sure12345678 · 4 years
How to loss your desire weight fast??
To lose weight and lower your belly, changes in habits and lifestyle can be quite effective, and can help you lose up to 2 kg per week, depending on the initial weight.
However, for this to be achieved, it is important to follow the recommended strategies every day.
1. Eat slowly and savor your food
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Learn How To Loss Weight In A Right Way!!!
Eating slowly allows when the stomach is almost full, it sends a signal to the brain indicating that you have already received enough food and that you no longer need to continue eating.
However, people who have the habit of eating fast, their brain does not perceive this signal of satiety, causing the person to eat in greater quantities, in addition to this, it also reduces the time of contact with food and the pleasure of making better use of it
Respecting satiety is one of the main points to lose weight and avoid weight gain.
Satisfying the stomach with foods rich in nutrients and fibers such as vegetables, fruits, white meat and good fats, makes the metabolism work better and prevents the feeling of hunger for longer.
2. Drink more water throughout the day
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You should drink plenty of fluids between meals, as this will help reduce hunger and fluid retention, because the more water you drink, the more urine the body produces, and with its elimination toxins are also released that impair the loss process.
What you can drink: water, coconut water, unsweetened natural juices, unsweetened teas;
What not to drink : soft drinks, industrialized juices, chocolate drinks and alcoholic beverages.
The amount of water to be ingested per day varies between 1.5 to 3 L per day.
3. Do physical activity
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The type of exercise is not the most important thing, but if you take advantage of all the opportunities to burn calories whenever possible, it is of the utmost importance that you practice an activity at least 3 times a week.
Doing some daily activities can make a difference, try the following activities:
Climbing stairs instead of the elevator;
Get off one stop before work or school and walk the rest of the way;
Go out for a 10 minute walk after lunch.
Take the dog for a walk at night.
To increase your energy expenditure, try walking for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week, as this is one of the best physical exercises to lose weight, but also do some resistance exercises to complement your training.
4. Eat everything but in moderation
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The body needs all the nutrients, so on diets in which carbohydrates are forbidden, the weight increases again shortly afterwards.
The best tips are:
Prefer skim milk and its derivatives;
Add 1 tablespoon of seeds to juices and yogurts like flaxseed and chia;
Eat a handful of nuts, such as peanuts or peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts per day;
Choose only one carbohydrate source per meal, giving preference to natural foods;
Eat a raw salad before lunch and dinner;
Eat at least 3 fruits per day;
Avoid the consumption of simple sugars, avoiding drinking coffee, milk, yogurt, teas and juices with sugar;
Avoid eating after being satiated.
The consumption of fruits and vegetables several times a day, provide many fibers and vitamins, in addition to containing few calories, favoring the weight loss process.
5. Do not stay hungry
Eating small meals every 3 hours may seem exaggerated, but it is true that hunger does not appear.
In this way dividing the portions of food help to reduce weight.
Follow the tips below:
Put reminders on the cell phone or in the agenda advising that it is time to eat;
Always keep nuts in your purse or backpack, natural fruits that are easy snacks to make on the street;
The best snacks are: fruits, yogurts, carrot sticks, cucumber with avocado crushed and seasoned with salt and pepper, tomato in large cubes with a pinch of salt and olive oil, a boiled egg and nuts.
If a meal isn't possible throughout the day, just focus on maintaining the quality of your next meal and use these little snacks if you're hungry.
Little by little it is possible to understand that most of the time it is not about hunger but anxiety.
6. Write down everything you eat
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Writing down everything you eat throughout the day is also a good strategy to lose weight, since in this way the person becomes more aware of what they eat and, in this way, they can identify errors and where to improve, being able to alter their habits food to lose weight, in case this is the purpose, and have a healthier life.
It is recommended that the registration be done every day and after each meal, as it is easier to remember what was consumed.
In the food diary it is important to indicate if it is breakfast, lunch, lunch, lunch or dinner, the time of the meal, the food consumed and the amount, the place where you ate and what you were doing at the time.
In addition, it must be recorded if he had company and how he felt at that time.
