#& his last one on his ts2 one obviously.
meirimerens · 4 months
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curious and curiouser
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fairy-made · 2 years
I was wondering how people get back into the sims 2 because I can’t really do that without having all the mods I had as a kid. I re-tried modding it again as an adult but lost all that progress when my other pc went kaput.
but I just happened to get on the sims 2 reddit (r/sims2) and people are... just playing the existing families in the neighborhoods????? in a vanilla game?? queue wonder and amazement.
I literally have not done that since I initially started playing ts2. I used to have favorite sims like kaylynn langerak, brandi broke, bella goth (obviously), julia capp, olive spectre and ophelia nigmos (which, what the fuck was up with that last name?????) . I miss knowing they are thriving :’)
so I can also start playing with sims I didnt play with as much. like the beaker family in strangetown. they scared tf outta me, bc of nervous subject. like was he just there to be tortured?? was it against his will? idk but as a kid I moved him out immediately, never played that family, and gave him a real name. at least now if I feel like theyre evil I can make them suffer from some sort of karmic retribution lmao
anyway Ive been playing the sims so long that I forgot you usually play some of the existing families instead of just jumping in headfirst with custom ones lol
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to-fu · 4 years
an overanalysis of circe beaker’s blue sweater
your local circe enthusiast is at it again, let’s go
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the sims 2 psp, a classic. the game features a lot of changes when it comes to the premades, from inconsistency to their pc counterparts, to several questionable choices, plot holes etc.
why are these changes present? the lore ones are obviously edited to fit missing spaces to create a more 'immediate’ understanding of events. young hazel clearly is a more straightaway fit as a serial widow that’s just about to get married again, in a quest-driven game, simply because it needs less explaining than olive does (several marriages, grim reaper fling & nervous subject: too much lore to explain in the little window the paradise place neighbors are given). other changes such as lincoln floating around with isaac’s belt instead of using his wheelchair are due to model limitations / saving time by reusing the ghost animation etc, but anyways.
the aesthetic choices are a little more senseless, and i think we can all easily agree on our speculation that it was simply lack of attention to detail from the devs. nothing worth mentioning, it’s mostly eye colors being off (johnny, tank, ripp, loki, pascal, vidcund and several others. basically everyone), easy to miss.
except for one sim.
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circe beaker appears completely different from her pc counterpart. light skin, blue eyes, black brows, dark lipstick (that, i just checked, isn’t present in cas. they made it exclusively for her for her and a couple more characters), no glasses, blue sweater, blue jeans. the only thing that’s reminiscent of pc circe is her short red hair, that’s it.
let’s talk about that sweater, which is what this post is about: it’s also present among the outfits in the beaker lot when you first load up the household
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i think it’s safe to assume the developers for pc ts2 (specifically the few people who came up with the premades) and psp ts2 weren’t exactly the same due to the different game platforms, but even if there was a partial/total overlap it doesn’t change the point i’m about to make.
circe’s blue sweater is such a specific detail from the pc version, one that’s kind of hard to think of unless you randomly stumble upon it (unlikely), read the sims wikia (barely functional in 2005, let alone carrying that piece of information, that was in fact added in 2016), are very invested in the character, so when you put it next to how poorly the devs followed circe’s original design, it creates a pretty stark contrast that’s hard to miss when you finally notice.
i want to make this clear, for anyone who has never played the psp game / doesn’t remember anything about it
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circe’s pc outfit is entirely present in this game, aside from her glasses, so the sweater isn’t just a random substitute in absence of the original, it’s a conscious choice made by one of the developers.
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and one that they want you to notice, too! now, for this last line of dialogue, this could also be a simple gag about how both the beakers are wearing blue sweaters, but again, the devs want you to notice, which is all that matters. but why, though? why go out of your way to reference such an obscure detail when you then choose to disregard everything but her hair, in her original appearance?
of course, the blue sweater could also be arbitrary, just a random top they put on her, and it just happened to be the ONLY additional one pc circe has in her closet. but come on... out of the 30+ tops the psp game offers, 
why is it there in pc circe’s dresser? not much to speculate here, probably a past iteration of how she was supposed to be dressed, a line of code they forgot to take out, a deliberate choice, it doesn’t matter, several other premades have additional clothes in their dressers.
but why was it brought up again as psp circe’s top, instead of sticking with her usual black one, when everything else about her specifically (and i want to stress this, this pertains to circe specifically) is so off compared to her pc counterpart? as i mentioned, there are a few eye color changes among other characters but she’s particularly unrecognizable.
it’s almost as if........... it was intentional.
as if to imply this circe isn’t the same circe we see in the pc version. this obviously makes room for various theories. she’s undercover after having fucked something up? an impostor? an android? a failed clone? the latter certainly wouldn’t be so far off from what loki ends up accomplishing in later installments. also, to bring up one of her psp secrets,
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this could easily back up my prior statement of her being either a clone or android created by loki, too. circe’s bio or dialogue doesn’t hint once at her occupation, which as we know, should be at the hospital, but instead vaguely hints at her “running the business end of the beaker operation”, which i’m assuming is a nudge at her fortune aspiration, or perhaps, her having lost her medical license along the way.
whatever you make of this whole thing i just wrote it’s up to you, but one thing is for sure: there are too many changes for me to think it's just a coincidence. it only took me 15 years to figure it out, but at this point it’s clear they made circe like this intentionally.
i completely understand i’m overanalyzing from pretty much nothing, but you can’t disagree with me that the sweater just feels like such a niche information to know about circe for some developer to decide to include, without following through with this level of attention to detail on literally anything else about her, it’s just a little too weird. thanks for coming to my ted talk see ya next time
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vidcund4ever · 3 years
I decided to answer these questions about my Sim related ships. NOTE: These are just my preferences for my gameplay! I don’t dislike or judge other people’s ships in their games! In fact, I think a lot of them are neat. x3
01. Vidcund x Cassandra <3
02. Vidcund or Cassandra x anyone else. I don’t know. I don’t see anyone else being a good match for either of them.
03. I’m going to keep this Q&A to The Sims franchise. My first ship was Chris x Melissa Roomies in TS1.
04. I ship Vidcund x Cassandra because they’re both shy nerds who have a lot in common, and I picture them both having a love for plants. I don’t think any other girl would see past Vidcund’s demeanor. As for the usual pairing of Cassandra x Don or Darren... Don is a himbo, and I don’t think Cassandra would be into a guy like that. (In my headcanon, she’s only with him to find more information about her mother’s disappearance.) As for Darren, I think his last name says it all: Dreamer. He’s out of touch with reality and would never actually pursue Cassandra. Even if he did and they became more than friends, I don’t think she’d ever live up to his fantasies.
05. I could never figure out who would be a good match for Vidcund until I started sharing headcanons with @nanominyo, and they shared theirs about Viddie and Cassie, and I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of it before! They’re perfect together! ^^
06. For a (very) short while, I had paired Dominic Newlow with Circe to try and make what happened between them in the PSP storyline less heartbreaking, trying to make what happened consensual, but you can’t erase what actually happened, which the sims community reminded me of. :( Poor Circe... Please keep him away from her...
07. I don’t think I ship a couple that most people don’t like (minus the mistake I mentioned above). I think, at worst, my ships are considered lukewarm. If I happen to have one you don’t like, you can comment it. I’m fine with that. XD It could be interesting!
08. Hmm. A ship most people like that I hate? Honestly, I don’t hate any ships (minus, you guessed it: the one I came up with between Dominic x Circe), but there are a few I wouldn’t do, like Pascal and Nervous. I do think it’s a cute pairing, but I also think Pascal is more of a parent figure in Nervous’ life rather than a romantic one. He has a maternal instinct, as we can tell from how he fathers Tycho. Also, I’m not entirely sure he’s over his crush on Circe?
09. Besides Vidcund x Cassandra? XD Buzz x Bella. It’s not a lasting relationship, but it’s one I think makes sense since Bella doesn’t actually like Strangetown. She thinks it’s, well, strange, and Buzz is the most “normal” person she’s met there.
10. Mortimer x Bella. I know they gave off Gomez and Morticia vibes in TS1, but Mortimer remarried very quickly after her disappearance in TS2, and Bella confirmed in the PSP game that she’d only married him for his money.
11. Are we still talking about my favorite ship, or...? I’m going to assume another pairing because I’ve already talked about my favorite one too much. XD Let’s talk about Tank x Johnny, because they’re another ship of mine. OTP, all the way!
12. JRO is popular, and I can see why. They’re all misfits one way or another, and seem very explorative like most sims their age are. It is kind of funny how majority of simmers give them this alternative style because I picture them more awkward than anything. XD I’m unsure whether or not I ship them as a poly relationship. I do see both Johnny and Ripp liking Ophelia, but not necessarily dating her at the same time. Maybe I’ll come around to it...
