starboy-sirius · 7 days
Sirius "let me do your eyeliner" Black and Remus "ok, sit on my lap while doing it" Lupin.
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
evan and barty are the perfect example of two people who match each other’s freak
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
*Regulus talking to Remus*
Regulus: Honestly Lily has more self respect than I do
Remus: What makes you say that?
Regulus: If James Potter threw himself at me I would’ve folded like a camping chair
Sirius: *is apalled*
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
I cant tell is i want to BE regulus black or be WITH regulus black. The lines are too blurry
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
dorcas: truth or dare barty: truth dorcas: what's your body count barty: just the one, in not insane evan: i know for a fact you slept with regulus before we got together barty: ohhhh we're talking sex-
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
barty would giggle and twirl his hair and say,"all this for me?" when surrounded by twenty aurors
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
| May 17th | Prompt: Infuriate | Word Count: 946 | I really think I need to reevaluate what the word “micro” means but oh well | @rosekillermicrofic |
“Evan,” Barty said in one big rush, crashing through the door to their dorm, “if you had to rate my kissing skills on a scale of one to ten, what would you give me?”
Evan paused in the middle of closing the bathroom door behind him. His hand still hung on the doorknob as he stared at Barty.
“What?” he said. His hand slid off the doorknob and came to rest awkwardly at his side.
“What would you rate my kissing skills?” It was clear from Barty’s tone that he was very insistent on getting an answer from Evan.
Evan sighed, realizing he wasn’t going to get out of this.
“I don’t know.” He groaned and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’ve never kissed you before, so I can’t really judge.”
Barty’s face fell, corners of his mouth turning down. Evan hurried to finish his thought. “That being said, other people seem to like kissing you well enough—” maybe too well, he thought bitterly— “so I’d give you… an eight, maybe?”
Barty looked taken aback.
“An eight?” he said incredulously. “And what would you rate yourself?”
“Merlin, Bee, I don’t know,” Evan groaned again. “Something like… an eight and a half?”
“Oh, no. That won’t do. That won’t do at all,” Barty responded. “I’m at least a nine, and I’m not saying you’re bad at kissing, but there’s no way I’m not better than you.”
“How would you know?” countered Evan. “You’ve never experienced one of my kisses.”
And oh, what was he doing? There wasn’t anything but pain waiting for him at the end of this road. He knew that. And yet… he was curious about what Barty’s reaction might be.
Evan looked closely at Barty as he took several steps forward, squinting at Evan. Barty’s eyes traveled down, then back up again, and goodness, had he just checked Evan out?
“That won’t do at all,” Barty repeated. “I really need to prove that I’m the better kisser.
Evan scoffed to distract himself from the pounding of his heart.
“You are not the better kisser,” he said.
“Oh, but I am.” Barty’s smirk caused Evan’s brain to temporarily short-circuit, making it difficult for him to even think about backing up as Barty stepped closer.
“I think,” Barty began, reaching out a hand. Evan followed his gaze downward as Barty began to fiddle with the edge of Evan’s shirt, then continued, “that we should hold a contest, of sorts. Just to see who’s better, of course.”
“Of course,” Evan echoed, still distracted by Barty’s fingers playing with his shirt. He sucked in a breath as Barty’s hand grazed his skin.
Barty looked up at Evan’s face with a mischievous spark in his eyes. Their faces were now barely a hairbreadth apart, and Evan could feel Barty’s breath on his skin as he whispered, “I think you’ll find that I’m much better than a mere nine.”
Evan couldn’t stop himself from blurting, “You gonna do anything to prove it?”
Look—Evan had been waiting for this moment for years, and he wasn’t all too keen on waiting any longer.
“Maybe I will,” Barty said, and slid his hand around to Evan’s back, hand underneath Evan’s shirt as he pulled him in sharply. Evan’s breath hitched, and Barty grinned wolfishly.
A rush of heat spiked in Evan’s chest.
“You, Barty Crouch Jr,” Evan breathed, “infuriate me.”
“Mmm,” murmured Barty, leaning in closer, “is that so?”
“Yes,” Evan stated somewhat distractedly. It would be so easy to tangle his hand in Barty’s hair and pull him down for a kiss.
So that’s exactly what Evan did.
The kiss was messy, both of them trying to prove a point, but it was perfect. Barty’s hands were everywhere—on his waist, gliding across his back, brushing against his cheek. It sent shivers through Evan, and he fisted his other hand in Barty’s shirt. Honestly, he didn’t think he would ever be able to let go.
“Tell me I’m right,” Barty whispered against his lips, and Evan thought that he might just do anything Barty asked if he only kept on kissing him like that.
“You’re right,” Evan gasped. “Definitely higher than a nine.”
He could feel Barty’s answering smirk against his mouth.
