stevenfics · 23 days
Well aware that I begged and I very much appreciate the people who requested! They’re lovely and in the making, however Hannibal has consumed me so it’ll probably be a little while
On my knees begging for Spencer reid fic requests I’ll write anything
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stevenfics · 26 days
Request rules
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☆ please no smut, I’m a minor ☹️
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stevenfics · 28 days
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I can’t be what you need
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Dean and Sam Winchester
Word count; 872
Warnings; light whump, hurt/little to no comfort, descriptions of blood, descriptions of wounds, dead character mentioned, demon blood addiction referenced.
Summary; after a specially rough few weeks, Dean finds Sam curled up in their motel bathroom, sobbing.
Notes; it’s 1am and it isn’t edited lol, I had to get it out of my system. Also first published fanfic so be nice augh I’m terrified.
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Dean called out as soon as he walked into the motel room. He was carrying two large fast food bags, and had managed to open the door with one of his feet. He placed the bags on the table, then opened one of them and pulled out a burger, which he quickly started eating.
“Sammy?” He called out again, this time with his mouth full. When Sam still didn’t respond, Deans hand slowly crept down to the handgun in his pants, quietly cocking it and keeping one finger on the trigger as he went around the room.
He ripped open the closet door and pointed the gun at the empty space. He was more confused than anything else; there were no signs of demons, and they hadn’t even started looking into a new case. Soon, though, he could hear a faint sobbing coming from the bathroom. Dean placed his burger on the table and quickly made his way to the bathroom, pulling the door open and wildly pointing his gun around. However, there was nobody to shoot at.
Sam was slumped against the tiled wall in the shower, covered in blood. A kitchen knife lay beside him, and deep gashes ran along both of his underarms. His hands were trembling. The lower half of his face was covered in dark red, getting mixed with the tears as he stared blankly at the cuts on his arms. Dean decocked his gun and threw it into the living room, rushing down towards Sam.
“Who did this to you?! I swear to god I’ll murder that son of a bitch,” he muttered while quickly gathering the nearest clean towels. He wrapped them around his brothers underarms and, to the best of his ability, applied pressure to both of them.
“I- I just- I thought maybe I could-“ Sam stuttered in between sobs and sniffles.
“What, you did this?!”
“Dean, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I just thought I could- that I- everything has been going wrong and I just needed- I’m really sorry, I’m sorry.”
Dean stared at his bloodshot eyes, then glanced at the knife. He swiftly kicked it away with his foot. Sam buried his face in the towels.
“Hey, hey, Sam, Sammy look at me, look,” he said, gently grabbing his face and forcing their eyes to meet, “you’ll be just fine, Sammy, I promise, we’ll patch you right up.”
His voice quavered and his eyes were watering, but he tried to keep it together. Sam didn’t need more to worry about. They couldn’t keep this going for much longer, he was going to bleed out if they didn’t somehow close the wounds.
“Cas, I need you to get your feathery ass down here,” he hissed. His gaze left Sam’s as he instead looked up at the motel ceiling.
“I need you to fix him, I need you to fix Sam, I can’t do it quickly enough.”
He felt a pressure on his hands and looked back down, where his brother had slumped forward.
“No no no, Sam, you’re not supposed to go like this.”
He grabbed his head and held it up, gently patting his cheeks.
“Rise and shine, come on, I know you’re tired, Sammy, but Cas is on the way, I promise.” He felt the burning as the tears began to stream down his face. Sam’s eyes opened slightly.
“Jess,” he mumbled, wearily shaking his head, “I want Jess, could you- Dean, where is she? Can you get her?”
Dean felt the colour drain from his face. He quickly nodded.
“Of course, Sammy, she’ll be right here, just stay awake.”
He sniffled, then coughed to try and cover it up.
“Damn it, Cas, where are you?”
The monotone voice of the angel was like music to his ears.
“Jesus, what took you so long?!”
He stood up and pointed down at the blood covered Sam on the floor.
“Use your angel mojo and fix him!”
Cas’ crystal blue eyes met his before he bowed down and unwrapped the now soaked towels around Sam’s arms. Dean looked away when the familiar bright light emerged from the wounds, something he’d seen too often when Cas had healed them in the past. He felt useless, completely and utterly useless.
“He lost a lot of blood,” Cas finally said as he stood back up, again looking at Dean.
“What, you think I’m blind?! You think I can’t see that?!” He gestured wildly at the big pool of blood they were standing in.