13. Kristen x Erin. I think they make a cute pairing, but I’ve only seen a couple other simmers ship them. Maybe they come off as straight? I mostly see them end up with male sims, but Kristen x Erin have great compatibility. (Taurus x Aries.) I also think the differences they have, like Kristen being ambitious and Erin being more carefree, maintains balance. Kristen learns to loosen up and accept her true self (like stop straightening her curly hair and start dressing more masculine), and Erin tries to take things more seriously (like pursuing an actual career).
14. I don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’m rating any couple? Because if I am, I’m rating Johnny x Ophelia a 6/10, maybe? They enjoy their teen years together, but as they get older they realize that they’re better off as friends. They have different priorities, as well as viewpoints on life. Ophelia is nervous and paranoid, and Johnny wants someone he can go on adventures with.
15. The way Tank and Johnny tease and fight one another until they admit their real feelings. Even after they do, Johnny keeps up the teasing. He loves the way he makes Tank blush. x3
16. My favorite canon moment of Annie Howell x Nervous is when she brings him back from the dead. He dies in the PSP game, but I don’t want him dead (and neither does Annie), so Annie pleas with Death who, obviously, is willing to make an exception for his son... although he resurrects Nervous as a Zombie. Even so, I think it’s sweet that she brings him back to get married and have a kid and try to live a (somewhat) normal life.
17. AU? As in Alternative Universe? I don’t have one of those. XD
18. I don’t know why, but I have to rant about Dina x Michael. Well, rant more about how they’re typically seen. It’s true that Dina cheated on Michael by kissing Don, but I don’t think the kiss was mutual. (Don isn’t afraid to “take charge” of a situation.) Looking at her memories, her love for Michael is deeper than most think — or that’s my opinion, anyway. After Michael died, Dina gave up on love and decided money would fill the hole in her heart.
19. If you go through my Tumblr, you’ll find plenty of memes that remind me of a lot of different pairings. XD
20. “Today” by Jefferson Airplane is one of the songs I can hear Vidcund play when he sits alone in the dark, thinking about Circe. I don’t pair them together, but for a long while Vidcund thought they’d make the perfect pair.
21. Everyday is a date for Circe and Loki, like conducting experiments on Nervous and eventually Gimi Branko at home, and making evil plans over dinner at a fancy restaurant.
22. I don’t think any of my non-canon pairings would ever become canon. I think the one that’d have the best chance is Johnny x Tank because GAY <3
23. No, I haven’t written fan fiction or drawn my ships. I keep my fiction in game, and I’d love to draw something, but I suck at drawing. XD
24. That’s all for now.
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vampfucker666 · 4 years
Round 1: Beaker
I unfortunately only really got a few screenshots while playing this round, despite some interesting things happening! This was my first round getting back into playing TS2 seriously and I’m still trying to find the balance between playing in a way that’s fun for me *cough micromanaging cough*, letting the sims do things by themselves, and actually grabbing screenshots. Anyway, here’s the writeup!
The rotation length I chose to do for this was 1 season, this first one was maybe a little long since I obviously included the last day of summer but I’m not concerned about aging being accurate right now. I have a lifespan mod in place so this group of maxis premades are going to be a little fucked anyway.
So, the maxis scenario for this lot starts off: get Circe in a good mood for her promotion. Really I’m not sure if you can mess this up too badly, but her needs were filled a bit and she was sent off to work after plonking down a few cactuses by the carpool in an attempt to make her environment need higher. I believe Loki went to work this day as well, and Nervous was left alone in the house. The first time I played this lot a few months back, I pretty much immediately moved him out and bulldozed that horrible pit he sleeps in, but this time I basically had some rules in place that he couldn’t directly invite anyone over and he couldn’t leave the lot. I avoided his aspiration failure this time and tried to fill some of his wants. One was to become best friends with Pascal, and he actually walked on by I believe that day!
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Nervous said hello to the baby,
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and proceeded to pummel a pregant man with a football. Ah, Nervous still has his ugly sandals in these photos :) I downloaded some replacement textures after this,  and while I’m not completely happy with them they are a great improvement to the jeans-and-dad-sandals look.
Nervous also discovered his One True Hobby, Sports! Definitely not my favorite for sims, but at this point I’m not sure exactly which hobbies I do and don’t like, so I will be reserving MOST of my judgement for now. Circe and Loki both have Science as their OTH iirc. Completely unsurprising,and it works well with their careers :)
I at some point decided to poke around the secondary aspirations/aspiration benefits tab. I never had freetime when I was younger, so  I went to read about them some more and someone had discussed giving Nervous the grilled cheese secondary aspiration. I though this would be a great idea! He lasted two days with it until I reset his shit with the ReNuYu SensoOrb. He had gotten completely obsessed with cheese. Someday I’ll have a grilled cheese sim but today was not that goddamn day.
Anyway, Circe and Loki were both working on their skills to advance in their careers. They have the career skill-building objects in their home, and the season was fall, so it was going pretty well. I should mention my season setup in Strangetown is Summer-Fall-Spring-Summer :) Fall is by far my favorite season  in-game due to it’s skill boosting. I’m an impatient man! Circe got a GREAT chance card and earned $10,000 in one swoop. I remodeled their castle a bit with some things from university and one of the store packs, and then Loki then had a want to stargaze. If my sim is going to be doing something recreational then by god it’s going to be boosting their skills. The expensive telescope raises Logic faster if the Prima guide is to be believed, so I replaced their existing cheap one with the more expensive one. I knew full well he could get abducted with it but I wanted Loki and Circe to have kids anyway, and I didn’t think the abduction odds were actually THAT high.
Loki got abducted within a few hours.
I have no pictures of his waddly self, save this one from when he went to steal the Curious brother’s special hi-tech invisible newspaper
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Perhaps I’ll get more photos of him all pregnant, but he doesn’t seem the type to get invited over anywhere so it’ll depend on if he decides he needs even more of his neighbor’s papers.
Loki kept getting sick from the biotech station. Sick AND pregnant. It was completely terrible. I was happy to mostly set Nervous and, when she was home, Circe, skilling so I could watch Loki throw up a million times, and get sick AGAIN while trying to make medicine. He was never in danger of dying due to my micromanaging but he’s the only one who knows how to cook in the house so we had grilled cheese sandwiches for a while...
I converted that useless second bedroom in the Beaker Castle to a nursery that was expensive but ugly. Loki and Circe should be expecting their cosmic baby on the next round! I do plan on getting Circe pregnant at some point as well, but I worry about taking her away from her career. I usually have my pregnant sims skill to hell during this time but there’s only so much you can do, and you can’t get promoted without showing up to work!
The last point of note, was that when I had Nervous check Pascal out (I was just curious!) this happened IMMEDIATELY afterwards
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Nervous basically rolled a want to get engaged right after THIS, but I wanted to take a little bit more time with everything so they’ll probably get married after Pascal’s baby grows up a little bit. I’d like to try to have an actual wedding party. It should be interesting if both Loki and Vidcund are there!
And that should be all for the Beakers this round :) In short, Loki is pregnant, Nervous has a partner, and Circe is movin’ on up! I’m dreading the nanny but perhaps I’ll try to combine Loki and Circe’s vacation days together so the poor thing won’t get trapped in the high chair.
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mzyraj · 6 years
TS2 Milleniacy - Part 3
Last post, Cyd and Lilly Roseland completed their second pregnancy - giving birth to twins. Which was really not planned or ideal. And elder child Dominic was forced to sleep in the kitchen for space.
This time...
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After some sleep, I had ideas of how to upgrade the house and proceeded to do so. It’s not very pretty, and even worse on the inside than the outside as they don’t really have the money to spare to, you know, paint walls and stuff. It gives them 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms now, enough space for the larger family.
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And since it’s no longer Winter now, Dominic can finally start selling lemonade to make some spare cash. It’s still pretty chilly out though, so he can’t do it all day.
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Plus it’s probably more profitable for him to sell paintings. He got like $88 for this one - he’s a talented kid.
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At least they still have money to get cakes to age the girls up. Dylan goes first, with Lydia to follow.
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Lydia’s on the left, Dylan on the right. Dylan’s very neat like their brother, but also quite serious, and looks like their mum. Lydia’s the most outgoing of the bunch but otherwise quite balanced, and is more of a mix of the parents.
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Cyd rolled the want to teach Lydia to walk, so she gets to make progress first.
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... And the gap widens. See, Lydia and Dylan are on different sleep schedules, and Lydia’s better fits their parents’, so she gets the attention while Dylan’s asleep.
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It even falls to Dominic to teach Dylan, just so she starts to learn some of her skills. Dominic is still an angel <3
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When she’s not getting all the attention, Lydia’s favourite toy is the rabbit head...
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While Dylan loves to play with the blocks. As it happens, science is her natural hobby, so it works all around.
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I finally stopped being insecure about the state of the house and decided to give you some top-down shots. Obviously a lot of empty space we can put things in when they have the money again.
