. He is a pharao of egypt who is dead like most of us. Makes sense right? And well he kind of is more to me. I certainly don't know what I am for him but he is more than a friend. I think it's enough to say that I have kind of a crush on the handsome egyptian man. Well okay it's a big crush to be honest.
Everytime when I have those nightmares about my death he's there to help me. I'm very thankful to have him. Even though I'm quite sad that I don't know about his feelings for me.
Well my little thoughts about my past and current situation were interrupted by hand that waved in front of my face. I blinked twice and mumbled a little "Wa?", that made him chuckle. "You were very deep into your thoughts today. Is something troubling you?", he asked me somewhat amused but also concerned. I just stared into his eyes and shook my head indicating a "no". He just sighs and asked if I could tell him about some stories that I read. He asked for some fairy tales. So I told him some. Mostly the famous ones like "Snow white", "Rapunzel", "The beauty and the beast" and also "Sleeping Beauty".
At some point he laid down and rested his head on my lap. I stopped reading and stared down on him with wide eyes. He eyed me from his position and asked what's wrong. He wasn't like this before. Never. And this shocked me. "Nothing's wrong. But tell me why are you laying your head on my lap?", I asked with a blush that told the world how embarassed and overworked I was from the whole situation. "I'm simply resting. I was feeling tired." Well he is dead so it was kind of a miracle for me to think that he can feel tired. I just shrugged and returned still a little flustered to reading the current story.
After I finished with the story I glanced down to Ahk who still rested his head on my lap. Surprisingly he kind of fell asleep. I watched his peaceful face and felt the heat returning into my face. I may be out of wax but well I kind of can blush at least at night. Though everyone can kind of. It's cute when I see Teddy blush because of Sacagawea or the other way around. I kind of still wonder how it's possible. But well we talk about a relict that can bring basically everything to life so questioning that kind of stuff can bring a headache to someone and by someone I mean myself.
As I was thinking and staring down on the handsome pharao on my lap the mentioned man was waking up and saw to me. Catching me red-handed as I was watching him sleep. I then registered that he had opened his beautiful brown eyes and well you can guess it. I became something similar to a living tomato. He smiled widely seeing me this flustered and laughed out loud.
"Thank you for guarding my sleep! But I'm sure that the sun will rise very soon." Indeed the sky was getting lighter every minute and it's just a matter of time that we need to be on our places. He sat up but put me to a halt when I wanted to stand up. "Could you answer me one little question about a german word?", he asked looking at the young woman with great interest. "Sure. What is your question?"
"What does "Heimat" mean?" Heimat. I haven't heard that word for long only thought about it. "Well "Heimat" is similar to the english word "home" but some people might say that it has a higher meaning. It's more connected with feelings and it doesn't need to be a place. Sometimes it's a person or a thing." "Hmm can you tell me if my usage of the word is correct?", he asked kind of nervous id I'm putting it right. I just nodded and he took a deep breath. That kind of makes it suspicious. Like if he's going to confess or something. He wouldn't right?
Then he grabbed for my hand and said "(Y/N) my beautiful little desert flower. You are everything to me and my "Heimat" is wherever you are. Eh.. could you tell me how I say in german that you're my "Heimat"?" "Du bist meine Heimat", I answered in a trance like state. "(Y/N). Du bist meine Heimat*" I teared up after he said that. "Du bist auch meine Heimat, Ahk.**" He caressed my cheek and kissed me slowly. It was a cute kiss that showed all his emotions for me and of course I reciprocated it as soon as I was out of my trance.
"I love you", he mumbled lowly while connecting his forehead with mine. "I love you too." He is my "Heimat" and I'm pretty sure he'll always be. Well as long as the tablet and the time are on our side.
What the two lovebirds haven't noticed was that the tablet had little corrosions over it. And that their next adventure is waiting for them.
Well that's it my friend's! It's really late and I'm kind of tired as idk. Especially since it's 3 a.m. And I need to go to school tomorrow like ahhhh! Am I dumb kinda. Do I have to write a class test in math tomorrow? Yes. Yes, I have to. Well that's the reason why I'm going to sleep now. So yeah. Ouh and if I got anything wrong tell me friendly if it's unfriendly I will simply ignore it. I'll make soon a masterlist and link it to this post and the other two as well. And yeah... See ya guys later!
Edited: Here is the masterlist!
Translation: "(Y/N). Du bist meine Heimat." -> "(Y/N). You're my home." * "Du bist auch meine Heimat, Ahk." -> "You're my home as well, Ahk." **
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soso-chan126 · 1 year
How to request something
Idk if anyone wants to request something but well if someone does then I'll tell you how.
You can comment somewhere (preferably here under this post thingy) or you can text me. At least I think that's how it works but well I'm new here so you can guess that I am a little tiny bit lost with the functions and stuff. So yeah just write me somehow. When the moment came that I somewhat understood this all then I will edit this little text but for now I say write me somehow. In the comments, private or something like that. I'll be happy to read your requests and that hopefully soon. Well my break is almost over and I'm in school so yeah. I need to go and build stuff digitally.
Edited: I will also collect the requests here and if one disappears then it's a sign that I wrote it. But I will also make a list with all the written oneshots and stuff. Well I need some sleep so yeah...
Edited 2nd time: Here is the masterlist
See y'all later!
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soso-chan126 · 1 year
TW: Death and Injuries on sea life animals!
Don't say I didn't warned ya! Btw it's a picture for a poster that I made for school. We watched seaspiracy so yeah... I hope it isn't that bad but I will post it nonetheless and hope that it doesn't hurt your eyes. It was kinda an experiment of my side. So yeah... here's the picture
Edited: btw I had to show the poster today and well it was bad. I should've done a test print at home then I would've changed the poster but well it's to late for that. But it seems that this picture isn't so bad at least in the eyes of my teacher 😅.
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soso-chan126 · 1 year
I kinda am new to this stuff here so yeah... go easy on me I guess. I will upload storys here about anime that I saw or stuff like that and also drawings that could be kind of bad but we don't talk about that. I will also list some of the anime that I saw so that we can start with the requests. But you can also request characters of anime or series that aren't listed. I will tell you then if I know these or not. Well let's go to the list I guess.
Anime that I saw:
Vinland Saga
Attack on Titan
My Hero Academia
Black Butler
Blue Exorcist
Tokyo Revengers
Brand New Animal
Seven Deadly Sins
Demon Slayer
Seraph of the End
Bungou Stray Dogs
Record of Ragnarok
and more I guess...
Other things I saw, read, played, etc.:
Harry Potter (Hogwarts Legacy as well)
Xenoblade Chronicles (1,2,3)
Avatar the last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Legend of Zelda (Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess, Majoras Mask, Ocarina of Time)
The Witcher (The series on Netflix as well as Witcher 3)
every Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movie
God of War Ragnarok
and some more that I can't think of right now...
Well thank you very much for reading this and well... you can request any oneshot or headcannon or scenario or other stuff you like. I will occasionally upload as well pictures that I drew. Most likely digital pictures. I will start with one that I drew for my school and yeah..
I hope I hear something from someone as someone who's new here. Ouhh and before I forget it english is not my native tongue so yeah tell me if there are any errors and I'll try to correct them as well as I can. Well that's it. Thanks!
Edited: You can write requests under the post that I linked. I hope you guys can see it and yeah. If the time comes and I upload some oneshot stuff then I will also start a masterlist. I think that's what it's called but I'm not sure.
Edited 2n time: Here is the masterlist
Well... see y'all!
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