This record should be done for 3 to 7 days, since in this way it will be possible to have a better idea of ​​what the eating habits are.
After registration, it is important to discuss all food choices together with the nutritionist, since in this way it is possible to identify errors and establish strategies to achieve the desired goal.
In addition, the nutritionist will indicate the best foods so that the person does not have nutritional deficiencies and can lose weight in a healthy way.
What to do if you can't lose weight
If you have tried several times to lose weight and have not succeeded, the ideal is to consult a general practitioner to analyze whether the thyroid gland is working properly, for example, since diseases such as hypothyroidism or polycystic ovaries can cause increased weight.
In addition to this, a nutritionist should also be consulted to carry out an evaluation of eating habits and other parameters, developing an individualized nutritional plan to achieve the proposed objective.
In cases where there is a health problem such as gastritis, asthma, osteoporosis or even limited mobility, the guidance and advice of doctors is essential to reconcile the diet with the use of medications and with the proper adaptation to the disease. so that in this way it is possible to lose weight by improving the quality of life and not the other way around.
Learn How To Loss Weight In A Right Way!!!!
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sure12345678 · 4 years
How to lose weight fast?
Although there is an immense amount of conflicting information on the web about how to lose weight, actually losing weight is much easier than you might think.
We tell you the only thing that really works
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The only trick that works to lose weight fast
Scheduling your intake times wisely
is vital if you want to be successful with your diet, whether it's keto or whatever you do.
Even if you don't follow any specific regimen, "chrononutrition", as the theory of eating at a certain time is called, will make you
Learn How to Loss weight by doing one sleeping routine that no one tells you about
lose weight fast, even if you don't want to.In fact, yours would be
redujeses 75% of your calorie intake before 14 hours.
For not getting involved, we summarize below what times you should eat.
1) Breakfast and mid-morning
If it is a little earlier there is no problem, but 9 in the morning is perfect to give the body the first energy charge of the day.
As you already know, you should make a breakfast that includes proteins, especially eggs.
At mid-morning, no pastries or carbohydrates at all healthy.
The best is a fruit or vegetables.
You can also opt for a skimmed yogurt or nuts (just a handful).
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2) Food
According to the chrononutrition,
you should eat at three in the afternoon
at the latest. Ideally, if you are trying to lose weight or maintain yourself, you should make a lunch with protein and healthy fats.
Example: salmon with baked or grilled vegetables.
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3) Dinner
If you want to lose weight, it is best to have dinner at the latest at 8pm.
Your dinner should be made up of foods rich in protein with tryptophan, as it is converted to melatonin when it is processed by the body, which will help you fall asleep.
This amino acid is contained in bananas, walnuts, white meat, fish, and eggs.
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Other tricks that work to lose weight
In addition to choosing your meal times wisely, it is good that you control a little what you eat or what you do throughout the day.
Here are some tricks that will enhance your weight loss:
1) Some exercise a week
Before you didn't move from the sofa and nothing happened.
Now, exercise is essential.
Performing 30 minutes of cardio a day will be enough to burn those extra calories.
Remember that to lose a kilo you have to have a deficit of 7,000 calories.
That is, if every day you burn 200 (and you behave well with the diet), it will take 35 days to lose a kilo on the scale.
2) Say yes to fiber
Fiber works wonders when it comes to losing weight.
High fiber foods tend to be more abundant than the rest, so you are likely to eat less and stay full longer.
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3) More protein
Not all proteins are equally good.
Choose lean turkey, chicken, salmon, and vegetables.
Protein bars or shakes can be good, but you shouldn't go for the sweetened options.
It is also recommended that you eat not only proteins in one shot, but also
distribute them throughout the day.
Protein is a thermogenic food, meaning that just by digesting it you are already burning calories.
About 30 calories out of 100 consumed will simply be burned through the digestive process.
4) Beware of salads
We already told you in this article that salads are loaded by devil.
You have to be careful with the dressings and accessories they carry, because you may believe that you are choosing a healthy option when you are not.
If you are going to eat salad, the ideal is that you dress it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (and not too much).