“Thought so,” Barty said smugly, then kissed him again. And again.
And again.
“Wait,” Evan gasped some time later, a thought having occurred to him. “I thought this was just to see who the better kisser was?”
He regretted having to stop kissing Barty, but it was a necessary question. He needed to know the answer before he did something he really regretted—such as confessing his stupid crush, for example.
Evan braced himself for the worst, to have his heart torn to shreds and stomped on like so many times before. But Barty just smirked, then said, “I just wanted an excuse to kiss you. It was never about who the better kisser was. Although, I must say that you happen to be somewhere in the nines yourself.”
He grinned again and started to lean back in, but Evan’s mind was reeling.
“Wait,” he said, and Barty immediately froze. “You wanted to kiss me?”
Barty blinked. “Well… yes? I’ve wanted to for a while now, if I’m being totally honest. Why? Is that not okay?”
Evan shook his head vehemently. “No, no, it’s definitely okay. More than okay, really,” he confessed.
Barty smiled in that lovely way of his, where his eyes crinkled around the corners and his face seemed alight with joy.
“Good,” he said, “I had hoped so.”
Then he leaned in for another kiss, and this time, Evan was more than happy to oblige.
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
james: reg, there's something i need to ask you-
regulus: finally ! ur proposing !
james: what ? how did you know ??
regulus: james, you've dropped the ring like five times during dinner
regulus: i even picked it up once
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
harry potter’s dead dad and sirius black’s little brother take up too much space in my head to be normal or healthy
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
Barty: Is your dick big enough for you to act the way that you do?
Evan: Yes.
Barty: Let's see it then.
Evan: Fine.
Barty: He can keep acting the way he does.
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
22 / control / 144 words
James couldn’t help it if he froze in place every time Regulus walked into a room.
He couldn’t help it if his gaze locked on him; couldn’t help it if his breathing grew shallow and his mouth fell slack.
The entire school knew how gone he was for the other boy, anyway. Even Regulus knew, and he never missed an opportunity to tease James for it.
“You should really get that under control,” Regulus said, wiping at the corner of James’ mouth with his thumb, wiping away the drool that had pooled there.
James couldn’t help himself; he jutted his tongue out, swiping over the side of Regulus’ thumb before he was able to pull it away.
Regulus whimpered.
“You should really get that under control,” James retorted with a grin, elated that Regulus was a bit more affected than he liked to pretend.
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
[studying in the library]
Remus: Potter has asked me to ask you if you’re...
Regulus: If I’m what?
Remus: Single... I told him that I’m not a year three girl passing love notes in transfiguration
Regulus: Well, good
Regulus: Also... I am.
Remus: You’re..?
Regulus: Single. I am single.
Remus: Oh
Regulus: But if Potter wants to ask me out, he can do it himself.
Remus: Yes but... Who will tell James that?
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starboy-sirius · 7 days
Jersey vs. Hoodies - Part 1
| Rosekiller microfic | Word count: 799 | I wrote this a while ago and am finally deciding to post it so be thankful lol |
“Is that Potter’s jersey?”
Regulus looks up, startled, as Evan drops his books onto the table between them. The sunlight filtering in through the library window swirls dust motes around, lighting Regulus’s curls as he replies.
“Excuse me?”
“I said,” Evan reiterates, sliding easily into the booth, “is that Potter’s jersey?”
Regulus’s stills.
Evan looks at him pointedly. “You sure about that?”
“It’s a Gryffindor jersey, Reg.”
“What an astute observation. Now if you don’t mind, I’m trying to get work done, so I would appreciate it if you could leave me alone.”
With that, Regulus dips his quill into his ink pot and starts writing again. Evan just stares at him as the scratching of the quill on paper fills the air.
But based on the way Regulus glances up sharply a few moments later, he acutely feels Evan’s gaze on him. And he is not pleased.
“What is it?” His voice is tight and impatient.
“Is that Potter’s jersey?” Evan asks again, somewhat stupidly.
“Is that Barty’s hoodie?” Regulus snaps nastily.
Evan’s face flushes with the humiliation and anger that comes from that simple, incredibly cruel remark. It wouldn’t be as bad if Regulus hadn’t known exactly what he was doing by saying something like that—after all, Evan had filled him in on everything just last week.
Evan stands up with a clenched jaw, beginning to stuff his books into his bag with more force than strictly necessary.
A series of vivid images flashes through his mind as he does so: Barty stumbling into the dorm late one night, slightly drunk after attending a notorious Hufflepuff-style party. Evan looking up and laughing at the state Barty was in. Barty coming closer and telling Evan that he had the prettiest laugh he had ever heard, and Evan swallowing thickly.
Barty’s lips on his, mouths tangling together in a single glorious, catastrophic mistake.