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Some of downstairs is the same, but I got rid of the small toilet, extended the proper bathroom and got rid of one of the bedrooms so there would be more living space.
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Even when Lydia’s not trying to get attention, people wind up giving it to her anyway. Joe Carr is one of Cyd’s new colleagues - maybe he’ll be a good match for Lydia once she’s an adult?
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Time is starting to run out, so I had to drag Lilly out of bed to finally get Dylan learning the important skills.
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But Cyd rolled the want to teach Lydia a nursery rhyme rather than do anything with Dylan. Not sure I approve of this favouritism, but we need him to have good aspiration to help him get promoted :/
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Fortunately angel child Dominic is going to be a teenager before the toddlers become children, so they can have a hand with the teaching. Because obviously that’s what older siblings are for...
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He’s not bad looking, though you can really see his mother’s genetics in the lower half of his face. Dominic rolled Popularity (despite being super shy?), and wants 20 Best Friends, which is incredibly achievable. ILU Dominic <3
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Even Dominic’s friends are more interested in interacting with Lydia. She’s like some kind of magnet... Maybe she’ll be interested in Ivy as a teenager?
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With Dominic’s help, Dylan finally gets the last of her skills. It’s not surprising, but they’ve got a very good relationship already.
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Due to all the favouritism the speed she learnt her skills, Lydia winds up ageing first.
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I did wonder if she was purely her dad, but those are Lydia’s mum’s lips, so she is indeed a blend.
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And then Dylan grows up without a cake, of course.
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She’s actually really pretty, I guess because her features match better since they’re all from one parent. And she looks better with some hair. What cuties they all are :3  And much less stressful now they’ll leave the house for school! Phew.
Next time: Less stress hopefully! Maybe Lilly will get a job! Dating maybe...?
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yakumtsaki · 7 years
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CHILLIN LIKE A VILLAIN. Pleased with yourself, are you, Becky with the good hair?
-Oh quite, though I’d be more pleased if my damn arm would unglitch.
HA looks like it got stuck while you were putting your filthy hands on Wyatt. God’s punishment is swift. Know what else is gonna be swift? YOUR DEATH. Get him, Waylon Fairchild Dementia Raven Way!
-Ugh, no way, I’m exhausted, everyone is in love with me and I just want to be with Draco, ok? Why couldn’t Satan make me less beautiful? IT’S A CURSE
Waylon sis truly don’t even talk to me about curses and Satan right now, this entire lot is cursed and crawling with evil spirits and beelzebubian energies. Ever since we moved here my life has never known peace. Next thing you know snakes are gonna start manifesting in this house physically.
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-No way bitch, time to suffer. Look at it and weep, look at it with your own two eyes!
First of all I’ve been weeping since yesterday so joke’s on you. Secondly I still can’t believe you did this to me after I generously gave you this whole debonair look YOU’RE THE WORST
-La la la can’t hear you over the sound of your plans crumbling all around me!!
I’m seriously gonna murder you a thousand times. Wyatt what about you, you dumbass bimbo? What do you have to say for yourself?
-Not beaucoup, I honestly don’t know why I’m doing this, it makes absolument no sense! Huhu! 
I hate you both so fucking much I might actually vomit.
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Ugh my poor Jojo </3 I’m so sorry that your love life has turned into a giant pile of crap.
-Please, who cares.. Definitely not me!
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Yeah well that much is obvious! Are you sure you’re alright tho? Because you look, you know. worryingly expressionless and in denial.
-Oh no, I’m just focusing on my new proposal,“Project MKUltra: The Comeback”. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I have to deal with adulterous whores again!
Good, good, pour yourself into your art. Speaking of, maybe it’s also time to pour yourself a refreshing drink?
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Attaboy, milk that cowplant, Jojo!
-Hmm this process feels oddly sexual..
Yea, I can tell by your massive erection, jesus, I mean even for you-
-Ew no what the hell? That’s just because Ti-Ning is dead!
Oh ok, that’s fine then!
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Hard to believe anything can course through your veins with all that ice in there but alright. Now we just have to wait..
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..for the cowplant to get hungry again. I literally can’t with Daniel and Gunther constantly picking fights with Jojo’s former suitors, especially since Jojo doesn’t seem to give enough of a fuck to fight them himself. We are family, I got all my sisters with me!
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Ugh I keep forgetting Daniel has 9 nice points, what a crybaby. How you gonna fight capitalism when you can’t even fight Wyatt?? MAN UP DAN
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Nice, there we go! I’m truly living for Brit’s utter lack of interest in fights happening next to her. Her aspiration bar is about to hit the crapper bc I’m even worse at playing popularity sims than I am at getting couples not to whore around, so the time has come..
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TO PARTY HARD, TOGA STYLE. I really threw this party thinking it would be a success and save Brit from aspiration failure, so obviously the time has come to acknowledge that I’m even stupider than Wyatt. Things get off to a good enough start with the profs tickling each other, which everyone knows is the mark of a wild college party!
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Ti-Ning, gone but never forgotten.
-Hey Brit, want some Ti-Ning to wash down that pizza? 
-Please stop addressing me.
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-That’s right, address moi instead! 
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..........................................................................all I can say is LMAO
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Wyatt, sweetie, full offense, exactly how dumb are you?
-What? I wanna marry Jojό! <3
Ok. Do you have any recollection of breaking his “heart” 2 hours ago, setting him on the path of a complete nervous breakdown?
-Oh, that was just a bump on la route, don’t be so dramatique!
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-Does it count as a win if the only thing you put in the hole.. are your tears?
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Meanwhile and to the surprise of no one, Gunther is being sexually harassed by a professor, namely Down-With-The-Kids-Pink-Beanie.
-Sooo Gunther, half-alien professor told me all about you, you little ginger minx.. What do you say you and I adjourn somewhere private and I see if the carpet matches the drapes..
-EW forget it, lady, you’re not even in the art department and I only have one rule: no whoring without extra scoring.
Um what about the rule of monogamous dating which you are currently doing with Mel?
-RIGHT that too!
Once again...god.
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The one person having a great time at this party is Kevin Beare, who eats half a pizza by himself..
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..and then moves on to chips. He legit came here for the free food and didn’t talk to anyone the entire time, which is what I do at every party except with drinks. Live your truth, Kev!
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Look who’s back from class and still glitched lolol
-Can you please reset me already, I had to take an exam like this!!!
Pfff grades??? There are so many more important things in life, Fran. Live a little, join the celebration.. party like there’s no tomorrow. CAUSE THERE ISN’T
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I’ve no idea what happened here but Tiffany is non-stop bullying this 2006-Oliver-Sykes haired professor. Judging from Pink Beanie and sims professors in general it’s safe to say he deserves it. GET HIM TIFF 
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-Why doesn’t anyone want to fuck me, Frank? What am I doing wrong? Has Woody Allen been lying to us about hot young women being uncontrollably attracted to neurotic, misogynist, mediocre intellectuals over 60?
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Oh great, I thought this party was gonna end as a dud but I see we’re going for full-on disaster.
-I’ve just about had enough of you and your pass�� casquette, communiste! 
-My casquette is not passé, it’s classic!
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-Aw come on, please? For mommy?
-You should use that line on Jojo where it might actually work!
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Enemies, these bitches my enemies, not on my level so they just pretend to be, yes, why do you envy me? Cause I am the MVP, these bitches my enemies ♪
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Yea, seems about right. Whatever though, cause after the party..
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Goodbye Francis, it’s been nice, hope you find your paradise!
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It’s a beautiful morning and our llama friend is back to spread some school pride and presumably some bodily fluids. We almost went an entire day without seeing him but here he is again!  GET OUT OF MELODY’S SHOWER YOU FUCKING CREEP
Yea don’t worry that day is permanently coming as soon as we milk Frances out of the cowplant. Honestly this fucking llama is the last straw, the time has come for me to take back control of this house..
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..starting with getting sweet, dumb Wyatt back with Jojo! I really think the Frances thing was a fluke, I mean W wasn’t in a committed relationship with Jo, he didn’t initiate it and he rolled the want to get engaged to him for the second time after it. So the whole thing = Fran’s + ACR’s fault!!!1 Also and more importantly we have literally 0 other viable options and college is almost done so it’s time for Jojo to put Lemonade on repeat and get over it.
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Let’s bring out the big guns!
-Mom! it’s so good to hear your insufferably domineering voice. Did you get my latest murder pics?
-Ha! Yes they are great, thank you mom. Soon I’ll add the french courtesan to my album. Now tell me, in as much detail as possible, how proud of me you are!
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-I don’t know how Wyatt is doing, he’s the french courtesan, I’m going to kill him! Are you even listening to me?
-What do you mean it’s probably my fault? Can you divorce dad already, his influence on your brain has been catastrophic.
-Love is a battlefield? Mom seriously. Divorce. Now.