“Help him into bed. Let him rest. I will clean this up,” was all Cas responded with. Dean took a deep, shaky breath, then pulled up his brother and dragged him to the nearest motel bed.
“Jess?” He mumbled when his head finally met the pillow.
Dean had no idea what to say. The tears were still streaming down his face. He carefully moved Sam over and crawled into the bed with him.
“She’ll be right here, Sammy. But I’m here for now.”
Sam sighed and turned over, leaving Dean to face his back. Dean moved up into the bed a little and started caressing Sam’s head.
“She’ll be here in a minute, I promise Sammy. I promise.”
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stevenfics · 28 days
On my knees begging for Spencer reid fic requests I’ll write anything
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stevenfics · 29 days
Small things brewing
Unfortunately I can only enjoy fanfics of my least favourite blorbos bc I get too specific about my favourites
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stevenfics · 10 months
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Do cats feel love? Do I?
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11:38 am
The monotonous thunk-shh thunk-shh of the dishwasher is calming, almost hypnotising.
It’s doing what it has always been doing, what it always will be doing, and, as of now, it is doing it well.
Maybe in the future it will break, something inside will come lose and suddenly the dishwasher that did it’s job oh-so-well will leave spots of old food and greasy residues upon the things it was supposed to clean.
I just made a warm pot of tea.
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12:17 am
My eyes drift across the text, page for page, as the dishwasher continues.
It has moved on now to a new sound, a simple shhh along with a mechanical hum.
The words blur in my mind, moments after I’ve read them, and form abstract pictures, patterns, thoughts.
The waves of the ocean, the wind blowing through the trees, a parent comforting their child.
All go shhh but only the dishwasher makes the mechanical hum.
I am halfway through my pot of tea.
It is lukewarm now.
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12:44 am
The dishwasher has stopped. There is no longer a thunk-shh, no shhh, and no mechanical hum.
I am no longer reading.
My cat jumps onto my lap. She doesn’t come bearing gifts this time. She hums, though it is not the same as the mechanical hum of the dishwasher.
Some people say that cats don’t love their owners.
I don’t believe that.
If not for love, why else would she bring dead mice for me, and bring me her toys when she wants to play, and jump onto my lap or my chest and knit me until she falls asleep.
I have forgotten my pot of tea.
It is still lukewarm.
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01:23 am
She was removed from her mother too early and left at a barn. She has a fear of abandonment.
Whenever I walk my dog she follows, and if I leave her sight for too long she sits and calls and waits for me to come back and get her.
She is afraid to go outside alone for too long, checking in every hour or so that I am still there, and that I still love her.
I gently kiss her forehead, she lets out a mree as she wakes and licks my nose. Her tongue is as rough as sandpaper.
I pick her up and bring her to my bed, tucking us both in. She is still humming the not-the-same-mechanical-hum-as-
the-dishwasher hum when I fall asleep.
The tea has gone cold now,
alone and forgotten.
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stevenfics · 10 months
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When I see you,
your eyes, your smile,
I think
“I love you.
“I love you I love you I love you.”
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And though you don’t know it,
and I’m sorry that you don’t,
I hope you, too, think
“I love you.”
Just once,
when you see me.
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stevenfics · 10 months
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Who I write for;
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☆ Supernatural;
Dean Winchester.
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☆ Criminal minds;
Spencer Reid.
Penelope Garcia.
Possibly others if requested
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☆ BBC Merlin;
Arthur Pendragon.
Sir Gwaine.
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☆ Lie to me;
Eli Loker.
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☆ Bones;
Jack Hodgins.
Zack Addy.
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stevenfics · 11 months
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☆ all me; steven
☆ navigation; map & compass
☆ asks; sweet talk
☆ all fanfiction, excl. reqs; fanfic
☆ fanfiction reqs; fanfic reqs
☆ poetry; a poet at heart
☆ poetry reqs; for you, my love
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0 notes
stevenfics · 11 months
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You were a miracle, I…
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…was just holding up space
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☆ .˚⊹ Basic info: it/he/they/neos (ask), Scandinavian, pisces, poet, hopeless romantic, fanfiction writer.
☆ .˚⊹ Faves: Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Merlin, Dean Winchester, Sherlock Holmes, Zack Addy, Jack Hodgins.
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☆ request rules.
☆ who I write for.
☆ what I write.
☆ tags.
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