One thing had led to another, and Evan had landed himself in what he privately thought was the worst yet best choice of his life. Being friends with benefits with Barty was terrible, but it was also more than Evan could’ve ever asked for from Barty. So he had taken it.
And now here he was, having stolen Barty’s hoodie, which had been haphazardly thrown onto the floor by his bed—probably by Evan himself, if he’s being honest—and wearing it around just so he can pretend to actually have something of Barty’s.
But the point is, Evan hadn’t told Regulus about all of that just for him to be able to hurt Evan whenever he feels like it.
And so Evan starts to walk away, teeth clenched in anger and face still flushed red. He’s breathing entirely too hard, too—he can feel it, but he had had a terrible day before even coming in here, and he just doesn’t have the effort to calm himself down.
Then, from behind him, he hears Regulus call out, “Evan, wait—”
Evan whirls around to find Regulus looking at him with concern in his eyes. The pity he finds there does nothing to smooth out Evan’s boiling temper.
“That was a shitty thing to say and you know it, and I can leave if I want. And I do,” Evan adds with an air of finality, about to turn back around when Regulus’s voice fills the space between them.
“No, no, you’re right.”
Evan stops.
“I shouldn’t have gone there,” Regulus continues, starting to anxiously twist a strand of hair around his fingers. “It’s just that I get defensive and… well, I say stupid things. But yeah, it—it is James’s jersey.”
Evan just looks at him silently. He’s still mad at Regulus, but… Regulus has wanted this for a long time. And Regulus is one of Evan’s best friends, even if he does say some out of line things sometimes.
“I’m happy for you,” Evan tells him.
Regulus smiles softly, a faint blush making its way to his cheeks.
Evan smiles a little in response and shifts the strap of his bag from where it’s digging into his shoulder. Regulus eyes the action, an unimpressed look appearing on his face.
“You can come sit back down now, you know. If you’re not still mad at me.”
His familiar, slightly sarcastic tone is comforting, and Evan’s anger eases a bit more as he walks towards where Regulus is sitting.
“For the record,” Regulus murmurs as Evan sits down again, “I hope Barty gets his act together soon.”
Evan feels his stomach flip at the mention of Barty, but he can’t deny that it makes him happy that Reg is rooting for them as well.
“Off the record… me too, ” Evan admits.
Then he slowly gets out his books again, and he and Regulus begin to study in companionable silence.
(Part 2 is here)
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starboy-sirius · 8 days
may 10 & 11 | reform & gentle | @jegulus-microfic | 517 words
“No,” James shakes his head. It starts off as a small movement that gets progressively more urgent as Regulus stands there, silent and guilty. “No. You’re lying.”
Silence is all that greets him. There’s no hug, long gone are the passionate kisses that the two would share immediately upon seeing each other, secluded away in the Astronomy Tower with only the clouds as their witness. Regulus just stares directly into his eyes, his one grey ones murky and shaded. 
He doesn’t answer James. He hasn’t spoken since the dreaded words came out of his mouth a minute ago, the ones that James thought he’d never hear. 
James feels his patience slipping. “Tell me you’re lying,” he says firmer, his eyes beginning to sting as Regulus continues to stand there stoically. “Tell me you’re fucking lying!” The shout eventually makes its way out of James’ chest.
Regulus flinches ever so slightly, small enough that anyone else wouldn’t have noticed, but James knows this boy like the back of his hand. He thinks he could find his way to Regulus blindfolded in the dark. 
Their souls are attached.
The tears are falling from his eyes now as Regulus continues not to say anything. James moves closer, spurred on when Regulus allows him to, and he places his palms on Regulus’ cheeks. “Love, tell me this is a mistake. Tell me how I can fix this.”
“You can’t,” Regulus croaks, his own tears falling silently into James’ palms. 
James can’t stop shaking his head, can’t stop the tears that refuse to stop falling. Even when he’s confused out of his mind and shocked beyond belief he’s still so gentle with him, because Regulus deserves gentleness. He deserves someone to fight for him.
And that’s exactly what James plans to do.
“I will,” he wipes Regulus’ tears. “I will find a way to help you.”
The look Regulus gives him is devastating. “Why?”
James smiles sadly at him. “Because I love you.”
He hears the sharp intake of breath and feels the tears fall more rapidly into his palms. He sees Regulus’ right hand inch towards the underside of his left forearm and James grabs it before the boy can get there. He squeezes Regulus’ hand and ducks his head to place a sweet kiss onto his lips. 
It’s chaste at first but then Regulus is throwing his arms around James’ neck and pulling him in closer, his mouth opening up to lick into James’ mouth and suddenly the exchange is hot and demanding. There are still tear tracks coasting down their cheeks but they throw their all into the kiss, biting and licking and sucking. 