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-Ugh yes, I could imprison him in a gigantic safe for a few days instead of killing him, but what on earth would that achieve?
-Well I don’t care about having a husband! Worst case scenario, I’ll just marry Max!
-Yes, Max does look like dad. Yes, he is as dumb as him. YES, MOM, I KNOW. HONESTLY YOU’RE ONE TO TALK 
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-Well, I have to go now, but you’ve certainly given me a lot to think about. And by that I mean which care home to put you in cause you’ve obviously lost it. Goodbye, mother.
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As soon as Jojo hangs up the phone Melody runs over to autonomously lecture him. Nice move, Mel, let’s peer pressure him till he caves!
-Jojo this is an intervention but please don’t mistake it as me actually caring about you. Your bullshit harem drama has taken over the entire greek house storyline and enough is enough, we demand equal airtime. Just forgive Wyatt already, he’s too hot for you and you were literally dating 2 other dudes at the same time and you also treated him like shit and you are the worst and Gunther is the best and he’s gonna beat you for heir. Melody out.
Yes, powerful stuff, thank you, Mel. Now Wyatt, let’s apologize!
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-I’m so sorry I kissed Frances, Jojό, I don’t know what I was thinking </3
That’s a great start Wyatt, now let’s try it facing the right way!
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-I’m so sorry I kissed Frances, Jojό, I don’t know what I was thinking </3 Also I’m totally planning our wedding in my head you right now.
Ok, smaller steps, let’s get him to not hate you first!
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If there’s one thing I hate about ts2 it’s how ridiculously hard it is to be forgiven for cheating, shit is unreal. Wyatt has been apologizing for about 3 years now and Jojo is still furious jfc, it’s legit easier to get forgiven for cheating irl than it is in this game.
-For the thousandth time, I’m so so sorry Jojό, honestly in the dark of the nuit at first I thought Frances was you and then it was too late!
-Yes, it was also broad daylight.
-Well you know I have bad eyesight, mon cheri :(
Wyatt seriously, we’ve reached the point where you’re throwing junk out there, so let’s take a break.. 
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..from this fucking house! It’s date time! Time for dinner and public woohoo in that vegan restaurant downtown, cause I’ve ignored Gunther so hard his aspiration is currently scarlet red. Mel is doing great though, like all knowledge sims in uni, she’s legit never not-platinum. The adorable couple make themselves right at home, by doing literally what they do at home 20h a day. NOT WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR GET UP
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-Maybe if we act like children they’ll think we’re under 12 and we’ll get a discount!
-We’re so in sync, babe, I brought my monster trucks with me for this very eventuality!
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-Here, let me blow you a kiss, babe. A prelude of tonight’s blowing. 
-Honestly, every time you talk, I just see the eggplant emoji <3
I didn’t vomit from Wyatt/Frances but this date might actually do the trick!
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-Do you think the waiter is mad that we insisted on lobster in a vegan restaurant and he had to go fishing for it?
-Whatever, babe, we deserve it. 
-We really do. I ship us.
-I ship us too <3
Good because I don’t anymore.
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Yaas, aspiration problems taken care of! Mel’s shy ass hilariously had a fear of having her photo taken, but public fornication she has no issue with.
-Having your photo taken is unnatural! I’m just using the photo booth as god intended. 
Ofc, on the 6th day, god created the photobooth for people to publicly fuck in.
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-Wow Mel, my reflection in your sunglasses is so beautiful.
-So is mine in yours, babe.
-I almost wish we could look into each other’s eyes but then it’d ruin our whole look. You know what, screw it..
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-..I was gonna wait till we graduated it and were more mature and crap like that, but whatever, babe, when it’s right, you know. Will you marry me, Melody Tinker, despite the certainty that one or more of our kids will get the Komei nose?
-Oh my god, Gunther! I literally thought you’d never ask, because, let’s be real, you’re a gigantic slut.
-These days are gone, babe, I’m a changed man!
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-This ring has been in my family for half a generation, ever since my mom stole it from Florence Delarosa who was obviously never gonna need it.
-Oh it’s beautiful and the fact it’s stolen makes it even more precious!
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It’s morphin time! Let’s pretend the red around Gunther’s memory signifies passion and not a crippling fear of commitment. Congrats you gross, crazy kids!
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It’s also morphine time, cause damn are we broke as shit. In hindsight perhaps we shouldn’t have gotten the lobster.
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We return home, where I’m trying to fulfill Jojo’s longstanding wish to see Ti-Ning’s ghost but apparently Ti-Ning is an even bigger asshole dead than he was alive. Bitch seems to be deliberately refusing to scare Jojo, I mean we’ve been standing around playing ghostbusters for like 4 hours now and it’s just not happening-
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-but some scary shit IS happening inside. WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS.
-What!? We’re just talking about our mutual interest in entertainment.
Brit seriously, don’t make me kill you cause I’ll do it, I’m kinda on a roll here and completely exhausted from this fuckery.
-Gawd, fine, I’m gonna go to sleep.
GO TO A DIFFERENT BED. I’ve noticed a sudden and disturbing reappearance of slutty wants in Gunther’s panel immediately after the engagement, which I’m guessing is some kind of regression back to his usual pattern, like he’s rolling wants to woohoo 10 sims and makeout with another 20 and idek. It’s extremely pissing me off and it’s also extremely not happening.
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-We’re just friends!!! Paranoid much?
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Look here, THIS is the distance I wanna see between you two. It’s also NOT the distance I wanna see between Wyatt and Jojo, man this apology shit is taking fucking forever UGGGH
-Jojό, are you still mad at me?
-What do you think?
-Guess again.
-Oh Jojό, I know you hate me but I’m gonna keep apologizing for the rest of ma vie, cause I really have nothing better to do. And also because je t’aime, Jojό.  Why can't I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold cœur?
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39 notes · View notes
plumbobbles · 7 years
10 Q’s
Tagged by @suintor ♥ 
1. What’s your favourite item in your room that you own?
I would say my PC but if that doesn’t count then probably my Bioshock Infinite Skyhook.
2. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
See, my first instinct is to say night owl because I’m a massive grouchy bitch in the morning but at the same time I don’t really stay up that late? I usually go to bed around 11 or something so yeah.
3. Pizza, Ice Cream or Burrito?
Burrito! I’m scared to say it but I think I’m going off of pizza a little bit?
4. Most remembered dream that you’ve had?
It’s hard to think of any right now tbh. I usually only remember dreams just after they’ve happened and then I forget about them pretty quickly.
5. Which HP house are you in (Gryff, Slyth, Huffle, Raven)?
I don’t know which one I’d pick personally because I’m not a huge Harry Potter fan. But I did do that online thing once where the website sorts you and I got sorted into Hufflepuff.
6. Describe yourself in 4 words;
Introverted, Smol, Dedicated and Anxious
7. What age do you wish you could permanently be?
To be honest, I’d like to stay the same age I am right now (24). I feel like it’s not too young to be not taken seriously in some situations but also not so old that I’m considered, well, old lmao. 
8. If you could live anywhere, where would you go?
As much as I complain about Scotland sometimes, I honestly do love living here. I think we take a lot of the stuff we have for granted and we really do have many advantages that other countries don’t have. I'm just worried for what the future holds because of Brexit now...
9. If you could change your name, what would it be?
When I was a teen, I don’t know why, but I went through a phase where I wanted everyone to start calling me Jamie? It was my favourite name and I also wanted to name my first kid Jamie lmoa I don’t know what the fuck. But in response to the question, I have no idea. I wouldn’t change my name to Jamie now but I don’t know what else I’d change it to. I don’t particularly like my current name but I also have no real desire to change it.
10. Biggest fear?
Losing the person/people I love the most in the world and being left alone.
Tagged by @univertistsims​, thank you! Rules: Answer the questions, tag some friends. 
1. Favourite curse word?
2. Coke or Pepsi?
3. What superpower would you like to have?
4. Ultimate pet peeve?
People being two-faced and people who lie.
5. Without EP’s and DLC’s, Sims 3 or 4?
I actually can’t stand the graphics and style of Sims 3 so it would have to be 4.
6. What’s the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
I actually don’t even know. I did scream pretty loudly earlier today because I was getting out of my sister’s car and this MASSIVE bee came flying at me into the car and yeah, I freaked out a little bit because my hands were full with stuff.
7. What’s something you’ve done that you wish you could undo?
When I was a teenager I had braces but I hated them so I basically begged to get them taken off. They were taken off too early, my teeth weren’t totally straight and then on top of that I didn’t wear my retainer so they’ve gone back to being not straight and now if I want them straight (which I do) it’s gonna cost like £3k to get fixed.
8. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Answered above.
9. Last lie you told?
Uhhh, I’m not sure. Probably that I wasn’t mad when I actually was lmao.
10. Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
?? I have no idea. I don’t think I’ve eaten anything strange. I’m pretty conservative when it comes to food.
