#& another thing
xx-sketchy-xx · 4 months
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I need more Fanart of him (btw I just wanted to draw cursed dally lol)
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Also he slays as a girl lol
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New Image from James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
(2023, but they posted it today on the last leap year of February)
This time, it's a star that they named after our favorite Kaiju: Mothra!
One object stood out in this field: a monstrously bright star nicknamed “Mothra,” located in a galaxy that existed 3 billion years after the big bang. This star has been magnified by the gravity of the galaxy cluster — plus a mystery object — by a factor of at least 4,000 times! 
See the full image and description here!
NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe
And on Instagram!
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tamamita · 27 days
Hamas accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by Egypt/Qatar, which was apparently modified from Israel’s proposal, many people are already celebrating. Some Israeli media are saying it’s unacceptable since it’s slightly altered from the initial proposal but it looks like they’re examining it.
Am I wrong to think this is a smart move on Hamas’ part as it puts pressure on Israel to accept?
Well, Israel is certainly not backing down on its preparation of a genocide in Rafah. So even if it was a smart move on Hamas, Netanyahu seems very determined on striking Rafah whether there is a ceasefire or not.
Just keep in mind, Hamas has at many points accepted a ceasefire proposal, which was ultimately turned down by either the US veto or Israel.
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yellowcry · 3 months
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wackulart · 1 year
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+ close ups!
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hes so very babygirl
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fernacular · 1 year
My pet peeve is people adding "and then everyone clapped" under posts recounting EXTREMELY PLAUSIBLE just slightly eccentric events.
Like you know what? Maybe it didn't happen, maybe it did, I don't know and neither do you this is the internet and people can make shit up. But what kind of boring ass world do you think we live in where you assume any kind of silly sounding event couldn't possibly have happened?
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alloutblue · 10 months
Geronimo after most of his adventures
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crheativity · 2 months
I played the Ikevil prologue and the rest is downloading-
I like some of these characters ngl. They’re all weird in an interesting/awesome way, Cybird did a good job 👏
Thoughts/opinions under the cut
William seems like a really fun character. I LOVE the queen of hearts inspiration and his design is definitely one of my favourites. His power’s pretty cool, I’m excited to see what the drawback is.
Only thing I’m concerned about- I really hope he doesn’t use his power on the mc much at all in his route, that’d feel really creepy/uncomfy
Harrison I really like too, his design is eye-catching although not one of my favourites. I love the idea that he’s cursed with lying, that’s an awful curse to have and it’d be fascinating to see how the fact that he has to lie constantly affects him later on.
I hope that in his route MC starts to be able to tell the difference between his lies and not though, that’d even put the power dynamic a bit which would be good I think.
(But yeah as someone who likes mischievous boys he’s someone I’m keeping an eye on)
Liam I really liked bc he seems really nice but also really fricking impulsive. Bro needs a mum friend. I kiiinnda like the cat vibes. He’s definitely one of my favourites from the prologue at least.
I really hope the game doesn’t go too dark with the curiosity stuff after they mentioned what the previous owner of the curse did. That’s a bit too dark to happen to a LI for me.
But yeah, definitely a route I’m looking forward to playing.
Elbert’s design is really eye-catching too, I like how cold he looks - reminds me of ice in a way. I remember in the prologue he asked someone else if mc was beautiful so he might be blind? I’m not sure, it’d be really interesting to have a blind LI though. Or I could just be reading that wrong lol.
He’s one of the most interesting to me. He seems nice but quiet. I’d like to play his route at some point.
Alfons scares me. His design is pretty cool but I don’t think I’d be able to play his route. Sneaky man.
Roger just screams Trey mixed with Jade to me. His design is probably my least favourite, but it’s still a good one. I like the massive gun he has at all times for no reason.
Download page says he’ll stop at nothing for his research so I’m a little worried about his route. I hope he’s got enough Trey in him to be a decent person about that.
Jude is interesting. His design is comically evil looking and I like it. He’s kinda mean though. I’d play his route but only if he got a bit nicer throughout it.
