stupidassopinions · 2 years
If you like fighting games but know you're gonna get bitter if you lose, just stick to the YouTube vids, the Twitch streams, and the wiki bro. What kinda sense does it make to get mad at the nigga you playin with because YOU keep fuckin up?
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stupidassopinions · 4 years
Why’s this the post y’all wanted to interact with? If you wanna make fun of black people for kicks you can go on /pol, like it ain’t that deep.
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stupidassopinions · 4 years
This blog’s basically dead and that’s cool and all, but lemme just barf out some thoughts real quick:
I have been inundated with video after video and story after story of black people that were older, younger, more active, less active, cis, and trans that were either murdered by police officers while not resisting, or were killed under suspicious circumstances.
And it honestly pains me to say that in a lot of these cases I see myself in these people’s situations. Thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with situations with law enforcement often, but let’s be honest. You can’t, pay for anything with a $20 bill that looks too dirty, you can’t go out for a jog, you can’t pull into your own driveway, you can’t walk into your own home, you can’t be asleep in your own house, you can’t be outside with friends, you can’t be in someone else’s car and expect to not be harassed or killed by a “vigilante” or by police. I’m sick and scared, and more so than anything else, I’m fucking pissed off. I’m glad people are paying attention to the shit, but its just never ending.
How much blood from black bodies’ has to pave the streets before we can actually begin holding officers accountable for their actions? How come any old yehaw boy can gun me down and get away with it, unless someone records my final moments? Why do cases of “mysterious” black deaths go ignored or swept under the rug all the fucking time? How can anyone find a black body near city hall hanging from a tree and call it anything other than a lynching?
And why are police officers so goddamn defensive when it comes to keeping their worst members in check? They’re so quick to disavow the actions of the cop that killed George Floyd, but can’t do the same when talking about the cop that pushed that old man in Buffalo? And that cop that kneeled with protestors only to apologize for doing so the next day cause it “went against his beliefs”. You either serve the whole community or you don’t. If you want to join a gang and dole out justice using violence join a fucking mafia circuit you piece of shit.
Anyway, point is; asking for those who are supposed to represent the best of their communities to hold themselves and their peers accountable for their mistakes isn’t something that needed to be begged for for over a hundred years. Asking for a city’s budget to be broken up more evenly instead of having 80-90% of its funds go towards law enforcement shouldn’t be some sot of radical idea. And law enforcement treating black suspects with a modicum of human decency should be the norm, not the exception to the rule. Until any of this comes to pass, Fuck These Pigs. The only good cops are the one’s that keep bad cops in check. And there ain’t too many cops out there willing to do that. Therefore, All Cops Are Bastards.
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Trying to advise people by being rude, insulting them, comparing them to others, and questioning the how genuine their relationships are isn't kindness. It's condescension.
(the relationship part varies depending on whether or not their dealing with decent people)
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Family: Why don't you talk to us when you're in a depressive spiral?
Me: Alright, I'll talk to you guys.
Me: *openly expresses my fears and concerns*
Family: *takes condescending tone and mocks me*
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Hey it's one of those nights, so I'd just like to say:
I'm really scared of going hungry again and I'm terrified of dying poor
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Good: Feeding the needy
Bad: Being forced to get up at 5 am to feed the needy cause your dad made you stay at his place an extra three days because he didn't actually have a way of getting you home and now you have to be included in his wife's weird obsession with the church that she has to vicariously help run through her son, husband, and daughter since she can't physically do it herself
Worse: Being forced to feed the needy and then being dragged all throughout a different state so your dad's wife can make a desperate attempt to entertain you and show off to you and her daughter's friends all because she convinced your dad to accommodate a guest he couldn't afford to get back home until their next paychecks
Conclusion: I'm fucking tired man
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Being bi in a church town is fucking awful and I'm only here a for a week, how y'all do this for years?
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Rest in peace to those that died in the fire at Kyoto Animation Studio 1. Hopefully all those injured make a fast recovery
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
On the one hand, turning 007 into a black woman is another example of black tokenism propogated by a vicious movie studio who's only goal is profit, seeking to cater towards a left leaning demigraphic while circumventing the issue of representation by replacing established white characters with a minority counterpart instead of creating new ips and establishing minority chatacters from said ip.
On the other hand, good God I'm ecstatic to have a black 007, especially one I'm willing to down go down on
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Gory art in any medium is fine as escapism, fiction, and expression but for those weirdo fucks that post real uncensored photos of gruesome murders? Please Fuck Off
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
If you like any of the New Kama but got shit to say about Kiku please reevaluate and realize the door is on your left
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
You fiends need to stop buying used bath water and see a therapist. Belle Delphine is not gonna fuck any of you freak bastards
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
Not to be too political or anything, but when your own people and their leaders are screaming about the numerous human rights violations happening under your regime and you decide to ignore these calls to action by throwing a parade, you've officially become a fucking despot.
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stupidassopinions · 5 years
On the NGE dub change:
The dub is completely fine, stop being afraid of change. And with the Kaworu line changing from love to like, I don't think they're straight-washing him or trying to tone it down. Keep in mind Shinji and Kaworu are supposed to be 14 year olds. Children. Saying "like" instead of "love" while less overt still gets across Kaworu's feelings for Shinji.
I understand I can't change how important their relationship was for fans who stumbled across Eva back in the day, but these slight changes Netflix made to Eva don't make it less worth watching.
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stupidassopinions · 6 years
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