Tagged by @shannonsimsfan, thank you!
1. What is your current sims project?
Just continuing on with my Fontaine legacy right now.
2.  What is it about sims games that inspires or draws you in?
I guess it’s a combination of the freedom to do whatever I want, to create lives and stories with characters I’ve made, to follow a family through generations and see what happens and also the massive amount of creativity the game allows.
3.  Favorite sims community or forum?
Does Tumblr count? If not, probably Garden of Shadows, though I haven’t visited in a long time because I haven’t been playing TS2.
4.  What sims blogs or videos are you enjoying lately?
I’ve got notifications on a bunch of simblrs right now, including @letichespixels, @simsthatsparkle, @sims-creations, @midpoosimmer, @womrats, @sammyshuno, @faerietalesims, @coreopsims, @ohare-lane, @suintor
I don’t really watch that much sims content on YouTube so I don’t have any channels or videos that I’m following
5.  Favorite sim lit genre?
Uhh, I have no idea how to answer this one, haha. I guess just legacies? 
6.  Favorite part of simming (building, playing, creating content, writing, world building, etc?)
Actual playing, taking screenshots and creating sims.
7.  Do you know any simmers in real life?
Nope, none! (Not to the extent of the Simming community anyway, I obviously know people who play and have played the sims. But there’s a difference, you know? You know what I’m talking about guys. And I don’t meant it in an elitist way or anything I just mean there’s people who play the sims now and again for a bit of fun and then there’s us on Simblr.)
8.  Describe one of your favorite sims.
Brigid is probably my favourite TS4 sim so far. I think it’s a combination of me doing something different with her childhood and upbringing and just her personality and character in general. She’s so kind and caring and wants to see the very best in people and always give them a chance. She’s just super happy and cheerful and pure.
9.  Have you ever had a sim you really disliked playing?!
Hmm... I dislike playing Frank, not in the way that I actually don’t want to play when it’s his rotation but just because he’s slimy and an asshole and it hurts me to basically play out these situations and actions in the game to my other sims because it’s so mean but that’s just the character Frank is and it’s things he would do so I have to do it :(
10.   Do you picture yourself playing sims in five years from now?
100%, yes!
My 10 Questions;
What are you listening to/watching right now?
Other than The Sims, what have you been playing recently?
Do you have any pets?
What’s your favourite TV show?
Do you have any idea what you want to do when you’re older? Or if you’re ‘older’ what are you doing or what would you rather be doing?
Who’s your favourite YouTuber?
Where does most of your disposable income go?
What do you eat on an average day?
Do you have any other tumblr blogs?
What’s the last film you went to see?
I’ll tag: @letichespixels @peacemaker-ic @simpyre @crimsonsims @creatingsims @windenburger @midnightpoodle @wooldawn @ddeathflower @marquis-de-bechdel @simseternity @simsthatsparkle, @meisiu and anyone else who wants to do it, sorry if I didn’t tag you, just go for it!
12 notes · View notes
aristocratlegacy · 5 years
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Bar Crawl
Ok first chapter with Gen eight as adults! I’m gonna do one more of them in the city living together because that was so fun to do- sorta reminded me of the old days when you could send all of the spares and stuff together to uni in ts2 legacies. That was fun. I’m also going to do the first heir poll for the first time in like 100 years, even though I have a personally clear favorite, I’m still gonna leave it up to change. Enjoy!
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9 PM
Pierce: “Oh my god, guys, you’re never going to believe what a shitty day I had at wo-”
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Pierce: “What the fuck?”
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Chloe: “Hey there Hawkeye! You’re late!”
Pierce: “I was at work, Chloe. What the hell is going on here?”
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Chloe: “What does it look like?”
Pierce: “It looks like a party.”
Chloe: “Duh. Want me to get you a drink?”
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Pierce: “No, I wasn’t invited so it might be weird.”
Chloe: “Invited? What? Oh- ok. Bye I guess…..he’s so weird. Oh my god Izzy hey cutie!”
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?: “Hey, Vivien, how’s showbiz?”
Vivien: “Do I know you? Oh! You must know me from my commercial work as woman with boil! Or perhaps dead stipper number five?. I was so proud of the work I did on that those, I think it’ll really help a lot of people understand the workings of the world.”
Stranger: “Oh, uh, no- I just...live next door. We’ve met like, five times.”
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Vivien: “Really? Huh. I don’t remember any of that.”
Stranger: “Oh. I should check out that commercial you’re talking about, I’d love to see it.”
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Vivien: “I’m sure you would, it’s genre-transcending really.”
Stranger: “I’m Walter Trimble.”
Vivien: “Ok. Bye Walker!”
Walter: “Oh...bye.”
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Chloe: “OMG, I want you to meet my brother, he’s an art critic too so I think you’d really hit it off!”
Izzy: “Oh is your brother Pierce Aristocrat? He definitely didn’t get a few of Nancy Landgraab’s latest pieces.”
Chloe: “Well then you’ll get to pick his brain! Where is he….”
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Chloe: “Hey, Vivi? Have you seen Pierce?”
Vivien: “No? Darling, I just got recognized for the boil ad! That guy Wallace over there quoted the entire ad from memory. He’s basically obsessed with me I’m his favorite actress.”
Chloe: “Cute! I’m gonna look for Pierce”
Pierce: “Hey!”
Vivien: “I just heard him, though.”
Pierce: “This isn’t like a spare closet or something, you can’t just make out in here you absolute hooligans!”
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Chloe: “Pierce! There you are! Why are you, like, hiding in a cave when we’re having a party?”
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Pierce: “Are we having a party? You didn’t even tell me about it, I wasn’t even invited! Who does that?”
Chloe: “I’m still not seeing a problem. Come out and meet my friend Izzy!”
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Pierce: “No! I don’t want to go to your stupid party, Chloe.”
Chloe: “Ugh, I hate how you get like this! I’m sorry I wanted to have fun and have people over in our awesome apartment that we live in together.”
Pierce: “Then I guess I’m sorry for being pissed that I wasn’t invited to a party taking place in my own house.”
Chloe: “Great! So now that we’ve all apologized, come out and talk to people!”
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Pierce: “......I’m just gonna talk to the cat the whole time.”
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Chloe: “Oooooh, I don’t know about that, Walter Trimble from next door has had a monopoly on Teacup all night. He’s really awkward, poor thing.”
Pierce: “Yeah, to be awkward is obviously such a curse. How dare he not feel comfortable at a party you probably invited him to from his mailbox.”
Chloe: “Oh my gooood, Hawkeye! You’re obviously mad-”
Pierce: “I’m not mad.”
Chloe: “Yes you are!”
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Pierce: “No I’m not.”
Chloe: “Are.”
Pierce: “Fine! I’m mad!”
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Chloe: “UGH! What do you want me to do? Kick everybody out and go somewhere else?”
Pierce: “I mean, it would be a start.”
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Chloe: “You’re ridiculous, I’m not gonna do that.”
Pierce: “Then why did you offer?!”
Vivien: “OH MY GOD!.”
Vivien: “Guys! I just got the part in Alpha Centuri!!! I’m gonna be legit famous now! Some of my castmates are gonna be at Orchid tonight, so I’m gonna bounce.
Partygoer: “Seriously?”
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Pierce” “...”
Chloe: “Oh shut up. Fine.”
Chloe: “Hey everybody! We’re going to the club! We’re all drunk so I’m gonna call us a party bus!”
Party: “Woooo!”
Chloe: “Yayyy!”
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Chloe: “Wait, are you coming?”
Pierce: “Yeah. Why?”
Chloe: “I just can’t with you sometimes, you know that, Pierce?”
Pierce: “Oh I know.”
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10 PM
Chloe: “Is this it?”
Vivien: “Yup!”
Vivien: “Hi there! I was told I would be on the list for the Alpha Centuri cast meetup? Vivien Aristocrat.”
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Bouncer: “Uhhhh...yeah, you’re on the list, but your accompanying...guests aren’t.”
Vivien: “Oh I have a plus one.”
Bouncer: “Right. A plus one.”
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Vivien: “I don’t understand.”
Bouncer: “You can’t bring all these people in here.”
Vivien: “But I have a plus one.”
Bouncer: “So….pick on of your friends and go inside.
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Vivien: “Well, I tried, sorry nerds, I’m gonna go party with the beautiful people- toodles!”
Chloe: “Seriously Vivi?”
Pierce: “SO lame.”
Chloe: “I’ll try to sweettalk her.”
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Chloe: “Hey,”
Bouncer: “Not on the list.”
Chloe: “But...I’m level ten charisma. Look into my beautiful eyes and tell me I can’t go wherever I want.”
Bouncer: “Ok. You can go in.”
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Chloe: “Without my friends?”
Pierce: “Chloe, I know what you’re thinking, and you can’t abandon me with all of the people from a party that you threw.”