Also, am I reading this wrong or is he inspired by Maleficent?? If so then it’s fascinating how there can be such different interpretations of that one character.
Anyway, I’m interested to see how his personality develops.
Ellis is bonkers and he’s fascinating. I want to study him under a microscope. His design is also one of my favourites. I definitely wanna play his route at some point just because his weirdness has intrigued me.
I really like the idea of a character inspired by the briar bushes in sleeping beauty. That’s such a cool thing to pick. I’m so excited to see how they interpret that.
Victor is actually one of my favourites. Probably one of my least favourites design wise (I’m not a fan of long hair) bUT his clothes are super cool.
He honestly just seems like he’s here for a good time and he’s a little childish. I definitely wanna play his route. Also, I love that his curse & what he’s inspired from is scratched out. I wanna find out what it is in his route.
All in all I’m super excited to play but worried bc this game is darker than the other ones I’ve played already so I might wait and see what other people say.
TLDR: William, Harrison and Liam I’m concerned about but interested in, Alfons and Roger scare me and I wanna study Jude, Ellis and Victor under a microscope. Looking forward to playing but I’m apprehensive of how dark it’ll be.
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In a span of a single episode, I went from being indifferent about the Collector, to absolutely loving them!
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Ok so, although the Collector was initially introduced as a big villain, only for him to be redeemed at the end seems pointless at first, Watching And Dreaming really establishes that the Collector's "redemption" feels earned in a way that not a lot of villain redemptions do.
1. The Collector is literally a CHILD. They don't understand many things in the world, and he just wants friends- to not be alone.
2. They are immortal, which means that he doesn't quite understand how death and mortality works.
If you combine these two aspects together and mix in some tragic misunderstanding in which they were unjustly imprisoned for millenia, lied to, and used by horrible people, then of course you have an entity that is terrifying and horrible on the surface.
The Collector needed guidance, nurture, and positive influences such as mortals that know how to value life and live in kindness.
The best part about this episode was that, although the Collector helped stop Belos in the end, gained new friends, and started to be a kinder entity, he acknowledges that they've made a lot of mistakes and they still need to learn a lot about empathy and kindness.
It's beautiful and sweet. Also, The Collector is my favorite character now, don't even try to convince me otherwise.
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thatweirdnoise · 11 months
I know the elections are just for entertainment and nothing is fr, but i see people on twitter (not surprising) and here having awful takes about the brazilian because they take them as too aggressive, rude or overall just too emotional during the debates. And it's giving me the ick
It's a very strong stereotype that latinos are seen as scandalous and rowdy by gringos, and while I don't feel that was the intention, that's exactly how some people here are viewing Cellbit and Forever's on this :')
it's normal for people to talk over each other in debates, and every time Cellbit and Forever realized they were doing this to Baghs, they gave her space to speak.
some of you are acting as if they believe they own the truth and keep their ears shut to anything Baghs and BBH say, but this is not the case. the real problem here is that bad and baghs don't trust insaneduo enough to talk about their plans (valid tbh, Forever will tell anything to Cellbo. And they don't trust Cellbit so...), and this makes cellbo and 4ever see them like they don't have anything concrete planned.
this lack of information makes it seem like they are ignoring bbh and Baghs words, but that's literally just it, lack of information and poor communication between candidates
People acting like the two are difficult to cooperate with, saying they don't listen to anyone and judging them for talking loud or being excited during a minecraft debate, just shows how limited your views on brazilians are
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overlordinavoid · 5 months
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Don't have wifi right now, so i am unable to upload the actually drawing
But doodled sona genderswap
Been wanting to do this for so long and i finally did it
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indiainswiftland · 7 months
I love lin as Hermes, don't get me wrong. But do you know what other middle age latino could have been great?
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life-of-kalos · 10 months
foooor mundayyyy, doodle your fav non legend and share a little about em maybe!
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If you ask me my favorite pokemon, I'll always say arcanine BUT I wanted to give some love to another fav of mine. I adore the shinx line! ESPECIALLY shiny versions!