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5) Less sweets and less alcohol
If you want to have a healthier and leaner body, eliminating sugar is the key, especially if we have already passed the 45-year-old barrier, because when
estrogen and progesterone levels begin to fluctuate, we become more sensitive to sugar, and When we eat these types of carbohydrates, our blood sugar spikes.
This inevitably leads to faster storage of fat and greater sensitivity to sugar.
Likewise, it is best not to drink just alcohol, since they are empty calories that will lead us to eat unhealthy fats and carbohydrates.
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Siblings test us to our limits — but sometimes it can be a good thing. Kevin and Lindsey Minnick are proof.
Like many people do, this brother and sister duo struggled with their weight. At 18, Kevin was in a motorcycle accident that contributed to his 110 pound weight gain.
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Weight Loss Success Stories, My Story
I am Sharing my Story, in the hopes that you will either share your weight loss success stories, or become inspired to create your own!
Before I got into fitness, I weighed almost 350 lbs. I got into the 300 pound range in my mid 20's and carried it pretty well. I crept up in weight and years, and when I got into my mid 40's I started noticing just how bad I was starting to look.
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday? 
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Download 150 Delicious & Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health
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sure12345678 · 4 years
I often peruse through MSN to look at the headlines and read the daily news. Today, something caught my eye. It was a headline about weight loss success stories from MSN Health Read More......  
Your special gift... 
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
I’ve officially lost 25 pounds! 🎉
Well, 26 pounds to be exact 😏💁🏻‍♀️💃🏻
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sure12345678 · 4 years
To achieve healthy and safe weight loss goals, you need to adjust your diet, eat a balanced diet, and increase physical activity and exercise....  Read More... 
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Is there a safe and fool-proof way to lose weight? Yes, there is. Follow the following 4-step process to lose weight.
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Are you finding it difficult to lose weight? Then use these simple weight loss tips for women over 40, to get rid of the excess fat.
Many women over 40 find it difficult to lose weight. There are many reasons that may be stopping you from losing weight.
It can be due to the hectic office life, or weight loss seems a difficult task while also managing a family. read more..........................
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
me: *freaking out over the cals in a kiwi*
my ed: yeah that makes sense :)
also me: *binges on chocolate and ice cream*
my ed: wait no-
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
You guys ever get the feeling that skinny people are treated better by anyone and everything on the planet for no fucking reason???
Just me? Ok.
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
Healthy New Year's Resolutions That Don't Involve Weight Loss
Rather than focusing on losing weight in 2020, let’s think about what we can gain. What can you add to your life to make it more satisfying? What new practices would make you happier and feel better? Consider some of these healthy resolutions for the new year:
Get more quality sleep
Eat vegetables at every meal
Wash your bed sheets regularly
Spend more time outside
Actually eat your fruit before it goes bad
Get back in touch with old friends
Bring your own bags when grocery shopping
Don’t watch tv or use the computer during meals
Support local farms and food producers
Take vitamins
Learn to knit or sew
Stretch and improve your flexibility
Volunteer to register voters
Concentrate on improving your posture
Make doctor and dentist appointments regularly
Cook and prepare lunch instead of relying on processed foods
Replace your toothbrush
Clean your kitchen and dishes after each meal
Stop biting your nails
Compliment someone every day
Regularly donate unworn and ill-fitting clothing to a local shelter
Wear sunscreen every day you’re outside
Clean your pantry and throw out expired food each month
Quit smoking
Explore local museums and parks
Put your laundry away
Get an eye exam and update your prescription
Cut down on the amount of plastic you use each day
Re-try foods that you hate, but haven’t eaten in years
Delete a social media account
Moisturize and remove your makeup before going to bed
Attend town hall meetings
Keep a journal
Focus on changing your behavior instead of changing your body, and then every step will be a step forward.  
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sure12345678 · 4 years
Don't Have The Time To Eat Your Fruits & Veggies Everyday?  Download 150 Delicious &
Easy-To-Make Smoothie Recipes Designed For Rapid Weight Loss & Increase Optimum Health << http://bit.ly/Free-Smoothie-Recipes-For-You >>
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