Bouncer: “Look, you guys gotta move away from the door.”
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Chloe: “Unbelievable. I’m gonna kill Vivi.”
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Walter: “Um...h-hi. I could try.”
Chloe: “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Walter: “Yes. I’m Walter Trimble. I live next door. We’ve met many times. A package of yours was delivered to me last week?”
Chloe: “Sweetie, if I can’t get us in then I don’t think you could.”
Pierce: “Wow, he’s really gonna give it a go good for him.”
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Chloe: “Is he waving us over there?”
Pierce: “Did...did Walter Trimble do something?”
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Chloe: “Omg Walter you did it! How did you pull that off? Do you know this guy or something?”
Bouncer: “No, we just met….he just does some business with the club.”
Pierce: “What kind of business?”
Walter: “Secret business! Doesn’t matter let’s go inside!”
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Pierce: “Hey- thanks for ditching us out there!”
Vivien: “You are so welcome. It’s nice to get that appreciation from you.”
Pierce: “No, I was being sarcastic, I’m still mad at you.”
Vivien: “Well how am I supposed to know that. How’d you get in anyway? Find a back door?”
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Pierce: “No, it was super weird, that guy Walter from next door said something to the bouncer and he just….let us all inside.”
Vivien: “Seriously? That guy? What’d he say?”
Pierce: “He wouldn’t tell us. It was totally sketch.”
Vivien: “Which one is he again?”
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Pierce: “Checked shirt, three o’clock.”
Vivien: “Oh there’s gotta be something fishy going on there, right?”
Pierce: “That’s what I thought. Move, I wanna get a drink.”
Vivien: “Walter, Walter, Walter...what are you hiding?”
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Stranger: “Oh my god, I totally just spilled my drink all over you I’m so sorry!”
Vivien: “How DARE y-...hi.”
Stranger: “Did you just turn a furious comeback into a meet-cute?”
Vivien: “Trying to.”
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Stranger: “I’m Veronica- you look familiar.”
Vivien: “So do you- do I know you from somewhere?”
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Veronica: “I must just have...one of those faces.”
Vivien: “No, I’d remember seeing a girl as beautiful as you before.”
Veronica: “You’re...not so bad yourself.”
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Pierce: “Wow...so much for detective Vivien I guess. Where’s Chloe?”
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Pierce: “Is that Dustin Broke? How can that girl talk her way in with anybody?”
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Even Stranger Stranger: “I have come to understand that talking to oneself isn’t acceptable in public places.”
Pierce: “Aah! Jesus- you snuck up on me. Sorry, I do that sometimes. Am I bothering you?”
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Stranger Stranger: “Negative. Where I come from everybody converses aloud to themselves. It feels like home.”
Pierce: “And where exactly is that?”
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Stranger Stranger: “I come from the source where energy and all life grows. I am not from any one place I am but from…..the moment.”
Pierce: “Wow. That’s really deep. So are you an artist or something?”
Stranger Stranger: “Artist….yes. I am an eccentric artist from this world.”
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Pierce: “I’m an artist too...or I’m trying to be. I’m a critic right now, and I’m really good at it, but I do want to do my own art. I just feel like I haven’t had my big break of inspiration yet, though.”
Stranger Stranger: “Have you looked under your bed?”
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Pierce: “For my inspiration?”
Stranger Stranger: “Or perhaps, in your zero-g chamber?”
Pierce: “Huh...that’s….not bad actually. Like underwater photography with the hair all crazy.”
Pierce: “I’m Pierce, by the way.”
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Stranger Stranger: “ I have been deemed TIFFANOR.”
Pierce: “Oh, that’s pretty cool. Is that like an artist name or were your parents...modern too?”
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“And a special guest tonight for a surprise performance by DJ Fliphop!!! Make some noise1”
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Chloe: “Omg I love Fliphop . Not crazy about the name though. Wanna dance, Dustin?”
Dustin Broke: “Hell yeah, this dude’s my bro. Never seen him with the helmet off, though.”
Chloe: “I know! I heard that he’s, like, super secretive. Nobody knows his true identity.”
Dustin: “I read a theory it was Rudy Quick in there.” Chloe: “Oh man, I’d love to see my sister’s face if that were true.”
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Vivien: “I feel so in sync with you, Veronica.”
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Veronica: “I know- it’s like I’ve known you for my entire life.” Tiffanor: “I love these sounds! It sounds like my dreams!”
Pierce: “You dream in Technopop?”
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DJ Fliphop : “Thank you everybody! Peace!”
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Tiffanor: “The moon is almost in the third easternly quadrant. There is a gathering of other….Artists. On the beach. To display our projects.”
Pierce: “So like a gallery opening?”
Tiffanor: “.....yes.”
Pierce: “That sounds dope- can we bring the party?”
Tiffanor: “Affirmative.”
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Chloe: “So where exactly are we going, Pierce?”
Pierce: “Like a cool underground gallery party at a beach for artists.”
Chloe: “Artists? Gallery? Is this gonna be some wine and cheese crap because we need to keep the momentum goin!”
Pierce: “Look at that girl. Are you telling me that she’s not taking us somewhere cool at 1 am?”
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Chloe: “...Fine. She does look pretty cool. I’ll give you an hour, that’ll give me time to scope out somewhere seriously dope.”
Pierce: “Deal”
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Chloe: “This seems really weird, Hawkeye.”
Pierce: “Don’t be a baby, you’re making us look uncultured!”
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Artist: “Welcome to the Coalition of Ali-st….Aliartists. It’s a new modernist movement. You can call me Kourtnacht, this is Huxlous, to their left is Garyl, then there’s Isablank, and you know our famous Tiffanor!”
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Garyl: “Go, enjoy the gallery, look deeply into the eyes of any statues you see, and the ceremony shall commence in a half of one our.”
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Walter: “C...ceremony?”
Chloe: “That’s a fair question. What kind of ceremony?”
Pierce: “Oh my god, Chloe, you can’t just ask him that.” Chloe: “Why? We’re invited.”
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Pierce: “I’m sorry about her.”
Tiffanor: “It’s, how you say, ‘all good, dawg’”
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Chloe: “I don’t get it.”
Dustin: “I dunno, this one is kinda cool. Like...if you look into it’s eyes…”
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Dustin: “......................”
Chloe: “Dustin?”
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Dustin: “...............”
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Chloe: “DUSTIN!”
Dustin: “What? Where…...what year is it?”
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Chloe: “Ugh, this party sucks so bad. Is there a bar- I need to keep the momentum of this party going or everybody’s gonna leave.”
Veronica: “I love all your black and white clothes.”
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Vivien: “I love yours too. My brother and I have always thought black and white was really classy.”
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Veronica: “Totally. I just feel like you totally get me, y’know?”
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Vivien: “I feel that way too. Ok- on three, what’s your favorite movie?”
Veronica: “1...2..- Devil Wears Prada!”
Vivien: “The ad I did for Boil Gone!”
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Veronica: “Well...I guess that’s not the same, but we have a lot else in common!”
Vivien: “Before I did the boil ad, Devil Wears Prada was my favorite movie. Miranda Priestly is my role model.”
Veronica: “Awww!”
Pierce: “All this art is crazy cool. Thanks for inviting us.”
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Tiffanor: “Yes. We love the arts.”
Pierce: “Pfft- check that out, my sister is making out with somebody that looks just like her.”
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Tiffanor: “I onced kissed my clone under the full moon against a crystal sky.”
Pierce: “Oh so is that like a common fantasy for people then? Huh- I definitely don’t think I’d want to hang out with myself for too long.”
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Huxlous: “Pierce! Kourtnacht and I were having a disagreement about her piece, what do you think it means?”
Pierce: “Hmmm….well...The stark slab suggests the hopelessness of humanity, while the perfect circle is the opening oppritunity for good. The fact that it’s hollow on the inside indicates that it’s not as hard to break through as first impressions may imply. Overall, a very hopeful peice.”
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Kourtnacht: “Yes!  That is precicely what I was saying!” Huxlous: “You are a very intelectual man, Pierce. We may consider inducting you into our organization.”
Pierce: “Dope, would I be able to display stuff at the gallery and stuff?”
Chloe: “Woo! Party!”
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Partygoer: “Hey, this was really fun- but I think we’re gonna take off.”
Chloe: “Oh no! Why?”
Partygoer: “This is just getting a little weird and it’s really late, let me know if you’re doing something else this weekend though!”
Chloe: “Okay...bye cutie!”
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Chloe: “Where. Is. Pierce.”
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Chloe: “Pierce! People are starting to leave, we gotta rally and get somewhere livelier.”
Alien: “Let the Ceremony begin!”
Pierce: “Let’s just stay for a few more minutes to watch this and then we can take off.”
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Chloe: “This is weird.”
Pierce: “No it’s just like...performance art.”
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Vivien: “What the hell are we supposed to be watching?”
