steampunk101 · 11 months
I'm searching for an edit. I remember watching it in the summer months and really liking it.
It was made from the show Moon Knight and hat the song Experience by Ludovic Einaudi.
I can't find it anywhere and I'm really bummbed about it. Does anyone know this edit maybe?
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steampunk101 · 1 year
i'm very picky about tv shows, but my pickiness has only an incidental relationship to whether or not a show is "good". it needs to scratch a particular itch in my brain at the right moment. do i know what the right moment is? no. do i know what the itch is? also no. i can be relied upon to get instantly bored of 85% of tv shows and then turn the remaining 15% into a central facet of my personality for 3-5 business months and even i am incapable of predicting which one it'll be ahead of time.
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steampunk101 · 1 year
to be honest there has never been a fictional character i’ve actually wanted to date. like. i want them to date each other. i don’t want myself as a person to be involved in this scenario whatsoever. what would i add to this narratively? what’s my thematic purpose in the narrative? immersion breaking. 
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steampunk101 · 1 year
When you watch the movie for the hot middle aged actor you have a crush on
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steampunk101 · 1 year
best part about tumblr is that if you simply do not want to, you simply do not have to
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steampunk101 · 1 year
Ppl dont seem to realise that "only perceivably queer people should have access to queer spaces and support" and "nobody is obligated to out themselves to you and nobody needs to provide proof of their sexuality/identity" CANNOT coexist.
People are very quick to say "nobody should ever be forced out of the closet, there is no one way to be queer" but then throw a fit when someone who isnt visibly gay plays a gay character or when someone who isnt officially out acts in a ~queer way~.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
My account is named steampunk 101 because I wrote a 60 pages long academic paper on it.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Does it bother anyone else that you can't see when something was posted? Like where is the time stamp?! Or am I blind?
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Very soon I'm going to start writing fanfictions again! I'm excited!
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steampunk101 · 2 years
I wrote a 54 pages long fanfiction for an artist on tumblr and they don't even know it's for them.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Something I really like is triggering my anxiety sometimes.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Kinda sad. Was really rooting for Ghost
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Just spotted Tobias on the fashion cam. He came with his kids.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Every day that passes where we don’t get Oscar Isaac as a live action Gomez Addams is a deliberate crime against me and all of humanity.
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steampunk101 · 2 years
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steampunk101 · 2 years
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why did it never occur to me that he just ,, throws that cassock over his pants
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steampunk101 · 2 years
Someone started to write a really interesting fanfic about moon knight and deleted it after the third chapter. Why?! I was enjoying it so much.
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