James wonders whether Regulus will be able to reform his opinions and deflect from the path he’s chosen, but then he realises that Regulus never wanted this. It is the life he’s been handed by his parents because he’s the spare. The boy always said to Jame how he never wanted to become his parent’s pawn, but he’s only sixteen. 
Pulling away, Regulus breathes heavily and rests his forehead to James. “I love you, too.”
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starboy-sirius · 9 days
@jegulus-microfic / rank / 705 words / game of truth or dare goes wrong, or not?
“Trust me Sirius, you will regret this,” Regulus whispered in his brother’s ears as everyone around them cheered for the next game. 
“I’m your big brother, I will never regret embarrassing you.” Sirius took Regulus by the shoulders and made him sit on a chair in the middle of the circle. It was the first party where both Sirius’ group of friends and Regulus’ were hanging out, it was Dorcas and Marlene’s idea now that they were dating. 
“The game is really easy, you take a drop of veritaserum, and someone gets to ask a question. Got it?” Everyone around the room hummed in confirmation as Regulus drank his dose of the potion. His eyes met James’ across the room, his boyfriend tried to conceal his nervousness with a smile. If their friends were smarter, Regulus was sure they would’ve picked up on their relationship by now, without the need of a veritaserum. 
First, they went through the normal round of questions just to make sure that the potion was working. No more than three questions in and Sirius decided it was time for the actual fun.
“Do I actually embarrass you, Reggie?” Sirius teased, but he was clearly eager for the answer. 
“No, you’re my favorite person and I love you.” A round of loud ‘awwws’ echoed in the room. “Oh shut up, and just ask another question,” Regulus blurted out. 
He immediately regretted it as he saw Barty’s mind clearly plotting something. 
“Okay, I have one. Dear Regulus, would you be so kind as to rank your best kisses?”
“Ew! NO!” Sirius quickly protested. 
From the corner of his eye, Regulus could tell how the question made James' heart race. This was not how they had planned to tell everyone they were dating. 
“Shhh! I want to know,” Remus insisted.
“I don’t! Knowing you two kissed when you did perfect rounds together is all the information I need about the matter!” Sirius was hysterical. 
“Just answer the question Reg, start with the third place,” Barty instructed. 
Regulus tried to fight the truth, this truly was the last way he wanted his brother and friends to know he had been dating Gryffindor’s golden boy. He once again searched for James’ eyes, and James was already looking at him, so lovingly. His boyfriend mouthed the words ‘it’s okay’, so Regulus took a deep breath and answered. 
“Fine. Third place would be Evan.”
“Quite the kisser you are too, love.” Evan blew him a kiss in response and everyone started laughing and commenting. 
“Shhh, I want to know who is in second place,” Dorcas intercepted. 
“Sirius, don’t hate me,” Regulus said as he closed his eyes and fought once more the words that were about to come out. “Second one is Rem-”
“I’M LEAVING!” Sirius announced loudly as he got up. 
“Sirius, don’t be dramatic, don’t you want to know who is actually first?” Remus said, trying to distract him. 
“Don’t worry, it’s me,” Barty said with an immense amount of confidence. 
“Ugh, it couldn’t get worse I guess,” Sirius mumbled as he sat on Remus’ lap. “If you say James I will fucking kill you, Regulus.”
Regulus' eyes widened and a violent blush crept from his neck towards his cheeks, without thinking he snapped his head towards James who was the same shade of crimson as him. Fuck. His reaction had been too noticeable. Everyone around had caught it, especially Sirius. 
“Regulus! Say right now that James does not have the first place in your fucking kissing list!”
“He does…”
The room erupted in a million loud voices laughing, screaming and questions aimed at both him and James. 
When did this happen!? 
How am I not on your list!?
Are you dating!?
Or are you fucking!?
Regulus began feeling dizzy and overwhelmed, he got up the chair to try to breathe but felt his legs falter. He felt familiar hands, calloused hands, warm hands steady him. James.
“It’s okay, baby,” James assured him as his arms wrapped around Regulus’ waist. 
James’ voice brought him back to reality, he saw Sirius approaching and couldn’t help the words that left his mouth with a laugh, “I told you so.”
They never played with veritaserum again.
more microfics here
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starboy-sirius · 11 days
University students Barty and Reg who are crazy competitive especially about their marks and they’ll distract each other while the other is studying.
Barty will be in their dorm working and Reg will kneel between his legs and swallow his cock down. He stays just warming it but will switch to edging him over and over again until he can’t focus and taps out.
Barty will find Reg hidden in the back of the library and will leave kisses along the back of his neck. He’ll trail his hands under Reg’s clothes making him so needy he has to force them out of the building before they get kicked out.
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