Chloe: “Uh-uh. I draw the line at chanting. C’mon squad- let’s boogie!”
1 AM
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Pierce: “So, Chlo- where are we going exactly?”
Vivien: “Who cares where we go when I’m lost in your eyes.”
Pierce: “You know I wasn’t talking to you, please don’t use me as a setup for your pickup lines.”
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Veronica: “I love it when you talk about how beautiful I am. I love your face.”
Vivien: “I love your face.”
Chloe: “She knows right? I mean, she has to know.”
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Pierce: “Would she still be into it if she knew?”
*giggles from Veronica and Vivien*
Chloe: “It seems pretty on brand for Vivien to fall in love with herself.”
Pierce: “She’s gotta know.”
Chloe: “She doesn’t know, does she?”
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Pierce: “No. She definitely doesn’t know. We have to get out in front of this one.”
Chloe: “Where are we gonna go though.”
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Partygoer: “Chloe- we’re gonna head out, it’s getting late.”
Chloe: “Are you sure?”
Chloe: “Dustin- you’re famous, and people are dropping like flies. Where should we go.”
Dustin: “Well...I had an idea. We’ve got some star power in this group, so I was thinking, combined, we’re like one really famous person. She’s an actress, you’ve got half the town wearing sunhats in October, he’s probably reviewed it by now. We could probably get into Studio PBP.”
Chloe: “You think so?”
Dustin: “I do.”
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Chloe: “They won’t let us in dressed like this, though.”
Pierce: “I don’t want to go to a thrift shop, Chloe. We don’t have five hours for me to DIY anything we could find into something acceptable.”
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Chloe: “Hawkeye, this is an uptown Del Solo thrift shop. It’s just gonna be a bunch of shit from last season and this is an emergency!”
Vivien: “It’s a nice place. Chloe and I once got us into a DJ R!DDL3B01 concert when we were in highschool wearing shit we got here.”
Pierce: “What? When did that happen? Where was I?”
Vivien: “Oh you were just being really moody that day and we thought you wouldn’t want to go.”
Chloe: “Don’’t think about that too hard, let’s go!”
Pierce: “Fine.”
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Ohhhh yeaaaaaah
Chloe: “We look so dope, you guys. They’re totally gonna let us in.”
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Bouncer: “No.”
Chloe: “Oh come ON! Look at us! We look incredible!”
Vivien: “But we’re famous!”
Bouncer: “Not really.”
Dustin: “I’m famous.”
Bouncer: “Sorta.”
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Chloe: “Listen here, buddy- I am not about to let this party die when I’m still ready to have fun. You will let us into this fancy fucking bar or so help me, god.”
Bouncer: “Fine! Fine! Go- jesus…”
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Pierce: “I cannot believe that that worked.”
Chloe: “Damn.”
Pierce: “We grew up in a really nice house, and this is the fanciest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Chloe: “Right?”
Dustin: “Sorta quiet, though.”
Chloe: “Right?!”
Judith Ward: “Shh!”
Chloe: “Judith Ward just shushed me. I love that, so rebellious.”
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Vivien: “I have a plan.”
Veronica: “What is it, baby?”
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Vivien: “I’m gonna sing a song. On the stage, and make everybody listen and they’ll be like holy shit who’s that- oh, it’s the actress that played a dead stripper on CSI and Bones.”
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Veronica: “That...doesn’t seem like a great idea.”
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Vivien: “I know! It’ll be amazing. Your support means everything to me.”
Veronica: “I’m not...supporting you. You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
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Vivien: “Wait...what?”
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Chloe: “Yikes. Maybe it’ll run it’s course before we have to handle it.”
Pierce: “While it’s going down though…”
Chloe: “Let’s go mingle.”
Pierce: “She’s not with us!”
Judith Ward: “Shhh!”
Pierce: “Oh my god Judith Ward shushed me, what have I become?”
Chloe: “So badass.”
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Veronica: “You always do this, Vivien. Everything always has to be about you.’
Vivien: “About me? You’re like, obsessed with yourself!”
Veronica: “Not as obsessed as you are with yourself!”
Vivien: “I don’t want to do this in public, darling, not again. Can’t we have just one good night out? Like we used to?”
Veronica: “Maybe we could if you weren’t always putting on theatrics and stunts!”
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Vivien: “My stunts are the only thing keeping this relationship from going stale!”
Judith Ward: “SHUSH!”
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Veronica: “Look what you’ve done. Your theatrics have gotten us shushed by Judith Ward, how could you do this to me. We should take a break.”
Vivien: “You want to take a break? Fine? I’m gonna go dance.”
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?: “Oh my god- Dustin Broke? How’ve you been, man?”
Dustin: “Dirk Dreamer, my man! I’m great- how the hell are you?”
Dirk: “It’s been pretty dope man, I can’t complain. Why don’t you and your girl come to the VIP room, and we can catch  up.”
Chloe: “We’d love to!”
Dirk: “Pleasantview, man, what a throwback! How’s Brandy?”
Dustin: “She’s dope! I mean...we still live together, but now I own the house. And a lot bigger now.”
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Chloe: *yawns*
Dustin: “You all right, babe?”
Chloe: “Yeah it’s just...a little late. This place is a little less fun that I had hoped. Not that this VIP room isn’t amazing I just wanted to keep the momentum goin’ and this is just a little bit…”
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Dustin: “Upscale and stuffy?”
Chloe: “Exactly! Like, I made eye contact with Fake Ryan Gosling and Opal’s ghost, which is sick, but other than that...it’s just a guy playing piano and some very expensive drinks. Expensive even for me.
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Dirk: “You’ve got a point about the piano, you’d think they could at least get a whole band in here.”
*Voice* “Good evening everyone, I’ll be singing a song tonight.”
Dusitn: “Did...did they hire a band?”
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Chloe: “Oh, no.”
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Dirk: “Yikes, I...take back what I said.”
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Chloe: “Oh my god”
Dirk: “Do you know that person?”
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Vivien: “I love you so much, Ronnie, please take me back.”
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Pierce: “Oh my god, Vivien, stop. You only like her because she looks just like you stop embarrassing us.”
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Vivien: “What? She doesn’t look just like m……”
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Vivien: “Shit.”
Judith Ward: “SHUT UP!.”
Vivien: “Shh!”
Pierce: “Shh!”
Chloe: “Shh!!”
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Partygoer: “Great party, Chloe! G’nite!”
Chloe: “Good night! Thanks for coming!”
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Pierce: “So is this when we finally head home?”
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Vivien: “Yeah...I just want to curl up somewhere and cry over the mistakes I’ve made that led up to this moment.”
vChloe: “We….can stay out a little longer.”
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Pierce: “Yeah, Vivi, we can keep this going for a bit more, let’s see who else is in.”
Dustin: “I’m in.”
Dirk: “I know a great dive we can head to, if you don’t mind me crashing your party.”
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Pierce: “What? Chloe? When did you make friends with Dirk Dreamer?”
Chloe: “At the party. Let’s head over there, then.”
Walter: “Can I still come?”
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Vivien: “You’re still here? I could’ve sworn you left after the house party.”
Pierce: “No, he got us into the first club, remember?”
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Vivien: “I don’t. How’d you manage that?”
Walter: “Oh- I- uh”
Chloe: “Don’t bug him, Vivi. Of course your welcome to come, Radar.”
Walter: “Radar?”
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Chloe: “Alright! Hawkeye, Vivi, Dustin, Dirk, Radar, let’s head out.”
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3 AM
Pierce: “Okokokok, never have I ever, been pushed in a swimming pool by a Real Housewife.”
Chloe:  “Call me out in front of everybody, Hawkeye. All right, I’ll drink. ”
Chloe: “Never have I never….”
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Vivien: “Queue the half hour wait while Chloe thinks of something that she hasn’t done.”
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Chloe: “What is this? The roast of Chloe Aristocrat?”
Dirk: “Be proud- you’ve got a very fulfilling life.”
Chloe: “So true. Did I tell you guys about the time that Mortimer Goth took me to Sulani on his yacht?”
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Pierce: “I still don’t think that happened.”
Dustin: “I’ve never even seen a yacht before.”
Dirk: “Huh...me neither.”
Walter: “A what?”
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Chloe: “I love this song! Let’s dance!”
Walter: “Don’t feel like dancing?”
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Vivien: “What? Oh...not really.”
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Walter: “Love is oft short lived, but that does not make it less worthy.”
Vivien: “I like that. Especially the fancy wording.”
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Walter: “It’s not a quote or anything, but people take it more seriously if they think it is.”
Vivien: “That is so clever, here I was just appreciating the dramatic effect.”
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Vivien: “Why aren’t you dancing?”
Walter: “I’m just not very good at it.”
Vivien: “Even if that’s true, it’s not like there’s any paparazzi in a place like this.”
Walter: “Oh I wasn’t worried about...cameras or anything, I just don’t like looking silly.”