Diamond was my first game and every time I restarted it, I always had a female shinx on my team lol and now with legends arceus, I have shiny hunted one since I started playing it. I was not able to find one BUT floof traded me one they had caught so now my life is fulfilled and I can die happy uvu
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edwardallenpoe · 5 months
okay so I've been questioning my sexuality for such a long time at this point and I've come across mspec lesbians. And, like. Yeah. Maybe I am a lesbian. I'm not going to label anything right now, I still gotta let it brew but yeah. I love that. It means so much to me, you know?
And I just fucking hate TERF's and radfems with a passion. All of this suffering, all of this confusion I've had to go through, and for what?? To keep your precious label as pure as possible?? Grow up. I'm a black, butch, dyke, and maybe a lesbian, who uses neos and he/him and I'm beautiful.
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
His wings hold you close.
His large but gentle hand petting your head as he plays with your hair.
His other arms hugging you loosely.
He is humming, his voice low and deep, but so beautiful.
It echoes. It lulls.
Your eyes are growing heavy listening to him hum.
You two are sharing a spot on the rug next to the fireplace, the warmth from the fire adding to his making you even more sleepy.
You had been attacked earlier. Your leg is broken as a result.
Fen didn't even leave a chunk of flesh. All that was left of the woman was blood spatters on the walls and ground of the alley way.
The wavy stripes and logs of redish-purple on his otherwise snowy complexion compells you to trace them. And you often do when you too are snuggling like this.
The pattern on his shoulder is your favorite to trace. The stripes and heart shapes make a clownish face, with hearts for eyes and a wry smile.
Both the hearts and wiggly smile are surrounded by smaller and shorter stripes. Those are fun to trace.
The curling stripes that frame his torse bring an intricacy to his patterns that you love.
The ones on his face resemble that of scars. One striking through his eye, even being painted on his eyelids, with a few smaller scratches of color.
There is another on his face, resembling that of a small cut over the lip.
His eyes are closed. Only non-peaceful about him currently is his angled brows and small frown.
His wings aren't plain either. Being a dull navy blue, like a trenchcoat of sorts. But the darker patterns are sporadic, like that of a zebra, while still having conformity to them.
The tentacles wrapping around the back half of his neck, mimicking that of a trenchcoat collar, are lying limply around his neck, the webbing between them stretching to accommodate.
His eye blinks slowly open, a reaction to you tracing the smaller strikes of color on his face. His eye glows so intensely, but right now it is but a dull glimmer. The snake slit pupils rounds, focusing on you.
You bring him peace.
You inquisitively freeze as he leans down closer to you. He plants a kiss on your head.
You kiss his cheek.
He purrs, the sound rumbly but small and content. He resumes humming.
You continue tracing the pretty and intricate, but not overwhelmingly so, patterns lacing his arms and chest.
His hand flits through your hair again, and he leans down again to rest his face in your hair, a place where your scent is more potent.
He inhales deeply before snuggling you tighter, his wings closing more securely around you.
His shortened tail wraps as mucb of itself as it can around you. You notice more pattern to trace on it.
The patterns on the tail seem to be the most sporadic, some of the strands and strips of deep maroon/magenta seeming to have no rhyme or reason to their placement or direction.
He stops humming.
You make a noise, feeling him gently pull up the pant leg to your broken leg. He is using two hands, he is just checking the splints and wrapping.
He makes a satisfactory humpf, before returning his arms around your body and resuming humming.
Your tired eyes unfocus as you go back to tracing his markings again, you mindlessly following the trails of magenta with your fingers as your eyes grow weary and blurry.
He shifts, and you recognize the relaxation of his body, and the long silence of his voice. Fen has fallen asleep.
And you soon follow, the warmth and comfort of the fire and him finally pulling your eyes closed.
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wackulart · 2 years
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I am going to binge HLVRAI again, i've GOT too
something i love abt the hlvrai fandom is that the videos and the fanart are sometimes DRASTICALLY different
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