Vivien: “Oh yeah. I forgot what it was like before I was famous, like, for normal people.”
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Walter: “Yeah...I’m totally not famous.”
Vivien: “That was kind of a weird way to say that.”
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Chloe: “Vivi! This is our song! Everybody, clear the floor, Gen Eight is gonna show everybody how former child stars do it!”
Pierce: “Chloe, don’t do this.”
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Chloe: “Oh, it’s already done.”
Vivien: “Chloe, no, not in front of all these people.”
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Walter: “C’mon, it’s not like there’s paparazzi.”
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Dustin: “That was kind of amazing, you guys. I’m gonna have to hire you guys as backup dancers.”
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Pierce: “Don’t put that bait in front of Vivien, she’ll take it and refuse to let go.”
Chloe: “He’s right. She’s like a pirrahna.”
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Vivien: “Is anybody else starving?”
Pierce: “Yeeesss, I was waiting for somebody to say something first.”
Walter: “Me too.”
Bartender: “Alright, guys, it’s closing time!”
Chloe: “*Yawn* I know we said just one more spot, but is anybody up for breakfast?”
Dustin: “I’m in.”
Pierce: “There’s some food trucks by our place.”
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Dustin: “Dope, because I left my shoes at your place. I’m wearing Pierce’s.”
Pierce: “What? Why?”
Dustin: “I stepped in a puddle on the way here ...and they were really nice.”
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5 AM
Pierce: “You wouldn’t think shish kebabs would go down as well at five in the morning.”
Chloe: “But they really do.”
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Vivien: “This is the best anything I’ve ever tasted. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
Walter: “Didn’t I see you at this food truck at lunch time?”
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Vivien: “I woke up at noon. That was breakfast for me.”
Walter: “Heh...ok.”
Dustin: “Gotta admit, Chloe- this was a pretty fun party.”
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Pierce: “Yeah, it really was.”
Vivien: “Best night since we moved to San Myushu, most def.”
Dirk: “To Chloe!”
Pierce: “Raise your kebabs!”
Chloe: “Thank you, thank you, I would like to thank my parents, for teaching me never to give up.”
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Pierce: “I’m sure they’ll be proud of this application of their teachings.”
Chloe: “This is without a doubt my greatest accomplishment.”
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Pierce: “Ahh!”
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Pierce: “Tiffanor? What the hell is…”
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Vivien: “Is that a note? Dirk Dreamer took me to Sulani for a vacation on the beach :) toodles cuties!
Vivien: “Bye Pierce, I’m going to my first day of my new job!”
Pierce: “Get some medicine at the store on your way back I feel awful.”
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Walter: “Hey Vivien, good morning.”
Vivien: “Morning Walter.”
Director: “Vivien! You’re here, this is so exciting, I’d like to introduce you to your stunt double.”
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Vivien: “I have a stunt double?! This is amazing!”
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Director: “I’d like you to meet Veronica!”
Vivien: “Well sh-”
thanks for reading! Leave a comment if you like it, and make sure to vote in the heir poll!
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simblu said: My sympathies. I fear the day I will next have to go through this myself. But I back up everything to ridiculous redundancy now since last time was such an ordeal
@simblu: This is not the first time we've had to go through this. In fact, it's our 4th. At this point, my back up folders are so organized, that no one would have trouble finding anything for TS2 in my folders set. The problem is that they are all backed up on the Internet. Meaning, they need to all be redownloaded. I also scan every single folder before I put it back into my game, to be 100% certain that there is nothing that has managed to get corrupt (which would then corrupt my game).  We don't make enough money to just go out any buy a new system, which is why we have to build our new ones 1 part at a time. It takes a lot longer, but not as long as it would if we were to try and save up the money for the new system (stupid bills always seem to get in the way of that saving up thing LOL).
Give you an example: Our new server is a rebuild that was given to us from the county. My husband works for the county, and knows all of the IT guys there personally. When they get new stuff, they give us the old stuff. Obviously, the hard drives, and some of the other hardware that they can still use, are taken out. The rest, is 100% ours - free. Nice, but when it comes to rebuilding those systems, it can get fairly expensive.  So, it just takes time....and a lot of patience.
I've got most of what I need back up onto an old back-up system. One thing neither one of us can do at this point, is use anything other than Win 7. I put the Win7 on this old system (it's a laptop, like my other one was), and so far, so good. I just feel bad because I was in the middle of a couple of huge recolor projects when the whole thing died.  :(
simsophonie said: I had to say goodbye to my old computer last month ,and fortunately ts2 works with windows 10 after some tricks so you won’t lost anything.
@simsophonie: Good to know that your TS2 works for Win10! Yay :) That being said, there are several other programs, however, that will NOT work for Win10, that hubby and I both use on a regular basis. Only reason though, is because we can't afford to upgrade the instal discs (some of which hover around the $400 USD mark right now). So, we have to instal the discs from the set we have, in Win7 compatability mode, and then set about upgrading the programs, 1 download at a time (which, for at least 1 of his programs, takes up to 2 days, due to the size of the update, and the slug-level slowness of our internet connection).
simsoes said: Good luck! Hope your new gaming rig will come along nicely and gives you a fresh and smoothly running ts2!
@simsoes: Thanks! It's not going to be a gaming rig, per se, but it will handle the games nicely. I'm hoping that this new system will also allow me to FINALLY be able to use the 'smooth edges' option in TS2. My older graphics cards will not allow for that option, no matter how much I beef up my system, and update their drivers. Ah well, at least I'll be able to play TS2, for now, and hopefully, by the middle of next week, I'll be able to start recoloring again. YAY :)
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dramallamadingdang · 8 years
wellofloneliness replied to your post “A ? for those who play/know about TS3...”
Roofs are awful in ts3 for sure. Also I can't even get my free camera to work in live mode so yr ahead of me. Tab doesn't do it. I have the steam version so maybe that is part of it?
Maybe? I’m hardly an expert, though. :) The TAB and F10 keys both work fine for me in live mode but not in Edit Town mode, which is apparently normal. I’m playing with only the base game, which I bought used on disk, and World Adventures, which I downloaded via Origin. I do have all EPs, and they’re all installed, but my computer doesn’t like it if I actually use them all; the game crashes all the time. The base game has the most up-to-date patch...I think. It’s 1.69 blah blah blah. I’ve got a few Nraas mods now, some default replacement skins, and a small amount of build mode CC, but other than that it’s vanilla.
acquiresimoleons replied to your post “A ? for those who play/know about TS3...”
What you're dealing with is totally normal. Most people drop a sim in town somewhere to switch to live mode for better pictures
Ah, thank you! I will now stop worrying about maybe having screwed up the game with the few Nraas mods I’ve downloaded. :) I figured on taking pics in live mode if I had to, but I just found it hard to believe that Edit Town didn’t have a free camera. Don’t know WHY I thought that a Sims game would be logical, of course. *eye roll*
Speaking of which: The roofs? Awful. Would it have killed them to have the little TS2 tool where you could specify a pitch to use on a given roof section? Instead, there’s this slider bullshit that, try as I might, I just can’t get the bits to match up exactly? Bah, I say. BAH!
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Oh, God! Question meme! A really long one! Run! Hide!”
I love Garak too, what a great character!! DS9 is underrated. Our birthdays are very close as well, I'm April 20!
Woo, April babies! *high five* 
DS9 got a lot of crap from Trek fans, most of whom said that it “wasn���t Star Trek” or “wasn’t Roddenberry enough.” And that may very well be true. But for me, both of those were pluses. TNG damages my teeth with its “The Federation/Starfleet is awesome and perfect and can do no wrong” thing because I’m clenching my jaw so much when watching. Damn, it even neutered the Klingons. Which sucked! (Thankfully, DS9 sort of fixed that, too. ;) ) Yeah, sure, it’s Roddenberry’s pet utopia all right, which he never got to do as much as he wanted in the original series, but it’s also bull. Humans aren’t going to change that much in just a couple hundred years. They just aren’t. If this election cycle in the US taught us anything, it’s that. So, I’ve always appreciated DS9′s grittiness and its political-ness and its outsider (and not appreciative) point-of-view on the Federation and Starfleet. Its first couple of seasons are slow and its last season pretty much sucked and the series didn’t have a satisfying ending at all, but IMO it’s pretty tough to beat from about mid-second season to the end of the sixth, especially the Dominion War arc.
And yes, Garak is awesome and Andrew Robinson is a helluva an actor. :) I don’t think the character was even meant to recur like he did, to the point that he was practically a regular, but his awesomeness just could not and would not be contained in one or two episodes. :) Obviously, he was among the writers’ faves. :) Dukat is amazing as well with his villain/uneasy ally/villain flip-flopping, plus the tension with Kira. Too bad he wigged out in the end, though. :( Hell, Cardassians in general are awesome little sleazeballs. I *heart* them. :)
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